Transcendent David

Chapter 346: CH 346

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For the rest of the journey, Kenny's extraordinary flying position was just below David, keeping his best reaction to danger.

David is a bit sorry for the soul of the "popcorn", but he has no reason to fly down to absorb it. Kenny is good to him, but he should pay attention to some behaviors.

Don't think that the extraordinary will be a fool. If you don't pay attention to it, Kenny may doubt him.

Kenny extraordinary killed a few more Zerg along the way, but fortunately did not meet the third level Zerg, but very smoothly arrived at the target position.

"Right here?" Kenny looked down into the valley and asked in a voice.

"Yes, the entrance is between the boulders!" David said, pointing to the boulder below.

"Go down and have a look!" Kenny is extraordinary as he talks and goes down first.

"It's hidden here!" Kenny looked at the entrance and said in a deep voice.

He was in front, and David was in the back.

"Well, companion stone, David, you're lucky!" Kenny turned on the searchlight and saw the rocks on the wall of the cave in the dark passage. He couldn't help laughing.

"If you enter here, you can see some krypton crystal source ores!" David also turned on the searchlight.

The light on the exoskeleton armor is not dazzling, but a natural light source for scattering.

This is to facilitate the mutual cooperation in the fight at night, and will not cause unnecessary influence due to strong light source.

It's almost the ultimate in interstellar detail.

When he came to the cave again, David saw the puppet he had left behind. He was dying on the ground in a strange posture.

Kenny extraordinary also saw the "iron winged bat bug" and looked at David strangely.

He doesn't think it's suicidal. He thinks it's David who stabbed the beetle's heart with his front paw.

However, thinking of David's fight in the bar, David's unarmed combat power almost crushed green and Barbara, who are called academic talents. It is not surprising that David would use such means to kill the "iron winged bat insect".

Genius always has some quirks, and Kenny extraordinary only thinks that David likes this kind of behavior.

"Krypton crystal source ore, but the quantity is a little small!" Kenny extraordinary also saw the light on the wall of the big hole, and sighed as he flew up.

Of course, he knew that this was only the krypton crystal source ore exposed outside. He needed to check the quality of the krypton crystal source ore to determine the grade of the kryptonite before deciding on the next action.

Kenny extraordinary came to a krypton crystal source ore, equipped with extraordinary armor palm into the rock wall, easy krypton crystal source ore out.

"David, it's a high-grade source mine. There's great mining value here. Next, we'll see the reserves here!" Kenny said to David with great surprise.

"How to check the reserves?" David also flew to Kenny and asked.

"Judge by experience first, and then hand it over to a specially assigned person to measure it!" Kenny said with a smile, playing with kryptonite in his hands.

He flew to a cave on the wall of the cave. At the moment of entering the cave, he fixed his body.

"The reserves don't need to be measured. I'm sure it's a rich mine. David, you're rich!" Kenny said with a smile as he looked at the wall of the cave full of kryptonite.

"I don't have much interest in credit points. If only I could change them into points!" David is not excited about getting rich. Fortune is just a bunch of numbers for him, he tried to ask.

David is now worth tens of billions, and the rapid growth of yukel intelligence organization has brought him wealth. The 40 billion fixed assets also provide him with credit points. With his credit point, as long as he does not buy any super luxury goods, it is enough.

"Don't think about it, points will be awarded to you, but the number will not be too much. The college has a strict system, so you'd better be ready to receive a steady stream of credit points!" Kenny shook his head and laughed.

Kenny walked into the cave and saw the damaged eggs within 50 meters.

"David, did you destroy this egg?" Kenny turned to David and asked.

"Yes, except for a cave where the king of the iron winged bat bug lives, all the rest are eggs of these insects!" Although it was done by the puppet of the iron winged bat insect, it was also destroyed by David, so David admitted.

"Hoo!" Kenny breathed a long sigh of relief and said in a deep voice, "David, you won't get less points this time. I'll fight for you!"

Thank you David's heart is happy, busy thanks way.

"Don't thank me, you deserve it!" Kenny looked at the eggs on the ground and said, stepping heavily on the broken eggs, he continued: "this discovery will be reported to the military, so many eggs are not normal!"

Normally speaking, after occupying this kryptonite mine, the "iron winged bat" group will not produce eggs crazily, but should strive to improve the average combat power of the "iron winged bat".The population of hundreds of iron winged bats is large enough that there is no need to expand.

This kryptonite is enough to live for hundreds of years, and can become a fixed nest for the group. However, the purpose of producing so many eggs is to rapidly increase the population of the insect, regardless of the consumption of kryptonite.

There is only one possibility, that is, Zerg need to develop a large number of "iron winged bat insects".

Combined with the frequent actions of warstar Zerg recently, Kenny has a bad idea in his mind.

"David, I'll call Glenn and Galton here. We can talk to the military together!" Kenny was terrified of David and explained ahead of time.

"It's up to you!" David didn't think much about it. He was a college student and believed Kenny would not do anything harmful to him, so he said with a smile.

Kenny nodded heavily. He turned on the connector on his extraordinary armor.

"Let's wait outside for them!" After a while, Kenny said to David.

Two people fly to the valley, after more than an hour, the sky flew two faint green light belt, close to the green light band stopped in front of them.

Put away the face armor of extraordinary armor, it is Glenn extraordinary and Galton extraordinary.

"David, see you again!" Glen came up and patted David on the shoulder.

Galton grinned at David and nodded.

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"Please come here to help you. David found this kryptonite. Some information in it must be reported to the military. I'm afraid the kryptonite will be forcibly occupied by the military, so I need you to take charge of it!" Kenny said with a smile to two of them.

"Since it was discovered by David, it is kryptonite of the Ministry of education. How can the military intervene? But what must you report to the military?" Glen asked in a strange way.

This kind of kryptonite is a very important discovery. Due to the particularity of kryptonite, it is generally reported to the military only after it is fully controlled. At this time, there must be something big wrong with the report.

"There are tens of thousands of eggs of the iron winged bat insect. Do you think it is very serious?" Kenny is also very helpless to say.

"My God Both Glenn and Galton had changed their faces, and they both guessed the cause of the trouble.

"You've come a little faster. The military will arrive in ten minutes. Please wait with me for a while." Kenny continued.

"No problem!" Glenn and Galton nodded at the same time.

The protection of the three academic bases in this area is extraordinary and has a special relationship.

Only by helping each other, the three extraordinary can protect the bases of the three colleges. At the same time, the friendship and the close relationship between the colleges have made the relationship of the three extraordinary beyond the ordinary friendship.

The three extraordinary members belong to the same community of interests. The resources produced in this area ensure the resources guarantee of their respective star regions colleges to the greatest extent.

So Kenny extraordinary in need of two extraordinary, two extraordinary without any hesitation on on the side of Kenny extraordinary.

"David, you're well-developed. You'll have a treat at that time." Glen grinned and joked.

At their level, the attraction of credit points to them is very limited. What they need is something they can't buy.

"Anytime!" David answered with a smile.

"Here comes the army!" Kenny exclaimed.

David looked up at the sky. In the dark, six huge luminescent bodies were approaching. David could see that they were six destroyers.

As the six destroyers approached, four of them surrounded the valley. The lights on the destroyers illuminated the valley at night into day.

One destroyer was in the air, just above the valley, and five destroyers held the whole valley under control.

The rest of the destroyers came down, and the huge jets blew the rubble and dust all over the ground, forcing David and the three extraordinary men to put on their masks again.

"I hate this kind of military display!" Glen said with extraordinary dissatisfaction.

"There is no way for the military. Ordinary soldiers are too vulnerable here!" Kenny is extraordinary, he explained.

David listened to Kenny's extraordinary words and understood the military's helplessness.

All destroyers can't be full of beetles, and non beetles can hardly survive on the surface of the guardian planet. This is not to say that the environment here is, but the Zerg that may appear at any time. Any one of them can easily kill non beetles.

In particular, some special inspection and analysis personnel are not likely to be first class.

The destroyer landed steadily on the ground, occupying most of the valley.

The destroyer spewed out wisps of water mist, and the dust in the sky slowly dissipated with the mist.

When the ship door opened, a major general came out first, and then more than 100 soldiers in protective clothing walked down behind him."Froude, long time no see!" Kenny came forward and said with a smile.

"Kenny, you don't believe us, even Glenn and Galton are calling!" Froude nodded to the crowd and said with a smile.

"Froude, if you come normally, how can you send six destroyers here?" Glen quipped.

"Warships landing on the ground, this is a necessary procedure!" Freud explained, still smiling.

As a matter of fact, Froude has brought the plan of how to compensate Kenny extraordinary this time. Kryptonite is very important. Getting a kryptonite is equivalent to the military having an extra base here.

But after seeing Glenn and Galton, we know that there is no hope.

"Froude, let's not say anything else. You'll have someone check it out before we can develop this kryptonite as soon as possible!" Kenny extraordinary interrupted the two extraordinary confrontation.

"You go in!" Froude nodded his head and ordered more than 100 soldiers in protective clothing.

After entering the cave, salute the soldiers.

"Froude, did the military find anything unusual on the guardian planet? Recently, there are many more class II Zerg near the Academy base than ever before, and even level 3 Zerg have appeared, which is rarely seen before!" Kenny was extraordinary and worried.

"The military has also found that the number of Zerg has increased abnormally. In terms of the resources of the guardian star, this situation should not happen. If the eggs of the iron winged bat in kryptonite are true, it is likely that the Zerg are planning a big action!" Said Froude, with an extraordinary and serious look.

"The number of Zerg on the base of our college has also increased. I'm ready to apply to the college to transfer two more extraordinary people." When it comes to business, Glenn is serious.

"It's the same with our college base. Last time, we were nearly hurt by the" one eyed giant beetle ". So I applied to the college, and I'll come back when the extraordinary people over there finish their work." Galton continued.

"So, this kryptonite is still given to the military. The military can build a military fortress here, which can relieve your pressure!" Froude suggested.

"Froude, this belongs to the Ministry of education. If you want to apply directly to the Ministry of education, see if the Ministry of education will let go!" Glen helps Kenny refuse.

Froude shook his head helplessly. It seems that this kryptonite doesn't need to be thought about.

The reason why kryptonite is important is that in order to establish a base on the guardian planet, the most important issue is energy.

Without energy, it is impossible to maintain the operation of a huge base. We can't rely entirely on transportation energy, not to mention the transportation cost. In case the base is attacked, there will be no huge krypton storage, and the war consumption will not be maintained.

Coupled with the consumption of shields and so on, only kryptonite is the best solution.

Why there are only three academic bases in this area? It is precisely because only three kryptonites have been found. On the basis of three kryptonites, three academic bases have been built, which have become the bases for cultivating talents of the Federation.

Even if the military wants to establish a base on the guardian planet, it also needs kryptonite as the basis. This is not a peaceful area. The military can not maintain long-range energy transportation because of the continuous Zerg attacks. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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