Transcendent David

Chapter 291: CH 291

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On the sea surface of Ryukyu blue star, a speedboat is speeding on the sea.

If one looks down in the sky, one can see a seemingly huge figure approaching at a faster speed than a speedboat under the dark blue sea.

"Damn it, can't this broken speedboat go faster?" Collier yelled, his fingers pale from holding the joystick too hard.

Ryukyu blue star is not allowed to use a spaceship to go to sea. He must use this old-fashioned sea boat. Now this speedboat is the fastest one he can find.

But even this speedboat couldn't get rid of the storm ape in the sea. On the screen in front of him, the huge figure was getting closer and closer to them.

"Collier, don't talk. There are three ships 50 kilometers ahead. There is hope for us to get out of here with their delay." Hampton, with a storm ape cub in his hand, also stares at the screen.

"Fifty kilometers, we can't support fifty kilometers at all!" Collier slapped the lever in his hand and exclaimed angrily.

Hampton and collier are both deep-sea hunters, a special profession.

Ryukyu blue star is rich in marine resources. There are edible undersea plants, delicious fish, natural treasures, and even heavenly materials and earth treasures.

The Ryukyu blue star is a natural treasure house, but Ryukyu blue star did not exploit it. Instead, it developed the tourism industry and developed it very well.

The choice of Ryukyu blue star is very correct. No matter how good the resources are, there will always be a day when exploitation will be exhausted. However, tourism resources will never be consumed. This is a road of sustainable development.

Therefore, Ryukyu blue star has set up the most stringent system, and no one is allowed to use large machinery for fishing and mining operations in the deep sea.

This allows Ryukyu blue star to keep its original style and features, and the environment will not be damaged.

It is because of this policy that the marine products of Ryukyu blue star are very expensive, which brings about the career of deep sea hunter.

Deep sea hunters enter the deep-sea range, do not rely on other machinery, only rely on personal equipment for deep-sea operations.

This group has a large number of people in Ryukyu blue star, because all the deep-sea specialties eaten by tourists are purchased from deep-sea hunters.

Of course, deep-sea hunters also have different grades. Among them, the lowest level is to fish for a living, and the income is the lowest.

For example, Hampton and collier are the highest status of deep-sea hunters. They are high-level deep-sea hunters who complete some special commissions.

This time, they received a mission, and the reward was very attractive. As long as they successfully completed this mission, the two deep-sea hunters could wash their hands and enjoy life for the rest of their lives.

The reward for the task is so attractive that the demand for it is extremely difficult.

Storm ape is a special race of Ryukyu blue star. It is said to be the existence of semi extraordinary life. Its wisdom is not high, but it has the ability to manipulate lightning.

In Ryukyu blue star, the great ape is at the top of the food chain besides humans.

Of course, the wisdom of storm ape is not very high, but it has never set foot in fresh water area. On the one hand, the environment there makes storm ape not adapt. On the other hand, storm ape also knows that the freshwater area is very dangerous.

Hampton and collier's mission this time is to capture a living storm giant ape cub. They have arranged in the activity area of a storm ape for five days, and gradually lead the storm ape away. This is the opportunity to seize the storm giant ape cub.

Who knows that when they leave, storm ape's response to the cubs is far greater than they expected, and storm ape follows them.

"Hampton, we'll send a distress signal to the ships over there. If they come, they may come back!" Collier suggested.

"Well, try it!" Hampton is not willing to give up his storm ape cub, he nodded in agreement.

Now David has put away the second class heavy axe again. He is sitting on the reclining chair, blowing the sea breeze and enjoying a rare comfortable life.

However, this comfort was soon broken by a burst of signal. He looked at the cockpit not far behind him. His hearing sensitivity was not good. He could hear any special sound.

In particular, this kind of signal with the nature of alarm is easy to arouse the attention of his sensitive nerves.

"What's the matter, Mond?" David asked the crew in the cockpit.

The ship was not big, and the cockpit was not sealed. Mond, who was guarding the ship, heard David's inquiry.

"Don't worry, Mr. David. It's just a distress signal!" Monde replied with a smile.

"Distress signal, why is it sent to us? Isn't there a coast guard? " David asked curiously.

The communication devices equipped on any ship here are enough to contact any place on Ryukyu blue star. For help, you should ask the police or the military for help. How can you ask for help from these three obviously tourist ships."So don't pay attention. I've already sent the distress signal to the coast guard. I believe there will be a marine police officer soon!" Said mond, nodding.

"Well, what's going on there? How did a ship leave? " David suddenly stood up and looked into the distance where Emma was filming. A sea boat was leaving the scene and heading for the distance.

"I ask!" Mond was also very strange. He said to David and picked up the communicator.

After a minute, Mond put down the communicator with a helpless look on his face.

"It was director Houston who received the call for help. He stopped filming and asked for help. That's when he sailed alone!" Said Mond to David.

"You take the boat to make up with Emma. It's not too early. It's almost lunchtime when director Houston comes back. You can start to prepare lunch." And David said to Mond.

David had no choice but to save or not to save people.

For example, David listened to the advice of the local Mond and did not ask for help signals. The director had his own ideas, and David didn't know how to evaluate this behavior.

But it's not a big deal. With David here, there are two female bodyguards and three warriors who can cope with the trouble.

"Yes, sir!" He steered the boat close to the one on the other side.

The shooting has stopped, and David sees Emma looking at the distant ship with worried eyes.

"David, we can't persuade the director of Houston. He insists that when he receives a distress signal, he must go to rescue if he can." Emma saw David's arrival and whispered why.

"I also received a distress signal, but I felt that the signal was a little abrupt, so I didn't pay attention to it!" David frowned back.

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"Is director hauston in danger?" Asked Emma hastily.

"I don't know. Mond has already informed the coast guard. I believe the coast guard will arrive soon." David shook his head.

"I wanted Leona to go with director Houston, but she just didn't agree!" Emma turned her head and glared at Leona, the bodyguard. There was no sign of anger.

Emma spent so much time with the two bodyguards that she almost regarded them as relatives.

"I agree with Leona not to go. They can't leave you. Your safety is the most important thing." David expressed his opinion.

For a man who is used to seeing life and death like this, he has no influence on the life and death of a person who is not close to him. As long as he is close to others, he is safe enough.

It's hard to say that, but it's the limit of David's ability. He can't rescue everyone like a legendary superhero.

In the ocean, the storm ape has caught up with the speedboat. The storm ape over 10 meters tall grabbed the boat's side from the water and pulled the boat to a halt with its strength.

Krypton crystal engine in collier crazy acceleration, and finally because of overheating and issued a burst of smoke, the engine speed also rapidly decreased, finally no sound.

Collier was pale, and he saw the huge eyes under the water looking at them.

"Don't come here, or I'll kill this little thing!" Hampton, with a glowing dagger in his hand, clapped it to the neck of the storm ape cub and cried out.

Storm ape's wisdom is not high, but it also has the wisdom of a human child. It naturally understands the meaning of Hampton.

The tempest ape's irascible temperament was threatened by Hampton, and his anger burned wildly.

Above the sea, there is constant electric light jumping, which is the natural ability of storm ape.

Several wires of electric light were close to the speedboat. The display screen on the speedboat directly emitted a burst of black smoke and was burned. Then, all kinds of small devices in the speedboat were also burned by the electric light. The smell of electric burning was filled on the speedboat.

Even the two men on the speedboat had their hair on their heads.

"Don't push me!" With a slight effort of the dagger in Hampton's hand, a thin red mark appears on the young animal's neck, and red blood oozes from it.

Immediately all the lights were gone. It was obvious that the storm ape was very concerned about the safety of the cubs.

Hampton and collier were unable to leave because of the destruction of the speedboat, and the storm ape did not dare to force it too much.

Just then, a sea boat approached.

If it is normal, storm ape will not pay any attention to this kind of human sea ship, because it will cause conflicts between it and human beings if it hurts human ships. It knows this very well.

But now it was full of anger, and there was no place to vent. Seeing the approaching ship, he thought he was Hampton's accomplice.

Storm ape rushed out of the sea, its huge body in the sea at the same time, hands and feet hit the sea, and then its body suddenly soared.

"Help Director Houston was still on the contact channel and could talk to the crew of the other two ships at any time."What happened?" The voice of the crew came.

But the director had no time to answer, storm ape appeared two lights above his hands in the air, and then the two lights hit the ship below.

Emmadin's boat is not the kind of speedboat of two deep-sea hunters. When the electric light comes, an energy barrier appears to block the electric light from the outside.

Emma's current status, with the identity of a top singer, her company prepared the sea boat with its own defense system, which is far from the surface of the ordinary.

"I'm attacked. It's a 10 meter tall ape like creature!" Director hauston finally answered the crew's question, and he turned the boat around to get out of here.

At the moment, his heart is full of regret. He should not listen to the local people's opinions and insist on rescuing. He did not expect to encounter such a monster.

Storm ape see electric light invalid, in the heart of anger is unable to vent, it in the sea as if treading on the ground like a gallop toward the sea boat.

"Miss Emma, there's something wrong with director Houston. He's met storm ape!" Mond reports to Emma.

"Director Houston is in danger!" Exclaimed Emma.

"Miss Emma, director Houston, as long as he doesn't leave the ship, it won't be a problem to persist for a few minutes. Our ship has an energy shield, which can block the lightning of storm ape, but the ship's physical defense is limited, so we can only wait for the marine police to go quickly!" "I don't know," he explained to Emma.

The most important function of energy shield is to resist energy attack. The defense of physical attack is limited, especially the powerful attack of storm ape.

Fortunately, this is storm ape. If you change to a Zerg, even a first-class Zerg, its sharp claw spines can quickly break through the defense of the energy shield, and the strong hull can't resist under the claw sting.

That's why after the Zerg invade any planet, the life of the planet itself will be extinct.

No matter how powerful a creature is, it lacks the Zerg's aggressiveness in the sky. Like the storm ape, its lightning ability is extremely terrible. However, as long as it can resist its lightning ability, storm ape has only brute force left.

A lot of them are less powerful than Zerg.

Therefore, this kind of creature living on Ryukyu blue star has not been paid much attention by the government. Instead, it has been set as a protected species.

The defense of a civilian marine ship can hold off storm ape for a few minutes, which shows that the creature is not so terrible.

Of course, ordinary people can't take this kind of defense level sea boat, just like the two deep-sea hunters whose speedboats can't resist a slight lightning attack from storm ape.

"I'll go and have a look." David said to Emma.

"No, the marine police will be here soon, or they will rescue you, so you don't have to risk it!" Emma stopped.

"Don't worry. I won't joke about my life. If I don't, I will return immediately!" David said with a smile.

He heard that storm ape had the ability to manipulate lightning, and to be honest, he was attracted to this special creature that he had hardly seen on any other planet. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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