Transcendent David

Chapter 476: CH 476

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"Miller, David!" Baron Dubois let out an angry roar.

Baron Du Bois did not expect that the "fangfangdu giant ant" would suddenly give up fighting him. When he saw the direction of the "fangfangdu giant ant" rushing out, he was surprised.

He ran after him, but he was still a little late. He saw that the Cavalier Miller's horse was killed by the "fangfangdu giant ant".

I don't know how David did it, but he still sensed the knight Miller moving underground.

Of course, Baron Du Bois could sense that the "fangfangdu ant" could also feel it. Just when the "fangfangdu ant" wanted to continue to attack, Baron Dubois blocked it.

David has been watching the action of the ant through the shadow watch. After seeing Baron Dubois stop the ant, this is a long sigh of relief.

If he had not known that Baron Dubois would come soon, he would not have escaped with the burden of Knight Miller.

As long as David enters the ground and hides his breath, it will take some time even for the "fangfangdu giant ant" to find him. If all the ground nearby is not turned over, he will not be found.

But with the Miller knights, it's like giving the "fangfangdu" a target, so that they can easily find them.

It was knowing that Baron Dubois was there that David had to take Knight Miller for his life. Although Baron Dubois was very polite to David, he even condescended to chat with him.

But that's because David saved the knight Miller. Apart from this reason, as Baron Dubois, you don't need to care about such a warrior as David.

No matter how strong and capable David is, he is only a beetle, not to mention a oracle. Even if he is extraordinary, Baron Dubois can't pay too much attention to him.

Now David escaped alone, let Knight Miller die on the spot, David can not guarantee that Baron Dubois will not kill him in his anger.

If it was not for this reason, with David's character, Knight Miller almost killed them, where would he lend a helping hand.

David didn't dare to leave the underground. He went underground for more than 1500 meters, which was his fastest speed. The duration of "underground sneak" passed, and he stopped.

Although the "fangfangdu giant ant" has a strong sense of telepathy, it can no longer find its location because of the covering of 10 meters and the distance of more than 1500 meters.

David and Miller are stuck in the ground. David's exoskeleton armor has an internal circulation system, so you don't have to worry about breathing.

But unlike Knight Miller, his armor has no respiratory system. He was pulled into the ground by David too suddenly. He didn't prepare for it, so he didn't inhale the air.

In addition, due to the killing of his horse, the knight Miller consumed a lot of oxygen due to his agitation. At this time, his face turned red.

David, of course, would not watch Knight Miller have an accident. He took out a breathing mask and pressed it on his face.

Knight Miller's face softened. His eyes were full of guilt. If he could speak, he would apologize to David.

At this time, David did not have time to pay attention to the knight Miller. His mind entered the shadow servant and watched the battle on the ground through the shadow attendant.

At this time, there is the safest place to watch the battle, so don't worry about being affected by the battle.

The battle between Baron Dubois and the "fangfangpoison giant ant" is very dangerous. The "fangfangdu giant ant" is in complete madness because it has just sensed the eggs and nearly recovered them, but was interrupted by Baron Dubois.

Baron Du Bois can only swim, occasionally sweeping a sword on the huge body of the "fangfangdu giant ant".

To tell you the truth, this kind of battle is very passive for Baron Dubois. He can't be hurt a little, because any injury can be fatal.

However, it is not necessary to worry too much about the "fangfangpoisonous giant ant". As long as it is not hit by Baron Dubois, it can recover through the poisonous fog.

In addition to fighting Baron Dubois, the "fangfangpoison ant" also destroys the ground from time to time. It can't sense the smell of the Miller knight. It may be far away, or it may be isolated by some means.

So the tusk ant is constantly destroying the ground, trying to find out the Miller knight.

Baron Dubois tried his best to limit the range of activities of the ant, which made him nearly hit by the ant several times.

"Weak, slow down!" Baron Dubois flicks his finger, and two magic amulets pop up. Instantly, it turns into two white lights and enters the body of the "fangfangdu giant ant.".

Baron dupois knew that the effect of this magic amulet can only last for a short time, but he needs a little time.

He patted the calling bag around his waist, and then a huge eagle appeared beside him, and he jumped up.

The white armor of Baron Dubois spread out, completely protecting the giant eagle.Then Baron Du Bois burst out of white energy, which converged towards his level 4 epee. Driven by the white energy, level 4 Epee stretched out a lavender lightsaber.

During the whole process of being affected, it will die of vital defense.

After the Zerg reach level 4, their fighting skills in their genes have already reached the extreme. They also have a good understanding of the various coping styles of the enemies who have been fighting for countless years.

This is why it is very difficult for the strong to kill the level 4 Zerg if the strength is not too different in fighting alone.

Although the strength of the "fangfangdu giant ant" has decreased, its combat skills have not decreased at all. After being affected by the magic amulet, it immediately makes a defense.

After Baron Dubois and the giant eagle, the eagle takes him to the sky.

Behind its huge body, two pairs of relatively small transparent wings protrude from the insect shell. Although the transparent wings are small, they do not affect its flight.

The battle from the ground to the air, but the speed of the flying eagle is faster and more flexible than that of the "fangfangdu giant ant".

Baron Dubois was in full swing at this time. Due to the particularity of this place, his mount eagle can not be out for a long time. The air here is not the world of flying eagle, and it may even attract powerful Zerg.

Especially under some kind of agreement, although the more powerful level 5 Zerg won't attack them, they can't say anything to kill the flying mounts that leave their masters.

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Knights with flying mounts like Baron Dubois should be very careful of their mounts when they are in battle stars. They usually put them into the call bag and only call them out to eat and take activities in a safe place.

To be able to become the flying mount of Baron Dubois, the strength of this flying eagle is close to that of the third level Zerg. However, the eagle can not hide its own energy. The strong energy fluctuation radiates around, showing the position of the flying eagle.

This is a deterrent to the enemy in other places, telling the enemy that it is not allowed to approach here.

However, warstar has become the target of Zerg. As long as the eagle appears, it is like a lamp in the night, attracting the attention of Zerg.

Although the defense line can be called out in a short time, it can be destroyed in the rear.

Baron Dubois, who was in full swing, turned into a white light in the air. The white light constantly surrounded the "fangfangdu poisonous ant". Every time he flew by, he would bring out a wound on his body.

The tusk ant is constantly trying to fight back, but the speed gap makes it unable to attack Baron Dubois.

If it's a Zerg occupation, a large number of Zerg would be enough to limit Baron Dubois, but here, the "fangfangpoison giant ant" can only attack in vain.

At this time, the "fangfangdu giant ant" is passive. If it did not consume genes to breed eggs, it would not be so weak.

Although it is only a little gap in strength, it is particularly obvious in high-speed combat.

The "fangfangfangdu giant ant" did not escape. As long as the fourth level Zerg with advanced wisdom did not receive the compulsory command from the Zerg, it would still flee when threatened.

But the eggs are here. The "fangfangdu giant ant" is not willing to leave. It is desperately trying to repair the wounds on its body with the poison in its body.

Baron Dubois also saw this. For some reason, the "fangfangpoison giant ant" didn't want to leave, which made him very happy. Maybe he could kill a level 4 Zerg today.

David saw the battle in the sky through the shadow attendant. His mood was agitated. Baron Du Bois turned into an arrow in the air, and constantly shot at the "fangfangpoisonous giant ant".

The elongated fourth grade sword can break the shell of "fangfangdu giant ant" only by using the extended sword light.

David's attention was also drawn to the eagle, which was integrated with Baron Dubois. Although his exoskeleton armor could also fly, this kind of flight was restricted by many restrictions, and it became a slow flight on Battlestar.

This eagle is different. The breath of the eagle alone makes David feel that he can't compete with him. At least he is as powerful as the third level Zerg.

What kind of feeling is it to have such a mount? This is the real strong one.

David thought of his pet Xiaobai and sighed, but Xiaobai's role is not weak, but the development direction is completely different from that of flying eagle.

After comforting himself, David has a new understanding of the power of knights.

In the air, Baron Dubois is fighting almost under the pressure of the "fangfangdu giant ant", and the aftermath of the fight between the two sides constantly shocks around.

David even saw that one floor of the ground had been cut off by the aftershocks of the battle in the sky, and believed that if it was fighting close to the building, there would be hardly any building left below.

David thought of the legend that the fourth level Zerg could easily destroy a city. Up to now, he can be sure that if the "fangfangdu giant ant" really arrived in a city, it would not be surprising that the whole city would be destroyed."Fangfangdu giant ant" can kill all its life, not to mention its terrifying destructive power, even if it only relies on its virulent poison.

David thought, the shadow master's eyes were still watching the battle.

Even from David's point of view, we can see that the poisonous fog on the "fangfangdu ant" has become thinner.

Baron Dubois is not complacent. He always remembers his weakness. Although he has obvious advantages at the moment, he will lose all his advantages if he is hit once.

He has a lot of means to use on the "fangfangdu giant ant". The resistance of the "fangfangdu" is too high.

The most effective way is to use the sword directly. He is not greedy. He only increases the damage of the "fangfangfangdu" ant on the premise of safety.

The "fangfangfangdu ant" finally felt the danger. Because its latest wound was a little deep, it was still bleeding after being treated with poison fog.

Until this time, the "fangfangdu giant ant" was aware of its situation, because the clues of the eggs were lost, found and rediscovered, and its anger affected its judgment.

The "fangfangpoison giant ant" wants to escape from here. It turns around and wants to leave, but how could Baron Dubois let it go.

If this is the defense line, a call from the "fangfangdu giant ant" will allow all nearby Zerg to form a swarm of insects. With the protection of the tide, it will be enough for it to leave.

But this time, the "fangfangdu giant ant" is too deep, which makes it lose the opportunity to get rid of it immediately.

Baron Dubois urged the eagles to fly back and forth around the "fangfangdu giant ant". In just ten seconds, the ant was covered with green blood.

At present, the blood from the "fangfangdu giant ant" can no longer be converted into poisonous fog. This shows that the consumption of the poison in its body is too high, and even the poison in the blood is scarce.

The ant found that it couldn't escape. Instead, it did more damage because it wanted to escape. At this time, it wanted to continue fighting Baron Dubois, but a lot of blood flowed out, making it slow down.

This has resulted in a bad result. The movement of the "tusk poison giant ant" becomes slower. Baron Dubois's attack will produce more wounds, and the wound will bleed a lot, which will continue to slow down the speed of the "fangfangdu giant ant".

Baron Dubois is acting more and more slowly. Baron Du Bois is like a very patient matador, slowly letting the "Fangdu poison ant" lose its strength.

Sensing the loss of life, the "fangfangpoison giant ant" looks at the vague figure of Baron Dubois and waves out its forelimbs.

This time, it was too slow to take back the key points of protection. Baron Du Bois' fourth level shield blocked the weak attack. The fourth level Epee rarely stabbed.

This is like the last blow in a bullfight. The level 4 Epee first stabs the sword light into the chest of the "fangfangdu giant ant" and then the body of the level 4 epee. This is enough length for the level 4 Epee to pierce the heart of the "fangfangdu giant ant".

David felt the sudden disappearance of one of the two powerful breath in the sky and saw the "fangfangdu giant ant" fall down from the air. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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