Transcendent David

Chapter 325: CH 325

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The next morning, a service robot brought breakfast, and David, who got up at five in the morning, just finished his morning training.

Breakfast is a secondary fortified meat, which is a benefit of living in the top 100 micro villas. This resource does not cost anything.

Although David used up a portion of grade 3 fortified meat before his practice, he would not waste resources.

When it comes to grade 3 fortified meat, David has only four portions, and the grade 3 fortified meat he exchanged from Oracle virtual world is running out.

I thought that taking so many three-level fortified meat was enough to make him reach the peak level. Unfortunately, after David reached the high-level armour, the effect was far less than before, which made David still need 400 kg to reach the peak level.

The closer to the limit of 320kg, the slower the speed of cultivation.

In addition, three levels of fortified meat can not be maintained, so David's training speed will be greatly reduced.

Sitting at the table, David cuts a small piece of secondary fortified meat and gives it to the little white snake.

In recent days, he got along with little white snake, especially through spiritual exchange, which made him very close to little white snake. The little white snake never separated from him for a moment, always entangled in his wrist and refused to leave.

"Xiaobai, eat slowly!" David said with a smile as he watched the little snake named Xiaobai swallow the second grade fortified meat which was not much smaller than its body.

Xiaobai sends back a sense of comfort. After swallowing the second grade fortified meat, Xiaobai's body immediately swells more than double, just like a rugby.

At the end of David's meal, Xiaobai's body had returned to its original state, and he could not see that he had just swallowed a piece of huge second grade fortified meat for him.

After dinner, David wore his school uniform in the closet and went to the classroom according to the timetable.

It is not that there is no culture course in the first college of alidiya. There are three cultural classes in the morning and the professional course in the afternoon.

There are many teaching buildings in the college. According to the map on the identity bracelet, David came to the Jiashi college and found the assigned classroom in the Jiashi college.

When he walked into the classroom, David saw that Mike and other people had arrived. They were sitting in the first row and had reserved seats for him.

David sat down and looked at the classroom. It was a large room for one hundred people.

At the moment, more than 50 students have arrived.

"David, it's inconvenient that you don't live with us. It's hard to call you in the morning." Mike explained that they didn't call David to class in the morning.

"Don't call me in the morning, I have a training plan in the morning!" David said with a smile.

"David, how about the welfare breakfast for the top 100?" Miles asked curiously.

Although we know that the top 100 micro villas have a tilt in resources, but where to ask the only freshman David is more clear.

"It's a second strength in the morning." David answered.

"I knew that the grade 2 fortified meat of the college needs points to be exchanged. I can only eat grade 1 fortified meat in the morning!" Miles said admiringly.

In fact, in this small circle, it is estimated that only David gets resources by himself.

David in renka star, if he doesn't work hard, he can only take the first grade fortified meat assigned to him by Fox every day, and he can't get the second grade fortified meat.

The other five members of the small circle, each of whom is focused on training, has the best resources every day, and grade II fortified meat is also a daily resource.

Only after entering the college, the resources outside the school can't be brought in. All the training needs to be obtained by ourselves.

Or to complete the task to earn points, or to challenge the top 100 college, so as to get benefits like David.

"Yes, I have brought some grade II fortified meat, but it can't last for a few days. I heard that basic study is required for the three months of enrollment, and only after passing the examination can I be allowed to go out to complete the task!" Mike said with some annoyance.

He has the most luggage, but his cultivation resources are limited.

"These three months of hard work, through the cultural assessment can also get some points!" Fitch went on.

"It's good to pass the cultural course assessment. It's estimated that only David can get points reward here!" Mike looked at some people, shook his head and said.

Now that the students are full of the classroom, David glances around the room. There are exactly 100 students in the classroom.

Think of this, there are more than 5000 freshmen in the Jia Shi major, and there are more than 50 classes in each class. This is only a professional freshman. No wonder the college has built a city.

One hundred students were divided into small groups, and David found that almost all of them were in groups of six.

It can be seen that this is for the purpose of establishing a group of first-class scholars. Perhaps it is also because these local talents have a clearer understanding and more purposeful communication with each other than ordinary school students.Just as the students were chatting, a man in his thirties came into the room. From his breath, David could judge that he was an ordinary man.

"Students, I'm your head teacher, marvel!" Mr. Marvell stood on the platform, looking at the students in the classroom introducing themselves.

David didn't understand why the A-class major would let a non-A teacher be the head teacher, but he saw that there was no surprise around him.

"You can come to me if you have any problems in culture class, life and so on. Your professional class of Jia Shi will not be divided into classes like this now, so you need to find your tutor for the problems of Oracle major!" Mr. Marvell saw some of the students' doubts and went on.

David realized that this class was just a culture class. Mr. Marvell, the head teacher, was also the head teacher of the cultural course. They also had another tutor who was responsible for teaching the knowledge of the oracle.

"In the afternoon, you will assign instructors according to the weapons you use. At present, the instructors you assign are based on the selection of instructors and your own assessment characteristics. If some students are not satisfied with the assigned instructors, they can have a chance to choose again. Of course, whether the tutor you choose agrees to accept you depends on the tutor's own opinion Yes.

Once a student chooses a tutor again, and no tutor is willing to accept it, then the student can only study by himself this semester! " Mr. Marvell explained.

David also heard that. The meaning of the college is very clear. If you are dissatisfied with the assigned tutor, you'd better consider whether to change the tutor. Unless you get the consent of another tutor, you'd better not change the tutor easily.

To be able to become a mentor of the first college of alidia, in fact, is certainly not weak. Which one of them is not proud of himself.

The culture class in the morning is a little easier for David. David has the idea of whether it is necessary to stay in the classroom.

He didn't want to be too special just because he had just entered school.

The three cultural classes are taught by three senior professors. It seems that the reason is that this is a scholar's major. Besides giving lectures, the professor has almost no extra words and leaves after the lecture.

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At the end of the morning class, David and his classmates went to the college canteen.

"It's my treat today. I'm going to choose the monitor in a week. Please support me a lot." Mike said with a smile as soon as he entered the canteen.

"I'd like a first-class fortified meat set meal!" Myers said first.

His student number is No.1. If he wants to be a monitor, he will have a bigger chance than Mike's No.2. At this moment, he shows his attitude, which means that he will withdraw from the competition of monitor.

"It's a pity that there's no two-step fortified meat set meal, so I'll also have a second-class fortified meat set meal!" Fitch went on.

"Evelyn, I heard that all the ingredients in the beauty food here are rare outside. Shall we order the beauty meal?" Louise did not mean to be polite at all, and suggested to Evelyn, who was also a woman.

"I've heard about it, too. Just order this one!" Evelyn also said with a big look in her eyes.

David looked at the price at the back of the meal ordered by several people. The value of the first-class fortified meat set meal was more than 100000 credit points, and the beauty meal ordered by two female students reached 150000 credit points.

Although David is very rich, he is not used to ordering such expensive food when other people treat him.

"Don't be polite to Mike, David. He's the richest of us!" Miles saw David's hesitation and said with a smile.

"Then I'll have a first-class fortified meat set meal, too!" David was no longer polite and ordered the same food as them.

"How cruel you are Although Mike said this, he didn't care at all on his face and began to order.

Although David didn't know what the power behind Mike was, he saw that Mike was rich from the first time he met him. The potion for improving his physique in a short time was given to his classmates.

The canteen is very large, and it should be a special canteen for freshmen. There are no senior students. It also makes the atmosphere in the canteen very lively.

Shortly after sitting down, a delivery robot delivers the food.

To David's surprise, this first-class fortified meat set is not simply roasted first-class fortified meat, but is made into four different dishes, which taste very good.

You know, almost all of the students here started to eat fortified meat since they were young. After so many years of compulsory eating of fortified meat every day, they are also tired.

The college has specially studied various methods of fortified meat, which can change the flavor of fortified meat while retaining its effectiveness. David has never seen this practice even in a few extraordinary places.

"I don't know who my mentor will be?" Mike stopped his knife and fork and said uneasily.

"It should not be bad. Our student number is the top six, and the tutor should also be the strongest tutor in the grade!" Fitch didn't worry too much.

"We don't have the same mentor, do we?" Said miles, looking at the men."It depends on what kind of weapon David uses?" Mike looked at David and asked.

"I used a heavy axe!" David replied with a smile.

"Haha, it seems that I'm probably the same Oracle tutor as David!" Miles said with a smile.

"In order to enhance our mutual understanding, we'd like to introduce the weapons we use. I'll go first. My weapon is the Warhammer!" Mike waved.

In fact, except David and they are not familiar with each other, the other five people know their own situation.

"I use a heavy axe like David Myers went on.

"I'm good at spears!" Fitch then said.

"I use a sword, I've been trained as a scoundrel!" Evelyn introduced herself, adding a little uneasy.

The power of long sword against Zerg is really very weak, but it is different if it is a scout. Scouts need faster speed.

"I'm a shield beetle!" Finally, said Louise in a slightly embarrassed whisper.

Although a woman such as Louise holds a big shield, it is always a bit against the rule, but as long as you think of her physical talent, holding a big shield can give full play to its natural characteristics, which is normal.

Lunch was spent chatting while eating. The lunch time was enough for an hour. After that, several people had to separate and go to their respective training rooms.

David and miles check the training room, let miles disappointed that he and David are not in the same training room, which shows that he and David are not the same mentor.

Opening the map on the identity bracelet, David found his training room according to the map.

This is a 100 square meter training room, training armor and black iron wood axe placed on one side.

It's just strange that the time is almost up. There are no other students in this training room.

In general, a tutor will take 30 or 40 students, and there are at least 10 students. David is the only one in this training room, but he has never heard of it.

David had doubts about whether he had gone to the wrong training room. He checked it again to make sure he didn't make a mistake.

Just when David was in doubt, the door of the training room opened and master Leo came in.

"Well, Master David, you are a high-level Oracle already?" Leo saw David for the first time, but he was surprised.

Just three months ago, David was still a new member of the middle class, but I haven't seen him for three months. Now it is found that David is a high-level beetle and is not a new high-level one.

"I got some grade 3 fortified meat during the holiday, so I've improved my strength a little bit!" David replied truthfully.

"Master David, I'm sorry, I didn't make your student number one!" Master Leo said to David a little sorry.

He is the person in charge of David's assessment. In his opinion, David is definitely the most potential student in this class, and should be absolutely the first.

However, there are strict rules for the ranking of student numbers, so that David can only get the number four. Master Leo always feels that it is not in line with David's strength.

Especially when he saw that David's class of a was a high-level one, he felt that the No. 4 student number was seriously inconsistent with David's identity. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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