Transcendent David

Chapter 417: CH 417

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Compton and David have been chatting with each other in a very friendly state. David's exhibits make Compton think of David as the existence of extraordinary peers.

Compton did not leave until she was about to reach the portal.

Compton extraordinary came here to establish an equal friendship with David, on the other hand, he navigated David himself. Of course, this navigation is only a form, but it can also show Compton's attitude towards David.

The "Thunderbolt" passed through the portal, and David arrived at the third space fleet. This time, the guide was even more enthusiastic than the last time.

Shortly after David returned to the guardian planet, a team of more than 500 lawyers gathered on Cairn.

These lawyers include a number of well-known law firms in the two major star regions, namely, airdia and cardor. Among them, there are more than 50 barristers alone.

It's a huge credit point just to hire these lawyers, not to mention how long the next work will last.

On November 5, it was a fine day. At 10 a.m., a floating car stopped in front of the new office building of the erto fund in Dutu.

Then they stepped out of the suspension car and stepped down into six groups, each with a briefcase in their hands, to walk up to the new office building of the erto foundation.

The storm before the erto fund has not completely subsided. Some reporters just saw this scene outside the new building of erto fund, and immediately some reporters began to take pictures.

"Who are you looking for, please?" Looking at the formation of more than 500 lawyers, the lady at the front desk was already shocked. She was just forced to calm down and professionally ask now.

"We are appointed by the entrusted company and need to see the president of erto fund!" McCulley, who is in charge of the task, said in a deep voice to the receptionist.

"Please wait a moment, I need to report!" The front desk lady knew that this kind of thing was not something she could contact. She had already sent a message to her boss. Her task at the moment was to try her best to appease these lawyers.

"It's 10:05 now. If no one receives us before 10:20, we will not discuss with you any more and go straight to the judicial procedure!" McCulley looked at the time on the identity bracelet, and then said faintly.

As long as the people of erto fund are not stupid, they will not leave these lawyers here.

Less than two minutes later, an assistant to the president trotted over.

In general, the president of a super large enterprise like erto fund is very busy and can't be seen without appointment.

Not to mention that the recent erto fund is in the most troublesome stage, and the new CEO is busier.

However, the president of Amherst, who just took over the erto fund, met with the lawyers in the largest conference room of the building. Such a big scene made the president dare not ignore it.

In the conference room, there are 10 lawyers and more than 30 personnel from various parts of erto fund. This is the reason why President Amherst specially told us to send more people to the conference room. Otherwise, there would not be so many people.

However, even in this case, compared with the huge number of 500 lawyers and the aura, it is not a level at all.

So before the two sides met, President Amherst felt his own weakness.

"Barrister Macaulay, I don't know what you need from erto fund with so many lawyers deployed?" President Amherst wanted to take the initiative. He first asked.

"President Amherst, I am here on behalf of iron wood company, pine wood company, Yang wood company, birch wood company, oak company and Chinese fir company to ask erto fund to undertake the rights and interests corresponding to the shares!" McCulley said a string of company names.

President Amherst's face changed slightly, and he could tell from the names of these companies that these companies were not formal companies, they were more like temporary perfunctory names.

And he is 100% sure that they have never had equity disputes with the six companies.

But President Amherst also understands that since there are 500 lawyers here, there will be no legal problems. Otherwise, these lawyers will not come.

"Barrister Macaulay, I need to see the relevant information to confirm that six companies have equity interests in erto fund!" President Amherst waved to one of the company's attorneys and then said to McCulley.

"Of course, this is the equity transfer agreement of six companies, this is the relevant certification document of the government, and this is the notarized document of the notary organization!" McCulley took the paper document out of the briefcase and put it on the desk, then pushed it over and said.

These 500 lawyers are not in vain. Under the coordination of Macaulay, 50 barristers showed their own abilities. In just a few days, through various relationships, they carried out a variety of authentication of the equity transfer agreement, so that the legality of the equity transfer agreement can not be doubted.

President Amherst took over the documents and read them one by one in his hand.The more he looked at it, the more frightened he felt. Even his hands trembled involuntarily.

Erto fund 70% of the equity was transferred to the name of these six shell companies.

When we saw the time of equity transfer, it was not long before erto satellite was destroyed. President Amherst could almost be sure that it was the murderer who entrusted these 500 lawyers.

"You are robbers. I don't approve the six transfer agreements!" President Amherst slapped the document in his hand on the desk and said in a deep voice.

"President Amherst, it doesn't matter whether you approve or not. These six agreements are protected by law. Today we are here to inform you that we will take back the equity of erto fund as soon as possible and take back the benefits due to my client!" McCulley said with a smile.

At this time, ten attorneys of the erto foundation took over the documents and began to examine them.

Although President Amherst's attitude has been made clear, as lawyers, they need to complete their own work.

The electronic signature of the original equity owner cannot be displayed on the paper document, but there is relevant notarization, which is not much to question. Moreover, the electronic contract can be viewed, and the paper document has the corresponding serial number, which can be queried at any time.

"We will keep these documents, and we will begin to perform our duties from this afternoon!" McCulley stood up, did not take care of the ten lawyers, and said goodbye to President Amherst.

He was not prepared to prepare for the erto foundation for too long. The reason why he organized a powerful lawyer group of 500 lawyers was to strike a thunderbolt.

As a lawyer who has a close relationship with David, Macaulay started the task with 10 billion credit points in his hand after being entrusted by David.

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If erto fund is still the super giant with huge cash flow, McCulley is still worried about whether it can win.

However, it is different now. The fund of erto fund is in a passive position compared with Macaulay, who holds 10 billion credit points and has prepared in advance.

Why did President Amherst not receive relevant information before? With the notarization of these lawyers, the relevant information should have been sent to President Amherst for a long time, which has the function of credit point.

In fact, on the one hand, the competition is strength and on the other is credit point. In terms of strength, ertoki Vajra has been greatly impacted, and the influence is just at the lowest stage. On the other hand, Macaulay has shown a strong lawyer group of 500 lawyers, which, to a certain extent, has bridged the huge gap between them.

Together with the way of the surprise attack, McCulley's win was increased.

As for the credit point, I believe that erto fund can't even get a billion credit points.

The most important thing is that once the equity litigation is carried out, erto fund will not be able to carry out large-scale fund mobilization, even the sale of fixed assets and large loans need to wait until the litigation is over.

Except for some business needs, the rest of the fund transfer will be monitored by the judicial department.

It can be said that the biggest weakness of erto fund in this situation is the credit point.

Both lawyers and lawsuits need a lot of credit points to maintain.

In fact, when David commissioned McCulley, he did not ask McCulley to take back the equity of erto fund, but let him delay the recovery process of erto fund.

When erto fund is in a weak state for a long time, there will be other forces to help David attack erto fund, which was the decline of Batu energy company before.

But when McCulley took over, he saw the chance that the case would make him the most famous barrister in the interstellar Federation.

The amount of erto fund is huge, and its total assets exceed five trillion yuan. Litigation of this scale is rare even in the interstellar Federation.

Every barrister who has presided over such a lawsuit will leave a strong mark in the judicial system of the interstellar Federation. As long as he wins the lawsuit, he can become the leading barrister in the whole Federation.

So McCulley is not fighting for David, not for Emma's side of the relationship, he's fighting for himself.

As for the connection between the share transfer and the destruction of erto satellite, as long as there is no direct evidence, even if everyone knows the connection, it will not affect the share transfer contract.

Sitting in the empty conference room, President Amherst looks at the ten remaining lawyers.

"Are there any loopholes in these documents and are the transfer contracts true?" Although President Amherst knew the answer, he still asked.

Of the 500 lawyers, of whom each of the 50 barristers is more competent than his own 10 lawyers, how can a loophole be detected by 10 lawyers.

"President, after our review, the six transfer agreements were indeed transferred by the former president of bridges and five shareholders. The electronic signature of these agreements can not be counterfeited unless I want to!" A lawyer said with a wry smile."You are also an old man of erto fund. What can you do to resist this lawsuit?" The president of Amherst asked in a deep voice.

Legal matters still need to be answered by lawyers.

"A barrister, not less than ten..." The lawyer hesitated for a moment, then changed his words and said, "twenty barristers, and a large number of elite lawyers who serve twenty barristers, as well as the allies of erto foundation, should be invited to influence the lawsuit together."

"You go out and let me think about it." President Amherst heard the lawyer's advice and said in a deep voice.

Ten attorneys left the conference room. President Amherst sat alone in the room. After a while, he opened his identity bracelet, found a name, and activated contact.

"Desmond extraordinary, Hello, I need your help!" President Amherst said respectfully.

"What's the matter?" Desmond asked in an extraordinary deep voice.

President Amherst's heart sank a little. Desmond was extraordinary, but he was supported by erto foundation. Although he did not become a sacrifice of erto foundation in the end, he always had contacts.

Desmond transcendence is the guardian of Kaian, and has great energy in the government.

However, President Amherst told the story again. The implication was obvious, that is, he wanted to invite Desmond to come forward and make use of his influence in the government to increase the support for erto fund.

"President Amherst, do you know who your opponent is?" Desmond was extraordinarily silent for more than ten seconds. He should be thinking about something, and then asked aloud.

"Yes, the erto fund had conflicts with the sniper Master David before. The fund sent Melville to assassinate David, but he died on the guardian star." President Amherst did not conceal the idea, replied directly.

Since the destruction of erto satellite, relevant speculation has been spread all over the kador region.

Maybe ordinary people don't know, but Desmond, who is extraordinary, must be very clear about it.

"There are more than seven mortals under Master David's command. What kind of reward have you prepared to invite me to appear?" Desmond's extraordinary voice was full of sarcasm.

Desmond transcendence has a name of self-knowledge. Not to mention Melville's transcendence, which is well-known and powerful in the cardor region, we can say that the offerings of the erto foundation are no weaker than him.

All these supernatural beings died in David's hand. How dare he stand up against David.

In particular, after many battles between David and the great powers, people with a clear eye can see David's character. His way of dealing with the enemy is too direct, which completely destroys the enemy.

Maybe it's because David was born in a war zone. He didn't look at his life, and every revenge was a massacre, which really scared many people in peace areas, including many extraordinary people in peace areas. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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