Transcendent David

Chapter 383: CH 383

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David, Kenny extraordinary, Dunbar extraordinary and Beecher extraordinary returned to the college base. When they landed in front of the college base from the air, cheers rang out.

Due to the recent college regulations, many senior students stay in the base and do not go out.

Most of these senior students did not go back to college through the portal. On the one hand, because the cost of one transmission is too high, the round-trip not in the plan will only waste points.

On the other hand, although the insect tide here has passed, the senior students still spontaneously stay in the base and guard their homeland.

They heard about the destruction of the kador academy base. They didn't want it to happen in their own base, so a group of combat warriors composed of senior students spontaneously patrolled around the base.

When all the students near the college base saw Kenny carrying the huge phantom millipede corpse, they cheered excitedly with the pride of the college.

This is what Kenny extraordinary did. If he wants to keep a low profile, he can decompose the corpse of the phantom millipede outside and put them into the space items separately.

Kenny has brought back the corpses of the third level Zerg publicly for two consecutive times, which greatly encouraged the morale of the students and gradually eliminated the impact of the destruction of the base of cardor college.

Of course, many students here admire David more. David is a member of the extraordinary hunting team, and David is only a student.

The three extraordinary did not say hello to the students. They walked into the base with the corpse of the phantom millipede. David couldn't do this. After smiling and nodding to the students, he then entered the base.

In the base, David kept nodding with the students, which made him leave Kenny extraordinary.

When he returned to the dormitory, David immediately called in the shadow attendant and put his hand on the shadow servant. The soul energy of the phantom millipede was absorbed by the shadow attendant and transformed into the part that David could absorb, and then transferred into David's soul.

After that, he asked the shadow servant to activate the attribute panel. Not surprisingly, the spirit of the phantom thousand footed bug improved his spirit by 0.01. With the soul energy of the former third level Zerg, the spirit of the giant tongflame bug, reached 7.07.

The steady gain of killing a level 3 Zerg is to increase the spirit by 0.01, increase the academic points from 1000 to 3000, and finally the knowledge light sphere in the soul.

Although David would like to participate in the distribution of level 3 Zerg materials, his most important thing at present is to get points, and level 3 extraordinary is very willing to use integral rewards to replace the distribution of level 3 Zerg materials.

To know that the three extraordinary service for the college, each month has a fixed point income, these points income after a long time of accumulation, each extraordinary integral number is not low.

David took a look at the identity bracelet. The score on the bracelet is nearly 35000. This is only more than a month. It is very close to finishing his first goal.

"What light spheres of knowledge have been given to the phantoms?" As David talked to himself, he focused his mind on the shadow servant.

The shadow servant removed a white light sphere of knowledge separately, which is the knowledge light ball obtained today.

"Multi arm control" (talent, not up to the conditions of use) ", when David saw that the conditions were not met, his heart was cold.

When I see the explanation of the light sphere of knowledge again, I lose hope for the light sphere of knowledge.

has make complaints about cooking (99% satisfactorily) before, although he is very useless in cooking, but now he is really sweet when he eats.

As for the knowledge sphere of "flame control (talent, not up to the use conditions)" given by the "giant tongflame bug", although it is not up to the use conditions, it can be learned at least when there is hope to have flame energy in the future.

But "multi arm control." what the hell is this? When does David have more than one arm.

If you look at this explanation, you can make the flexibility of the auxiliary arm reach 80% of that of the main arm. The elephant Zerg has this ability, especially the Zerg with many legs. After getting this ability, the combat ability of the Zerg will increase greatly.

However, as a human being, David has only two main arms. It is impossible or never possible for David to have auxiliary arms. This ability is a useless light ball of knowledge.

David sometimes feels that his luck is exhausted. Now even the third level Zerg can't give him any useful ability to improve his strength.

Of course, in terms of soul, the most important thing is the human soul. David still remembers that he saw the soul of the top talent in the college gave him six kinds of natural abilities.

Although the speed talent coincides with his speed talent, it is still because his own speed talent is too strong.

But David immediately suppressed this idea. It was too dangerous. Although he didn't care about killing people, he would never kill the same kind for no reason.

For the enemy, he can hurt the killer, no matter what, but for others, he has his own principles.David knew that he was far from the standard of a good man, but he didn't think he was a bad man. He just wanted to survive in this world.

Putting aside his thoughts, David stood up to prepare dinner. He had been cooking by himself in recent days, and he felt very gifted in this respect. Therefore, no matter how tired he was, he would stick to his own cooking.

After that, for ten consecutive days, the extraordinary hunting team did not go out again.

It's not that the military didn't find the third level Zerg, but the extraordinary at the Academy base didn't dare to leave the base.

In the past ten days, the military lost another five reconnaissance ships, followed by the loss of personnel and warships. This activity of the king of the stone skin worm made every extraordinary person feel cold.

You should know that level 3 Zerg has certain wisdom. Unless someone enters its territory, it will launch an attack. At ordinary times, level 3 Zerg will hide itself.

However, this "stone skin worm" King seems to be in a provocation. The locations where the first and the second six reconnaissance ships were destroyed are different, indicating that these places are not within its territory.

After this, the three Academy bases, as well as the SRA combat academy, which is under construction, have strengthened their defenses.

Extraordinary people can not leave the college base at this time. No one wants to be attacked by the king of "stone skin worm" when they leave.

David had nothing to do for the past ten days. He stayed in the base every day. In addition to practice, he had food to embellish his life.

On the morning of October 20, David ate grade 3 fortified meat as usual, practising "spirit forging golden body skill", and then "soft body technique", digesting the three-level fortified meat.

The biggest benefit of coming to the first college base of alidia, the guardian planet, is the continuous supply of three-level fortified meat. Of course, the three-level fortified meat is not available for ordinary students to consume here, and most students will only use grade-3 fortified meat for a shock only after reaching the bottleneck.

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It's too rare for David to use three-level fortified meat as a daily training resource. Even students supported by large groups can't provide a large number of College points.

After the morning practice, David is preparing to brush some first level Zerg in the safe area to see if he can meet the second level Zerg.

He put on a custom-made exoskeleton armor and a weapon on his back. As soon as he walked out of the dormitory, he received the news that Kenny was extraordinary.

"David, you look like you're going out?" In Kenny's office, Kenny looked at David's combat equipment and asked with a smile.

"I dare not violate the rules of the college just for a moment in the safe area." David explained helplessly.

David is not allowed to leave the safe area of the college base without permission, which is the order of the college president Lake extraordinary. Even Kenny extraordinary can't say anything.

"Come to a meeting with me later, in the army's base six!" Kenny extraordinary also knew that David would not violate the rules. It was the base intelligence system that monitored David, he waved and said.

"Have you found the king of the stone skin worm?" David blurted out.

It's no wonder that David asked. Recently, although ordinary students didn't know about it, but David, who had been in touch with the important affairs of the college base, knew that the king of "stone skin worm" had become the biggest trouble for the four academic bases in this area, including the battle Academy of Sri Lanka, which has not yet been built, and the kador academy base which is being rebuilt.

This "stone skin worm" King Day after day, the whole region is not peaceful.

"No, but with some clues, general Froude called on us to discuss the future plan of action!" Kenny explained with a smile.

"I'm just a student for the call of the military. Do you need me to go there?" When David heard that it was Froude's extraordinary call, he couldn't help wondering.

"David, don't look down on yourself. You've done a lot to kill the third level Zerg these two times. You've been able to withstand the extraordinary fighting power." Kenny patted David on the shoulder.

Kenny Superman didn't tell David that their hunting team only killed two third level Zerg, but according to the normal situation, it is effective to kill a third level Zerg within 30 days.

So their efficiency in killing two third level Zerg in six days has long been spread in the extraordinary world of several college bases.

If it wasn't for a few extraordinary people from alidia first college who had dealt with David in the rest of the colleges, he would have come down to him to form a hunting team.

Because of the king of the stone skin worm, this stopped hunting the third level Zerg.

At the time of departure, the three extraordinary members of the college in the base, Kenny extraordinary, Dunbar extraordinary and Beecher extraordinary, were all with David. This also made David understand that today's meeting is not easy.

This time, they did not fly by themselves, but borrowed the high-speed spaceship David got from Esmond extraordinary. This is not Kenny extraordinary. They don't have any spaceships, but their ships are not as fast as David's in the atmosphere.

Because all the supernatural guardians of the Academy base have left, once the danger is found, high-speed spaceships will come and return quickly.Two huge krypton crystal engines started, David shared the authority of the spacecraft to Kenny Superman, Kenny extraordinary was not polite, directly took over the operation of the spacecraft.

Kenny supernatural opens the map of the guardian star on the screen of light and selects a coordinate.

The spaceship flew out of the college base, making a burst and then disappearing over it.

"Master David, you are a good spaceship, suitable for the use of guardian stars!" Sitting on one side, Beecher felt the speed of the spaceship and nodded.

"It's said that Esmond's car is specially made for Esmond by Batu energy company. It's a pity that Batu energy company has lost a lot of talents. Otherwise, you can find them to customize some of them!" Kenny looked at David and said with a smile.

Batu energy company has long been in decline after the massacre of David, the massive loss of working capital, and the subsequent attacks.

Because Batu energy still has several kryptonite resources in its hands, it has recently been targeted by the energy jaw, and it is estimated that it will not be far from disappearing completely.

"On this side of the base, if you want to use this spaceship, you can use it at any time. I will give you permission!" David said with a smile.

"You're kidding. How could we have your ship?" Kenny shook his head.

After two battles and many days of getting along with each other, David and the three extraordinary men were already very familiar, and they got along very well.

Base six is a military base built by the military on the edge of the area, and this is David's first visit.

As he approached base six, he received multiple identification and David saw the base from the air.

Unlike the Academy base, this base is a combat machine. At the top of base 6, a giant Fort gun stands.

David can't tell the power of this giant Fort gun, but from its nearly 100 meter body, you can imagine the terrorist attack power of this giant Fort gun.

Below the giant Fort guns are dozens of heavy laser guns protecting the surrounding area of the base.

Under the heavy laser gun is a large number of Gauss fort, between each Gauss fort there are air defense rapid fire guns, missile launch system covered the entire base of every place.

When David saw the base, he felt the tension in his whole body. Within the attack range of so many weapon systems, he felt that his life was somewhat out of control.

The navigation of the spacecraft was taken over by base 6, and the spacecraft slowly descended. A channel was opened in the second layer space of base 6, and the spacecraft then entered it.

"Every time I see a military base, I feel that the military is too stingy. These weapons and equipment can improve the security level of our base a lot, so we don't have to worry about the third level Zerg approaching!" Beecher was so supercharged when the spacecraft was dragged in, he could make complaints about it.

"That huge fortress shelled out, level 3 Zerg are dead, but there is no material left!" Kenny said with extraordinary disdain.

Of course, David saw admiration from Kenny's extraordinary eyes. The third level Zerg is not easy to deal with. If there is a giant fortress gun in the Academy base, the third level Zerg that can be dealt with will be dealt with by themselves, and those who can't be dealt with will be shelled by giant fortress. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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