Transcendent David

Chapter 440: CH 440

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After seeing the extraordinary burning power of Hess, the headmaster Lake extraordinary also accelerated to chase after a certain distance, and also gave up the pursuit.

A strong extraordinary decides the speed of burning the extraordinary force. In addition, the acceleration produced by the impact force of the auxiliary gun's heavy laser gun makes Lake extraordinary have no way.

If Hess's massive scanning device still works, it can track down Hess, but now it can only watch him escape.

"Hess's strength will be reduced this time, and he will fall completely from the position close to the top level. However, he still needs to be careful about the" quasi extraordinary weapon "in his hand. No one knows the effect of the" quasi extraordinary weapon " The principal, lake, warned on the channel.

Judging from the number of extraordinary forces that Hess had just burned, Hess had burned his extraordinary power accumulated for at least ten years in a short time.

In this way, it is not easy for Hess to defeat Kenny extraordinary simply by his fighting power, but the third grade Epee in his hands is a huge threat.

Although Hess did not stay extraordinary this time, but also let his strength greatly damaged, at least in a short period of time, he can not threaten the first college base of alidia.

"Headmaster, do you want David to use his pet's extraordinary ability to find out where Hess is and kill him?" Kenny extraordinary flew to the headmaster, Lake extraordinary, this time did not use the channel, but asked in person.

"Don't worry, I'm gathering friends. I can't let Hess leave the guardian planet this time!" The principal, lake, shook his head.

Although he is confident to deal with Hess extraordinary, especially in the case of the strength of Hessian extraordinary drops, there is no problem.

However, the trapped animal is still fighting. The headmaster, Lake extraordinary, saw the extraordinary madness of Hess. He was worried that with the power of several extraordinary people in the first college of alidia, he might lose himself in the process of killing him.

Therefore, the headmaster Lake extraordinary decided to invite friends to form a encirclement and suppression team, leaving Hess extraordinary completely in the guardian star.

"David, we'll go back to the Academy base, and you'll bring the Hess back to base!" Kenny extraordinary told David on the channel.

"Well, the Hess needs to be cleaned up, too!" David agreed.

The big "smart core" drove the Hess to the Academy base, and David turned on the Hess security system.

The Hess has a perfect internal security system. Although these security systems are not effective for armour wearing exoskeleton armor, they are still fatal to ordinary people.

This is why, after hearing the warning, the crew of the Hess entered their own rooms and did not dare to come out.

Working on the Hess, these people know how terrible the security and defense of the Hess is. Every channel has defense weapons. Once they don't obey the orders, they will be killed.

"All personnel, please note that I am the new owner of the Hess. Now all personnel leave their respective rooms and go to the front cabin to gather. Please walk according to the route assigned on the bracelet of each person's identity. Otherwise, you will be at your own risk!" David spoke to the Hess crew over the radio.

The Hess is a large warship. Although Hess has tried his best to simplify it, there are still nearly 1000 crew members on board.

In addition to some of the core crew, there are also personnel from various industries, including cooks, maintenance personnel, service personnel and so on. The work of these personnel makes Hess extraordinary enjoy the best in the Hess.

The staff who heard the broadcast were pale and did not dare to disobey David's orders.

A staff member carefully walked out of the room, some worried looking at the defense weapons that had been revealed for a long time. These defensive weapons are fully automatic. As long as they are considered as the enemy, they will carry out continuous attacks until the enemy is killed.

Fortunately, what worried the staff did not happen. Although the defense weapons were activated everywhere, they did not take the initiative to attack them.

Metford walks out of the room with his head down.

Before the capture of the Hess, Mitford's status was higher than that of the rest of the people. He was the extraordinary nephew of Hess. Because he had no talent for a scholar and no knowledge of the crew, Mitford could only serve as the ship's logistics director.

This work is very easy, all the work is in charge of the special personnel, his task is to manage these staff.

Because of his extraordinary relationship with Hester, Mitford is a bit domineering at ordinary times, which offends many people. However, other people dare not speak out in the face of Hess.

Mitford was very worried that if his identity was revealed, he would be killed by the men who seized the Hess.

Of course, this is just his idea. No matter David or other extraordinary people, they will not put him in the eyes of ordinary people who are nothing, let alone retaliate against him.

Mitford looked at the path automatically generated for him on the identity bracelet. He could see that it was the shortest route from his room to the front cabin assembly point, and he also found it very close to an escape pod point.The reason why Mitford knows the location of the escape capsule is not how good his professional ability is, but that he is afraid of death and has observed the location of the escape capsule very early.

Mitford looked at a door next to the passageway ahead, his eyes getting hotter and hotter. As long as he came to the door and opened it, he could enter the escape capsule.

The escape capsule of Hess is very advanced, using krypton crystal energy small engine. It can be seen that Hess has made great efforts to use this expensive engine in the escape capsule.

Each escape capsule is equivalent to a high-speed shuttle, which is essentially different from the ordinary escape capsule which only depends on ejection.

Mitford believed that as long as he entered the escape capsule, relying on the power of the small krypton crystal energy engine in the escape capsule and the ejection force, he could escape far away in a short time.

Step by step, he got closer and closer to the door, because it was the door to the escape capsule, which had a manual switch, which was used when there was a problem with the control system of the Hess.

As soon as Mitford gritted his teeth, he rushed to the door where the escape capsule was located. Just as he had just stepped out of the prescribed route, the large "smart core" controlled the heavy machine guns in the passage and fired bullets at Mitford.

Mitford's body appeared dense bullet holes, he was like a rag doll thrown by the impact of the bullet, hit the bulkhead, and then fell heavily to the ground.

The joy of escape remained on his face until he died, but the expression could only be solidified on his face with the disappearance of his life.

"Final warning, please don't leave the designated route!" This time it's not David's voice, it's an automatic warning from the security system.

Just after hearing the sound of heavy machine guns, some of the staff in the riot did not dare to move. They moved forward cautiously according to the prescribed route, and those with different ideas also put their thoughts away.

In the face of life and death, the former loyalty and so on are no longer important.

This is also because the real dead men, those warriors were taken away by Hess, otherwise David would not be so easy to control the warship.

All the staff are gathered in the front cabin, where there is a huge space, mainly for the rest of the relatively small spacecraft to enter and dock here.

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Therefore, the space here is very large, and it is very open. There is the most strict security system here, which is conducive to the custody of these staff.

As a matter of fact, the staff here are only working here, and the only ones who can really fight for Hess are those sailors and warriors.

The Hess also arrived at the college base. Students in exoskeleton armor entered the cabin and took the staff away. Even the crew in the cockpit were taken away.

As for the follow-up treatment of these staff and crew members, David does not want to ask.

However, according to David's guess, the staff and crew will go through a simple investigation by the college and then send them away from the guardian star.

Because the Hess was too large, a hangar was set aside in the college base just to stop the Hess.

This is because David is now in a very high position in the college, so the college will deal with it. Otherwise, with the importance of the college base, how can such a large space be open to a student.

When the first student took all the men away, only David was left on the Hess.

David didn't leave immediately. This is the extraordinary car of Hess. An extraordinary car always has an extraordinary collection, especially this kind of flying palace.

It was not until then that David had time to inspect the custom warship.

The warship is divided into driving command area, power area, living and rest area, storage and allocation area, processing and maintenance area, medical area and training area.

The driver's command is divided into the cab and the communication scanning room. David first visited this area.

There's no need to look at the cab. This is the first area he's ever entered.

At the bottom of the cab is a scanning device that covers an extremely large area. It is the first time David has seen such a scanning device. It is no wonder that its performance is so strong that it can almost match the scanning device on the base.

We should know that the scanning device in the base of elephant academy can cover 200 kilometers, which is the result of many scanning devices working together. Its energy is provided by kryptonite, and the problem of energy consumption is hardly considered.

From the comparison of the scanning device in the college base, we can see how excellent the performance of the scanning device of the Hess.

The power is divided into two parts, one is the ordinary krypton engine used in the atmosphere, the other is the warp krypton crystal engine used outside the atmosphere, and all of them are special models for large warships.

Small and medium-sized spacecraft will not separate the ordinary krypton engine from the warp krypton engine, but merge them together. In this way, although occupying less space, the loss is performance.

The internal space of the large warship is enough to accommodate two sets of engines. In addition, the Hess pays more attention to the engine performance, and there is a lot less necessary stowage than the ordinary large warship, so there is more spare space.

The rest is divided into three parts. One part is the dormitory for ordinary staff and crew. There are few single rooms here, but most of them are equipped with one room for several people.The second part is the quarters of the fighters, which is mainly the residence of the warriors. There are 50 separate rooms with corresponding training equipment.

The third part is the extraordinary living area of Hess, which David is walking into.

As soon as you enter this area, you will see a huge hall with extremely luxurious layout.

Next to the wall, there is a display cabinet every few meters, on which people can feel extraordinary works of art.

There are many kinds of artworks, such as wood carvings, stone carvings, metal sculptures, natural treasures and some ancient objects.

If there are people who know how to come here, they will be constantly amazed, because every piece of exhibits here, placed in the interstellar Federation, are rare works of art.

Hess himself loved art, so he collected so many works of art through various channels.

As he walked along, David was attracted by the exhibits, even if he didn't know much about art.

Although it is not a problem to buy these works of art with the wealth David has today, he has no wealth and has never enjoyed it.

Besides, the artworks here need time and opportunity even if they have wealth.

Walking through the hall, David came to Hess' extraordinary study.

As soon as he entered the study, he saw several rows of bookcases full of books. Each of these paper books has a long history. It is better to say that it is a book than an antique.

David glanced at the books, but they didn't attract him. He went straight to the study, which had a dark room in the large "smart core" memory bank.

The main purpose of his coming here is the darkroom, which is also managed by a large "smart core" and needs the highest authority of the Hess to open it.

David now has the highest authority on the Hess, so when he comes to the darkroom, the door opens automatically.

This is a room of 30 square meters, which is also the real treasure house of Hess.

There are three grade materials piled on the ground, about 50 kg in quantity. There are even two fist sized grade 4 materials. It is probably because there are too few grade 4 materials that they will stay here and not be used.

On the edge is a pile of "super crystal" in font. David counted 120 of them. This is a huge fortune.

In fact, the value of this Hess and other items in it is not as high as the 120 "extraordinary crystals".

David didn't expect that there would be so many "extraordinary crystals". As soon as he came in, he was attracted by the light of grade 3 and grade 4 materials. Now he saw the "extraordinary crystal".

Next to him are piles of anonymous credit cards. These are lazy numbers. He has no interest in credit points.

Finally, there are 33 paper books, which are different from the antique books in appearance. The paper used in the books here is very special. The contents recorded in them are all the weapons and techniques of the warriors. In addition to the top weapons techniques, the junior high school advanced skills of various weapons are collected here.

Although these weapons and techniques are of little use to David, they can become his inside story. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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