Transcendent David

Chapter 398: CH 398

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Although up to now, only more than ten student warriors have been lost in the battle Academy of SRA, and countless Zerg corpses have fallen before the battle, but none of the three extraordinary faces have a happy look.

Because these Zerg are weak first level Zerg, these Zerg are non mainstream consumables among the Zerg. Even the material to kill this Zerg is lower than that of ordinary first level Zerg.

"Three extraordinary and Master David have arrived at alidia first college base. They will arrive in about 10 minutes. The rest of the college base will also send extraordinary. At most, only one extraordinary will be sent here!" Draiper is now closing the identity bracelet and whispering to the two extraordinary people around him.

"Allies are more reliable!" Said anelin in a supernormal whisper.

"Silence, annalin, pay attention to your words!" Said draiper in an extraordinary deep voice.

In fact, the three extraordinary men understood in their hearts why alidiya first Academy cared so much about the base of SRA combat Academy. They sent three extraordinary and David all at once.

On the one hand, the relationship between SRA combat academy and Iridia first college is now at its best, especially after David's rescue of arnelin.

On the other hand, the SRA combat academy base has part of the interests of the first college of Iridia. Even in order to protect its own interests, it also needs to come to rescue.

As for the other two colleges, Glenn of cardor college has lost a hand, while volgo college has lost one. At this time, it is also for the sake of the agreement of the academic alliance that one extraordinary person can be sent.

"The guard ship of the military will arrive in two minutes at most. Fortunately, two frigates are patrolling nearby." When he received a new news, Draper finally put on a smile, he said with a smile.

Although the Zerg can't attack with the main gun because of the integration of Zerg and base, there are many smaller weapons and attack missiles on the frigate, which are enough to deal with Zerg.

Even if the "stone skin worm" king appears, it is possible to deal with it.

When the three extraordinary people heard the news and were in a good mood, they rushed out of the cave again. This time, they were four meters tall and seven meters long. They had six legs and two thick forelimbs.

This is exactly what happened when the ten beetles burst out of the burrow and went through the hole in the defensive wall and rushed towards the defensive battle line of the student armour cloth.

After the beetle, the hunter Mantis comes out. These Hunter Mantis follow the beetle.

"We need to do it!" Draiper said with extraordinary helplessness.

He didn't intend to attack at this time, but even if the student beetles could stop the charge, the hunter Mantis would make the students lose a lot.

If it had been before, Draper would have wanted to retain his strength, but immediately the military frigate came, so he decided to move.

"I'll go." Said anelin in a deep voice.

As soon as his figure flashed, he rushed to the front of the rock beetle. The third class hammer in his hand hit hard on the head of the rock beetle. His speed was too fast, and he suddenly attacked while the beetle was charging, which made it impossible for the beetle to dodge.

After being hit on the head by a third class Warhammer, the beetle immediately had an obvious dent in its head. Then the beetle became soft and its huge body fell to the ground.

Because of the high speed of the rock beetle, the rock beetle continued to rush to anelin.

He took a step forward and swung his third class hammer from the bottom to the top. This hit hit the jaw of a rock beetle behind him. The huge force made the jaw bone of the beetle broken and the bone pierced into the head.

Two rock beetles were killed by anilin in succession, which forced the latter to stop.

Anelin stepped forward again, and the third class Warhammer swung again.

The strength of the beetle is not weaker or even higher than that of anillin. However, the extraordinary speed of anelin is too fast to be compared with that of the beetle.

In addition, the third level Warhammer is more effective than the sharp third level weapon in dealing with this huge Zerg.

Sharp third level weapons need to attack the vital points of the huge Zerg to form a threat. However, the third level Warhammer is different. No matter where it is hit, it will be the result of bone breaking and flesh leaving, and it will directly shock the rest of the body, with a wider range of damage effects.

It is very easy for him to deal with the beetle. It is just a kind of combat restraint.

When the beetles lost their charge, they lost their greatest advantage, and the student beetles began to push forward.

"The king of the stone skin worm has appeared!" When he wanted to help the student beetles get rid of the rest of the beetles, he heard Draper's warning.Anelin immediately jumped into the air and saw the king of "stone skin worm" coming through the wall.

The hole in the defense wall was too small, but when the king's body passed through, he forced a gap to let it pass through.

"I'll stop it!" Exclaimed annelin.

"'stone skin worm 'King's speed is not as fast as you, you use the speed to hit immediately back!" Understanding of the extraordinary character of annellin dreiper extraordinary know that he can not persuade the extraordinary, can only remind.

The king of the stone skin worm swam forward. It swept the hunter mantis in front of him with his tail. A dozen of the hunter Mantis were swept into the battle array formed by the students.

Before landing, the dozens of "Hunter Mantis" were hit by several weapons and died when they landed.

The king of the stone skin worm did not stop sweeping its tail. Not only was the hunter mantis, but also the hard rock worm was swept into the battle of student beetles.

However, this time, the student beetles did not immediately kill the beetle. Instead, they were injured by the beetle, and then they were thrust left and right in the battle, until a senior top beetle came to kill the beetle.

The king of the stone skin worm looked up and saw him. Both sides looked at each other.

When he saw the eyes of the king of the stone skin worm, he couldn't help but feel cold. They were a pair of eyes full of crazy hatred, and their eyes were full of red light.

Without a moment's hesitation, annellin's extraordinary body reacted one step faster than his mind, turning in the air.

At the same time, the king of "stone skin worm" spewed out petrified gas and passed by the extraordinary anelin.

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After escaping from the petrified gas, he judged in his heart the time of the next attack of the "stone skin worm" king.

He doesn't know how long the interval between the "stone skin worm" King's petrochemical gas attack is, but he has studied the battle data of the "stone skin worm" king, and he thinks that there must be interval time between the "stone skin worm" King's petrochemical gas emission.

This kind of groundless judgment, at this time is to risk with life, but the extraordinary decision to fight.

If anillin can't hold the king of the stone skin worm, then his companions, dreper and kergans, will fight. By then, it is likely that all three of them will die here.

Anelin's extraordinary body rushed forward and came to the king of the stone skin worm. With this momentum, his three-level Warhammer swung heavily with his body and hit the king's body.

"Bet right!" Annelin was overjoyed. His judgment was right. He successfully approached the body of the stone skin worm king and hit him.

With the sound of "bang", the third class Warhammer hit the king of "stone skin worm", which made the king of "stone skin worm" unable to stop.

However, he felt a numbness in his hand. The third class Warhammer had a strong shock force, which almost let him get rid of the hammer in his hand.

After a meal, the body of the king of the stone skin worm immediately recovered and opened its mouth to the extraordinary anelin, whose speed was affected by the shock force.

Anelin felt that the world was slowing down. He saw that the gray gas in the mouth of the stone skin worm king was gathering. He would leave his mouth and spray it on him at any time.

Although there was no danger for many years, he met with danger continuously in a few days.

It was David who saved him last time. This time, he was afraid that he would not escape.

At this moment, a lot of thoughts came to mind in annalin's mind, but it was in this moment that a frigate appeared and two machine guns fired at the same time.

"Boom, boom..." The dense sound of the machine gun came, and the shell flying out of the machine gun was faster than the sound of the machine gun.

The cannonball hit the king's body, so that the petrified gas it brewed could not be emitted. At the same time, its body was constantly retreated by the machine gun attack.

The machine gun on the frigate is a kind of close combat weapon. Although the shell is only made of first-class material, the impact force of the first-class shell is extremely amazing under the use of huge launching system.

The king of "stone skin worm" was beaten by the terrible impact and kept retreating. He had no time to attack the extraordinary of anelin.

But it is also because this is only a first-class shell. Even if the impact force is very strong, it can not reach the level of damage to the king of "stone skin worm". That is to say, the impact force causes shock damage, and it also recovers quickly under the strong recovery ability of the king of "stone skin worm".

"At last Anelin breathed a sigh of relief. When he thought about the situation just now, he could not help but feel the lingering fear.

In the air are preparing to support the draper extraordinary and Klaus extraordinary is also surprised out of a cold sweat, is happy, but saw the defense wall out of more than ten thick energy beams.

The target of these energy beams is the frigate. The frigate is in a low altitude state and has no time to dodge. It is hit by more than ten energy beams.The energy shield outside the frigate shook and then disappeared.

These energy beams are emitted by the elite "popcorn" and have a special destructive effect on the energy shield. This is the result of the evolution of the "popcorn" over the years.

The mission of the "popcorn" among Zerg is to attack warships in the sky, and the strongest energy shield of federal warships can resist attacks that consume a lot of energy.

But the "popcorn" attacks like a needle, and the energy shield is broken in a short time.

After penetrating the energy shield, the remaining force of more than ten energy beams still broke the defense of the frigate, and more than ten holes were pierced in the frigate.

Several of the equipment of the frigate was damaged, and there was a problem with the power transmission. The frigate spun in the air and fell to the ground.

In the process of falling, dozens of attack missiles flew from the frigate, and the target was exactly the location of the "popcorn".

While the frigate was still landing, there were bursts of explosions on the ground. It was the sound of "popcorn" being hit and then exploding with the attack missiles.

A second frigate appeared in the sky. As soon as the frigate appeared, it immediately gathered energy and the main gun began to charge.

This is not to say that the second frigate is really ready to use the main gun. The captain of the frigate just wants to scare away the king of the stone skin worm in this way. As long as the king of the stone skin worm leaves the base, he can use all the means of attack.

However, the captain obviously underestimated the wisdom of the "stone skin worm" king. The king felt that the main gun of the frigate began to be charged. Instead of fleeing immediately, the king speeded up the speed and rushed to the battle front of the students.

The king of the stone skin worm knows very well that as long as it is with human beings, the frigate will not dare to use the main gun.

When the king of "stone skin worm" rushes forward, the "Hunter Mantis" and "rock beetle" in front of it are all pushed to the battle line of the student beetles.

The big shield beetles block the big shield in front of them and use their bodies to hold the shield to prevent the Zerg from approaching.

At this time, the king of "stone skin worm" did something that no one expected. It spewed out a breath of petrochemical gas towards the front.

In front of the king of the stone skin worm, the hunter mantis, the hard rock beetle and dozens of student beetles were not avoided, all of them were wrapped in petrochemical gas.

"All back off!" Exclaimed dreper.

The king of the stone skin worm shot his tail on the ground, and his huge body flew up to the frigate in the sky.

No one thought that the king of "stone skin worm" still had this ability. Between this shot, it was enough to let its body fly 200 meters, and the frigate also dropped to 200 meters in order to be able to use the close combat system.

However, the fighters on the frigate reacted quickly, and all the defensive missiles were excited. The whole frigate seemed to glow all over the body, and dozens of defense missiles flew out. These defensive missiles constantly bombarded the king of the stone skin worm, reducing its body's momentum in the air and finally falling back to the ground. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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