Transcendent David

Chapter 463: CH 463

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"David, Augustine came back a little injured, so our plan of going out will be delayed for two days." Babington explained to David.

David nodded with understanding. The injury that can make babenton extraordinary is not really just a minor injury.

"In fact, I am in good health. After using the medicine, my strength has not been affected. I can start at any time!" Augustine is extraordinary but discontented.

"Augustine, it's not for you alone. It's also about the safety of David and me and everyone else. I hope you'll get back to your best before you set out together." Babenton said to Augustine extraordinary seriously.

"All right." Augustine shrugged his shoulders.

"David, you are the news of" master heavy axe ". Let's block it for a period of time. What do you think Babenton turned to David again.

After learning that David was the "master of the heavy axe," Babington wanted to talk to David.

If those guys in the military headquarters knew that David was the "master of heavy axe", they would probably transfer David from the fourth front base, and all his plans would be lost.

"It won't be long before the news is blocked. Students and tutors will know about it in alidia first college." David didn't ask why, but said with a smile.

"David, to tell you the truth, if the news that you are the" master of heavy axe "reaches the military headquarters, the military headquarters will probably let you enter the military headquarters and become the security officer of the military headquarters. In fact, it is to protect the safety of those generals in the military department. You will stay away from the war, and your security will be guaranteed. There will be corresponding resources available in ordinary days. If you choose this way, I can report it to you!" Barbington thought it over for a moment, and said it honestly.

This is also a tradition of the military headquarters. Weapon masters have not never appeared. They are generally dealt with in this way.

The most important role of a weapon guru is not to deal with Zerg. The whole body of the Zerg is protected by a solid shell. Even with the ability of a weapon master, it is difficult to hurt a level 3 Zerg, let alone a level 3 or above Zerg.

Even if the Weapon Master has reached the peak, plus the third level weapons, it is difficult to give a fatal blow to the third level Zerg. On the contrary, the Weapon Master will be consumed in the war.

The Weapon Master's best opponent is the other beetles. The crushing in skills can almost make the Weapon Master surpass the level to kill the extraordinary.

Therefore, after the military headquarters found weapon masters in the past, they would ask them back to the military headquarters and become security officers. This is not only to protect weapon masters, but also to protect military officers.

"Well, it's better to hide it for me." David said, shaking his head.

He doesn't want to be a security officer like that. Without fighting, without a lot of soul energy, his growth will slow down.

Besides, if David really wants to be safe, where is he going to join the army.

Although it is very difficult to violate the call up order, David really wants to use his relationship. With his super rich status, it is still feasible for the military to take back a draft order.

Although David has been working hard for grade three fortified meat, it is not impossible for him to rely on erto fund to seek tertiary fortified meat.

It's just that erto fund is far away from cardor. This operation is too troublesome. Besides, David doesn't want to rely on these too much. He can get resources through his own efforts to train himself more.

"Ha ha, I knew you like to fight, otherwise you would not grow so fast!" Augustine patted David with extraordinary strength and said with a smile.

David could not help frowning, Augustine extraordinary this is not light.

"Well, I'm hurt. I'm not sure about the control of my strength." Seeing David's expression, Augustine immediately understood that there was something wrong with the power just now, and immediately explained.

"Augustine, you usually fight with those extraordinary people, that is to say, David is only a beetle!" Said Babington, looking at Augustine in silence.

"It's OK. I didn't expect Augustine to be so powerful!" David felt it for a while, and he was not hurt. Augustine didn't want to hurt anyone. Although his strength was heavier, he was just surprised.

Augustine extraordinary is embarrassed to scratch the head, he likes to joke, but really no malicious.

"David, your performance in the past few days is so good that other front-line bases are not envious. They regret their death now. They didn't fight for you with all their strength at that time." Augustine changed his expression and said in praise.

David and babenton can see his poor way of changing the topic.

"I also want to thank David, because of you, the number of sacrifice at the fourth front base has been greatly reduced." Babenton was also grateful to David for this.

"This is also from the fourth front base. It's my responsibility to take part in the defense." David waved. He looked at the time and said to the two extraordinary men, "if there's nothing else, I want to go to the defense line and participate in the defense."

Over the past few days, David has almost known the attack time of the swarm, which is between 10:00 and 11:00 every day.

It's already nine o'clock now. If you have something on the way, you'll be late."Just remember what you're going to do in two days, and be careful in the line of defense. If there's another level Four Zerg, you'll hide in the fort of war!" Babenton was extraordinary.

After the level 4 Zerg incident a few days ago, babenton was very angry.

Because the warlords in the war fortress belong to the big world and fail to fulfill their duties. In the alliance between the interstellar Federation and the god world, there are Zerg of level 3 and above who are fighting on the surface of the Warcraft. The interstellar federation can ask for the help of the powerful God in the big world if they can't deal with it.

However, once the Zerg of level 3 or above appears, they will be solved by the strong ones in the big world.

But a few days ago, the fourth level Zerg "Titan black beetle" almost broke into the defense line, and the strong ones of God's big world did not show up.

If it had not been for David and the two extraordinary men who had delayed a little time to let the army headquarters negotiate with God's big world, and God's big world forced the war fort to send troops to support, the defense line would have been destroyed by now.

So at this moment, it is obvious that babenton's extraordinary meaning is obvious. If we encounter this kind of situation again, we will lead the disaster to the East, and directly let the war castle of God's great world be in front of us.

We should know that the defense line of the interstellar federation can be moved. As long as it shrinks to the rear of the war fortress, it can force the strong men of God's big world to come forward.

Of course, God's great world also gave a reply. At that time, the owner of the war fortress was not in the fortress, and its combat power was not enough to repel the Titan black beetle, so he did not fight.

"Good!" David nodded.

David left quickly, meeting with lieutenant Morson and six other warriors who had been waiting on the "wing of death" assault ship. "Wing of death" left the base headquarters and headed for the defense line.

At a distance of 20 kilometers, half way through, Lieutenant moson suddenly found an abnormal signal access.

"Help, help!" Lieutenant Morson turned on the signal and a cry for help was heard from the death wing assault ship.

"Major, someone's calling for help. It's five kilometers off the course, right here!" Said lieutenant Morson, opening the map on the screen of light, making a mark on it.

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Above warstar, there is only one enemy, Zerg.

The Zerg will not do anything like simulating human beings to ask for help and set traps. At least in all these years of war with Zerg, this kind of thing has never happened.

So lieutenant Morson recognized this as a federal distress signal.

But David has experienced many attacks, and he always predicts the worst for any accident.

"Lieutenant Morson, play the sound again!" David ordered in a deep voice.

"Yes Lieutenant moson didn't understand why David didn't go to the rescue immediately. Instead, he asked to play it again. But as an adjutant, he had to carry out the order.

There was a cry for help from the "wing of death" assault ship. This time, David listened to the call very carefully.

David has a rarely used ability, master negotiator, which has a special sense of human voice and can hear a lot from it.

In this voice, David heard the panic, the guilty heart, the hypocrisy, but he didn't recognize the emotion when he was facing danger.

"Ask for the identity of the other party!" David went on ordering.

"Major, the other party may be seriously injured. You may not be able to contact him!" Lieutenant Morson voiced his objection.

"Execute the command!" David didn't explain, but ordered in a deep voice.

"Please report your identity, which is conducive to our rescue!" Lt. Morson didn't say more, through the open channel.

After about 30 seconds, there was an echo.

"I'm chambers, the staff officer of the fourth front base. I can't move. Please take me back to the base headquarters!"

"We'll be there soon!" Lieutenant moson immediately replied. He turned to look at David, but saw a funny smile on his face.

"Major, is there a problem?" Asked lieutenant Morson when he turned off the public channel.

"If you were injured and unable to move so close to the base headquarters, what would happen to you?" David asked with a smile, then turned to the other six warriors and asked, "what will happen to you?"

While lieutenant moson was still thinking, Lieutenant Hackett had already given the answer.

"I will use the identity bracelet to ask for help from the base headquarters, which is within the communication range of the base headquarters!" Said Lieutenant Harcourt in a deep voice.

He is different from lieutenant Morson, who was born as an intelligence officer and is not a soldier fighting in the front line.

So when you hear a distress signal, you instinctively want to rescue.

On the other hand, Lieutenant Harcourt often carries out combat missions, and has rich experience in dealing with field accidents. He did not pay attention to it before, but found it wrong as soon as David reminded him.

"Is this chambers adviser true? Is there something wrong with his identity bracelet? " When lieutenant moson said the second question, he felt that he could not justify himself.If the identity Bracelet fails, how can it send a distress signal to them.

"It is true that boss has money to advise him, but why did he set this trap?" David was sure it was a trap, he said in a deep voice.

Although David entrusted the inspector's work to lieutenant Morson, he turned over the list at that time. Although he may not remember all the names of the soldiers at the back, he clearly recorded the list of officers in the base headquarters.

This is due to his strong spirit, although only once, it is recorded in the brain.

So David confirmed that chief chambers was an officer in the fourth front base headquarters, but he didn't understand why the other side was going to deal with him.

"Lieutenant Morson, you will return to the base headquarters in the" wings of death "frigate and report this to general Babington. I'll see who is trying to deal with me!" David said as he began to pack his gear.

"Major, let's go with you." Lieutenant Harcourt stood up and demanded.

"Go back, it's an order!" David waved and decided.

David's heart is very angry, this is the federal army, is the defense line to protect the entire interstellar Federation, but here, there will also be actions against him.

As for the danger, David has some confidence in his own strength.

As long as he is more careful, he can find the other side's trap when he is close to it from a distance.

David jumped off the Deathwing assault ship, did not fly, but went from the ground to the signal.

Lieutenant Morson slapped heavily on his face. As an intelligence officer, he should have found out the problem earlier than David, but he didn't find anything unusual until David asked questions.

Lieutenant Harcourt didn't try to persuade him. He knew it was a growing process.

"General Babington, I'm major David's deputy, Lieutenant Morson. I have something to report to you!" Lieutenant Morson soon recovered, and he opened his identity bracelet and began to contact babenton.

He won't report back later. It's a waste of time. In case something happens to David, how can he tell the military department.

Not to mention babenton's actions after hearing the report of lieutenant Morson, David got off the "Deathwing" assault ship and soon found a sniper position at a distance of five kilometers. This high position can clearly see the situation over there through the scope of the growler sniper gun.

In the sight, David saw an officer who had fallen to the ground. Although he had not seen the officer, through the comparison of the photos in his memory, David was sure that this was the staff officer named chambers.

David turned his sight and looked around staff chambers to find out what was wrong.

Soon, David aimed his sight at a boulder 20 meters away from chambers staff. The stone was three meters high and four meters wide, and had been eroded into an irregular shape by the wind.

The boulder blocked the situation behind the stone. In David's place, even if the shadow servant flew into the air, he could not see the scene behind the stone.

But David saw something flash around the edge of the boulder and disappear in a flash. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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