Transcendent David

Chapter 385: CH 385

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Although all the extraordinary people have arrived at the meeting, if they really want to form a hunting team together, they need to go back and make arrangements for the base. We don't expect the "King hunting operation" to be solved in one day.

So the two days of super van der's party was over.

"Kenny, let's rub your ship down!" Just as they were about to leave, Glenn said with a smile from the other two of the Academy.

David looked at Glenn with a face that did not know how extraordinary. To know that the distance between alidia first college base and cardor college base was more than 1000 kilometers, what was the purpose of this collision ship.

"Welcome, I haven't been together for a while!" Kenny is extraordinary. He doesn't know what Glen wants to do, but his friends for many years will not deny his face.

Six extraordinary people got on David's spaceship, which left the base and flew into the air under the automatic guidance of base 6.

"Kenny, do you want us to form a team and get rid of the stone skin worm king before them?" Glen glanced at everyone in the cabin and said to Kenny extraordinary with a smile.

What he said surprised the extraordinary of the first college of alidia. He didn't expect that he should have such an idea.

Of course, there is still the possibility of killing the king of the stone skin worm with six extraordinary people and David, the sniper master.

"Glen, now you don't even know where the king of the stone skin worm is. How do you hunt it?" Kenny shook his head.

To tell you the truth, everyone here is very envious of the possible value of "stone skin worm" king. As long as the "extraordinary weapons" materials are produced and can be left by themselves, then the creation of a "extraordinary weapon" with petrochemical ability is enough to make any of you extraordinary strength rise to the top combat power in the extraordinary.

But Glenn's extraordinary advice, which made Kenny extraordinary, couldn't be implemented.

"We may not be able to find it, but Master David can!" Glen said to David with a warm look.

At this time, all the extraordinary people on the scene thought of David's extraordinary pet Xiaobai. Archie was hiding, but he was found out by Xiaobai.

"David, can Xiaobai find out the king of the stone skin worm?" Even Kenny's extraordinary eyes became warm, he said.

At this time, David understood the purpose of Glenn's flying against the spaceship. He wanted to set aside other extraordinary things and prepare for the two colleges to hunt down the king of stone skin worm.

"Xiaobai's courage is very small. Let him track down the third level Zerg, especially the extremely powerful third level Zerg like the king of stone skin worm. He dare not!" David said with a wry smile and shaking his head.

Just now, David tried to contact Xiaobai in spirit and asked if he could track down the king of the stone skin worm. As a result, Xiaobai pretended to be dead and remained motionless. Few of them ignored David's call.

Think about it. Although Xiaobai is called an extraordinary creature, it is really too weak. It is estimated that there is a big gap between Xiaobai and the first level Zerg, let alone the third level Zerg.

"There is no need for Xiaobai to track the specific location, as long as there is a general area!" Glen asked anxiously.

David didn't even try this time, so he firmly shook his head and refused. Xiaobai's performance just now illustrates the problem. David won't let Xiaobai do what he doesn't want to do.

The relationship between David and Xiaobai is very close. Xiaobai's attachment to David is like that of a child to his parents.

And feelings are mutual. Xiaobai is the only partner who has been with David for a long time. David will not force Xiaobai.

"What a pity!" Glen finally gave up the idea with a sigh.

No one here will force David to help, although David is not extraordinary, but David has the strength to threaten the extraordinary, and he is sheltered by the first college of alidia.

The spacecraft first sent three extraordinary Glenn to the base of cardor college, and then returned to the first college base of alidia.

"Kenny, I don't understand why the presidents of all colleges are not involved in this operation?" Cardor college three extraordinary off the spacecraft, the spacecraft flew to the Academy base, David puzzled asked.

David has always been very puzzled about this matter, but he heard that the president of every college is the top one among the extraordinary, and his combat power is far higher than that of ordinary people.

Each college has three extraordinary participants, but none of the principals is involved.

According to the truth, the participation of a strong person at the principal level in the "King hunting operation" can greatly increase the success rate of the operation.

"It's not that there is nothing to be said about it. The president of every college will only take action when it is necessary or when the risk is not high.

Take our college as an example. President lake is the pillar of the college. Any one of us can have an accident, but he can't. If he falls down, the top strength of our college will fall behind the other colleges! " Kenny replied in an extraordinary deep voice.When David heard this explanation, he couldn't help but think of lake's extraordinary trip to the college base. The reason why he came to guard the planet was for the krypton crystal. This event is indeed a major event.

Even though kryptonite is now part of SRA combat academy, Iridia first college still owns part of the kryptonite.

In addition, Laike Chaofan also participated in the operation of chasing and killing Archie extraordinary. There was no danger in that operation. It is estimated that no one would believe that Archie extraordinary could threaten Lake extraordinary.

Before the wave of insects, Lake extraordinary had already returned. Although he was ready to support at any time, David really understood that only after confirming the level of the insect tide, could Lake extraordinary decide whether to support or not.

It's not Laker's extraordinary fear of death, it's that alidia first college needs him.

The next morning, David came out of the dormitory and was about to go to the safe area again to see if he was lucky enough to meet the second class Zerg.

Just as soon as we got to the gate, we saw dozens of large transport ships.

In particular, these large transport ships have military marks, and from the coating of the shell can also be seen that this is a military transport spacecraft.

At this time, dozens of large transport ships were slowly descending, and the huge noise enveloped the entire base.

David saw green standing outside the base looking into the sky and walked over.

"President green, what's going on?" David asked, pointing to the large military transport ship.

"Master David, don't call me president, just call me by my name!" Green quickly waved his hand, and then he explained with a smile, "this is the defensive missile that the Academy bought from the military side, but I don't know how there are so many this time!"

Every time the Academy base purchases defense missiles, it has a prescribed number of plans.

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It's good to see that the profits of the first college of alidia have increased greatly recently, but it's not that you can buy defensive missiles without limit if you have money.

David, look at this scale, dozens of large transport ships, how many defensive missiles are needed.

"It seems that there is no need to worry about the safety of the base!" David said with a smile.

He also saw the expression of the students on the side, which showed that everyone thought the same as him.

As long as there are enough defense missiles, even level 3 Zerg can be driven away and even killed.

"Yes, today, the college has asked our student union to take charge of the storage of these defense missiles!" Pride flashed over Green's face.

However, his face soon disappeared. Although he was the president of the student union, he clearly remembered how the president of the student union came from.

"Then you are busy, and I'll have a look." David said with a smile.

This batch of defense missiles should have been prepared by the college for the next three extraordinary people to participate in the "King hunting operation". The previous insect tide consumed a lot of defensive missiles, but this time they were completely replenished and increased a lot.

As he walked, David watched the military transport ship unload a box containing only defensive missiles onto the transport suspension vehicle, and the students from the student union transferred the defense missiles to the ammunition depot.

The whole base is busy.

"David, this batch of defensive missiles should come in time." Just as David was walking, he saw Kenny come down from a large transport ship with a smile and said to David.

"I'm afraid the college will spend a lot of money this time?" David asked with a smile.

"Ha ha, this time I went to general Froude to buy defensive missiles. He was very generous and gave him a 60% discount. I can't live up to his good will and directly bought 5000. You didn't see his face at that time!" Kenny said with a proud smile.

"If you buy so much at one time, will general Froude still be willing to sell it?" David asked, somewhat incomprehensible.

"This is not about to carry out" King hunting operation ". If the military wants to lead, let them lead, but they can't do it without paying the price!" Kenny said with a smile in his extraordinary eyes.

David immediately understood that this batch of defensive missiles was taking advantage of the "King hunting" opportunity. Both the quantity and the price of these missiles made the military bleed.

Of course, the military will never lose. It's just a matter of whether the profits of these defensive missiles are more or less.

"Come on, come up to me, I have something good for you!" Kenny asked with a smile.

David, aroused by his curiosity, followed Kenny to his office.

Kenny extraordinary himself poured a glass of water for David, and they sat face to face on the sofa.

David and Kenny have been good friends for a long time after getting along with each other. The experience of fighting together has eliminated the distance between students and school leaders.

"What's good?" David took a sip of water, put down his glass and asked.

"Look at it!" Kenny extraordinary takes a box out of the space wristband, hands it over and says.

David took over the box, and in his heart he determined what it was, because the box was the ammunition box of the military.

Open the bullet box, exposed inside the neat two rows of sniper bullets, all flashing green light of large caliber sniper bullets, a total of 12."This was purchased by the college?" David looked at the third grade sniper bullet in his hand and asked curiously.

It's no wonder David is surprised that the rule of alidia first college is that all materials need to be exchanged through points. Even if extraordinary people want to obtain resources from the college, they also need to exchange points.

The third grade sniper bullet is very expensive. It is not Gauss gun's class III sniper bullet. It's a combat readiness resource for the insect tide. It's for public use. However, this super large caliber class III sniper bullet is for David's personal use.

"The academy has no way to buy such expensive sniper bullets for you. I asked general Froude for this box of grade three sniper bullets. We have produced three extraordinary snipers in our college, and more sniper masters like you will take part in the operation. Of course, they should pay some price. You, the master sniper, can't make your own ammunition!" Kenny was once again proud.

It's very good to ask for benefits when meeting with Froude in private, especially David's role is obviously very important, unless Froude can come to snipe master from battle star tune.

But everyone knows that there are few sniper masters. It is impossible for warstar to transfer master sniper master to guardian star.

It is because of this that Kenny extraordinary was better able to put forward harsh conditions. Finally, after negotiation between the two sides, the military produced these 12 super large caliber class III sniper bullets.

Thank you David said with sincere thanks.

"No, I'll do it. In fact, even if I don't want it, general Froude will be ready for you before the operation." Kenny grinned modestly.

"I know that general Froude would not have paid so much at once, even if he had given some sniper bullets before the operation!" David certainly understood the difference, he said with a smile.

"General Froude is actually too stingy. I was going to ask him if there was a higher class Super caliber sniper gun, but he told me that you have the best one in your hand." Kenny nodded and agreed with David.

But when David heard this, the expression on his face was a little unnatural.

The customized large caliber sniper gun in his hand is a real military sniper master's special sniper gun, which was obtained from dart sniper master.

Just think about how many things dart sniper master has to save his life. You can imagine how much attention he received in the military and how the sniper gun he used was ordinary.

Although David removed the military mark on the surface of the sniper gun, and there were some minor adjustments on the surface of the gun, the overall source of the military can be seen.

Fortunately, David has a wide range of friends. Froude has investigated David and found that he has a good relationship with master Mckintosh and many other extraordinary people. Moreover, he is close to some big forces. It is possible to get a sniper gun from a military sniper master.

In addition to David's current identity, Froude will not be too in-depth investigation, some small problems can not affect David, so the sniper gun is only concerned about, put aside. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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