Transcendent David

Chapter 451: CH 451

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David and lieutenant Morson followed captain Macaulay, and lieutenant Harcourt's six warriors followed him. Although David's fighting power did not need their protection, it was their duty.

"This is the training area and the largest space in the whole defensive wall. Just after the early training, otherwise you can see the scene of brothers' training!" Captain Macaulay took David and his party to a larger space, he said.

In fact, the largest space is only 10 meters wide and 50 meters long. The defense wall is only 30 meters wide. With the protection of multi-layer defense armor, it is very difficult to have a space of 10 meters wide.

"Is the space tight here?" David looked at the training area and asked, slightly surprised.

"Of course, the space is tight. The dormitories here are all occupied by 12 people, which is very crowded. Part of the space is handed over to the energy system, scanning system and fire control system. There is very little space left for us to live in. There are 500 first class soldiers and 200 Gunners in our battalion, 300 other officers and staff members, and 1000 brothers live in such a large space!" Captain Macaulay said helplessly.

When David heard the battle star's organization, he made a calculation in his mind.

There are enough 1000 soldiers in this section of the defense wall alone, and the length of the defense wall is 1000 meters. Without various facilities, the living space for these 1000 soldiers is really small.

It is important to know that each of the Gauss guns above the defensive wall needs a lot of space to accommodate the supporting system.

In addition, David also knew the number of fighters in the defense line of the fourth front line base. There were 15 defense walls, and each wall had 1000 soldiers, which was 15000 soldiers.

Among them, there are 7500 Jiashi alone, which is a large number.

This is just a small defense base. According to the area of Battlestar, such a defense base is only a tiny point in the huge defense system.

David then toured the energy zone, the scanning zone and the fire control zone, all on the first floor of the wall, and then led by Captain McCulley to the second floor.

The second floor is a military rest area, where there are dormitories and canteens. Every place you see here is very small.

"Woo Hoo Hoo!" Just as David was visiting, an alarm came from inside the wall.

"Combat alert, major David, come with me!" After hearing the alarm, Captain Macaulay, instead of being polite, said directly.

Captain Macaulay galloped to the training area, and David followed.

In just 30 seconds, the training room was full of beetles, more than 70% of them were spear warriors, and their spears were the same as those in the hands of three spear warriors directly under David's command.

"Major David, you and the sniper team will go to the sniper's position to prepare, and the rest of the warriors will go out with me to prepare for the battle!" Captain Macaulay did not give up command because of David's high rank, he ordered aloud.

This is his battalion. He is responsible for the lives of all the soldiers.

David has no objection. As a subordinate of Captain Macaulay, David is just a new recruit. He has not shown his own value. Refuting captain Macaulay is not a good choice.

Except for lieutenant Morson, who was David's adjutant, his weapon was only a long sword, which was not arranged in the battle Oracle, but followed David behind him.

However, the group of the first men to which Lieutenant Harcourt belonged went out with all the first men.

"Major, please follow me!" A sniper beetle with the rank of second lieutenant said to David.

Although there are only 500 beetles in this defense wall, there are 10 sniper beetles among them, which makes David a little surprised.

You know, in other places, sniping beetles is a rare profession.

Probably because this is the center of the war, a large number of sniper beetles will be put here.

"What's your name, Lieutenant?" David asked as he followed the lieutenant.

"My name is Gerard. Are you master sniper?" As he ran, Lieutenant Gerard looked back at the growler sniper gun behind David.

For sniper beetles, this new "grower sniper gun" is not equipped with "sniper master", but it is the best sniper gun in the hearts of all sniper beetles.

It is said that only "sniper master" can use the "roarer sniper gun". It is also known as the most powerful sniper gun. Lieutenant Gerard even dreams of having one.

Now seeing the roarer sniper gun behind David, he can't believe his eyes.

Although captain Macaulay mentioned David's name before, he didn't give a detailed introduction. The soldiers didn't know that David was the "sniper master" David.

That's why Lieutenant Gerard asked.

"Yes, meet me. I'm David Kerr!" David introduced himself with a smile.

"My God, it's Master David!" Exclaimed Lieutenant Gerard, surprised not only by him, but also by his nine sniper beetles.The sniper beetles in the army know the deeds of every "sniper master", especially David, who is not a "sniper master" of the military, but is only a freshman. He has made achievements that other "sniper masters" can not achieve.

The sniper position is in the middle of the defense wall up to 20 meters. If it goes up, it will be affected by Gauss gun. At the bottom, it will be blocked by the ground beetle, which will affect the sniping.

Of course, this is only for ordinary sniper beetles, but David doesn't care, but a better sniper position can also let him shoot more bullets.

Second lieutenant Gerard gave David the best sniper position, which had always been his own.

Second lieutenant Gerard himself chose a sniper position only five meters away from David. This position is close to David, which is more conducive to his observation of David's sniping.

Sniper position is a window on the defense wall, through which you can see the situation outside.

At this time, we can see the dense swarm of insects in the distance. David's super spirit instantly determined that the number of insects is about 100000.

There are 100000 Zerg. This scale is definitely a disaster level insect tide on rock star and guardian planet.

"Major, this is just a daily Zerg attack. It used to be once a week, but recently it's changed to once a day. It doesn't matter. Zerg can't break through our defense line!" Captain Gerard, afraid of David's worry, whispered to him.

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David was shocked to hear that this was just a daily Zerg attack.

In front of the fifteen defense walls stood the first line of defense, with the formation of big shield armour in front and spear armour in the back.

David can't help but look at the Black War fortress in the distance, and finds that there is no abnormality there, just like there is no Zerg coming.

David shook his head. Instead of going to see the fort, David took out two sets of sniper bullets, one of which was second class sniper bullets and the other was third grade sniper bullets.

He has just observed that most of them are first-class Zerg, but the number of second-class Zerg is at least more than 1000, and he has also seen three third-class Zerg.

The second class Zerg are all hard rock beetles. The third level Zerg David sees three "one eyed giant beetles.".

"What a pity!" David whispered to himself.

The one eyed giant beetle is a good thing, but this is an army. Even if he kills the beetle, he won't be allowed to get the prize.

Unless David doesn't need to rely on the strength of any other soldiers to kill the "one eyed giant beetle" on his own, but this is impossible in the defense.

If there is no front of the beetle, David's side of the sniper can not be so reassured.

Even though the three "one eyed giant beetles" have not been killed, David has long regarded the three "one eyed giant beetles" as dead objects.

This is the change of his mentality. After he has the long-range attack ability of "sniper master" and the close combat ability of "heavy axe master", he has no short board at all, which makes his fear of level 3 Zerg extremely low.

This kind of mentality makes David more capable of fighting, which may be the mentality of the strong.

Before the sniper beetle shot, the Gauss guns on the 15 defensive walls began to attack first.

Huge gunfire came and went on and on.

David can see that every attack of Gauss cannons can take away one or more Zerg lives. There are too many Zerg. The Gunners of Gauss gun can easily hit Zerg by aiming at one target.

David judged the distance between the second and third class Zerg, and found that the third class "Cyclops" were all at the end of the swarm.

Therefore, he pressed a second-class sniper bullet into the bomb compartment. The effective range of his "growler sniper gun" is 5000 meters, which is farther than the custom-made super large caliber sniper gun used before. Therefore, he attacks before all the sniper beetles attack.

Seeing David begin to snipe, Lieutenant Gerard immediately uses his sight glass to look for David's target.

A "rock beetle" was running. Suddenly, a blood hole appeared in the middle of its head. The second grade sniper bullet penetrated into its head and rolled in its brain, completely destroying its brain.

The beetle fell to the ground and was trampled by countless Zerg.

David felt the recoil force of the roarer sniper gun. He was very satisfied with this sniper gun. At a distance of 5000 meters, its precision was far higher than that of the previous sniper gun.

His hand grabs in the second class sniper bullet box. He picks up a second class sniper bullet. Then he pulls the bolt, and the shell of the former sniper bullet flies out. He presses a new second class sniper bullet into it.

The whole process is just one second, and in the process, David just dissipates the recoil force of the sniper to the defense wall under him, and also aims at the target again.

In the second class sniper bullet pressed into the moment, he fired again.Lieutenant Gerard felt that his eyes were not enough. He saw the whole process of David changing sniper bullets. To be honest, David's process of changing sniper bullets was not fast, but it was as easy as flowing water.

However, Lieutenant Gerard, who is also a sniper beetle, knows that David is trying to maintain a rhythm. Sniping once a second is the maximum firing speed of the growler sniper gun. David's loading does not need to be accelerated as long as this premise is guaranteed.

What second lieutenant Gerard wants to know now is the accuracy of David's second snipe, which is different from the first snipe. The target is running at a distance of 5000 meters.

And aiming time is only less than a second, during this period also need to retreat bullet, it can be said that the difficulty of sniping is very big.

There was no accident. Another rock beetle, which entered 5000 meters, fell down and was shot in the same central position of the head and was killed.

After that, David maintained the speed of one shot per second. After killing twelve "hard rock beetles" in a row, his hand caught out of the third level sniper bullets, and then a third level sniper bullet was pressed into the bomb compartment by him.

At this time, the rest of the sniper beetles began to snipe, and their target was the second class Zerg "adamanta".

This is also the significance of the existence of sniper beetles. Although the number of "hard rock beetles" has reached 1000, it is an extremely terrible number.

However, after harvesting a batch of Gauss guns and passing through 150 sniper beetles on 15 defense walls for several rounds of sniping, the number of "hard rock beetles" became more than 100.

With sniper beetles in the war, the fighting became relatively simple.

David found that the layout of the 15 defense walls was very exquisite. After strict calculation, the Gauss gun at the top of the defense wall and the sniper position in the middle can get the most effective attack field of view, and the range is not different from each other.

The one eyed beetle finally reached a distance of 5000 meters, but David did not immediately snipe, but made it closer.

At a distance of four thousand meters, David locked a "one eyed giant beetle". Because of the hidden breath and killing ability of the "sniper master", the "one eyed giant beetle" did not feel dangerous at all.

Without hesitation, David fired the growler sniper gun. With the shock of the gun body, the third grade sniper bullets flew to the one eyed giant beetle.

David didn't aim at the center of the head of the beetle, because that's where the beetle's eyes are.

Although the monocular eye of the beetle remains and will not be assigned to him, he subconsciously wants to keep important materials.

The third class sniper bullet flew over a distance of 4000 meters. When the "one eyed giant beetle" found danger, the third level sniper bullet was not far from the giant mouth of the "one eyed giant beetle". At this time, the "one eyed giant beetle" was howling.

The third grade sniper bullet enters the mouth of the "Cyclops". First, it cuts off its respiratory system, and then its spine. The "Cyclops" falls to the ground. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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