Transcendent David

Chapter 410: CH 410

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The most powerful part of a sniper master is the concealment of the attack, which makes the target unable to have a sense of danger. This terrible ability is the most dangerous when you don't know there is a sniper master on the side.

And now David's situation is very clear, which makes David's risk level much less.

Melville was waiting. As soon as David's sniper appeared, he immediately gave way, and then killed directly.

On the contrary, he is more worried that David will not appear, which will increase the difficulty of his pursuit.

"For an exposed sniper master, the danger level is reduced by at least 50%." This is an extraordinary experience from the experience of a sniper master who survived and successfully fought back.

Melville agrees with this point very much. He doesn't believe that he can be sniped successfully if his mind is highly focused around.

At this time, a Gauss gun suddenly attacked. Although Melville did not understand why the attack was launched by the military's city defense Gauss gun, he dodged at the first time.

Melville's extraordinary Dodge was swift, and the alloy Gauss shells passed him.

But the Gauss gun that David controls is not one. Just 0.1 seconds after the first Gauss gun attacks, the second Gauss gun is also fired.

Melville extraordinary just felt the orientation of the first Gauss gun and was about to fly down when a second alloy Gauss shell came.

This time, he only came to avoid the crucial point. He was hit by the alloy Gauss shell in the leg. He was hit by the huge potential energy and his body turned sideways in the air.

The third alloy Gauss shell also flew over. This time, it was blocked by his heavy axe of level 3. He could not dodge any more. He could only rely on fighting instinct to block.

Melville's extraordinary heart wanted to ask why the military's urban defense system attacked him, but he did not take the initiative to attack the military's urban defense system.

He was tired of dealing with the continuous alloy Gauss shells. He was very worried that a grade Gauss shell would come.

Eight consecutive alloy Gauss shells make Melville extraordinary swing in the air. Due to the low strength of alloy Gauss shells, Melville Superman did not receive much damage.

Compared with the third grade "extraordinary armor", the alloy Gauss shell is more like a piece of mud. However strong the impact force is, it will disperse instantly when the mud hits the wall, and the damage caused is greatly reduced.

The biggest effect of the alloy Gauss shell is to make Melville out of balance, and the constant impact in the air makes him lose part of his control of the body.

After the attack of eight alloy Gauss shells, it stopped for 0.3 seconds. Melville had just stabilized his body, and a continuous alloy Gauss shell was fired.

This time Melville was extraordinarily prepared. He tried to use the non vital parts of his body to withstand the attack of Gauss shells.

Melville has already known that David is attacking him. It may be because there is no grade Gauss shells in the city defense system here, or grade Gauss shells are rare and of very low level. David has been attacking him, but he can't cause fatal damage.

Galen had already stepped aside. He saw that Melville was unable to enter by ordinary Gauss artillery, and could not even escape, because the constant attacks made Melville extraordinary lose balance in the air and could not fly at all.

David attacks very well, and his calculation is not too accurate, because Melville is not the king of the stone skin worm. When dealing with the king of the stone skin worm, if you don't hit the key point, you can't do much damage.

When he attacks Melville, he just needs to hit Melville Superman almost, which greatly reduces his calculation, which is the reason why he can attack Melville extraordinary for a long time.

If you do the same calculation and attack as the one that killed the king of stone skin worm, at most eight times is his limit.

Melville is extraordinary in the sky like a toy, hit by Gauss shells and rolling.

Finally, Melville extraordinary was infuriated by this kind of attack, if the other side's damage was more serious, he would also use means to escape.

But now David only uses alloy Gauss shells. If Melville escapes, it is estimated that his story will be spread throughout the supernatural world.

"Stop it Melville roared, and his extraordinary power broke out. He blocked his face with a third class heavy axe and his legs and knees in front of his chest. With the interval of 0.3 seconds after David's eight attacks, he stabilized his body and immediately rushed down in this form.

Consuming extraordinary power can double his defense instantly. He believes that he can block the attack of alloy Gauss shells for a short time.

As soon as you get closer, the Gauss gun will lose its effect, and then he will find David.

In fact, Melville had seen David's position for a long time, because on the wall, the only control room guarded by a few military warriors, needless to say, was where David was.

As for whether there will be a sudden attack of high-grade artillery shells, Melville's extraordinary idea is that if it had been used earlier, if he had just used it, he would have suffered at least some injuries, instead of being affected by some vibration of his body at most.Besides, even if there are grade Gauss shells, they can't pose a fatal threat to him who is prepared, because he doesn't believe that the city defense system of this small city will install class II Gaussian shells in the Gauss guns.

Normally, the second grade Gauss shells will be placed in the warehouse and can only be called out in case of emergency. This procedure is not something David can handle in a moment.

Melville is wondering if David is waiting for the arrival of the second grade Gauss shells. Maybe the alloy Gauss shells are used to attack him just to hold him down and wait for the perland city garrison to complete the procedures and transfer the second grade Gaussian shells from the warehouse.

So Melville was in the air and made a decision to rush down.

What Melville didn't know was that the barrel of the Gauss gun nearest David turned to lock him in.

David has only one third grade Gauss shell, and he is now well-known. He is no longer the same as before. The extraordinary people are totally indifferent to his attack.

David has his own thinking about how to use this third class Gauss shell.

He can only kill with one blow, or his life may be in danger.

Melville felt the consumption of extraordinary power. The alloy Gauss shell hit his leg and the heavy axe of the third grade, which made him almost unable to descend.

But fortunately, after the alloy Gauss shell hit him, it would be broken into pieces, which made him insist on relying on extraordinary force.

When he judged that he could enter the blind area of Gauss gun in a second, he seemed to feel a different Gauss shell coming.

Just as soon as the thought rose, he felt a pain in his legs, and then a force passed through his legs, through his body.

This kind of feeling is very strange, he actually feels the heart is breathing air, even has the outside air unique cool feeling.

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Then Melville's supernatural body lost its power, and the last-minute consciousness of his brain told him that he had been sniped.

After shooting the third grade Gauss shell, David immediately opened the door, nodded to the military warrior outside, and then rose into the air.

These military warriors were stunned for a long time. The legendary supernatural fell down like a wild goose shot by an arrow in the air. Is this still the so-called invincible extraordinary?

David landed in Melville extraordinary body, immediately rushed to the body, the shadow attendant absorbed Melville's extraordinary soul, which let David rest assured to see Melville's extraordinary body.

Melville's extraordinary legs were broken and shot through the chest.

Anyone who uses his legs as a buffer and is impacted by a third grade Gaussian shell will leave such a terrible wound. The third grade Gauss shell fired by the Gauss gun is extraordinary, and even the top level three Zerg can't bear it.

It's a pity that this "extraordinary armor" can't be used again without major repair.

"David, is this guy dead?" Galen flew over and asked in surprise.

This is the first time that Galen extraordinary saw David kill an extraordinary in person, Melville extraordinary was played by David with Gauss gun between the thighs.

If it was Galen himself, he could not escape immediately because he was attacked by alloy Gauss shells. It is precisely because David gave Melville extraordinary hope that Melville would give up dodging and let David give a 100% accurate fatal strike.

Of course, if David wanted to take a risk, he could have mixed that third grade Gaussian shell in previous attacks, but David used the most secure way.

Melville extraordinary is very powerful, before the alloy Gauss shell many attacks, lost balance Melville extraordinary use weapons and body non important parts to block multiple attacks.

This is also an important reason why David doesn't want to take a risk. The fatal attack only needs one time. Of course, choose the best opportunity.

Whether Melville wants to get close or run away, there will be the best chance to attack.

So Melville extraordinary no matter what kind of choice, as long as in the range of Gauss gun attack, can not retreat.

"The heart has been hit, dead!" David nodded.

David removed Melville's "extraordinary armor" from Melville's extraordinary body, and then took off the space wristband. The familiarity of the technique made Galen's extraordinary look stunned.

"Uncle Galen, you can see what you can use in this, or you can leave the space wrist guard directly!" David throws the space wristband to Galen, said supernormal.

"David, this is your booty. You can put it away by yourself. I'll have the equipment I want." Galen said with extraordinary determination.

He threw the space wristband back to David without hesitation.

David didn't say much. He put the space wristband in the locker at his waist.

"I'm going to find that Gauss shell. It took me a lot of points to get it!" David said as he soared into the air.

Galen himself stood in front of Melville's extraordinary body. Extraordinary death was rare. At least two times Galen had seen it by David.The previous time was that Cather was poisoned by David, this time Melville was shot by David.

These two extraordinary people really want to fight David in close combat. It is estimated that David can't even take a shot, but in the end, David wins.

The third grade Gauss warhead was soon found by David, who had a clear firing path in his head.

When David returns, the extraordinary body of Melville has been brought back to peran by Galen. Although Melville is the enemy, Galen extraordinary will not let an extraordinary corpse burst into the wilderness and become the food of Zerg.

Galen extraordinary takes Melville's extraordinary body into his own space wristband.

"Master David, I need to write a report on today's affairs. What do you want to say directly and what can't be included in the report?" Not long after David returned to the house, Lieutenant Elmer arrived, and the first thing he said was a question of concern.

As a city defense captain, Lieutenant Elmer made a bet on his future. Once the report was proved to be wrong, he would not mention his current position, or even be sent to the military court.

But Lieutenant Elmer still asked, because David is a hero of perland. David saved the city and saved them. If it wasn't for David, these soldiers would have died.

"Lieutenant Elmer, you don't have to hide anything. Write what you have!" David replied with a smile.

"It won't do you any harm?" Still, Lieutenant Elmer asked anxiously.

"No, this extraordinary is coming to pursue and kill me. It happens that you report this matter and give the messenger a warning!" David said casually.

"Master David, we are so weak that we can't help you, but please protect yourself!" Lieutenant Elmer couldn't imagine that David's enemy was at this level, he could only say helplessly.

Lt. Elmer didn't stay long. There was such a big thing that a remarkable man was killed. He had to report it as quickly as possible.

Lt. Elmer was a long time late to ask David.

Galen sat there smiling and did not speak. He could feel the city's attitude towards David, as can be seen from the attitude of the soldiers in the city defense brigade.

Hans looked at David with a heavy expression. He was worried about David's safety, but he could not help it.

No news has been sent back from the old friends contacted by the military, which makes him do not know who David's enemy is. When asked about David, he said that he did not know.

Of course, David would not tell Hans that he didn't want his own affairs to affect Hans. As long as Hans did not take the initiative to provoke others, those forces would not dare to take the initiative to attack the "statesman" title.

Although the sky was a little dark, the residents of Pei Lan City could not be concealed. Many residents witnessed the battle with their own eyes.

Soon, the news that David returned to pelan and fought and defeated the powerful enemy spread in the city, and the city became lively for a moment. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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