Transcendent David

Chapter 314: CH 314

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After handing the dart sniper master's exoskeleton armor to captain hope to clean up and put it in his locker, David returns to his room.

The shadow servant flew to David. David put his hand on the shadow servant's shoulder, and then a surge of soul energy poured into his body.

In his soul space, thick clouds rose above the soul fortress, and then the rich soul energy turned into raindrops and fell towards the soul fortress.

As the rain drops on the soul fortress, the outer wall of the soul fortress is slowly rising. On the walls of the fortress, the two patterns of "sleeping pattern" and "bewitching pattern" appear again with the moisture of rain.

Moreover, the colors of "sleeping pattern" and "bewitching pattern" are more profound and contain more energy.

In the soul fortress, the seedling that gave birth to the "arrow of spirit" is also growing slowly.

The whole soul fortress shows a thriving scene. Even the unreal crystal shell outside the soul fortress is more flexible than before.

The shadow attendants absorbed more souls this time than any other time before. As the distance of the shadow attendants reached 40 meters, they were able to absorb more souls.

Although it is impossible to calculate the exact number of souls absorbed, David can guess a general figure. The number of souls absorbed by shadow attendants exceeds 1300, and that of ordinary people exceeds 10000.

This is a war involving three mercenaries. Although there is only one person on David's side, this is a war.

From the scale of the battle to the number of deaths, it is enough to match the number of deaths in middle-sized wars.

Even with more than 10 dead weapon masters, the loss can be comparable to the high-end combat power consumption of a large-scale war.

Just when David felt the change of the soul space and was quite happy in his heart, the soul fortress suddenly shook. In a moment, the soul fortress seemed to be transformed as a whole. The former soul fortress was still an ordinary castle, but now the soul fortress seems to have risen to a higher level.

This is David's feeling of the new soul fortress. The castle is a circle larger, and the top of the wall has many spines outside. It is a fortress born for war.

Without spiritual inheritance, David's spiritual cultivation and understanding has always been groping for progress. Although he has also obtained the spiritual cultivation method of "crystal mind", it seems that his spirit is too strong. In fact, the effect of "crystal ghost idea" is far less than that of the soul energy David got from shadow service after absorbing soul.

At present, the biggest effect of "crystal mind" is to protect David's soul with a layer of protection, and it also has the effect of condensing spirit. Of course, this effect can not be seen in a short time.

All because David's promotion is too fast, "crystal mind" simply can not reflect its particularity.

The heavy rain stopped in the soul space, the clouds disappeared, and the soul fortress with the meaning of killing stood in the soul space.

David opened his eyes, his mind moved, and the shadow servant immediately activated the property panel for him.

Watching the spirit rise from 6.35 to 7.00, David couldn't help but smile. It seems that it's very difficult to improve after the spirit reaches 7 o'clock.

After reaching the spirit of 7 points, David's first feeling was that everything around him became clearer, and his original five senses were strengthened again.

He can be sure that the power of his "spiritual arrow", "sleeping pattern" and "bewitching pattern" has been greatly improved.

After experiencing the changes brought about by spiritual ascension, David can't wait to check the light sphere of knowledge he got.

A large number of knowledge light spheres float in the shadow servant's body. David has some headache. What should he do with so many knowledge light balls.

With the improvement of David's abilities, most of the light sphere of knowledge has no effect on him.

In the same way as before, David asked the shadow master to list all the spheres of perfection knowledge separately.

This time, there are six complete level knowledge light balls, all of which are combat type knowledge light balls, of which only two are useful to David. One is 10% perfect level sniping knowledge light ball, and the other is 95% perfect level shield mastering knowledge light ball.

10% of the complete level of sniper knowledge light ball is needless to say that nadat sniper master has the ability, as a sniper beetle, it is very terrible to be able to reach this level.

As for the 95% perfect shield mastery, David really can't remember which shield master provided it.

In fact, the shield master named Jacob was the defense master of the blue ice mercenary regiment. Unfortunately, he was not lucky and didn't die in the battle with David.

At that time, the defense master was in the garrison command room, helping commander Alton, who had left the command room for easy contact with dart sniper master.

As a result, when David detonated the krypton powder bomb, master Jacob's spirit was in danger. However fast he was, he could not escape the explosion range of the krypton powder bomb.A strong defense master was killed by the krypton powder bomb in an instant. He did not face David to death.

The rest of the battle knowledge sphere is not as good as David's current progress. It can only provide a little reference and help for David, and it is not of great value.

David reviews this operation, the biggest gain is 10% of the perfect level sniper knowledge light ball, which can improve his sniper ability.

Think of the scene of being sniped by master dart in the camp of blue ice mercenary Corps. David is still in fear. The ability of master sniper is too terrible.

If the master sniper is sniping when the target is not in armor, I believe no one can escape the fate of sniping.

The other two weapons masters became David's men, as well as the shadow intelligence system and a large amount of wealth, which raised David's idea of organizing a force.

In the past, there was no credible person, and his wealth in his hands was also small, so there was no need for that.

But now it's different. The two weapon masters, together with their wealth of 55 billion yuan, especially relying on the "shadow intelligence system", can continue to get wealth.

This is the premise of the achievement of a force. Only with power can we provide better protection for him.

The plan was constantly refined in David's mind, and he also found that his mental speed was improved when his spirit rose to 7 o'clock.

The next day, David finished his morning training, and his physical condition reached the best state. He called the shadow servant and introduced 10% of the perfect level sniper knowledge light ball into his body.

Then David's eyes were transfigured, and he was already among the boulders.

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This is the body of dart sniper master. Now he is wearing the exoskeleton armor which is collected by David. The sound isolation device on the exoskeleton armor surrounds the whole body within five meters. At the same time, the coating on the surface of the exoskeleton armor changes color and integrates it with the stone.

From the outside, this is one of the many stones.

As before, David can feel all the operations of master dart sniper, and he can't control master DART's body. He is the spectator of this body, but he has more perception than the bystander.

Dart sniper master's breath is very long, which makes his body not shake because of breathing, which also allows him to shoot at any time.

Other sniper beetles need to hold their breath before each sniper, because breathing will affect the stability of the body, and the target of sniper beetles is a strong enemy. Even a little influence will make the sniper fail.

David also found that the spirit of dart sniper master was restrained in a strange way, which kept his mental activity at a very low level.

Suddenly, a "bewitching brain worm" appeared in the sniper mirror. Although it was in the illusion, David felt extremely nervous.

David will never forget the day when he met the bewitching brain worm. All the beetles were as helpless as babies in front of the bewitching brain worm.

Moreover, David knows that the spirit of "bewitching brain worms" is so strong that David can only attack two enemies at the same time after getting the "sleeping pattern" and "bewitching pattern".

However, at that time, it was easy to attack hundreds of people and control more than 30 Jiashi as their puppets.

Under normal circumstances, the "bewitching brain worm" is locked in by the sniper beetle, and his strong spirit will surely be found. However, under the sniper mirror, the "bewitching brain worm" moves leisurely without any feeling.

The sniper shot fired a sniper bullet, and it was not until it hit the head of the "bewitching brain worm" that the "bewitching brain worm" uttered a shrill cry and fell to the ground.

David was surprised to find that in the whole process, dart sniper master's spirit has been kept in a state of introvert, without any fluctuations.

After that, David saw how master dart sniped at various enemies, including Zerg and Oracle. A lot of knowledge was introduced into David's mind with sniping.

Until the illusion disappeared, David came to life.

Master level sniper ability is really mastered by him, he also understood the gap between himself and the sniper master before.

In fact, when the sniper beetle reaches the peak of mastery level, the sniper technology has already reached the peak of technology. This is where most sniper beetles can reach in their lifetime.

Sniper master is stronger than sniper beetle in the use of spirit. Spirit is not only used to hide the intention of killing, but also used to accurately transmit the recoil force of sniper.

If a sniper beetle meets a sniper master, the sniper beetle can't find the sniper master, even if the sniper master launches an attack, the sniper beetle can't find the sniper master.

That's the gap, the fatal gap.

Sniper master can also use a larger caliber, far more powerful than ordinary sniper armour weapons, because the sniper master can use the spirit to transmit greater recoil force.In addition, there are many aspects of the spirit application of sniper master, which also makes the threshold of becoming a sniper master higher.

The spirit needed to become a sniper master is higher than that required to be a master of other weapons, which makes the number of sniper masters even rarer.

As far as dart sniper master is concerned, his spirit is three to four times higher than that of ordinary people. If David had not had the help of shadow guards, he would never have been a sniper Oracle, let alone a sniper master.

From this sniper inheritance, David got a spiritual skill, that is to dissolve the killing intention in the spirit and turn it into other properties, such as deterrence, deterrence, suppression and so on.

Sniper masters also often fight. When they kill powerful Zerg, they will naturally have the intention of killing. These killing intentions are integrated with the spirit to produce a more fierce spirit.

But at the same time, it also makes the sniper master extremely easy to expose, so it is necessary to convert the killing intention into other properties.

David hesitated for a moment. In his recent battle, he was very comfortable using the spirit of killing. However, he has dealt with a number of weapon masters. These weapon masters also have a good spirit. Based on their fighting experience, they should have produced the spirit of killing for a long time.

But none of the weapons masters he met had the same spirit of killing as him.

David doesn't believe that these weapon masters have not killed as many enemies as he has killed in his whole life. Even if it is not as good as that, the long-term accumulation of killing should produce killing intention.

Since there is no killing spirit, there is only one possibility. These weapon masters have dissolved the spirit of killing.

Thinking of this, David began to use the spirit skills of the master sniper inheritance, using the spirit waves to constantly wash the killing spirit.

He chose the spirit of deterrence as the goal, so in the process of the spiritual wave scouring, special skills turned the killing intention in the spirit into strange energy, and then converted into the spirit of deterrence.

In fact, David didn't know the importance of the skill he had acquired, which was bought at a great cost by the army to the great world.

If it wasn't for this technique to help fight Zerg, it would have been impossible for God's big world to pass it on to the interstellar Federation.

Even in the military, only a small number of high-end combat forces can learn this skill, and the rest can only be solved through some common methods.

The so-called universal way is to cultivate a hobby, and then devote yourself to it, so that you can slowly dissolve the killing intention. This process takes a very long time, at least more than 10 years to have an effect.

And if you want to resolve the killing intention all the time, you need to stick to it all the time.

When the serpent refitted ship returned to renka, David's spirit of killing was completely dissolved, which changed his temperament.

Now, if you introduce him to others as the "invincible" David, many people will not believe it.

Because his temperament became very peaceful, just like an ordinary student, and under the influence of a lot of knowledge, he became more bookish.

This also made captain hope take deep doubts in his eyes when he said goodbye to David. He did not understand why the voyage of these two days made David have such a great change. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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