Transcendent David

Chapter 296: CH 296

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Emma chuckled and looked at David who came to her. She took her handkerchief and wiped the sea water off David's face.

David smiles and feels Emma's tenderness, but for a moment he doesn't say what he was going to say.

"I just received a contract from StarCraft to be the general spokesperson of StarCraft. Is that because of your relationship?" Emma put up her handkerchief and asked softly.

David knew that this was done by Mervyn superman or deputy hastin of starflyer company. This is to fulfill the previously agreed conditions and remind David.

"It's got by your own strength. You're the new queen. Who else will you choose if you don't choose from starflyers?" David won't admit it, laughing.

Emma shook her head slightly, and did not ask any more, for she knew very well what was going on.

The starflyer company is very large and has a StarCraft business throughout the interstellar Federation.

Therefore, the general spokesperson of star flyer does not influence the star flyer with his own fame. Conversely, the star flyer will also enhance the reputation of the general spokesman. This is a win-win endorsement contract.

Emma loves singing, hoping to let more people hear her singing. The general spokesperson of starflyer is very important to her. This kind of resource, not to mention her entertainment company, can not even affect her family.

Emma's family has a huge influence in the airdiya region, but outside the airida domain, this influence is very small, and super companies like starflyer can't interfere.

"The starflyer company has proposed that my music video will be played on all of their starflyers. Just now, director Houston said that he needs to reconsider the content of the music clip!" Said Emma, smiling.

"I don't understand that either. You can discuss it with director Houston!" David shook his head.

"The original time is not enough, so this shooting will take two weeks. After two weeks, I will have an important activity. This time with you, I can't spend any time alone with you!" Said Emma, apologetically.

"It doesn't matter. I have something to leave in advance. We'll play together again when we have time." David said with a smile. He took the opportunity to say what he intended.

"David, I don't understand your business, but you must pay attention to your safety and never take risks!" Emma was worried, but she didn't persuade David. She only cared about Tao.

In Emma's family education, everyone has his own life goal. Respecting one person is the same as respecting his chosen life goal.

Just like her goal in life is to sing, to be the best singer in the whole interstellar Federation, and let her singing forever in the whole interstellar Federation.

And David's life goal, she also knows, is to be the strongest. This goal is dangerous and very difficult, but Emma will not stop it, she will only support it silently.

David and Emma sat on the sea boat with the wind blowing for more than an hour. It was not until director Houston urged him to leave.

The landing spaceship launched from the Raptor refitting ship picked up David, flew out of Ryukyu blue star, and went into space to join the Raptor refitted ship.

Captain hope and his crew stood respectfully on both sides of the aisle waiting for David as David walked into the thunderbolt.

"My Lord, welcome back to the ship!" Said Captain hope, bowing.

Both captain hope and the crew have only pride in their eyes. It is a kind of pride to be able to serve David and become a member of David's private spaceship.

"Invincible" is no longer a description, but a special reference to David, recognized by the vast majority of the first class.

The title, along with David's latest record, was passed to captain hope and his crew, who celebrated it.

David was sitting in the seat specially prepared for him, with Captain hope standing beside him.

David taps his finger on the light screen in front of him and calls up a map of the iridian region, setting yak as the destination.

"This is our goal this time, but before that, we need to go to this coordinate to get some combat supplies, and the supplies for life will be given to you!" David said from the identity bracelet that hastin had given him on the map.

"My Lord, before we come, we will have enough food and living materials to live comfortably in space for a year." Captain hope returned immediately.

David nodded with satisfaction. Captain hope was very experienced and didn't need to worry about many things.

The reason why captain hope said it was a comfortable life was that even if there was no replenishment, the warship could produce synthetic food and water only by energy. As long as there was energy, there would be no starvation.

It's just that synthetic food doesn't taste good. David used to be in rock star, where ordinary people eat similar synthetic food.

Synthetic food is also a very powerful invention, which completely solves the most basic human survival problems. It is not a good experience to eat synthetic food after enjoying better food.Of course, David did not transfer the kitchen equipment on the original S600 transport ship. The ship had luxury meat gene generating equipment for all kinds of meat. He gave the ship to his father Hans, but David would not move the equipment.

The two warp engines of the Raptor refitted ship were turned on, and soon entered the speed of light. Two hours later, the spacecraft reached the designated position.

At the coordinates is an armed asteroid. The Raptor refitted ship was only 200 kilometers away, and was locked by the scanning on the asteroid.

"This is private territory. This is private territory. You have been locked. Please leave or show your identity to ensure your safety!" A mechanical sound is transmitted to the cockpit through a public channel.

David doesn't want to be attacked by heavy defense weapons on the asteroid. He sets the identity bracelet to display.

"Master David, I didn't expect you to arrive so soon!" The original mechanical voice was replaced by hastin's voice and said with a smile.

"Mr. Hastings, Emma has received your contract. How can I delay it again?" David said jokingly.

"The contract doesn't mean that!" Hasting, embarrassed by David's teasing, quickly explained.

"I didn't care. Emma was happy with the contract, so I came as fast as I could." David said with a smile.

Now the Raptor was guided into the asteroid's port of call. As David stepped down in his exoskeleton armor, David saw hastin, who was wearing exoskeleton armor to welcome him.

David and hastin's fists collide, which is a kind of Oracle's meeting etiquette in the aldian star region.

The environment of the asteroid base is very bad, either wear life support equipment or exoskeleton armor, otherwise it can not survive on its surface.

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Hastin led David into a gate, which was blocked by a protective shield. After entering, the data on David's face armor showed that it was in a viable state.

"It's out of the way here!" David said, opening the outer armor.

"This is a refitting base of the company. Your spaceship should be refitted from the small frigate of Raptor. Here you can install some shipborne weapons for free as part of this replenishment!" Hasting also pulled back his mask and said very directly.

"I'm not at all polite. My spaceship's attack power is too weak. Adding weapons is also conducive to future missions." David agreed with a smile.

Most of the weapons of the warship were dismantled, leaving only the front and rear Gauss guns and some near defensive missiles. The actual combat effectiveness was very weak.

In the past, he didn't want to replenish the weapons and equipment on the warship modified by Raptor, but this kind of warship based weapon is not so easy to supplement.

According to David's estimation, the StarCraft company should have its own warship research. Although we don't know what the purpose is, its technical capability is not too weak in terms of its size.

Anyway, it is not a problem to add some shipborne weapons to his Raptor refitting ship.

"There's no need to be polite, but first of all, this mission should be good. Your achievements will not be known to anyone. All the losses caused to the three mercenary regiments are caused by the retaliation action of StarCraft company!" Hasting made his request with a smile.

Although the strength of starflyer company is not weak, it really mobilizes a large number of combat forces to yakk, which may cause the uneasiness of the rest of the local mercenary regiments. If it is gone, it will not harm the three mercenaries and form a deterrent to other forces.

David was the best choice when he couldn't do it.

Melvin made the decision immediately after seeing David's record.

David has a wealth of experience in defeating many with a small number, and with one enemy. Both thunder and lightning mercenaries, red fire, blue ice and shadow, were defeated by David with devastating blows under the condition of absolute superiority.

So David became the best choice to carry out revenge on behalf of starflyer company. In addition, David had a feud with three mercenaries, and David would not refuse.

David didn't object to hastin's additional request. He had too many enemies. In case the three mercenaries still had combat power after the operation, they would transfer the remaining hatred to starflyer because of the Revenge of starflyer.

As for the achievements, who cares!

David used the channel of exoskeleton armor to contact captain hope and get him to dock with the personnel here and start to refit the Raptor ship again.

Of course, some of the important interior spaces of the thunderbolt are not open to the public, such as the cabin of the beacon fire, such as the warehouse where David's booty is placed.

Beacon fire is better. Although the appearance is strange, many rich people will carry out various special modifications to the spacecraft. Those patterns on the surface of the beacon fire are seen by people who don't know, and they will only be used as decoration.

But the warehouse where David put the booty was different. There were a lot of precious things.

There is only a pile of class II weapons, the number of which has reached nearly 40. This is the quantity that any organization will be envious of when it sees it. In addition, there are 32 pieces of grade II material residue.So many second-class weapons and materials are enough to arm a large force of elite first class brigade.

This does not include some valuable and rare exoskeleton armor used as decoration in the spaceship, and the matching secondary weapons.

It can be said that David's Raptor refitted warship is only a modified version of the military warship, but its value has been doubled for a long time.

But don't worry about it. Captain hope will take care of it.

"Master David, Melvin's supplies are here. Please follow me!" After hasting had arranged for the thunderbolt to be equipped with shipborne weapons, he led David as he walked.

Hastings came to the warehouse and two guards opened the door.

In the whole warehouse, only an all metal box was placed in the middle.

"This krypton powder bomb was made by Melvin through his relationship. It is very dangerous. Please be careful with it." Hasting, as he transferred the authority of the metal box to David, told him.

David nodded. He couldn't say that he had used this device. He blew up the starflyer's cultivation area last time.

However, the power of krypton crystal powder bomb is so amazing that grade II materials can not be defended within three kilometers.

"You check, if there is no problem, it will be handed over to you!" 'said hastin, gesturing to David when he finished.

"Good!" David answered.

He went up and brushed the lock of the metal box with his identity bracelet. The metal box opened and revealed three krypton powder bombs protected by special anti-collision materials.

But these three kryptonite bombs are obviously much smaller than the krypton powder bombs he used before. Each of these three kryptonite bombs is only the size of a blue ball.

"Mr. Hastings, what is the power of this krypton powder bomb?" David turned to Hastings and asked.

"Master David, wait a minute. I'll send you the information about this krypton bomb!" Hasting seemed to think of it and then began to operate the identity bracelet.

Soon, David's identity Bracelet received a description of the krypton powder bomb.

David found that the full names of the three krypton powder bombs he received were "compressed krypton powder decomposition bombs". Their power range was still three kilometers, but smaller than ordinary krypton powder bombs.

The reason why the power range is set at three kilometers is related to the rigid provisions of the interstellar Federation on war weapons.

Such destructive bombs can be divided into tactical and strategic types. Strategic bombs can only be deployed by specific units within the military, and their use is strictly regulated.

The less powerful tactical bombs were forced to have a range of three kilometers, which would not cause irreparable damage to smaller planets.

David carefully closes the metal box. The explosive power of these three kryptonite bombs is not easy to try, even if he is wearing the third grade of exoskeleton armor. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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