Transcendent David

Chapter 307: CH 307

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David's body did not move. At this time, although the elite warriors on the opposite side were in chaos, they were only in a small area.

"Big shield beetle in front, pay attention to master David. This beetle is no longer your teammate. Cut off his head!" Captain flower is on the team channel.

It was also under the command of the commander of fraul, who paid the price of three warriors to be seriously injured, and the bewitching elite beetle was killed.

When the demagogue elite beetle fell down, all the elite beetles breathed a sigh of relief. They did not understand why David did not use this opportunity to attack them. However, since David lost the opportunity, the two sides would fall into a stalemate again.

Commander flower commanded the beetles to check the injuries of the twelve wounded warriors. The exoskeleton armor automatically used drugs for these warriors. There was no problem with their lives, but they had no combat power in a short time.

The bewitching elite beetle was suddenly crazy, and neither captain flower nor the elite beetles thought that David had done it, because it was too difficult to explain.

It's not realistic what kind of ability is needed to let an elite beetle attack his partner.

So after killing the demagogue elite beetles, they focused on David again and were ready for David's attack.

David's mind returned automatically after the bewitching elite beetle was killed. He felt that the bewitching elite beetle was killed, and he had no loss.

Think about it. This ability comes from the very special "bewitching brain worm" of the second level Zerg. They can use their mental power to control a large number of enemies and make them become their own help.

If the death of these controlled objects will bring harm to the "bewitching brain worm," the "bewitching brain worm" will not dare to control so many puppets.

At this time, a great change was taking place in the soul of another elite Oracle who was influenced by the "sleeping pattern".

The "deep sleep pattern" absorbed the power of the soul and was being transformed into a "bewitching pattern". This process was almost completed when the former bewitching elite oracle was killed.

Once again, David sensed a connection from the "bewitching pattern", allowing him to manipulate the newly transformed bewitching elite oracle.

A spirit enters into the soul of the newly bewitching elite Oracle, and instantly controls the other party's body.

Once again, I felt that the second grade heavy axe in his hand was changed into a new body, but he was also an elite Oracle, and his strength was stronger than that of David himself.

The second class heavy axe is controlled by the strength of this body and David's half step perfect heavy axe. Under the control of the heavy axe, the heavy axe sweeps around the elite beetles again.

The same surprise, the same results, just like the battle just the same copy.

"It's no use cutting off his body. Cut off his head!" The first time, commander flower said in a loud voice.

The new demagogue elite beetle was very close to him, and he attacked at the same time.

This time, some of the beetles were less injured. At the cost of nine elite beetles' serious injuries, the head of the new bewitching elite beetle was cut off.

Even commander flower himself was slightly injured. Fortunately, the Deputy next to him blocked him. Otherwise, he might be seriously injured or even dead.

On the other hand, his back armor was broken and he had a big wound on his body.

"He's the devil who can manipulate us!" After killing the new demagogue elite beetle, one of the elite beetles called out.

At this moment, no one thinks that David has nothing to do with the sudden outburst of two bewitching elite beetles. It is possible that one elite beetle has spiritual problems. However, two consecutive elite beetles have mental problems and attack their companions. This is definitely what David did.

David was about to make a move, but he soon stopped because he saw that the situation of the elite beetle opposite was very wrong.

The number of elite beetles is only in their early 30s. David can definitely kill these beetles if he struggles to get injured. However, there is something wrong with the elite beetles on the opposite side. David wants to wait and see.

No matter how chaotic the elite warriors were, they always kept the battle stable. They should be careful against David.

But at this time, the elite beetles are more concerned about their companions, as if they are afraid of their peers to attack themselves.

"Keep fighting, watch out for Master David!" Said Captain flower in a loud voice on the channel.

However, this time, there is no elite scholar to pay attention to commander flower. They are all tense and in a state of being ready to attack at any time. This is a natural stress reaction in a dangerous situation.

After two times of sudden attacks from their companions, the spirit of these elite warriors has long been strained to the extreme.

At this time, as long as there is a little trigger, there will be extremely serious consequences.

Especially at this time, except for the gravity system in the inner depth, all the other life support systems on the abandoned Space Fortress were useless, and the faces of all the beetles were covered with face armor.

The inability to see each other's expressions, let alone communicate through each other's eyes, exacerbated the suspicion between each other.An elite armour due to excessive tension, his hands out of a lot of sweat, although this does not affect the operation of exoskeleton armor, but he still instinctively shake the weapons in his hands.

The result of this action was disastrous. Just after the elite beetle's weapon in his hand had just moved and was in a state of extreme mental tension, the elite beetles who might erupt at any time, especially several elite beetles next to the elite beetle, immediately launched an attack on him.

The sudden action of these elite beetles also triggered a chain reaction, and the rest of the elite beetles beside these elite beetles also launched attacks on these elite beetles in a state of excessive mental tension.

The scene immediately became chaotic. Every warrior thought he was sober, and the one who attacked him must have been under David's control, so there was no hand left in the battle.

Commander froul stood in the middle of the elite beetles. He didn't understand what was going on. How could these well-trained elite beetles collapse.

"You all want to kill me, I kill you!"

"Kill, kill all of you!"

"Die, die for me!"

On the channel came the crazy voice of the elite beetles, and the reason completely disappeared in these people.

Every elite beetle wants to kill the elite beetles around them, and their attacks become aimless.

The experience of this day has long been a heavy blow to the spirit of these warriors. They were hit from the red fire mercenary regiment. All ordinary mercenaries died, and many of them died.

Then they met David. After several battles with David, hundreds of beetles became dozens now. The fear of death haunted them all the time.

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If it's a normal fight, even if it's dangerous, these fears will only make elite beetles more tenacious.

However, David's two demagogues ignited the fire of the final elite beetles' mental madness. He could not understand the sudden madness of his companions, which turned fear into a nightmare, and then completely broke out.

"Stop it! Stop it Exclaimed captain flower, but to no avail. It was impossible for the elite beetles to stop at this moment, because there were weapons all around, and there would be attacks at any time.

When commander flower yelled, a hammer attacked him. He took up his weapon to block it. His move also made more attacks on him.

The helpless commander of flower can only also join in the battle, and soon he has changed from passive to active. If he does not attack others, he will be killed by others.

David looked at the battle in front of him. The expression on his face was very strange. He didn't expect that it would turn out like this in the end.

It's no wonder that "bewitching brain worm" is called a beetle's nightmare. His ability of "mental hypnosis" is still very weak. He can only attack two targets at a time, and can't control thousands of targets at once like the real "bewitching brain worm".

But just like this, also let the so-called elite beetle collapse.

The battle ended quickly, and the only one standing at the end was commander flower. His weapons were covered with blood, and several wounds on his body were dripping blood.

"Devil, I'll kill you!" Commander flower's eyes under his face armor were blood red at this time. He didn't care about his injury and rushed to David with his injured body.

Then, in a green light, his head flew into the sky.

David didn't look at captain flower again, but went up to mend the knife. He didn't let go of all the wounded warriors.

As for the enemy, David has no soft hearted idea. Since he got the shadow servant and improved his ability through shadow service, it has become inevitable to kill the enemy and promote his own growth.

This is also the principle in David's heart. If some people have no bottom line, they will continue to kill to strengthen themselves.

At least all the people David killed were his enemies, and he never took the initiative to provoke others.

David took back the third level heavy axe and put it back behind his back.

After absorbing all the souls, the shadow servant is collecting the second level weapons on the ground.

After the battlefield was cleaned up, David did not stop, but quickly returned to the way he came. On the way, he took back the "anger of godolfen" and the second class spear.

Back to beacon, just out of the ruins, David saw a spaceship approaching in the distance. The beacon immediately lowered its altitude and left in the opposite direction next to the ruins.

The red fire mercenary regiment should still have combat power. However, after losing its base, the main armour, all the weapon masters and commanders, there will be no red fire mercenary group.

As for the wealth of the red fire mercenaries, David had no time to dig out of the ruins.

Maybe for a long time after that, this place will become a paradise for mercenaries, or a cemetery. Mercenaries will become rich and die because of the wealth here.

When the beacon fire flew into space, David sent a signal to the Raptor refitting ship, and captain hope sent the location of the modified thunder snake ship.Two hours later, Captain hope stood outside the hangar.

"My Lord, you are back!" When he saw David, Captain hope's eyes tightened slightly, then he turned to smile and bow.

David was wearing custom-made exoskeleton armor. On the surface of this exoskeleton armor, there was a layer of blood, and the pungent smell of blood came into captain hope's nose.

You can imagine how many people it takes to kill to have such a strong bloodiness.

"Prepare the gene repair module, I need to use it, and clean my exoskeleton armor!" David detaches custom exoskeleton armor and orders.

Although it seems that David's injury is nothing, but his condition is not good at the moment. The injury caused by the shock injury is a large area. Although his skin is not damaged, his internal muscles and bones are damaged.

This is the result of his forced charge against the elite warriors, but there is still no direct battle. If there are more elite warriors, it is really difficult to win.

The most important thing is that he has not yet become a high-level Oracle, not to mention the peak of his body. His physical strength and physique are unable to compete with the elite.

Captain hope didn't let the crew take over David's account. After David entered the gene repair module, he took the custom-made exoskeleton armor to clean up.

An hour later, when David came out of the gene repair module, his whole body had recovered.

"My Lord, your exoskeleton armor has been removed, and the meal is ready for you. Please have a meal!" Captain hope showed up at David's side on time after he had changed his clothes, put down the exoskeleton armored container and said.

"Yes, please." David said with a smile and a nod. He looked at the time on the identity Bracelet again and said, "I need to rest for eight hours after dinner. After eight hours, you can wake me up on time."

Continuous fighting is not only physical fatigue, but also mental fatigue.

Eight hours later, it was time for him to practice "high-level Oracle skills". So although he was tired, he only had eight hours' rest time.

After finishing the exquisite meal, David enters the room. After completing the "crystal mind", he places the shadow server in the "Juyuan plate", and he goes into deep sleep.

The next morning, in space, there seems to be no statement of dark and dawn, according to the identity of the bracelet can determine the time.

After finishing his routine training, David went to the cockpit and sat in a special chair.

He pointed to the light screen in front of him, which was not far away from yak. The communication device on the warship could be connected to the Skynet of Yake.

Through the Skynet of Yake, he contacted the shadow intelligence system in the villa of renka sinzia, and he needed to know whether the continuous operation had triggered the detection of the blue ice mercenary regiment.

According to normal thinking, shadow and red fire were destroyed one after another. The biggest suspicion was that StarCraft, which had just made a big feud with them.

Although starflyers are not good at fighting, they have wealth, and they have enough wealth to get the best in class.

Through the shadow intelligence system, David saw some information inside the blue ice mercenary regiment. No one doubted him. He thought it was the Revenge of StarCraft.

So the next action against the blue ice mercenary Corps will be very troublesome. Although the most powerful weapon master of the blue ice mercenary Corps is no longer available, David will not underestimate any mercenary regiment. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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