Transcendent David

Chapter 358: CH 358

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"Kill!" Esmond gave a great drink. His left foot touched the ground, and the ground was powdered by the pieces he ordered. Under the protection of his extraordinary armor, his body rushed to the king of "stone skin worm" like a green lightning.

Archie sped up from the other side at the same time, charging towards the other side of the stone skin worm king.

The king of "stone skin worm" also has no legs, but only a body. This is why two extraordinary people dare to explore each other even though they know each other is a third level Zerg.

The stone skin worm is the weakest among the second-class Zerg. After becoming king, the king of the stone skin worm will evolve some talents beyond the group.

Looking at the king of the stone skin worm in front of him, both the two extraordinary people suspected that he was the defensive talent of the stone skin worm race.

Because from the appearance of the king of stone skin worm, there is no trace of other special talents.

In general, the special talents possessed by Zerg will be shown in their physical appearance.

Esmond's extraordinary third grade sword touched the skin of the king of the stone skin worm, which made him happy. This shows that the speed of the stone skin worm king has not been greatly improved, and he is still restricted by the stone skin worm race.

This made the "stone skin worm" King lose the first opportunity in the battle.

The third grade sword slipped on the skin of the king of stone skin worm, but it still cut a wound.

As soon as there was a little bit of green blood, the wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

David saw this scene through the shadow servant's eyes, and was shocked by the defense and resilience of the king of the stone skin worm.

It's a third level weapon. Although it's only a light sword, it's more powerful than David's own heavy axe.

David has hardly met any opponent who can resist when he uses the third class heavy axe. As long as he cuts, it must be divided into two parts.

However, Esmond's extraordinary sword only made a deep wound appear on the king of stone skin worm, and it healed quickly.

Even if the king of the stone skin worm was put in front of David and let him kill him, he could not kill the other side.

David was extremely envious of this ability of the king of the stone skin worm. He had the idea of killing the king of the stone skin worm to get his soul and get this talent from the soul.

But when he saw that Archie's extraordinary third level sword had swept the king of stone skin worm, the wound healed automatically after the third level sword was taken back. He also calmed down.

This "stone skin worm" king is not what he can deal with. In the future, he can invite the extraordinary of the academy to hunt with him.

"Ha ha, the king of the stone skin worm has only evolved defense!" Said Esmond, with an extraordinary laugh.

"Let's see how much blood it can shed!" Archie was also smiling.

After seeing the amazing defense and resilience of the king of the stone skin worm, they were not surprised but pleased, because this confirmed the evolutionary direction of the stone skin worm.

No matter how strong the defense and resilience of the stone skin worm king, they can grind it to death.

Especially when the "stone skin worm" king personally started, the rest of the "stone skin worm" remained motionless, and it seemed that they would not intervene in the king's battle.

Although they don't understand the idea of the stone skin worm group, they will not give up this opportunity.

The moving speed of Esmond and Archie is increasing, and the third grade sword in his hand constantly causes wounds on the king of stone skin worm.

The king of the stone skin worm wanted to fight back, but every attack hit the air, and its speed could not keep up with the two extraordinary speed.

The evolution direction of this "stone skin worm" king is indeed problematic. Although it has pushed the race talent to an unimaginable level, it can not possess the attack power of level 3 Zerg applications.

Two third grade swords constantly cause wounds. The king of stone skin worm doesn't care about these wounds. It's angry that it can't attack the enemy, so it changes the way of attack.

The thick tail sweeps on the ground, a large number of stones fly to the two extraordinary, so that the two extraordinary have to slow down the attack and dodge the attack of the stone.

"Esmond, we can't drag on like this, we'll use our full strength!" Said Archie with a supernormal frown.

"Good!" Esmond nodded.

The strange energy surging on the two extraordinary people makes the green light of two third grade swords even more dazzling. It seems that there is water flowing on the swords.

David looked at the abnormality of the three level sword in the hands of two extraordinary people, and sensed the strange energy flowing on it. This energy made David feel extremely dangerous and had inexplicable kindness.

"Extraordinary power, this is extraordinary power!" David knows what kind of energy it is. The extraordinary people he met before seldom use this energy, which makes him have a lot of contact with the supernatural and rarely see the power of transcendence.After evading the flying stones, Esmond's third level sword hit the king of stone skin worm again. Different from the previous attacks, the third level sword successfully penetrated into the skin of King stone skin worm.

This sword does more damage than all previous attacks. The whole third level sword does not enter the king's body, causing damage to its skin, muscles and even internal organs.

For the first time, the king of "stone skin worm" sent out a startling roar. It quickly rolled his body, and Esmond quickly withdrew his sword. Otherwise, he would probably take away the third level sword.

Archie was also a sword. This time, the rolling of the king of the stone skin worm did not cause a deep wound, but an extremely long one.

The king of the stone skin worm is full of green blood, and the recovery process is slower.

In the process of its body rolling, a large number of stones fly up, so that two extraordinary people have to dodge. At this time, all the "stone skin worms" no longer wait and see, but to two extraordinary and six beetles respectively surrounded.

"No, leave first and kill it later!" Exclaimed Esmond, in an extraordinary deep voice.

In fact, if Esmond is extraordinary, he may use extraordinary power at the beginning, but it is with Archie's extraordinary presence that he has to consider the danger of consuming his extraordinary power.

The two extraordinary men restricted each other so that they didn't do their best at the beginning of the battle. Now it's too late to quickly end the fight.

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Al Chaofan is ready to agree, but instinctively aware of the danger, without any hesitation, he immediately back.

Compared with Archie, Esmond, who also felt the danger, reacted slowly.

This is the difference between living in a war zone all the year round and living in a peaceful area all the time. There is the same perception of danger, but the reaction speed is completely different.

Esmond was a step slower than Archie. He saw the king of the stone skin worm open his mouth and puffed out a puff of gray gas at them.

The source of danger is this breath of gray gas. The speed of gray gas is extremely fast. Esmond's extraordinary efforts to dodge are only half of his body away.

Esmond felt that his legs had lost their sense from below the thighs, as if they had been solidified by the grey gas.

Extraordinary armor did not play a defensive role. If Esmond had not activated the flight function of the extraordinary armor, he would have fallen to the ground.

Without any hesitation, Esmond rose from the sky and tried to escape as fast as possible.

Hundreds of stones, large and small, flew to Esmond at the same time. In the air, Esmond was not flexible because of his legs. His body was hit by many stones.

He was surrounded by extraordinary armor. He even vomited blood. His bones and muscles were damaged by these stones.

Fortunately, the extraordinary armor is strong enough, these injuries are concussion damage, which can make him injured but not fatal. He managed to resist the injury and rushed out of the scope of the stone rain.

Archie's extraordinary Dodge was quick, but it was not unhurt. His body dodged, but his left forearm was swept by gray gas, and his left forearm lost consciousness immediately.

Archie was also like Esmond. His first thought was to escape. The king of the stone skin worm was so abnormal that he wanted to die.

Before he left, he flew to the side of No. 3 armour. With the only sword grip he could use, he took three fingers out of the third armour's exoskeleton armor, and then rose to the sky.

Archie has just taken off, and countless stones are flying in, and the biggest threat is the attack of the elite "stone skin worm".

At this time, Archie made a very surprising choice for David. Archie put No. 3 armour in front of him. These stones, which could only make him seriously injured, broke the armour of No. 3 armour's exoskeleton, and then his body was smashed.

Archie uses the body of No. 3 beetle to resist the first round of stone rain attack, then throws down the damaged body of No. 3 beetle and flies away.

Although the two extraordinary escaped, the obvious "stone skin worm" king didn't want to let them go. Its body chased the two extraordinary flying away. Before leaving, a stream of gray gas shot the remaining five beetles.

Five beetles who were shocked by the scene of two extraordinary escape just now were wrapped in gray gas without any resistance. They stood in place like statues.

The king of the stone skin worms ignored them and chased them in the direction of two extraordinary people with swarms of stone skin worms.

David waited for a while. After watching the group of stone skin worms 500 meters away, he came out of the rock.

First he came to the oracle and uncovered one of them.

When he saw the face under the mask, David was shocked because the face under the armor was actually a face carved out of stone.Of course, David knows that this is not a real stone carving, but the effect of the gray gas emitted by the king of the stone skin worm.

David once again uncovered all the armor of the rest of the beetles, and finally he saw the familiar face, which turned into a stone face, and he recognized it at a glance.

Canning had already lost his breath of life and his soul was absorbed by the shadow attendants.

David shook his head. He didn't expect that the former president would die in the hands of Zerg, not in his hands.

Originally, David had decided to kill canning, and was targeted by a sniper master. There was little chance of survival.

David asked the shadow servant to put away six second class weapons and looked at the direction. He would not return from the original road. There was a king of "stone skin worm". With his fighting power, not to mention meeting the king of "stone skin worm", it was a big trouble to meet the elite "stone skin worm".

He turned his head and looked at the center of the heap, where the king of the stone skin worm lived.

David always felt that the whole "stone skin worm" revealed a strange feeling. He had never heard of the "stone skin worm" having the ability to perceive creatures within 100 meters through stones.

It has never been heard that the elite "stone skin worm" can control stones to form stone armor on the body, and it can also be used as a lethal range attack.

It has never been heard that the "stone skin worm" king can emit gray gas, which can petrify the enemy, and even can't defend himself.

David felt that it was possible to find the answer in the center of the rubble. It was a perception in his mind, or an analysis of the event.

Without hesitation, if we don't take advantage of the opportunity that the king of the stone skin worm and most of the stone skin worm pursue two extraordinary people, David will not know when there will be such an opportunity next time.

He walked quickly through the rubble, and as the center of the pile got closer and closer, the small white in his custom-made exoskeleton armor suddenly moved.

Xiaobai's ability to hide breath is even more powerful than David's, because Xiaobai's body is very weak. As long as it is suppressed, it is almost as breath as ordinary snakes and insects. In addition, by using David's body to cover up, it will not produce a bit of biological breath.

Because he was close to David, the king of "stone skin worm" appeared. Xiaobai didn't have much fear. David gave him a strong sense of security.

At this moment, Xiaobai suddenly moves, which is to let David communicate with it.

David is connected with Xiaobai in spirit. Xiaobai tells David that there is special energy in that direction.

In this regard, David is far less than Xiaobai, Xiaobai's extraordinary direction seems to strengthen this direction.

David's heart is happy, he pacifies Xiaobai with his spirit, and immediately turns to the direction of Xiaobai's guidance.

The shadow attendant looked at the possible dangers ahead, but David could run faster. He knew that the "stone skin worms" could return at any time, and his time was running out. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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