Transcendent David

Chapter 443: CH 443

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The body of Hess was handed over to the president, Lake extraordinary. This is an opportunity to highlight the prestige of the first college of alidia.

Hayes challenged the first college of alidia, but was killed by the academy because of his great reputation, which made his killing more effective.

David got 1000 points. As for the equipment of Hess, none of them mentioned it.

It goes without saying that all the equipment was David's booty, and even if they were too hot for it, they would not ask him for it.

When David returned to the dormitory, he took out the two space wristbands from his waist. Then he connected his mind to the shadow attendant, and through the shadow servant, he put the spirit into one of the space Bracers.

To his surprise, he always thought that all the space Bracers were the same size, but when he entered the space wrist guard, he found that the space of this space wrist guard was five cubic meters.

Even David's space ring is only two cubic meters, but the space wrist guard is more than twice as large.

Where does David know that Hess's extraordinary space wristband is that he has obtained the space material of variation, so he asked a professional company to make it for him.

In this space wrist guard, there is a level 3 Epee, a level 3 shield, and a large number of medicine, level 3 fortified meat and other cultivation resources.

David first took out the third level shield. The third level shield is very heavy, and the thick shield surface is made of grade three material. However, if the third level shield is replaced by other heavy weapons, more than three can be made.

He tried to take out the third level heavy axe and hold it in his right hand. He held the third level shield in his left hand, and a heavy axe and a shield in his hand, so that he could have both defense and attack.

Especially when David became the "master of heavy axe", the addition of a shield to his right hand had no effect on his use of heavy axe.

David satisfied with the two weapons let the shadow attendant into the space ring, these two weapons will become his daily use of weapons.

David took out and sorted out the level 3 fortified meat. This is the cultivation resource prepared by Hess extraordinary for himself. It is estimated that he will stay in the guardian planet for a long time. There are a lot of level 3 fortified meat here, which is as much as 60 parts. It is a training resource for two months.

This has saved David 6000 points. The points are still a small thing. David has been using three-level fortified meat training recently, at least one serving a day. A large amount of exchange has greatly reduced the stock of level 3 fortified meat in the base of alidia first college. The news from the college is that the supply will be limited.

Hess's extraordinary 60 portions of grade 3 fortified meat just met David's urgent need, otherwise he would have to use grade 2 fortified meat for some time.

David finally took out the third level Epee, which is a "quasi extraordinary weapon".

Although David himself has a real "extraordinary weapon", his "extraordinary weapon" is only a military spike, not a real regular weapon.

In fact, there is not much in common between "quasi extraordinary weapons" and "extraordinary weapons." quasi extraordinary weapons are weapons of God's great world that have been blessed with special effects and entered the interstellar Federation through some channels.

Due to the fact that "quasi extraordinary weapons" are very precious in the divine world, and the blockade of such weapons in the divine world, there are very few "quasi extraordinary weapons" that can enter the interstellar Federation.

David holds the level 3 Epee in front of his eyes. He tries to connect the level 3 Epee with his spirit. Then he gets a strange response.

This strange response is a piece of God language. David is very familiar with the God language, and he immediately knows what it means.

The name of this third grade Epee is "sharp Epee". The name of this weapon is not arbitrary. The name of each weapon represents its own special effect.

The special effect of sharp Epee is sharpness, which can be activated once every 24 hours.

The "sharpness" effect can increase the sharpness level of "sharp Epee" by one level. In other words, as long as the "sharpness" effect is activated, the level 3 Epee can have the sharpness of level 4 epee.

It's a pity that the "sharpness" effect can only last for two seconds once. If this time can be extended, Hess will not be afraid to be surrounded.

David then knew why anyone who had seen the effect of "sharp Epee" was dead. As long as Hess didn't say anything about it, no one would have guessed it.

Think about it, two extraordinary fighting, suddenly one side's weapon easily cut off the other side's weapon, such a battle still need to continue?

The level 4 Epee in two seconds is enough for Hess to kill his opponent at the same level. Of course, the premise is that the opponent does not have "quasi extraordinary weapons".

The effect of "quasi extraordinary weapons" like Lake's "quasi extraordinary weapons" is "weak", and that of Jonah's "quasi extraordinary weapons" is "decelerating", which can make the "sharpness" effect of Hess extraordinary impossible.

The activation of this sharp Epee is very simple. As long as the spirit activates the pattern on the handle, the sharpness effect can be activated.David can't help but sigh at the wonder of God in the big world. That civilization, which is completely different from the interstellar Federation, seems primitive in weapon manufacturing, but is more advanced than the interstellar Federation in many aspects.

As long as the user has spiritual talent, he can get corresponding instructions when communicating with "sharp Epee" with spirit, just like the instructions for goods.

David tried to activate the pattern on the hilt with his spirit. Once the spirit contacted the pattern, the third level Epee emitted a white light.

He has been paying close attention to the sharp epee. He has seen the changes of the sharp epee. After activating the patterns and disappearing the white light, dense patterns appear on the whole body of the sword. These patterns are very light and can't be seen clearly without a close look.

These dense patterns cover the whole body of the sword, but they are covered by the green light of the sword itself. It is believed that during the battle, it is difficult for the enemy to notice this change in detail.

Two seconds later, the dense pattern on the sword disappeared. David found that the pattern on the handle of sharp Epee seemed to have lost its vitality and could no longer be activated.

David looked at the level three Epee in his hand, and his face was helpless. His "mastery of long sword" reached 67% of the perfect level. He was also a master of long sword.

However, the level 3 Epee is not the same as the long sword of the interstellar Federation. The long sword of the interstellar Federation is a light weapon, which is famous for its lightness and agility.

The third level Epee is a heavy weapon. It can be chopped, stabbed, lifted, and even the Epee can be blocked. It can be said that it is a very comprehensive weapon, which has little in common with the interstellar Federation long sword.

If he uses "sharp Epee" to fight, he can only use his understanding of epee and use a few skills of "long sword master". In this way, the combat effectiveness of "sharp Epee" will be greatly reduced.

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"What a happy worry!" David asked the shadow servant to put away the sharp Epee, thinking to himself.

The second space wristband was empty. David probably understood the reason. This space wrist guard was probably made by Hester extraordinary for the camp.

David put his hand on the shadow server's shoulder, and then a large amount of soul energy poured into his soul. The rain and fog appeared again above his soul fortress.

This soul energy rain and fog come and go quickly, and soon disappear.

David asked the shadow attendant to call up the attribute panel. On the attribute panel, his spirit increased by 0.03 to 7.14.

"Shadow servant, list the light sphere of knowledge acquired this time separately!" David ordered the shadow to serve.

Then, three light spheres of knowledge floated out from the cluster of knowledge light spheres like stars.

One of the three knowledge spheres is white and two are green. David focuses his attention on the white one, "energy armor (secret skills can't be used)".

When he saw "energy armor", David was still happy, because it was mclur's secret skill to block his attack at that time. If he had not activated the "power overlap" talent, it might have made the killing useless.

"Energy armor" can increase the user's defense and reduce the attack.

But that can not use the instructions, so that his happiness has not appeared in the face disappeared, can not use the knowledge of light ball he has a lot, most of his own strength did not meet the requirements.

According to David's understanding, the energy required for "energy armor" should be extraordinary power. At least, it is necessary to master the extraordinary power to learn "energy armor".

David was disappointed with the first sphere of knowledge, but with two more, David focused on the other green one.

"Piano (99% perfect)" is the knowledge sphere of top masters, but this ability makes David a little sad.

Just like the "cooking (99% perfect)" ability he got before, a person who loves a certain profession can practice that profession to the extreme.

This has something to do with the spirit of being far better than ordinary people, as well as the super strong body. All of these make him have a higher starting point than others when he sets foot in other professions.

This knowledge ball of Piano (99% complete) comes from Lancelot, who has always lived in the peaceful area. Piano is his daily hobby. However, he always entertains himself. No one is qualified to let him play for him.

So even among those who know Lancelot, few people know that Lancelot is a top piano master.

For ordinary people, such a light ball of knowledge is to ascend to heaven step by step, become a respected piano master, and be respected all his life.

But for David, this light ball of knowledge is really a chicken's rib, not to mention his identity as "master of heavy axe" or "master of sniper", which is enough to make anyone respect him.

Put aside the knowledge sphere of "Piano (99% perfect)" and prepare to absorb it when you have time. Although it is said that it is useless, there is no harm in learning more.

David felt that today's luck was very bad. The two light spheres of knowledge obtained from the supernatural soul did not work, and he no longer hoped for the last one.It's no wonder that many of the light spheres of knowledge he got from his supernatural soul are also useless. Especially now, his abilities are improving too fast, and most of them are not as good as him. There are too few abilities that can be useful to him.

When David saw the last green light ball of knowledge, he didn't believe his eyes.

This is the first time he has seen a technique named after this name, which makes it impossible to know what kind of weapon it is.

What's more, the explanation on the knowledge sphere is different from the skill light ball he saw before, because the combat skills are mentioned above.

David can't wait to move the knowledge light ball of "Knight cross chop (99% complete combat skill)" into his body. Although he has never heard of this kind of combat skill, it shows that it can be learned. As long as he learns it, he will know what it is.

With a burst of daze, his eyes changed. He appeared in a square with a Epee in his hand. This Epee is very common, but the style is the same as that of Hess's third level epee.

David couldn't control the body. He could feel everything about the body, including the idea of using the Epee in his head.

However, he still saw some strange places. The ground of the square was paved with bluestone, and the surface of the stone was extremely smooth, as if it had been polished by constant friction.

The square is surrounded by stone walls, the style of which David has never seen before. It is obviously designed for war, but there is no defense weapon common to the interstellar Federation on the walls.

Even in a nearby area, you can't see any of the common federal arrangements.

David didn't look at it any more. He knew the importance of this inheritance, so after a little distraction, he regained his mind and began to learn.

News of the death of Hess was spread, and within hours of the news, all the extraordinary and the first beetles who had entered the area near the base of the first college of aridia were evacuated from the area.

The combat power of the first college of alidiya was beyond all people's expectation. Hess extraordinary, which has been running for nearly a hundred years, has fallen into the hands of the first college of alidiya, which makes those who have ideas about the "pregnant crystal" have to reevaluate whether it is worth it.

Even some forces that stretched out their hands secretly also quickly called back their staff. In the uncertain situation, no one dares to offend the first college of alidia.

The name of Hess extraordinary was transferred to the first college of aridia because of his death, but David, who really killed Hessian, was not affected.

Because the academy has hidden the news, even Jonah extraordinary of cardor college has not disclosed it to the public.

Aridia first college base has returned to its former tranquility. The students go out to hunt Zerg as before, and gain corresponding points by fighting to increase their own strength. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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