Transcendent David

Chapter 378: CH 378

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"Report!" A voice was heard outside the conference room.

It made Jonah, who was in the meeting, frown and upset.

"Come in!" But Jonah was still impatient and said in a deep voice.

Someone is interrupting the meeting at the moment, which shows that it is very urgent.

In came a member of the student union, looking very frightened.

Since all the food here has been destroyed, the food at cardor college base is currently being produced by an energy food production facility brought by Jonah.

At present, the synthetic energy food production facility is managed by the student union, which is the only food in the base of cardor college until more food is available.

Technology can ensure that we don't starve, which is very good. As long as there is krypton crystal energy, we can continuously produce synthetic energy food.

The student who came in was responsible for the distribution of synthetic food. The rest of the synthetic food had to be distributed to each class, but Edwin was asked to deliver it in person.

However, when the student delivered the synthetic food to Edwin's extraordinary residence, he found that the door of the house was wide open. The student immediately felt that something was wrong, and after entering, he found that Edwin had disappeared.

That's why they disturb the college leaders' meeting.

"Edwin is not in his room!" The student said with a sigh of relief.

"What?" Jonah was stunned. He didn't believe Edwin had the courage to run away.

"I went to deliver food to Edwin. There was no one in his room and the door was open!" The student repeated affirmatively.

"The meeting is over first, the reconstruction work is going on immediately, and the fund problem is borrowed from the bank in the name of the college!" Jonah announced in a hurry.

Originally, we were still discussing the reconstruction work. Jonah plans to let Edwin return to cardor after the meeting, and let the erto Fund provide the reconstruction fund.

The college is not without funds, but the loss of the college this time is so great that the college's funds are no longer sufficient.

Because of the loss of a large number of training resources, so many students can not stop training resources, so they need to buy from alidia first college and volgo college, which requires a very large credit point.

Before the college is restored, the cultivation resources of students should be maintained in this way.

Now Edwin's extraordinary disappearance has put an end to the college's claim for compensation from the erto foundation.

As soon as Jonah and Glen left the room, they went to Edwin's room.

As soon as he entered the room, Jonah sniffed.

"It smells of blood!" Jonah said in a deep voice.

Glen sniffed and searched the floor again.

"There are signs of wiping on the ground, which should have been dealt with!" Glen looked up.

Two extraordinary look at each other, they did not expect this kind of thing.

All the surveillance on the base was destroyed, and it was impossible to investigate.

Could it be Edwin himself who had found a chance to escape? " Glen asked, thinking of a possibility.

"How could he leave without a space brace, without extraordinary armor?" Jonah said, shaking his head.

"So Edwin is dead?" Glen asked, incredulously.

When he said this possibility, Glen was hesitant. Edwin was not equipped, but he was also extraordinary. How could he be killed so easily.

It's not easy for ordinary beetles to kill Edwin extraordinary. They can't stop Edwin from escaping.

"No, Edwin has escaped. He must run away!" Said Jonah, shaking his head in an extraordinary and helpless way.

Glen stayed for a moment and immediately understood what Jonah meant.

Now, in this situation, it is very likely that Edwin was assassinated and his body was taken away from the base.

But if that's the case, cardor college will be held responsible, because after all, Edwin Superman's accident is due to Jonah's taking away his equipment.

This puts cardor college in a moral inferior position, and makes kador college, which was originally in charge, in a passive position in the following compensation negotiations.

So Edwin had to run away, and cardor was not responsible.

As for the detection of the assassin, just look at the situation here, we can see that the other party is very good at assassinating. Without the help of the security system, it is impossible to find out the clues.

"Headmaster, did you ask David to come and help with the private investigation?" Glen hesitated for a moment and asked softly.

Even if Glenn's idea of transcendence approved Edwin's escape, the Academy had to find out who had assassinated him.

And David's extraordinary pet has the ability to find out Edwin's extraordinary whereabouts.

"This proposal is feasible, just invite him to come here, and the reward he helped find Archie should be given to him!" Jonah nodded in agreement.David went back to the dormitory and had just taken a bath. Before the harvest came, he received Glenn's extraordinary communication request.

"Master David, if you have time, come and get the reward for this mission now!" Glen said in a relaxed tone.

But David was a little surprised. At this time, let him go to get the reward. Would he want to cheat him.

He knew that Edwin had just been killed. Did he suspect him.

But David immediately thought that with Jonah's extraordinary strength, coupled with the great reputation of cardor college, if he suspected that he would have these small moves, he would directly inform through the formal channels between the colleges.

"All right, I'll be there in a minute." David, who was relieved, immediately responded.

Before leaving, David, who was also worried, reported his own trend to Kenny extraordinary. In case of any accident, there was still some room for maneuver.

When David landed at the gate of the college base, two more students were on duty.

"Master David, Glenn is waiting for you. Please come with me." One of the students saw David come up to him and said, "please, please.".

"Trouble!" David said politely.

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The students were leading the way, and David looked in the direction that Edwin's room was on the upper floor.

This makes David's heart a little nervous, is it really exposed?

But the student did not really take David to Edwin's extraordinary room, but to a room not far from the room.

"Glen is waiting for you in there!" The student opened the door for David.

David walked into the room. There was a small table and two chairs in which Glen was sitting.

"Come on, Master David, sit down and talk!" Glen grinned and waved to David.

According to David's words, Glen extraordinary took a cup from the space object and poured a glass of red wine for David.

"The condition is a little rough, I can only invite you to drink red wine!" Glen extraordinary, some helpless said.

In order not to lose face in front of David, the tables and chairs here are all found by Glen from the security room, and only there are complete furniture there.

"If the red wine is simple, I don't know what a better red wine will be like!" David took a sip of red wine and tasted the year of the red wine. He couldn't help laughing.

Glen wanted to get in touch with others, while David was a little guilty. Neither of them got into the real theme at the moment.

"This is a" awakening liquid "awarded to you by the college in order to thank you Glen saw the atmosphere, and then he took out a closed bottle and put it on the table. He pushed it to David and said.

Today's David doesn't know anything about it before. After hearing about "xinglingye", he immediately thought of the information about "xinglingye".

"Xinglingye" is a third level potion, but its target is the top class beetle. It is a kind of potion to increase the awakening probability of extraordinary power.

The peak beetle needs a long time to consolidate his body. This time may be several years, maybe more than ten years or even decades, before it can produce extraordinary power.

However, there are more peak beetles who have spent a lot of resources and wasted their whole life, but they have not been able to produce even a trace of extraordinary power. They even have no chance to try to be promoted. They can not enter into the transformation period, and they can not be promoted to be extraordinary.

These top beetles don't even have the chance to fail. They stay at the top level forever.

Because of these conditions, there are corresponding medicines. Among them, the "awakening spirit liquid" can increase the chance of awakening the supernatural power by 10%.

Although 10% is not much, we should know that "awakening liquid" is only a kind of medicament to increase the probability of awakening. With a variety of medicines, the awakening probability can be increased to more than 30%.

"Xingling liquid" is one of the most expensive and most effective medicines to increase the chance of awakening.

The raw material of "xinglingye" is a kind of special tertiary Zerg. It is synthesized by using the spinal fluid of the third level Zerg as the raw material and other materials through multiple processes.

The third level medicine is not something that credit points can buy, so the award given by cardor college is not insignificant.

David also really needs the "spirit fluid". Although it is not as good as the top-level reward technique for successfully killing Archie, David is protected throughout the whole process without any danger, and there are many rewards.

"Thank you. That's what I need!" David said as he put away the "awakening liquid.".

"Just be satisfied!" Glen said with an extraordinary smile.

This "awakening liquid" is Jonah's personal belongings in his extraordinary space items. Originally, kador college could reward David with some resources, such as three-level fortified meat, which was also the most needed by David. However, the three-level fortified meat of cardor college was destroyed.

In the end, Jonah chose this "awakening liquid" as a reward. In terms of value, it was more than the reward originally planned."Master David, I want to ask you a favor!" Seeing David put away his "awakening liquid," Glen continued.

"If you have anything to say!" David can't refuse the expensive third level potion just now.

"You come with me!" Glenn took David to the room where Edwin was before. Then he pointed to the floor of the room and said, "Edwin lived here before, but he escaped while we didn't pay attention to it. I want to ask Master David to help find out the route of Edwin's escape. As long as we find Edwin college, there is a reward!"

David was stunned. He knew that Edwin's extraordinary body was in the shadow's ring of space.

"I'll try it!" David put on a look of surprise and nodded.

He let Xiaobai out, Xiaobai sniffed on the ground, and then whirled around the room without leaving the room.

"Glen is extraordinary. I'm afraid I won't get the reward!" David said helplessly.

"What did you find out?" Glen asked quickly.

"Edwin's extraordinary only has the breath of entering the room, which has become very talkative due to a long time. After that, Edwin's extraordinary breath has remained in the room, but it seems that not long ago, Edwin's extraordinary breath suddenly disappeared, but it is strange that he did not leave the room!" David said with a deep thought.

David didn't know if there was any special method of investigation at cardor college, so he didn't lie.

If only according to Xiaobai's sense of breath, this is the most real result.

"I see. Please accept it. This is a little of my heart Glen said thank you very much. He took a box from the space wrist guard and handed it to David.

David is not polite. It's normal for him to work and get paid.

Glenn sent David away and immediately went to Jonah.

"How's David doing?" Seeing Glen come in, Jonah asked in a voice.

"Edwin was dead and taken away by the space object. David's extraordinary pet confirmed this. Edwin's breath did not leave the room!" Glen said with a look of awkwardness.

In fact, after suspecting Edwin's extraordinary death, cardor college launched students to carry out an inventory of the entire base, and Edwin's extraordinary body was not found.

Both of them also doubted whether Edwin's extraordinary body had been put into space objects, which is why they did not suspect David.

Only the extraordinary can use space objects. In their mind, it should be someone extraordinary who, taking advantage of the emptiness of the security system of the cardor college base, enters the college base, kills Edwin extraordinary and takes away his body.

"I am going to remove vice president benquiri from his post and send an official letter to ertokikin requesting compensation for the loss of the Academy base. At the same time, I will report the incident to the star territory government to get the support of the star territory government. If erto fund does not want to be unable to establish itself in cardor, they must pay for the loss of the base!" Said Jonah, with a chill in his extraordinary eyes.

This vice president Ben Kiley is the school leader who has a very good personal relationship with erto foundation. It is with him that there is a lot of connection between erto foundation and cardor college.

Jonah's decision to break away from the erto foundation is to crush the erto foundation with the great influence of cardor college in the star field.

The consequence of this is that both sides will become enemies and there will be no possibility of detente.

However, two extraordinary people died in erto fund here. Even if erto fund is very rich, it can not bear such losses. Since the feud has been settled, we should do more thoroughly. It happens that the reconstruction of the college also lacks credit points. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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