Transcendent David

Chapter 482: CH 482

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For the next two days, David almost soaks in the Zerg occupied area. With the efficiency of two or three third level Zerg a day, he constantly brings back the third level Zerg corpses.

Under his efficiency, babenton can no longer offer to let David participate in their mission, because the efficiency of the four extraordinary people entering the Zerg occupied area with David cannot be compared with that of David alone.

Of course, as Lieutenant Morson saw the two medals, he knew the origin of the two medals, and only a few people in the army got such medals.

David and lieutenant Morson came to the gate of the base headquarters, where Babington and Augustine were waiting.

They were also wearing military uniforms. David looked at them with admiration. The general's uniform was much better than his school uniform.

"Major David, these two medals make the officers in the base sweat!" Said babenton, with an extraordinary smile.

Since this is a public place, they can not be called as freely as they do in private.

"General, you have a lot of medals on your chest." David glanced at the pile of at least ten medals on Babington's extraordinary chest and said with a smile.

Beside barbington's extraordinary side, Augustine had more medals on his extraordinary chest, accounting for almost half of his chest.

"We have served in the army for a lifetime. You only have a few days. When I was your age, I was still a junior scholar, and I was in school!" Said babenton, extraordinary and angry.

The rest of the officers at the base headquarters stood aside and watched David and babenton talk in extraordinary ways. Although they were called by military ranks, they could see the closeness and randomness.

But none of these officers would think much about it. David's strength was recognized in the fourth front base, and even the four extraordinary men were not as prestigious as David established during this period.

You know, even four extraordinary people can not enter the Zerg occupied area alone and come back with the third level Zerg corpses. David has brought back eight third level Zerg corpses in these three days, which makes David become a legend in the fourth front base.

Even if David is not a inspector, he is also recognized as a senior officer in the fourth front base. The army, especially the army on Battlestar, pays more attention to the recognition of strength than to the recognition of rank.

While Babington and Augustine were talking to David quietly, a huge voice came from the sky.

David looked up and saw that the sound was made by a large transport warship. This kind of large transport warship does not have such a loud sound in normal flight. The reason why there is such noise now is because of the environment of Battlestar.

The engines of large transport warships roar wildly to drive the huge ship.

Before the large transport warship landed at the base headquarters, a second lieutenant in air force uniform handed over the formalities to the base personnel, and then the huge cabin door of the transport warship began to open.

Under the guidance of the instructor, a team of recruits wearing military standard exoskeleton armor stepped off the warship and began to gather in front of the base headquarters.

"Major David, let's get on stage together!" Babington looked at the noisy recruits, frowned, and turned to David.

David nodded. He and the two extraordinary people stood on the platform that had been arranged long ago. This is the front of 30000 recruits.

"Quiet!" Said babenton in an extraordinary deep voice.

With the blessing of his extraordinary power, his voice spread all over the ears of all 30000 recruits, and at the same time shocked 30000 recruits like a thunderbolt.

In an instant, there was no noise in the whole scene except for the engine sound of the large transport warship.

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All the recruits could not help standing up and looking at the three soldiers on the stage.

At this time, the large transport warship began to lift off. In the process, babenton did not speak and looked at 30000 recruits.

David observed the recruits and found that the quality of these recruits was not high. Most of them were junior high-level beetles, and the number of high-level warriors was very small.

It's no wonder that the ordinary beetles almost break through to become beetles after taking strengthening potions. Their potential is very low.

"From today on, you are soldiers of the fourth front base. The federation needs your protection, and your families need your protection. You fight not only for the union, but also for yourself." Said babenton in an extraordinary deep voice.

After hearing his words, 30000 recruits could not help but straighten up.

When babenton spoke, he sent out a trace of extraordinary force, which formed a kind of pressure. The pressure was nothing to the war veterans, but it had a great influence on these new recruits.

"I am general babenton of the fourth front base, and I am also an extraordinary one. This is general Augustine, and also an extraordinary one. This is major David, the inspector of the base, and also the most powerful combat force of the base!" Babington introduced the recruits.

David was stunned when he heard what barbington introduced him to him. He didn't expect him to say so.In fact, it's not babenton's idea. The whole fourth front base thinks so.

When 30000 recruits heard the introduction of babenton, they were immediately excited. Most of them had no chance to see him. Now there are extraordinary soldiers standing in front of them, who are still directly under the general.

However, a small number of recruits recognized the mistake. When introducing David, they only introduced David's rank, and did not add "extraordinary" after it. That is to say, David is not extraordinary.

The murmur of discussion sounded, and then it grew louder, and the whispering of 30000 recruits made the scene of Babington's extraordinary control chaotic again.

Instead of talking this time, babenton turned to look at David.

David understood what Babington meant by being extraordinary, and that was to keep him in order.

Of course, this is what the inspector should do, and he has no way to refuse.

"Quiet!" David radiated his spirit. He learned this skill from Emma. He added some "high frequency sound wave" skills, and said in a deep voice.

Unlike barbington's extraordinary drinking, babenton's extraordinary drinking is a thunderbolt. David's drinking is beating their souls with sticks.

Thirty thousand recruits were in a daze, and all of them lost their consciousness for a moment.

The sober recruits all looked at the young and excessive major standing on the stage with astonishing eyes. These were all first-class soldiers. They could judge their strength, but they could not understand what kind of power could affect 30000 recruits and let them be impacted.

In fact, the most powerful way David used is this way, which is the same as Emma's singing to affect all the audience on the scene, but David strengthened the oppressive sense of voice and produced a deterrent effect.

Babenton and Augustine looked at David differently. In fact, Babington wanted David to come forward. Maintaining order on such occasions would greatly increase David's prestige among these recruits.

But he did not expect that David had no extraordinary power, but could still achieve such a powerful effect, so that 30000 recruits were all impacted.

At this point, 30000 recruits told babenton that David was the most powerful base in the fourth front line. There was no doubt that such a strange method made the recruits full of fear of David. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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