Transcendent David

Chapter 420: CH 420

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The change of ownership of erto fund did not have any impact on the guardian star. There were only three extraordinary speculators, but they did not believe that David had a super enterprise with five trillion credit points.

Especially when Kenny extraordinary saw David in the morning, David was still the figure with exoskeleton armor and weapons on his back. He could not believe that David had so much wealth.

Because ordinary people have a huge amount of wealth, naturally there will be a kind of confidence, which is supported by massive credit points.

But in David, it's completely invisible.

David didn't go out hunting this morning. Instead, he went to the base of cador Academy on the "thundersnake modified ship".

What's the difference between him and the past is that when he leaves the college base, he always takes a "Thunderbolt refit ship", which makes it impossible for those who have a heart to find a chance to deal with him.

There is a saying in the guardian star that as long as David controls the Gauss gun, it is the guardian star's strongest individual combat power.

The Federation does not reject the use of foreign objects to increase its combat effectiveness. Instead, it actively develops various auxiliary equipment to enhance its combat effectiveness.

Therefore, David's ability to manipulate the Gauss gun is also considered as one of his combat power.

When he came to the sky above the kador academy base, David saw that the base below was quite different from the previous dilapidated one. Now, the kador college base is no longer an empty steel wall. A large number of ancillary equipment and defensive missile launchers have made the base a battleground.

Because he had contacted Glenn before, the "Raptor" was not obstructed at this time, but was guided into the hangar after being identified.

"Welcome, Master David As soon as David got off the Raptor, he saw Glen standing outside to welcome him.

"Glen is extraordinary, meet again!" David replied with a smile.

His eyes glanced at Glen's extraordinary left hand, which could not see anything, but he could perceive that it was lifeless.

"My hand is specially customized for me by the Institute of research. It simulates skin and has bones made of grade three materials. It can be used only by consciousness in normal times. It is as convenient as using the original hand. When fighting, it can input extraordinary force and instantly crush the enemy's body!" Glen saw David's eyes and introduced his novice with a smile.

David was happy to see Glen in a good mood.

But no matter what Glenn explains, cutting off the petrified left hand was a tough decision.

When an extraordinary person needs to use his hands to catch the enemy and deal with the strong, it is impossible to achieve, and there is no need to deal with the weak, so Glenn's saying just shows a relaxed attitude.

They walked to Glenn's extraordinary office together. Along the way, David saw that the decoration was over and the college was just like before.

"Well, the funds for the restoration of the base are all paid by erto fund!" Coming to the office, as soon as he sat down, Glen said as if on purpose.

Glenn is extraordinary in cardor's universe, and he has known what happened to erto fund for a long time.

Although there is no evidence, everyone has confirmed that David did what happened in erto fund. This method is too familiar. It is David's style.

Glenn is also speculating about why David came here.

"Does the base still need funds from erto fund?" David asked suddenly.

Glen was stunned. Then he pointed at David and laughed.

David said that although he did not admit that it was he who changed the ownership of erto fund, but he recognized his control of erto fund.

"Erto fund, one of the top 50 Super enterprises in cardor, didn't think of it. I didn't think of it!" Glen laughed for a moment, then shook his head and sighed.

"I didn't think it was an accident!" David is also very helpless to say.

"I will mediate the disputes between erto foundation and the college, but it is impossible to recover as before. At most, the projects cooperated with before can continue!" Glen extraordinary didn't wait for David to ask for it.

In fact, the conflict between cardor college and erto fund is not good for both sides.

Among the students of cardor college, there are many elite students who have worked in the erto foundation because of the friendly relationship between cardor college and erto foundation, and have reached very important positions.

These elite students are unlikely to give up years of hard work for cardor college.

If erto fund wants to develop, it is impossible to bypass the best talent pool of cardor college.

Now that erto fund has changed ownership, Glen extraordinary certainly wants to solve the contradiction between the two sides, but it still needs to discuss with headmaster Jonah, so he can't make a definite decision.

"Please, I owe you a favor for this matter." David said with a smile.

"I remember it Glen was also laughing.The conversation between David and Glenn was very harmonious, and soon the matter of erto fund turned to the situation of the guardian star.

"Recently, Justin and Julius of the military have made extraordinary moves. They seem to be looking for something. Every day, a large number of reconnaissance ships are scanning around the guardian star, especially in our area." Glenn was dissatisfied with the two extraordinary acts of the military, he said in a deep voice.

We should know that although the guardian star is a war zone, it is a planet that the Ministry of education has forcibly seized from the military department. It is mainly used for the cultivation of talents in various star regions.

When there is a threat, it doesn't matter if the two military are extraordinary. But now there is no threat. The military's doing so affects the privacy of the Academy bases.

Anyone hunting Zerg doesn't want a scout ship overhead.

Especially since David discovered the new kryptonite, the colleges have sent personnel to search for new kryptonite, which they don't want to be seen.

"It's no wonder that when I go out hunting Zerg these days, I often encounter scouting ships!" David said suddenly.

"My military friends said that Justin and Julius were a bit unlucky. It seems that they were left behind as guardian stars and became military guardian transcendents here. They seem to want to find something quickly so that they can leave the guardian star early, but they just don't tell us what we are looking for!" Glenn's most exasperated is actually what is the treasure that the military pays attention to, which can make the military pay so much attention to and explain its importance.

Glenn's extraordinary friends in the military, even if not at the top of the military, are at least extraordinary in the military.

David knew in his heart what Justin and Julius were looking for, but this kind of aimless search could not be found even in a hundred years' time.

It is impossible to sympathize with Justin and Julius. How arrogant they were when they first saw them.

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It can be said that Glenn was able to say that the two military were extraordinary. The most important thing was that the two military extraordinary arrogance at that time angered him.

Not only Glenn was extraordinary, but the extraordinary people present at that time were dissatisfied with the two military transcendence, which made them unable to get the support of any academy base. In this case, they would be blamed for entering the range of each academy base from the ground, and they had to start from the air.

On the day after David and Glenn's extraordinary meeting, representatives of cardor college and erto foundation met in Kaian.

Both sides have the intention of reconciliation, and both sides have been cooperating in various aspects before. Many people on both sides have good personal relations. Now the high-level needs to resume relations, and the negotiations between the two sides are very smooth.

In particular, erto foundation doesn't care about some efforts. President Craig is very clear that he needs the support of cardor college.

Now, despite the support of David's vicious name, who can guarantee that over a long period of time, someone will forget David's bad name and do something.

Today, erto fund has no extraordinary position, and its high-end combat power cannot protect itself.

Cooperation with erto fund again will avoid the threat of other high-end combat power to the greatest extent.

David didn't care about these things. He spent every day hunting Zerg.

On the evening of October 25, David was in a floating transport vehicle. This floating carrier was brought by the "Thunderbolt refitting ship". It was only needed to transfer a large amount of goods in the base.

The biggest reason for the use of suspended transport vehicles today is that there are more harvests today.

Captain hope drove the vehicle himself. He could see that David was in a very good mood. He thought it was because of the harvest today.

He doesn't know. David is looking at the score displayed on his identity bracelet. This time, he has killed six second level Zerg. As long as they are all sold, the total points will reach 50000 points.

In this way, David's first task in the college base was completed, and he was in a very good mood.

That's why David comes to trade in person, because he needs to receive points, so he can't just come to settle accounts together after accumulating for many days.

The trading area is the busiest time at this time, and many students will return to the base and sell their booty here.

"David, I'm here to take care of your business!" David got out of the suspended carrier and entered David's shop, shouting.

In fact, David had already seen him without calling him, but David was dealing with several students.

"Master David, please wait a moment. I'll be ready right here." David said sorry to David.

When several students saw David, they all looked a little stiff. They were still bargaining before. Now they didn't even pay the price. They closed the deal immediately, for fear that it would affect David's time.

"What's the matter? The drugs for treating injuries are so popular recently?" David looked at the figures of several students leaving, turned to David and asked.

Several of the students, who are estimated to be from a group of beetles, bought 20 copies of all kinds of emergency medicine used in the battlefield.Normally, a group of first-class students only need to prepare a few copies of treatment drugs. This group of students is a little exaggerated.

It is not only common emergency medicine for wound hemostasis, but also some fast injection gene therapy drugs. This is a real high price treatment drug, and its cost performance is much lower than that of gene repair cabin.

"A lot of students have been injured recently. They say that the fighting power of Zerg seems to be stronger, but they can't say how much." David answers as he counts the second level Zerg corpses David has brought.

David frowns. This is not good news. The Zerg's fighting power is likely to be affected by other factors.

He didn't fight with the third level Zerg recently. He killed all the second level Zerg. Generally, they were long-range snipers. Even in close combat, they were all one shot. He couldn't feel the change of the fighting power of the second level Zerg.

These days, he went out early and came back late. He never paid attention to the news of the college base.

However, he thought that he should have known this news for a long time, and he was worried that it was useless.

"Together with the points that existed here before, a total of 3200 points will be paid to you now?" When David had finished his account, he turned to David and asked.

"Pay me now!" When David heard about the integral, he forgot the news and said with a smile.

All the rest is not as important as his strength improvement. The huge number of 50000 points can not be saved even if one point is not used during the college period.

With such a high threshold, David has great expectations for the "soul chopping heavy axe technique". He has been stuck in the mastery of half step perfect heavy axe for too long.

This is his best hope to break through the half step perfect heavy axe master.

Looking at the identity Bracelet showed that the points reached 50000 points, David's face showed joy.

The floating transporter has returned long ago. David directly returns to his dormitory from here. He plans to return to the college tomorrow to exchange for the "chopping spirit heavy axe technique".

On the way back to the dormitory, I saw president green walking in a hurry.

David waved to President green, and President green came quickly.

"Master David!" President green showed great respect to David and said respectfully.

"President green, the strength of Zerg has increased recently. What's the latest news from the student union?" David called President green to inquire about Zerg.

"The student union has been investigating for a long time, but nothing has been found. Recently, the high-density scanning of the military's reconnaissance ships has been carried out. If there is anything wrong, the military will find out for a long time." President green replied hesitantly.

"You don't need any actual evidence. Tell me your guess!" David saw that President green was hiding something, so he asked directly.

"Even the first class Zerg are reflected in this enhancement. If we can't find any other reasons, it may be a precursor of the insect tide!" President green looked around and said softly.

"How can this be possible? Isn't it just the end of the insect tide, and there's a lot less Zerg population in our area?" David shook his head and said in disbelief.

"Guardian stars rarely happen, but they often happen in warstar. According to the situation on warstar, once the Zerg's overall strength is enhanced, then it must be a large-scale Zerg operation!" President green replied.

Because of the family relationship, President Green has a lot of in-depth understanding of warstar. It is precisely because of this that he doubts this point. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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