Transcendent David

Chapter 311: CH 311

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David found master dart in the air and knew that master dart had found himself.

At the moment, dart's only weapon is a special sniper gun, and because it floats in the air, it can't fire a sniper gun at all.

This is also the disadvantage of sniper beetles. Even more powerful sniper beetles need a stable sniper position when sniping. Otherwise, the huge recoil force of the sniper gun makes it impossible for the sniper beetle to attack accurately, and even more can not eliminate its terrible recoil force.

In addition, the distance between David and dart sniper master is only 20 meters, which is not the range of sniper gun attack, because dart master sniper is capable of firing, and can not guarantee accurate hit. The distance of 20 meters is one step distance of close combat beetle.

David didn't show up. He didn't know whether dart sniper master had any special ability to snipe in the air. Although he could not do it with 10% master level sniper ability, he was not a sniper master, and he did not know the real ability of the master sniper.

David uses the spirit to lock in dart sniper master, one bright and one dark between the two beetles did not move in advance.

The situation is more favorable for David, because if dart sniper master wants to escape at this time, it will be the worst choice. Once his back is exposed to David, he can easily attack at a distance of tens of meters at David's speed.

Master dart knows that, but he's obviously not too worried.

"I didn't expect you to choose here first. Is this a trap you deliberately set up?" Asked master dart in a deep voice.

"Master dart, although I'm not a sniper master, I'm also proficient in sniping. The choice of sniper position should not be bad. Your choice confirms this point!" David responded faintly.

Although they were enemies, David still maintained due respect for a sniper master.

"Master David, do you think you're going to win?" Dart sniper master is still speaking smoothly, with some provocative words in his mouth.

David's eyes are small, dart sniper master's meaning is very obvious, dart sniper master has great confidence to deal with David.

David didn't know where DART's strength came from, but he didn't dare to relax.

He even guided the "spirit arrow" in the soul fortress, keeping ready to inspire at any time.

Not far away, there were nearly thirty figures flying out of the fire. These were all beetles.

Their exoskeleton armor is covered with burn marks. Although the exoskeleton armor is fire-resistant, it can not stay in the fire for a long time. These beetles should find their way out in the fire and rush out immediately.

David saw the appearance of these beetles. If there were so many beetles in peacetime, even if there were nearly 30 uninjured ones, he could deal with them.

But now different, dart sniper master in front of them, once let dart sniper master with them, then he is passive.

Without further hesitation, David flew out from behind the hidden building, holding up the third grade heavy axe in his hand, and the powerful spirit of killing shrouded DART's sniper master.

Because the opponent is a sniper master, David needs to be able to use the "spirit arrow" at a closer distance, otherwise he is likely to be dodged by the other side.

"Looking for death!" Dart sniper master saw David appear, his face behind his armor full of irony.

This kind of Jia Shi, who grows up in the peaceful area, even if he is strong, has a very narrow vision. How can he know the terrible place of the world.

Dart sniper master in warstar, because of his terrifying sniping technology, often participates in some important operations, and contacts with the strong in the God's big world.

Even he formed a life and death friendship with some powerful people in the god world, which allowed him to get some special items of God's big world.

The round card items in master DART's hand at the moment is one of them. This is not magic items that must have special blood vessels to stimulate, but special magic items that can be inspired only by spirit.

This is also master DART's courage as a sniper master to get close to David. He believes that with this magic card in hand, David will not pose a threat in front of him.

Master DART's spirit is lightly on the magic card in his hand. He can use the spirit, but also benefit from the spiritual skills he gets from the strong in the big world.

Compared with the interstellar Federation technology, the interstellar Federation lags behind in the cultivation is huge.

God belongs to the big world, only relying on the trained body can compete with the powerful warships on the side of the interstellar Federation. The gap between the two cultivation systems is too big to imagine.

A faint light flashed on the magic card, and then a special energy activated the pattern on the magic card, and a ray of light shot at the rushing David.

David feels wrong. His body wants to dodge the light by using the joint ability beyond the limit brought by "soft body technique". However, the light is like a guided light. David's Dodge has no effect at all. The light shines into David's body.Almost instantly, David felt a burst of weakness.

Weakness made his strength drop rapidly, and even his speed, everything, dropped to a third of what it had been.

The decline of David's strength makes the customized exoskeleton armor exert a terrible pressure on his body, which is 1000 kg. Fortunately, his physique has not declined, and he can resist the pressure of customized exoskeleton armor for a short time.

The most basic requirement of exoskeleton armor is 1000 kg of strength. Without this strength, we can't bear the pressure of exoskeleton armor on the body.

David's condition is very poor at the moment. Although he can still swing his arm, the third grade heavy axe in his hand is too heavy to be a threat.

"For you wasted a weak magic amulet, you should feel proud, the value of this magic amulet is beyond your imagination!" Dart sniper Master said as he flew five meters in front of David.

He knew how long the weak magic talisman lasted, which was enough for him to kill David, so he had time to speak to him.

Dart sniper master pulled out a three-level stab from his leg, which is a three-level standard equipment specially provided by the military for such high-level talents as him.

David let go of his hand and let the third grade heavy axe fly. He also took out the "extraordinary army stab" from his lower leg. Of course, the "extraordinary army stab" could not be seen before it was used.

"Master David, I didn't expect that you were going to compete with me for military stabs. Indeed, for you now, the third level heavy axe is too heavy. This third level heavy axe will become my collection. Your choice is wrong. As a sniper master, I have received the most professional stab training, and you can't defeat it!" Dart sniper master looked at David's "extraordinary stab," laughing.

Dart sniper master wants to watch David die, but he wants to see David struggling on the edge of death, because he will have the pleasure of revenge.

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David is waiting for a chance. He is still too far away from dart sniper master.

When he was in a normal state, a five meter distance was equivalent to being close. But now his speed and strength were only one-third of the usual, and he was extremely tired, which made him unable to play a master level fighting ability.

Although his master level fighting ability is empty handed combat, the short "extraordinary army stab" is nearly empty handed for normal weapons.

In the past, when David used the army spike to fight, he got the skill bonus of unarmed combat to give full play to the maximum power of the army spike.

But now the empty hand combat ability can only play to the mature level, coupled with the slow speed, extremely low strength, all these almost show that David will lose.

But David didn't lose heart. He had the same cards.

"Master David, although I want to respect a master like you, I will still cut off all your hands and feet, and then sacrifice your blood to my four dead brothers!" Dart sniper master slowly flies close to David, and the spikes flash in his hand.

David saw dart sniper master's use of army stab skills, and knew that the opponent's army stab mastery ability had reached the mastery level. He would never be the opponent of the other party in this normal state.

"By the way, your exoskeleton armor uses level 3 armor. I will pay attention to starting from the joints of the exoskeleton armor!" Dart sniper master is still putting a lot of pressure on David. He wants him to collapse in front of him.

"My father told me that sniper beetles should keep calm at all times. Talking a lot is usually the way to die." David said as he calculated the distance between him and dart sniper master.

At this time, dart sniper master was only one meter away from him, and first stabbed his left arm joint.

David no longer waits for the "arrow of spirit" to fly out of the soul fortress and shoot at dart sniper master.

Just when David thought that the "spiritual arrow" must hit, a light flashed over DART's sniper master, and then an illusory shield blocked the "spiritual arrow.".

"Ha ha, so you have the secret method of spirit. No wonder you keep your confidence all the time!" Dart sniper master stopped and looked at David, laughing.

David was also slightly surprised that the "arrow of spirit" was blocked. It was the first time he met such a thing.

Can the master sniper dare to stand in front of him without any scruples. Is this a certainty?

David stepped forward, leaving him only fifty centimeters away from master dart.

In fact, dart sniper master has been paying close attention to David. The biggest reason why he has no scruples is that he has 100% confidence to block David's attack when it appears.

He will destroy David's spirit, his faith and all his counter attacks.

In order to get revenge, dart sniper master asked for leave to leave warstar and came to such a remote place. He didn't want to give up the pleasure of revenge. He tried to make the process of revenge longer.

David moved, and the "extraordinary army stab" in his right hand swung out. The third grade army spike in DART's sniper's hand was faster than David's, and blocked in front of the "extraordinary army stab" one step ahead of David.Seeing that two third grade army spikes were about to collide, something strange happened.

David's arm disappeared at the same time as the "extraordinary army spike". At the same time, the arm holding the "extraordinary army spike" appeared in front of dart sniper's neck.

David's attack also chose the gap between the exoskeleton armor to attack. Although he used the "extraordinary army stab", the attack power of the "extraordinary army stab" was only the level of the third grade army spike.

He has three levels of exoskeleton armor, and he doesn't know if dart sniper master's exoskeleton armor is the same, so he chose a gap that is easier to cut into.

The "extraordinary army stab" gently enters the gap and cuts through most of DART's neck. Because of David's strength, the "extraordinary army stab" is stuck in the neck of master DART's exoskeleton armor.

"Cough, cough, it's an extraordinary weapon. I should have killed it earlier..." Dart sniper master did not insist, the neck was cut off, so that his brain and heart lost blood supply, lost vitality.

With the death of dart sniper master, the power returns to David's body. It seems that the weak magic amulet loses its effect after the user's death.

The shadow attendant rushes to absorb the soul of dart sniper master. Then David orders him to take master DART's body, including the obviously special sniper gun and the third grade army spike, into the space ring.

The recovered David's short wings spurt energy, and his figure twinkles and he holds the heavy axe of the third grade still floating in his hand.

The battle between David and dart master sniper was only a few minutes, and the surrounding warriors were looking at it for tens of meters. They were greatly surprised by the rapid plot change.

After David got back the third level heavy axe, they immediately chose to flee here.

It's just that the exoskeleton armor on these beetles is not space type. They are not only very slow in flying, but also have no space combat capability.

David didn't even ask which of them was captain Alton. It took less than a minute to kill them all.

After killing the beetles, the Space Fortress under him calmed down.

David quickly turned, toward the bottom, his hands of the third class heavy axe in front of the road, without any scruples into the space fortress.

This time, the shadow servant moved wildly, and his soul was constantly absorbed.

David also turned on the scanning device on the customized exoskeleton armor, which was stimulated to the maximum. He kept walking through the interior of the abandoned Battlestar. He not only wanted to let the shadow attendants absorb the soul, but also wanted to make sure whether there were still alive.

The operation used krypton powder bombs. As master dart said, once the military has evidence, he will be in big trouble.

Sure enough, there were wise men. He found three beetles hiding in the ruins. Instead of rushing out of the fire, they chose to stay in the fire.

Although this will put more heat on the exoskeleton armor and cause damage to the exoskeleton armor, life is more important than life.

It's just that they met David, who was cautious and careful. The three warriors didn't have a chance to survive. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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