Transcendent David

Chapter 41: CH 41

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Right after David breathed a sigh of relief, the security optical computer sent another message- “We’ll discuss in detail when we meet.”

That message was sent from Mr. Strat’s account, and the recipient was Trainer Jeremy, who had his own account in the security optical computer. However, it was impossible to hide it from David, who was in control of the computer itself.

Soon, Trainer Jeremy replied, “Three days from now, 1 pm sharp.”

He also sent coordinates to an address.

David plugged in the coordinates and saw that it was a small beverage store.

Due to the environment of Planet Rocky, natural beverages were high-end luxury items in Pelan City. However, there were many beverage stores that were set up to cater to those who could afford them.

If David wanted to earn more credit points, he could set up a similar beverage store and sell the products of his vegetable and fruit cultivation base in his residence.

However, that wasn’t something to be considered. He no longer cared about credit points.

He noted down the time and turned off his identity bracelet.

Before David went to bed at night, he practiced the eighteen movements of Bodywork once again. Although the space in his bedroom was limited, he could clearly see the changes in the attribute panel.

After practicing the eighteen movements of Bodywork, he discovered that his Strength and Physique had become 3.02 arbitrary units.

The Intermediate-level Bodywork, which should not have belonged to ordinary humans, gave rise to massive effects after David’s practice.

He did not consume any Strengthening Potions and only ate strengthened meat. According to the results of the two times he’d practiced the eighteen movements of Bodywork today, each practice would be enough to increase his Strength and Physique by 0.01 arbitrary units each, which meant that it could increase by 0.02 arbitrary units per day.

In his mind, he calculated that if he continuously ate Level 1 strengthened meat and practiced daily, he would be able to reach the 1,000-kilogram strength standard for armorers in ten-odd days.

Of course, that was assuming there was no bottleneck effect. 1,000 kilograms was the minimum standard for the strength of an armorer. However, it was also the line that separated an ordinary person and an armorer.

One cannot be equipped with an exoskeleton armor without having 1,000 kilograms of strength.

Full of hope, David washed up and fell deep into sleep.

The next morning, David was practicing the Stormy Warhammer Technique in the underground gym when he received an alert from the identity bracelet about a vehicle approaching his residence.

Soon after, he received a message from Emma, the robot butler. “Master, Manager Lucian of Leeson Security is here to visit you!”

“Uncle Galen, someone from Leeson Security is here,” David told Galen, who was teaching Maron off to the side.

“You’ll receive them yourself. You don’t have to be polite to them!” Galen said, waving his hand casually. He then smacked Maron’s body and hollered, “You’re not focused, that’s why you keep making mistakes!”

David didn’t need to look at Maron’s eyes to know that they were full of resentment. Since 6 am, they had been training and practicing, only stopping for a quick breakfast. Maron wanted to go out and move around so desperately, but only David would get that pleasure.

Opening the door, David saw a cargo hover car and a middle-aged man in a business suit.

The middle-aged man appeared extremely reserved, seeming a little intimidated when he saw David.

“Mr. David, my name is Lucian. I’m in charge of managing Leeson Security in Pelan City. I apologize on behalf of the company, and I have also brought your compensation!” General Manager Lucian bowed and said humbly.

His words were familiar, as they were the same ones that Supervisor Gilson had said when he had visited previously.

David was ready to flare up, but after seeing several staff members moving items out of the cargo hovercar, he immediately recognized the various components as those of a medium-sized server.

He was tempted to ask if it was necessary for a security company in a small city like theirs to purchase a medium-sized server and use it as a main server.

In reality, Leeson Security had no choice. Due to the security issues present in Pelan City, the vast majority of the residents would opt for security systems that were very secure to protect themselves.

This resulted in fierce competition between security companies. It was precisely because Leeson Security had a medium-sized server as its main server that it was able to defeat so many of the other security companies and become the largest one in Pelan City.

If it wasn’t for their company being in the middle of an investigation, why would General Manager Lucian be willing to compensate David with the medium-sized server?

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He was not afraid of David. He was afraid of Galen, who was supporting David.

“Welcome, Mr. Lucian,” David said with a courteous smile.

He led General Manager Lucian into the hall and invited him to take a seat.

“Mr. David, I brought the main server with me this time, and I’d like to ask you to decide on a place to install it,” General Manager Lucian said to David as he pointed his finger at the staff members, who were still unloading the cargo.

He could tell from the cautiousness of the four or five staff members and the amount of time that they were taking to move it that the medium-sized server was very large.

The medium-sized server was not an ordinary optical computer that could be moved so easily. It had to be operated by professional staff, and hence, General Manager Lucian had brought the service team of the seller of the medium-sized server with him.

In order to be able to get the service team to come to work as soon as possible, he had paid a hefty price in credit points.

“Thank you, Mr. Lucian. You may install it in that room,” David answered, pointing to a vacant room on the first floor.

General Manager Lucian nodded and gave some instructions to the staff member beside him, after which the staff member scurried out.

Soon, the components of the medium-sized server were being carried into that room, one by one.

“Mr. David, don’t worry, they are all professionals. We will leave only after we have debugged the main server and granted you the final access,” General Manager Lucian explained.

“Emma, serve them juice please!” David instructed Emma after realizing that the guests hadn’t been served yet.

The expression on General Manager Lucian’s face eased up, seeing that David was trying to ease the tension between them.

Given Leeson Security’s current market share, they would definitely be able to cope with the huge price they had paid to appease David and Galen, as long they could pull through the ordeal.

Sending the medium-sized server was an attempt to get David’s forgiveness. Since it seemed to be working, General Manager Lucian felt like a huge stone had been lifted off of his chest.

“Mr. David, there are a few accessories here. It’s a small token from our company,” he said, placing a box on the coffee table and pushing it towards David.

David opened the box to see that there were indeed several accessories inside. However, they were not only meant for the medium-sized server. There was also some special electronic equipment.

For example, he saw a micro-scanner, a simulator monitor, and a signal isolator, all of which were miniaturized equipment. They were not ordinary electronic equipment, as only a regular security company could purchase them for special purposes through some channels.

The handheld micro-scanner could scan for life forms in buildings within a fifty-meter radius, the data then transferred to other display devices.

The simulator monitor could be placed anywhere, its built-in chip automatically able to analyze the surroundings before changing its color accordingly to achieve a stealth effect. Although it was not true invisibility, its presence would be concealed from most people.

The signal isolator could completely isolate signals within a certain range, which was similar to the equipment the Sky Wolf Mercenary Corps had used when they first attacked David’s residence. However, it was much smaller.

These pieces of electronic equipment were special because they were small enough to be used for spying. This was why they were considered prohibited items on the market.

When David was fusing the Electronic Warfare Retaliation Knowledge Orb, he had come into contact with similar devices. Hence, after seeing the accessories, he casually fiddled with them.

General Manager Lucian’s smile held a hint of pride. He could tell that David had taken a liking to those electronic devices.

Ever since he found out that Galen wanted Leeson Security to compensate David by giving him the main server, he reckoned that David must have an extraordinary penchant for electronic equipment.

Otherwise, the medium-sized server would just be considered a larger-than-usual optical computer, regardless of how expensive it may be.

With this in mind, he had placed three items from his own private collection among the accessories for the medium-sized server.

General Manager Lucian, who also liked electronic equipment, knew that David had the same interest as him. That proved that he had made the right choice.

“Mr. Lucian, I’m very pleased with these little tokens,” David said, extending his right hand.

“Mr. David, I hope to build a good relationship with you. If there is anything you need for the electronic equipment, please be sure to call me!” General Manager Lucian said earnestly, his smile bright as he reached out his right hand to give David a handshake.

David did not just like the electronic equipment. Rather, the ones that General Manager Lucian had given him were exactly what he needed!

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