Transcendent David

Chapter 322: CH 322

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"This year's situation is not right. In the past few years, a small number of freshmen have lost face. This year's practice is to see us all lying on the ground!" Mike looked at President canning and whispered to several people around him.

Twice the gravity, there's no pressure on the six of them, and Mike has the spare time to talk to a few people.

"Is there any special freshmen this year?" Miles nodded suspiciously.

Myers's words won the approval of the rest of them. Meanwhile, as the top six of the five thousand freshmen, if there is any special freshman, it is very likely to appear among them.

Mike, miles and others all turn their eyes to David. The only unfamiliar one here is David.

"David is the only one among us. We don't know the details. David, introduce yourself!" Mike said with a smile.

To tell you the truth, although there are a lot of high school graduates in the whole airdiya star field, the super strong ones are also trained by some powerful forces or strong people in the star field, and each other knows each other more or less.

But this time, the top six in the top six of David, but let the rest of the freshmen a little surprised, David seems to come out of thin air.

They had some conjectures about David's identity, but none of them associated him with the "invincible" David.

"I come from Panshi, born in an ordinary family of civil servants. Later, I met my teacher. With the help of my teacher, I came to renka star." David simply introduced himself.

We are chatting. Now the gravity has reached three times, and some of the freshmen are lying on the ground, but these are potential talents. Many freshmen who can't withstand the three times of gravity, even if their teeth are bitten and bleeding, are still holding on to avoid gravity.

"David, David from rock star, aren't you the first one in college entrance examination?" Louise interposed in surprise.

For the ordinary freshmen majoring in a-gentry, their cultural achievements are not particularly important. As long as they reach a certain passing line, they should mainly reflect their own potential in the interview assessment.

Although many of these 5000 freshmen are not even first class students, this is not to say that there are only so many candidates in the whole airdia star domain in the potential assessment. It is because many candidates who have become Oracle candidates show much less potential in the assessment than those who have not.

"God, David, are you doing so well in culture?" Mike said in surprise.

Among the freshmen majoring in Jiashi, there are few with excellent cultural achievements. This is mainly because if you want to pass the examination, you must spend a lot of time on the practice of the professional items in junior high school and senior high school.

This also makes the freshmen of A-shi major naturally differ a lot from those majoring in culture, and both sides will despise each other in the admission meeting.

"Ha ha, David, you really give us the long face of Oracle professional!" Miles laughed.

"It seems that I underestimated you. I can still laugh in the test!" President canning looked at miles, gave David a special look, and then said in a deep voice.

Miles immediately shut up. He was a little annoyed. He laughed at this time and directly offended canning, the president of the student union. It seems that he will have a hard time in school in the future.

With a wave of his hand, President canning saw five regiments of unidentified items thrown in from the five gates.

"It's a beehive!" David saw what had fallen on the ground and couldn't help but whisper.

At this time, all the freshmen in the whole venue saw it, and the freshmen who were close to the beehive quickly dodged.

It's just that this is a triple gravity environment. There's a big difference between static and moving gravity.

Once moved, many freshmen can no longer support three times the gravity and fall to the ground heavily.

At this time, a lot of small black bees fly out of the hive, and fly to all the newborn.

"This is a wireworm. It can survive in a high gravity environment. Don't worry it won't cause fatal damage. And as long as the victim lies on the ground, it won't attack again!" President canning said in a deep voice.

"So cruel?" As he spoke, Mike quickly manipulated the identity bracelet, and one of his suitcases moved to his side.

He opened the trunk, took out a flat bottle, quickly opened it and rubbed a little liquid on his face.

"Mike, give me some deworming water too. I didn't expect that you prepared so much!" Myers called with a twinkle in his eyes.

Myers's words let the two girls also look over. They are not unfamiliar with the wireworms. Don't listen to what President canning says will not be fatal. The harm of the wirebee is more painful than the direct fatal.

The venom of wireline bee tail sting is a special kind of poison, which can amplify the poisoning person's feeling of pain. In addition, the poison in the tail sting also has the effect of severe pain. People will feel the pain deep in the soul after being hit by the sting, which is not what ordinary people can bear.

What the two girls are more interested in is that once they are stung by a wirebee, even after treatment, they will have a few days to leave a mark.This is absolutely unacceptable for girls.

Among the freshmen present, Mike is not the only one who has the method to deal with the wireworm bees. However, a dozen freshmen have used different methods of insect repellent, which makes them unable to attack them for a time.

But more freshmen fall to the ground and scream loudly after being attacked by the wireworm.

President canning can't help shaking his head when he looks at the performance of these freshmen. Every year, freshmen are welcomed in different ways. As long as no one is killed or insulted, the school will acquiesce.

In this way, all freshmen can forget their pride and become a practical student.

Especially this time, President canning took the initiative to take over the task of testing for David.

For nothing else, just for David's particularly hateful title "invincible class a", which is a kind of declaration of war for the students of A-class major in the supreme College of aridia.

Every student who is able to enter the a major of alidia first college can be ranked as the first genius of the same age in a large and medium-sized city.

With the best resources and the best teachers, they don't think it will be weaker than the so-called "invincible".

So this test is to measure David's strength, and all the other freshmen are incidental.

The two Hornets flew to the six of David. At this time, Mike, miles, Evelyn and Louise all used insect repellent water. Only David and Fitch haven't come and use them.

The two wasps immediately followed them. The two bees separated and flew to David and Fitch.

"Be careful!" Mike reminds him that he is about to throw deworming water to David, but he stops again.

The fly to David's wire bee, has not been close to David, it seems to encounter something terrible, crazy turn around and fly away.

David is ready to use his mind to control the wireworm, but he feels that the white snake on his wrist twists slightly, and the wireworm is scared away.

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David then thought that the little white snake was an extraordinary creature. Even the smallest one, he was born with the ability to suppress other weak creatures.

"Mike, give me deworming water!" Feiqi dodges Qian Xianfeng's attack in a panic and shouts at the same time.

Mike throws the flat bottle in the past. Although Fitch is embarrassed, his speed increases sharply. He avoids the attack of the wirebee again and catches the bottle thrown by Mike.

David also saw a bright spot in front of his eyes. The attack of the wireworm was not so easy to avoid.

The speed of the iron wire peak is very fast, coupled with its small body, which makes it very difficult to dodge its attack.

However, Fitch kept away from the iron wire peak one after another, showing his ability to master the body accurately. The final sudden acceleration was the explosion of speed talent.

By now the gravity has increased to five times, and only 50 of the 5000 freshmen are still standing.

Even Mike, miles, Fitch, and Evelyn were serious and full of effort.

David also felt a little hard, but his master's shield mastery and master's sniping ability all had the effect of introducing pressure into the ground. At this time, his spirit formed several spiritual channels in his body, and the pressure of gravity on his body was transmitted to the ground under his feet through these spiritual channels.

To David's surprise, the little girl like Louise looks the same, a very relaxed look.

"Louise, I envy your physical talent. This gravity doesn't work for you at all!" Said miles enviously to Louise.

"Then change, I want your strength talent!" Louise said softly, her eyes fixed.

To be honest, Louise is very dissatisfied with her natural ability. To increase her body's defense ability, this talent is definitely one of the most pitiful talents.

Why is it the most pitiful talent ability? It's about the armour's equipment.

The armour needs to wear exoskeleton armor when fighting. Even if it is the worst exoskeleton armor, the added defense for the beetle is not comparable to that of the physical talent.

No matter how high the defense increased by physique talent, it can't block the attack of class weapons. If the armour of armour's exoskeleton is broken, it must be injured by the level weapon.

Although Louise is very relaxed at the moment, the physical talent is really very weak for the increase of combat power.

Of course, it's not that Louise's physical talent doesn't work. Physical talent and Louise's Weapon Mastery have a lot of promoting effects, but the female beetles with big shield are too rare.

When David heard the conversation between Louise and miles, he could not help but look at the freshmen present.

Just for a moment, David confirmed Fitch's speed talent, Louise's physique talent, and miles' strength talent. The rest of Evelyn and Mike are supposed to have their own talents.

With David himself, it's estimated that only at the first college of Alicia will he meet so many talented talents.This is just what David knows. There may be some gifted beetles among the freshmen, let alone the old ones.

Just thinking about it, Mike again uses the identity bracelet to move another suitcase to his side, opens it and takes out a bottle of liquid medicine to drink.

Almost immediately, the seriousness on Mike's face disappeared, and he was as relaxed as Louise.

"Mike, what kind of potion, give me a bottle too!" Myers saw the effect of the potion and exclaimed.

"Go, it's a temporary tonic, I don't have any more!" Mike waved and refused.

"We are brothers who are going to form a team with you in the future. Are you so desperate?" Miles said with a sad face.


"That's it

Fitch and Evelyn nodded again and again, saying that if Mike didn't give the potion, it was really hopeless.

"I'm afraid of you. I'm going to form a team and I'm going to be the team leader." Mike shook his head helplessly, taking four bottles of liquid medicine out of the box.

"Of course, Mike is the best captain!" Miles took the medicine with a smile on his face and drank it directly.

Fitch and Evelyn immediately drank the potion, and they became more comfortable with gravity.

David didn't understand what they just said. When Mike gave him a bottle of liquid medicine, he also took it, but he didn't use it immediately. He was ready to wait until he could not support it.

"I forgot that David didn't know about the school, so I'll explain it!" Miles saw the daze on David's face and volunteered.

It turns out that Mike took the initiative to invite the other five together. This is a tradition of the college. The top six students with the highest potential form a strong group of first-class students.

This group will represent the college to participate in the competition outside the college, and at the same time, within the college, these six positions will also be challenged by students of the same level.

But in any case, the top six potential freshmen are members of the first group of the strongest.

"It doesn't matter who is the captain!" David said with a smile.

He came to the college to learn more knowledge, including how to make his heavy axe master the promotion to the perfect level, including how to be more confident in the promotion of transcendence, including finding more spiritual secrets and so on.

As for other things, David is indifferent to his attitude. With his current strength, not to mention the freshmen, it is estimated that among all the students in the school, it will not exist that he can be defeated.

Five thousand freshmen were left with only six shadows when six times gravity arrived.

Mike, they took the potion to improve their physique, and Louise had a physical talent. Now they are all sweating under the gravity.

Even President canning's face was reddish, which made him feel uncomfortable.

David is the most special. His body is constantly shaking. Although his body vibrates from time to time, in fact, he is the most relaxed among these people.

As long as he can use the skill of transmitting power, the gravity on his body will not exert much pressure on his body until the gravity does not exceed the limit that his body can bear. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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