Transcendent David

Chapter 405: CH 405

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The high-speed spacecraft left the guardian star. David did not drive the high-speed spacecraft, which was completely operated by the intelligent system on the high-speed spacecraft.

From the guardian star to the nearest portal, you must fly on the specified route, or you will be destroyed by the space blocking fleet.

After asking for leave from Lake, David was given an authorization, including the use of the route and portal.

The spaceship that dares to fly in this space without authorization is either destroyed by Zerg or destroyed by military fleet near the route due to lack of corresponding security guarantee on non route.

Compared with the rock star, the space here is more tense.

David encountered patrol warships at regular intervals in space, and the density was beyond imagination.

When he was guarding the stars, he also liked high-speed spaceships because of their convenience and quickness. However, when he was in space, he felt extremely unsafe for the lack of any combat capability on the high-speed spacecraft.

Fortunately, David didn't fly long, but within six hours, he was close to the portal.

The first thing we saw was a huge space fleet. At least David could not see the edge of the space fleet at a glance. The whole airspace was full of warships.

Facing a huge space fleet, David's spirit was inspired by the visual impact. This is one of the many space fleets guarding the space.

It is with such a space fleet that the rest of the planets in the theater, except warstar, will become the resource collection site of the interstellar Federation.

Close to the space fleet, outside this huge line of warships, there are warships coming in and out at any time. There is no civilian spacecraft like David.

David knew before he came here that the portal was a military portal and would not be opened for the rest of us.

But there is a special kind of people, that is, extraordinary people have a high authority, can apply to the military to use the portal, and as long as there is no special reason, the military will not refuse.

David's authorization was applied for by lake extraordinary for David. In the face of Lake extraordinary, it is impossible to be refused.

Most importantly, although David is not extraordinary, he has been adjusted to the same level of danger in the latest military archives.

"Master David, welcome to the third space fleet. Please follow the guide ship into the defense line. Please don't change the route to avoid misunderstanding." A small guidance ship flew in front of David's high-speed ship, and a voice came from the guidance ship.

David directly gave the navigation authority of the high-speed spaceship to the guidance ship, which still had to be arranged by others.

The guidance ship was towing the high-speed craft toward the interior of the space fleet's defense lines.

Through the transparent porthole of the high-speed spaceship, David can see that most of the main warships in the interstellar Federation are reconnaissance ships with little combat power, various types of frigates, destroyers, cruisers, battleships, as well as aircraft carriers like moving space fortresses.

To tell you the truth, the third space fleet is not as famous as the sixth iron wall fleet, but this is not because the third space fleet is weak, but because the third space fleet has always been at the forefront, the most powerful fleet of the Federation, carrying out the most dangerous tasks.

Therefore, the third space fleet seldom appears in the field of vision of the outside world, but the sixth iron wall fleet is different. They guard the passage between the war zone and the peace area. Everyone who enters the war zone will witness the charm of the sixth iron wall fleet.

Just as the high-speed spacecraft was being pulled forward, suddenly David felt a space wave coming from behind. His mind immediately entered the shadow attendant, who came out through the wall and looked behind him.

In the airspace about tens of kilometers away from the fleet, there is a space wormhole several kilometers in size.

Then David's terror came out of the wormhole, and he saw a Zerg in black armor leaping out of the wormhole through the Shadowman's eyes.

Almost as soon as the black armored Zerg appeared, dozens of energy cannons exploded at the same time.

According to David's research on sniping, the attack of these dozens of energy cannons is very good. First, the attack of the Zerg just arrived in front of the Zerg just after the emergence of the Zerg. Secondly, the attack routes of several energy cannons just blocked the possibility of the Zerg escaping.

The black armor Zerg was bombarded by multiple energy cannons, and its body was constantly rolled back and forth in space. To David's surprise, this kind of energy gun, which can blow the third level Zerg to slag in one blow, only made the black armored Zerg feel pain and send out a toothache scream.

Just as David thought, one of the cruiser's main guns was finally fully charged, and then a devastating beam of energy was fired at the black armored Zerg.

The black armor Zerg seems to feel the danger. It wants to dodge, but it loses its balance due to being bombarded by energy. It will take a while to recover.

But the cruiser didn't give it time. The energy beam directly hit the black armored Zerg. In a sharp cry, David saw the black armored Zerg melt in the energy beam through the shadow attendant.

"That's a class four Zerg?" David has studied Zerg knowledge and passed the exam with full marks, but there is no information about this Zerg in his knowledge reserve, so he asks the guide of the tugboat."Yes, it's the Titan black beetle, the Zerg's main battle class 4 Zerg, and our main opponent in the third space fleet!" The guide also saw the fight, and he replied in a relaxed tone.

It seems to the guides that this battle to kill the 4th level Zerg is very common.

This made David's pride in killing a "stone skin worm" close to level 4 on the guardian planet instantly disappeared. According to his ability, it is difficult to break the shell of the "Titan black beetle" even with Gauss cannons.

Level 4 Zerg is a taboo within the Federation. Level 4 Zerg are not allowed to break through Battlestar's space defense line. Once they break through, it will be a major dereliction of duty of the space fleet.

A level 4 Zerg does great harm to the planet. The ground base can't block the level 4 Zerg. The ordinary warship attack is also very difficult to hit the class 4 Zerg with extremely fast speed.

David would like to know how the Federation and the divine world can defend the fourth level Zerg in Warcraft when large energy weapons cannot be used due to kryptonite.

In fact, David wants to drive a high-speed spaceship to the place where the black beetle died to absorb its soul. However, he doesn't want to be blasted to pieces by the fleet, so he can only think about it.

Third, the defense line of the space fleet is the longest distance that Zerg can open the space wormhole on the Battlestar. In the space fleet, the warships facing this area constantly change their defense, which is to ensure that any warship facing the battlefield can launch attacks at any time.

Because the main gun needs to be charged, and no main gun can keep the main gun waiting for charging for a long time, various space tactics emerge as the times require. What David saw just now is one of the frequently used ones.

"You are the real heroes David exclaimed.

"Master David, this is just a surprise attack. If you see a big battle, you know it's nothing!" Said the usher in a deep voice.

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The third space fleet has hundreds of warships destroyed in the battle every year, and there are thousands to tens of thousands of soldiers in each warship. It is difficult for outsiders to imagine the hardships of guarding the defense line.

The guide didn't tell David too much content, which was limited by military regulations, but the emotion in his words made David guess some.

A level 4 Zerg is nothing, so what will a big fight look like?

It's hard for David to imagine that kind of situation. The strongest Zerg he met was level 3, that is, a level 3 Zerg. They were killed by chance.

The guide ship brings the high-speed craft to the portal, which is simple and not as complicated as those interstellar ones.

The whole portal is a huge ring with some patterns on it, and a large amount of kryptonite can be seen in the pattern.

This portal is a short-distance portal, which can only realize space jump in the war zone. The military will not set up a portal in the war zone that can directly enter the peace zone, which will increase the risk of Zerg entering the peace zone.

"Goodbye, Master David." The pilot said the tug of the ship pushed the high-speed craft toward the portal.

There was a white light in front of him. It seemed that a few seconds had passed before David's eyes had recovered. When he reappeared, he was in another space fleet.

"Master David, welcome home!" As soon as the high-speed ship left the portal, David received a kind greeting.

Thank you David looks at the interstellar coordinates on the high-speed craft. He is already in the airspace near rock star, which should be the defense line of the Fifth Fleet.

There were many old friends of his father Hans in the Fifth Fleet, no wonder they received such greetings.

David didn't know that he had become the pride of the rock star. He was admitted to the first college of alidia, which was the pride of all rock star people, not to mention the following David's achievements.

Today's David's reputation on rock star has almost reached the level of a household name, and the Fifth Fleet was ready to welcome David back through the portal.

A video call request was sent to David's high-speed spaceship, and David agreed to the request, and then a projection of a general in major general's uniform appeared in the cab.

"Hello, Master David. I'm Compton extraordinary!" Compton, in his warship, looked at the projection of the young man in front of him and introduced himself with a smile.

"Hello, it's a great honor to meet you!" David responded with a smile.

"If you have any need in the rock star, you can contact me. Galen and I have been good friends for many years, but he has praised you in front of me many times!" Compton said with an extraordinary smile.

"I'm sorry, I should have called you uncle Compton!" David said quickly.

"Ha ha, my friendship with Galen is put aside. At our level, we all discuss seniority by strength. Although you are not extraordinary, you have the strength to influence the extraordinary. Therefore, we should call it the same generation." Compton returned with an extraordinary smile.

"Uncle Compton, what can I do for you?" David didn't change his words. This is rock star, and this is Galen's extraordinary friend. How can he be equal to his peers."Nothing. I'm just exchanging contact information with you so that I can get in touch with you in the future. By the way, I'll have a look at the super genius who has gone out from the rock star!" Compton said, waving his hand.

Compton is really nothing extraordinary. He is very curious about David's achievements. He wants to meet him. He happens to be here, and he uses this way to get to know each other.

David does not know how much help a sniper master has for the extraordinary. In the army, any sniper master will be sought after by many extraordinary people, because the sniper master can greatly enhance the success rate of the extraordinary task.

Compton extraordinary to see David from his side, of course, to mix a familiar face for the future.

The high-speed craft passed through the atmosphere and headed for perland.

When he saw perland, the feeling of going home rose in David's heart.

This is the place where he first came to the world, and also the home of his identity. From here, he began his own growth.

The high-speed spacecraft flew to the sky above lanca street, and slowly landed on the open space at the door of the house. Fortunately, the high-speed spacecraft was not big enough to stop.

David stepped out of the high-speed spaceship and didn't go home for the first time. Instead, he opened his identity bracelet.

"Father, I'm back!" He sent a message to Hans' identity ring.

"David, wait for me, I'll be back in a minute!" Almost a second after David sent the message, Hans's reply arrived.

David smiles and opens the door of the house with his identity bracelet. The interior of the house, as he left, is managed by an intelligent housekeeper, which remains spotless.

The smart housekeeper here is a copy of the smart housekeeper Emma. At this time, Emma, the smart housekeeper, walks up to David and stands beside him, waiting for David's orders at any time.

"Give me two fruit juices!" David sat down on the sofa and said.

"Yes, master!" Emma Ying, the intelligent housekeeper, walked towards the basement.

Before Emma, the intelligent housekeeper, delivers the fruit juice, the sound of a floating car descending comes from the door. Then the door opens and Hans steps in quickly.

The father and son looked at each other. David was smiling. Hans looked serious and relaxed. Then he hugged David and patted him on the back.

No one knows how worried Hans is with David every time he hears the news from David.

David's enemies are too powerful, from large mercenaries to large consortia, and then to the extraordinary. In the guardian star, he is fighting with the third level Zerg. Although Hans is also proud of David, who knows what worries him.

When he saw David's whole body appeared in front of him, this feeling finally could not be maintained. The introverted fighting hero, the "national scholar" title, hugged his child with all his strength. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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