Transcendent David

Chapter 282: CH 282

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The five weapon masters use the public channel to talk to David.

But the public channel is not only accessible to David, but can be heard by anyone who has a communicator.

In particular, more than 30 security guards, including director Jerome and captain bulver, who were stationed at the entrance of the first-class cabin area, were appalled.

"Is Mr. David so terrible?" Captain bulver looked at Jerome and asked.

As a captain of a super spaceship, he has seen many strong warriors, but he has never heard of any one who can kill more than 500 warriors, and has provoked five weapon masters to launch a decisive battle.

"I didn't expect that Mr. David looked so young. He should be called Master David. That's what the five weapon masters called him!" Jerome said with a wry smile.

When I think of the idea that when I was talking with David, I almost used my identity to suppress David. I couldn't settle down for a moment.

He recalled his conversation with David and wondered if he had offended David. If so, he must apologize to David himself afterwards.

Of course, not only here, but also in the cabins, many passengers have heard the words on the public channel, but also know David's title of "invincible".

Originally, the title of "invincible in Jiashi" was only spread in a small and medium-sized area. But from now on, as long as the passengers above the starfighter survive, the title will be known to all.

Especially for the passengers in the first class cabin, many of them have heard more or less about the fame of the five weapon masters, and may not know all of them. However, as long as they know any one of them, they will understand the strength of the five weapon masters.

They wish they could see the decisive battle with their own eyes, but it's a pity that they can't go there. Life is still the first thing.

"Fight to the death!" David was in space, with a slight sneer on his face. He watched the aftershocks disappear and fly into the center of the explosion.

He didn't have time to fight at the moment. He didn't know whether the souls would exist after the bodies had been destroyed.

But this is the soul of more than 400 warriors. He has to try it.

Just as he rushed into the center of the explosion, the shadow attendant seemed to be crazy and kept rushing around.

It seems that the distance from David's body was too short. After absorbing more than 50 souls, the shadow servant left 20 meters away.

A long time ago, when David was not a Oracle, the shadow attendants were only 10 meters away from David's body.

After David became the Oracle, the distance was expanded to 20 meters. With the continuous improvement of David's spirit, the distance did not change.

This makes David think that the distance will change only after he becomes extraordinary.

But today, it was the first time that the shadow attendant left his body 20 meters away, which surprised him. He thought that the shadow servant was out of control.

However, as his mind entered the shadow servant's body without any hindrance, he found that the shadow servant who was 20 meters away from his body was still under his control. He could also feel everything about the shadow servant, so he was relieved.

The shadow servant flew out of the distance of 40 meters before stopping. It flew around David and sucked the soul of the whole area into his body.

David was also flying fast in the explosion zone, and soon all 456 souls were absorbed by the shadow attendants.

This number can't be wrong. David had already remembered the number of light spots representing the beetles in the cultivation area.

Holding back the excitement in his heart and the thought of absorbing these souls into his body immediately, David stood in space, watching the debris floating in the space.

The short wing behind him ejects energy and takes him to a piece of debris. The explosion of space environment will not produce air shock wave, but radiation and electromagnetic pulse.

The beetles standing at the entrance of the cultivation area were knocked down by the directional shock wave caused by the explosion of the air inside the cultivation area.

So the remnants of the explosion were not washed away, but floated nearby.

David was concerned about the debris because after the explosion, the terrifying krypton powder bomb destroyed everything within 3000 meters, but left 32 pieces of irregular debris floating in the air.

He came to a piece of residue, stretched out his hand and squeezed it hard, but found that he had not pinched it.

However, this action is the surface of a film layer due to high temperature damage, revealing the dark blue light inside.

"These are second grade materials!" David said to himself with a twinkle in his eyes.

Although the explosion killed the armour and the first class weapons, the second class weapons remained in this way.

This also reflects the horror of the second class material. Under the devastating explosion of krypton powder bomb, the second class weapon can not be kept intact, but it is retained in this way.Now David became interested. The shadow boy flew out and put pieces of debris into the space ring. Even because the space ring was too small, he transferred some of it into the space wrist guard on David's wrist.

After all this, David had time to check the positions of the five weapon masters.

At the entrance of the cultivation area, there is a hall of about 500 square meters, including five weapon masters. There are 48 ordinary beetles standing there, and two deputy leaders are also standing among the 48 ordinary warriors.

David frowned. The five weapon masters challenged him, but left 48 ordinary warriors here. What does that mean?

He is not Superman, or he can't deal with the top five weapon masters at the same time, not to mention there are 48 ordinary beetles. The two deputy commanders who have been commanding all the warriors should not be ordinary beetles. His combat power makes him not want to get close to them.

David flew over a bulkhead of the starflyers, about 2000 meters away from the beetles, of which more than 1000 meters were in space.

He throws the third class heavy axe to the shadow attendant and asks him to put it away. Then he takes down the "godolfen's anger" sniper gun from his back.

David's custom exoskeleton armor protrudes a few studs made of grade 3 material, holding him firmly to the outer bulkhead of the starflyer.

He re pressed five second class bullets, but he did not use them immediately.

Although so many secondary grade materials have been recycled today, this expensive secondary grade bullet can still be saved, just a little.

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After all, it's very difficult for him to replenish the second class bullets. It's very troublesome for him to supply the second class bullets at the police station. He doesn't want to ask the police for this supply if he doesn't have to.

This time, he chose to use the "sniper assisted optical brain". In order to snipe in the space environment, he still needs to go through a bulkhead. He needs the most professional auxiliary devices to assist him.

After judging the current environment, sniper assistant brain gives a series of parameters that can only be understood by sniper beetles.

This includes the kinetic energy consumption of the bullet in the bulkhead of the interstellar flyer, and the influence of the environment change from the space environment to the cabin.

He found that although he was more than 2000 meters away from those beetles, the kinetic energy consumption of bullets in the space environment of more than 1000 meters was extremely weak, which could almost be regarded as 100 meters in the atmosphere, or even shorter.

That is to say, in addition to the actual distance of his sniping is more than 2000 meters, the actual attack effect is almost the same as the sniper within kilometers.

He put his target in one of the five weapon masters. Because he was separated by a wall, he could only rely on the guidance of precise map and coordinate position, which greatly reduced his sniping accuracy.

The five weapons masters stood in the middle of the hall, not far behind them were the 48 ordinary beetles and the two deputy commanders who were protected by the 48 ordinary beetles because they lost their confidence.

Five weapons masters stand here, waiting for David's reply.

In their opinion, a strong warrior like David, young and proud, would surely come to fight against them.

I don't know what kind of demands David will make to fight them.

They thought about what David might ask for, either a one-on-one duel, or a duel at a place designated by David.

These are not important to the five weapon masters. As long as David appears, they are fully confident to keep David with their strength.

Master Bethune stood among several weapon masters, and he was always alert to everything around him. He had learned David's cunning for a long time. He didn't want to be damned by David.

Suddenly, master Bethune felt a palpitation. Without any hesitation, he blocked the second class hammer in front of him on one side of his body.

Just above the isolation door, a small hole appeared, and a first-class bullet flew at master Bethune.

If master Bethune had not sensed the danger ahead of time, he would have been hit by the bullet.

On this side of his body, the first-class bullet flew close to his side. Not far behind him, an ordinary beetle uttered a scream. His abdomen was hit by the first-class bullet, and a blood hole appeared.

After the first class bullet penetrated the exoskeleton armor, it turned and turned over. In this process, the abdominal viscera of the beetle were completely smashed.

At this time, the tenacious vitality of the ordinary beetle turned into a terrible disaster. The abdominal injury could not survive until the operation was carried out immediately and visceral transplantation was carried out.

But this is a starfighter. It's impossible to prepare spare viscera. It's even more difficult to find a doctor because of their attack.

And with the injury of the ordinary beetle, time is too late. If the tenacious vitality can support for five minutes at most, the vitality of the beetle will be exhausted.

"Snipe, avoid!" Master Bethune let out a cry.

Their five weapon masters immediately began to move irregularly and rushed to one side.David shook his head. He knew that the weapons master must be very difficult to snipe, but he tried to snipe.

Knowing that these weapon masters are as sensitive to danger as he is, he shifts his target to the ordinary warriors.

There are two exits in this hall. When sniper beetles are found, these ordinary beetles rush to the nearest exit immediately.

These ordinary warriors with little combat experience became David's targets.

David is not in a hurry. He starts regular sniping at a rate of two rounds per second. At this frequency, David can rest for three seconds after six snips and then continue to snipe.

"Master David, you don't dare to fight a duel, but you hide in the space to snipe. What's the" class a invincible " When master Bader found out that David's target was not them, he kept his irregular movement and yelled on the public channel.

"You are master Bader. Don't worry. When I clean up these useless warriors you call useless, I will fight you to the death!" David's voice was very smooth, and the sniping in his hand did not stop because of his words.

Although all the warriors knew that David was in space, they were not wearing exoskeleton armor for space.

In addition to a small number of exoskeleton armor, only space specific exoskeleton armor can allow the beetle to move freely in space.

It's not that the exoskeleton armor on the beetle can't survive in space, so survival is not a problem. However, if you want to fly in space, there is no special space flight device, so you can only rely on the gas jet operations. This kind of action can not form combat effectiveness at all, but will make it a target of a warrior with space combat power.

In particular, David still has a sniper gun in his hand, so they dare not enter the space.

But if they don't go into space, they can't escape David's sniping.

Voice cannot be transmitted in space. "Godolfen's anger" is like a silent monster, spitting out a deadly bullet and shooting down a sniper beetle.

Master level sniper ability allows David to maintain this attack frequency.

David's sniping targets are ordinary beetles who want to get close to the exit. After piling up the bodies of more than ten beetles at the exit, these ordinary beetles dare not get close to the exit any more. They scream and run in the hall, trying to slow down the arrival of death in this way.

Among the 48 ordinary warriors, David solved the battle in less than a minute. Only five weapon masters and the two deputy commanders survived.

The two deputy commanders are also top beetles. They are much more experienced than these ordinary beetles. They constantly run irregularly and make various tactical evasion actions from time to time.

If placed in the environment without a bulkhead shelter, this kind of irregular running and tactical evasion can never escape David's sniping.

But now David is unable to snipe the two deputy commanders, his ability to snipe has been greatly affected, but also do not want to waste time on these two difficult Deputy commanders.

There are only two deputy commanders in the hall who are still running. They don't have the ability of five weapon masters to perceive the danger. At this moment, they dare not stay at all. They can only use this way to save their lives. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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