Transcendent David

Chapter 460: CH 460

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David followed the two extraordinary men back to their walls, where the soldiers of the fifteen walls were cheering and laughing.

They are celebrating another victory, and they are losing a small victory, this time even smaller than yesterday's.

The third level Zerg "Mirage millipede" was killed by David and his colleagues early on, which made the swarm lose its impact. Especially, the swarm in the rear was confused first, which gradually affected the swarm in front.

Therefore, today's defense is very relaxed. In addition, the strongest attack of the second class Zerg "ghost face spider" is not lethal, but the spider silk is trapped, which makes the loss even smaller.

But the soldiers in the celebration did not know what happened in the distance, and what danger the extraordinary in the army had experienced with David.

However, neither David nor the two extraordinary people want to say what happened just now. Some things would be better if they didn't know.

"Just now, the military department came to support us. I sent them back!" Benton explained to David when he returned to his office.

He didn't want David to think that the military didn't rescue them. In fact, there were ten extraordinary people in the reserve team, and two of them were top-notch.

The army headquarters also informed God that God belongs to the big world and asked them to help.

Benton's unconventional request for the fortress to come forward to stop the "Titan black beetle" was unsuccessful, because the owner of the fort was not in the fort, and the strength of the fort was not strong at this time.

After receiving the orders from God's great world, the six knights who stayed at the fort had to come forward. Otherwise, they would not attack the fort unless the "Titan black beetle" harmed the fort.

Benton explained the whole thing to David and showed David that the military would never give up anyone.

However, David is very clear that in such a dangerous place, it is impossible to rely on anyone, only himself is the most reliable.

Today, if he had not used the ability of "underground sneak" to enter the underground, and had the ability of "sniper master" to hide his breath, where would he have lived to this day.

David takes off the exoskeleton armor, which has suffered some damage and needs to be repaired.

Now David can do it himself, with his master mechanical repair capability, as long as there is no structural damage to the exoskeleton armor, he can repair it.

Of course, he's just taking off his exoskeleton armor to better repair his injuries.

"Go back and get five third level healing potions for reserve. You can't use your own medicine when you are injured!" Garth looks at David and warns.

It's a healing potion that can produce an effect so quickly. You two extraordinary people don't need to guess much to know that it must be the effect of the third level therapeutic potion.

For David's extraordinary combat power, they have the full right to allocate resources. The fourth front base has a certain number of level 3 healing potions distributed every month. In the past, there were four extraordinary distribution, but now there are five more David.

"Good!" David nodded his head and said, "I think the formation of those six knights is very similar to that of our warriors. Is there any connection between them?"

David wanted to ask this question for a long time, but now he has a chance.

"Where is the similarity, it is fundamentally learned from the God's great world, but the Jiashi battle array lacks the core of the knight's battle array, it's just like the shape!" Said Benton, smiling and shaking his head.

David knew a lot about Benton's extraordinary confirmation.

The reason why the group of the Oracle is a group of six warriors. The reason is that six knights are the best in the knight battle array of God's big world. Influenced by the knight battle array, there are only six warriors in the group.

"It's not just the battle lines. Whether it's the use of weapons or the way of cultivation, the roots are all from the God's world. However, after countless years of development, the interstellar Federation has also formed its own training system, but this one is not perfect, and the highest level is only extraordinary." Garth continued.

David had heard of this for a long time, but he didn't look strange.

"It is said that our practice is absolutely forbidden in God's world. Do you know why?" Benton asked, smiling mysteriously.

Because of his closer relationship with David, Benton is not afraid to speak at the moment.

"It's not that the practice of the union comes from God's great world. Will they care about our practice?" David asked, a little puzzled.

"The most important core of the cultivation method of God belongs to the big world is blood. Only with blood can you enter the cultivation system. It is said that people without blood talent can only become deputy officials and can't contact the real cultivation system!

Although the cultivation system of our Federation is far less than that of the cultivation system of God in the big world, it is extremely inclusive. It can be cultivated without special blood. As long as you have a strong body and a little strong willpower, you can practice the federal cultivation system.God belongs to the big world. It is worried that the cultivation system of our Federation will break the order of God belongs to the big world. Therefore, the series of federal practice bodies are regarded as taboo and shall not be spread in the god world. " Benton replied, with an extraordinary smile.

David does not quite understand that, as a previous life and this life, there are legal restrictions in the world, even if this life pays more attention to their own strength, but at least on the surface, no one dares to be above the law.

It's hard to imagine what kind of society we need to worry about the influence of ordinary people's cultivation on social order.

Just as David and two extraordinary people were talking about the secrets of God's great world, he felt a slight vibration of the identity bracelet.

David smiles apologetically at the two extraordinary men and opens his identity bracelet.

The indication of his identity bracelet comes from the combat merit query system. His combat merit data was updated in the war just now.

The phantom multi legged bug gave him 200 points of combat merit. As for the rest of the second level Zerg, he killed a lot of them, and only gave him 23 points.

To David's surprise, the "Titan black beetle" who was startled away by six Knights actually allocated him 500 points of combat merit.

"Is the War Merit updated! It was reported by me, with Garth's certificate and the participation of six knights, and the audit passed quickly! " Said Benton, with an extraordinary smile.

Benton is very familiar with the renewal of his fighting skills, but it is almost impossible to go further at his level.

Therefore, for him, the role of war merit is only to exchange some resources.

When the rank of the military reaches the level of major general, the rank of the other major general is capped except for the actual general.

The promotion of the Ministry of war is only one of the more important opportunities for promotion.

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"The" Titan black beetle "was not driven away by us, but it gave me 500 points of combat merit!" David shook his head.

It's not David's affectation. He won't be hesitant about his merits. However, even if there's no problem now, it may be a time bomb, which will be used by those who want to.

"Ha ha, I didn't expect you to be so careful! Don't worry. It's about the level 4 Zerg. If we really drive away the Titan black beetle, where can we reward 500 points of combat merit? " One side of Garth extraordinary laugh said.

As a matter of fact, any level 4 Zerg combat merit is a high reward, because few federal soldiers can survive after intervening in the level 4 Zerg mission.

At noon, David was called to the restaurant by Benton and Garth.

It's a restaurant rather than a bar. The interior space of the defense wall is used very closely. A long bar takes the place of the restaurant.

But the dishes are good. This is because Benton took the ingredients from the space wristband and gave them to the chef. Otherwise, in terms of the military food here, the calories and nutrition are absolutely enough, but the taste is really not flattering.

The rare natural vegetables, tomatoes, beans, beef, mutton and smoked fish, which are rare in Zhanxing, are not rich, but they are absolutely luxurious in Zhanxing.

Instead of drinking alcohol in the army, fruit juice was used instead.

After the meal, two extraordinary people personally sent David to the first battalion, which surprised many soldiers who saw this scene.

In the eyes of the soldiers here, the super soldiers on duty are all superior. Apart from a few moves, they hardly communicate with other soldiers. However, David has just come to fight with them.

In a war castle in warstar, an old man in a robe is looking at the information in front of him.

Next to the old man is the housekeeper in uniform, who is unfolding paper intelligence for the old man.

The old man is very traditional. He doesn't need the brain of the interstellar Federation, so although there is a large amount of information coming every day, he is required to turn it into paper before checking.

Of course, it is very necessary to turn it into paper intelligence, which needs to be filed and sent back to God's big world, where there is no optical brain available.

"Why, this David has come to battle star?" Seeing a situation, the old man immediately thought of something and asked.

"Master, David was called up by the interstellar federal army, and now he is a major officer in the fourth front base!" The housekeeper immediately replied.

The housekeeper is in charge of a lot of information for the old man. A lot of information is passed through him. He knows what kind of information is valued by the old man, so he will make preparations in advance.

This is the accomplishment of a housekeeper. No matter what the master does, the housekeeper can provide the most perfect service.

"This is David himself sent to the door, go to a knight to catch him back, remember to live!" Looking at the information in front of him, the old man waved and decided.

How could the old man forget David? His intelligence organization had a big fall in David's affair, which also made him lose face.

What is the most important of the nobility? Honor and face are sometimes more important than life.

Not to mention that David is also related to the operation of intelligence organizations, because the hundreds of bottles of "holy water of youth" have made it almost impossible for the intelligence organizations to maintain their operation in half a year.Some of the joints that have been touched have also been destroyed because the "holy water of youth" cannot be supplied in time.

The loss is so great that the old people will feel heartache every time they see the information.

There are also a number of extraordinary people sent by intelligence organizations through relations. These extraordinary people were killed by David. Every death of extraordinary people who can close the relationship will have a great impact on the inside information of the intelligence organization.

Now, David finally came to warstar himself. Although the interstellar Federation and the god world are allies, the high-end combat power is completely the combat power of the god world.

Of course, although the old man is the head of God's big world intelligence organization, he can't influence the strong people of God's big world in warstar, and the power of God's big world power here is complicated.

The only real combat power that the old man can send out is his own knight, as well as several extraordinary people who are connected with the intelligence organization.

But the old man does not want to let the extraordinary to capture David, sent a number of extraordinary, he has lost confidence in extraordinary strength.

The old man decided to rely on his own strength. In his opinion, his knight was the most assured combat power.

"Master, if you want to send more knights, David's strength is not weak!" The housekeeper whispered.

David's achievements have been seen by the housekeeper himself. Although he doesn't know how many of them are true or false, only by looking at the results, we can imagine the extraordinary of David.

"No matter how strong a child is, he is not extraordinary, even if he is extraordinary." Said the old man, shaking his head.

In fact, the old man has a lot of worries. The God belongs to the big world, and the high-level level has strict requirements on warstar. It is necessary to ensure that the star of war will maintain a close alliance with the interstellar Federation.

Nothing can affect this most basic requirement.

We should know that the gods who can come to warstar are the strong ones in the big world, and each of them has his own pride. Their status in the god world is noble, and their living habits and ways of doing things are greatly different from those of the interstellar Federation.

If the strong in the God big world are allowed to contact the people of the interstellar Federation with their attitude towards the weak in the God big world, then conflicts will continue.

The powerful people in the big world of God obey this order. Even many powerful people ignore anyone in the interstellar Federation and do not contact with the interstellar Federation. In this way, conflicts with the interstellar federation can be minimized.

Without communication, there will be no trouble. The vast majority of God's big world strongmen do this. This is why they fight against the Zerg together, but the strong ones of God's big world seldom cooperate with the interstellar Federation.

The housekeeper didn't say more. He just did his duty. He didn't have the ability to change the old man's mind.

"Let the knight act carefully. No one can find out his action. Lead David to a remote place and start again. I don't want the interstellar Federation to sue us. I will be punished if I am involved." The old man thought about it or told him.

On Battlestar, maintaining the best alliance is the overwhelming mainstream. On this point, the old man does not dare to violate. What he can do is to let the knight do more carefully, so that people can not grasp the handle. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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