Transcendent David

Chapter 466: CH 466

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In the dormitory, David looks at the spoils piled up in the hall, and his curiosity about them is not over.

Unlike others, the people of the interstellar Federation have no blood and have no way to use these devices.

But David is different. The shadowboy's uncanny methods allow him to activate equipment that can only be activated by blood.

So the value of these booty in David's eyes is not just a collection, as Babington said. David is eager to find some useful items from it.

David took the knight's armor aside, and then separated the horse's armor from the equipment.

First, he combined the horse's armor. He found that the horse's armor could be erected without a horse. The components of the horse's armor were connected in a strange way, which could keep a standard upright position.

Soon the armors were assembled in the hall, which was not difficult. Although the craft of the god world was different from that of the interstellar Federation, the difference was not out of David's understanding.

After that, he assembled the knight's armor. When the armor stood up, he found that the armor had a joint with the horse's armor.

Fortunately, the hall of this dormitory is high enough. The horse armor and armor form a set. It is very aggressive to put it in the hall.

"No wonder babenton said it's a collection, and it's really beautiful!" David said to himself, laughing at the equipment.

He tried it at the time of assembly. Although shadow guards can activate armor and even horse armor, they are too heavy for shadow guards to use. If David wants to use them, they will return to their original state.

So what barbington said is true, without the power of blood, this set of equipment is a collection.

David picked up the weapon bag that had been hanging beside the horse. The bag was about one meter long and was made of unknown leather.

However, when he opened the weapon bag, he found that there was nothing in it, because the weapon bag was very small. Even if the weapon was put into the flat space, only two long daggers could be placed.

When David's heart was strange, he suddenly thought of something. He called in the shadow servant, and his mind entered the shadow servant's body.

Then the shadow servant put his spirit into the weapon bag. This time, he felt different from what he saw.

The weapon bag is a space object with a cubic size. It contains a third grade Epee, a small round shield, a dagger and a crossbow.

There was no personal belongings in it, not to mention the books David wanted most.

The knight himself lives in the star of war, and his personal belongings are kept in the room. In addition, he is out to carry out the mission, so it is impossible for him to take his personal belongings with him.

Soon all four weapons in the bag were taken out and put on the ground.

David first picked up the third level epee. He used the "quasi extraordinary weapon". So he tried to activate the third level epee and see what effect it had.

But to his surprise, the third level Epee did not change with his spirit, just like an ordinary third level epee.

But David clearly saw that, like other quasi extraordinary weapons, there were special patterns on the hilt.

"It doesn't take blood to activate, does it?" David looked at the third grade Epee in his hand and couldn't help but tell.

Just thinking of the shadow servant flying over, he poured a spirit into the pattern of the hilt through his body. A white light appeared on the third grade Epee in his hand.

Soon through the feedback of the third level Epee, David knew the name of the third level Epee in his hand.

"Rend Epee" has the effect of "tearing" ten times a day.

The "tear" attack effect can make the enemy suffer a "tear" attack when contacting the enemy. After the "tear" attack is generated, a wound will be created at the place hit by the "tear Epee". The wound will continue to bleed for one minute.

"Tear Epee" combined with certain combat skills, can play a power beyond imagination.

Think about it. In a battle between the two sides, the "tearing Epee" hits the artery on the enemy's arm. At this time, it produces a "tearing" effect, and the blood from the artery will be ejected.

One minute is enough time for the enemy to lose all fighting power and no more resistance.

Even if you encounter a Zerg with a very strong recovery ability, this effect can ensure that the Zerg can't recover the wound in a short time, thus ensuring the attack effect.

Although this weapon is very good, he can't always call the shadow server to help activate it every time he uses it. This is very inconvenient in a fierce battle.

Of course, this "quasi supernatural weapon" which can only be activated by the force of blood is much better than the "quasi extraordinary weapon" specially made by God's big world for the interstellar Federation.

This "tearing Epee" can be used 10 times a day, while the "quasi extraordinary weapon" used by extraordinary people does not need blood force, but can only be used once a day. The difference is too big.David doesn't know if this is a limitation of the great world, especially for the interstellar Federation, or is it really because of the material problem.

As soon as he put the rapier aside, David took up the small round shield.

There are two ways to hold the back of the small round shield, one is to hold it by hand, the other is to be stuck on the armor, and there are corresponding interfaces on the armor.

This time, David was lazy to try it on his own, because he knew that it was still a weapon that needed blood force to activate.

The almost solidified energy clearly shows that the effect is locked.

Through the spirit of shadow service, David activates the pattern on the small round shield. After a white light, David is wrapped in a light shield.

This round shield is called the "shield of protection". It can generate "guard light" ten times a day.

The light shield on David is the "light of protection". The "light of protection" has an effect on attacks of spirit, physics and energy.

Of course, David's activation does not provide the "Guardian shield" with energy through the power of blood, and the defense effect that the "Guardian shield" can produce is very limited.

At that time, when David attacked a knight, the "light of protection" on the knight's body was solidified in the knight's armor. Once attacked, it would automatically generate.

The reason why the "guard light" is so powerful is that after being activated, the "guard light" has been absorbing energy from the knight's body to maintain the "guard light" consumption.

The stronger the energy from the body, the stronger its defense.

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If you put the "guard shield" aside, the effect of the "guard shield" is much smaller than that of the "tear Epee sword". A "guard light" with little defense is very limited.

David can't place his defense on such a "light of protection". He believes in his ability more.

The dagger is nothing special. It's just a sharp third grade dagger. It's exotic in style.

On the last crossbow, there are also patterns. The short arrow inside is a steel needle with long fingers. What is smeared on the steel needle gives the needle a faint smell of smell.

This crossbow is a crossbow that David has never seen before. It can only be fired once at a time. If you want to continue using it, you need to wind it manually.

The crossbow is now in the state of winding up. David asks the shadow attendant to take a piece of grade 3 material from the space ring and put it on the ground.

Then he aimed the crossbow at the third grade material, pressed the trigger, and with a slight sound, the steel needle flew out.

The steel needle bumps into the third grade material, deforms and bounces aside.

David is not surprised. If it looks like a very ordinary steel needle can really penetrate into the third grade material, David will doubt whether the third grade material he got is a fake.

David rewinds the string, then changes a steel needle. This time, he uses his mind to activate the pattern on the crossbow.

As the light flashed on the crossbow, David saw a white light pattern flashing on the crossbow, and then entered the crossbow.

David fired the crossbow again, and the steel needle flew out, but this time there was a lot of white light on it.

When the steel needle hit the third grade material, a white fog burst out immediately. David's body quickly turned back to get out of the way.

On top of the third grade material and within a radius of about one meter, a layer of frost formed, and the temperature in the hall dropped instantly.

David's eyes brightened. The crossbow, which looks like an ordinary crossbow, can send out this kind of frost attack. At the same time, because the steel needle carries the force of frost, it also increases the destructive power. The needle of the steel needle penetrates into the third grade material a little bit.

David understood why it was necessary to put poison on the steel needle. The crossbow can even pierce some grade 3 materials after adding the force of frost. If it is to deal with the enemy, it is not a problem to puncture the opponent's skin in a sudden situation, then the poison will have an effect.

This time, the spoils were rich, but they were not the most important. David put his hand on the shadow server's shoulder, and then a trace of spiritual energy poured in.

Then David looked at his spiritual attributes. In recent days, his spiritual attributes have grown rapidly. With today's harvest, it has risen to 7.32. David even suspects that as long as he stays here, he can improve his spirit to more than 8 o'clock at most.

Taking his mind back, David put his mind into the shadow servant. This time he wanted to see the light ball of knowledge.

"Save your strength and hit (10% of your combat skills are perfect)". This is a knowledge light ball given to David by the unknown knight. It is a light ball that David can use.

The unexpected surprise made David feel too sudden, he has not been able to get a useful light ball of knowledge for a long time.

These days, the number of killing Level 3 Zerg and level 2 Zerg is amazing, but there is not a single knowledge sphere that can really improve their own strength.

David thought that this time he should be able to get a talent ability with blood limitation, but he didn't expect that it would be a combat skill that could be learned.Without much thought, he moved the sphere of knowledge into his soul.

In an instant, David's eyes were full of flowers, and the space he was in changed into a dense forest.

The body attached to David is not a knight as David thought, but a man in a single suit and holding a short sword. He has no armor, no horse, and has no resemblance to a knight.

The man was crouching behind the tree, keeping a posture and concentrating all his strength on the dagger in his hand.

In the distance, a cheetah sniffed the air and seemed to find the rest of the creatures. The cheetah showed its tusks and let out a low roar.

The cheetah pounced on the tree where the man was hiding. As soon as the cheetah approached, the man moved, and the dagger in his hand broke out with completely different strength.

David felt the whole strength of his whole body was emptied in the stab just as he thrust out the sword. He felt the emptiness of his whole body.

The dagger stabbed the cheetah's head, which was the hardest part of the cheetah. However, a common dagger erupted a terrifying force. The dagger was stabbed into the cheetah's skull, and the cheetah's brain was punctured.

Then the phantom switch, the man with David's body meets more and more powerful enemies, and the man gradually increases a white energy from only using strength, which makes the attack of the man more and more fierce.

But what does not change is that men only have the power of one stroke, and there is no spare force after one strike.

After a long time, David opened his eyes, and a great deal of knowledge circled in his brain, which was then transformed into his own instinct.

"Save your strength" should have nothing to do with the knight's ability. In David's opinion, this kind of combat skill is a kind of ability of the dead man.

All the strength of one's whole body will burst out in an instant. This kind of explosion is achieved by overdraft of one's own strength. Therefore, the person who uses the "energy saving blow" will be very weak for a period of time.

This is completely different from the fighting style of knights, more like killers.

In fact, this knight was trained by the intelligence organization and worked for the intelligence organization. Because of the relationship between work, what the intelligence organization needs is not the knight fighting in the front line, but the killer who can do dirty work.

So the Knights trained by intelligence organizations need to learn how to assassinate in addition to Knight training.

This knight is one of the best knights trained by the intelligence organization in recent years. His "saving strength" can always surprise him, and even his opponents with stronger strength will fall into his hands.

David looked at his own attributes in the face of this ability, there is a sense of survival on his face.

Now he knew that the knight he had assassinated was also an assassin master, but his identity showed that he was a knight and cooperated with chambers staff, so he did not show his killer ability.

As long as David didn't succeed at that time, what was waiting for him was a blow that David couldn't resist.

David shook his head. He didn't look down on the knight before. Now he is more careful. In the future, he should be more cautious in the face of anyone who belongs to the god world.

He wanted to find out the light ball of knowledge provided by the soul of the war horse, but he did not find the light ball of knowledge provided by the soul of the war horse. However, he was very surprised that the obviously powerful horse did not produce the light ball of knowledge.

David has a certain understanding of the creatures that can produce the light sphere of knowledge. The intelligent life almost gives the most powerful light ball of knowledge to itself. The rest of the creatures depend on whether they have special abilities, otherwise they will not give the light sphere of knowledge at all. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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