Transcendent David

Chapter 488: CH 488

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"I've sent out a distress signal, and there will be a reply from the army soon!" Babenton spoke with great speed.

Augustine descended to the ground. He was about 100 meters outside the energy shield, about 400 meters away from the wormhole in space.

Augustine stood in front of him with his huge third class shield, staring at the opening wormhole in front of him.

Barbington stands on Augustine's side with his third class axe.

"Babenton, would you ask the military headquarters whether one of our bases has been attacked, or have all the other bases been attacked?" David also descended to Augustine's extraordinary side.

"At this time, the military department will not reply to such questions!" Said Babington, shaking his head without trying.

Even if other bases are also attacked, in order to stabilize the morale of the army, they will not tell the real situation of other bases.

Like the fourth front base, even if all the people are dead, the military headquarters can not allow to give up the base line of defense.

"Let me ask!" Said Augustine.

Then he began to contact his friends. At this time, the space wormhole was expanding rapidly, which was two meters in size and was still expanding.

David thought about it for a while, took down the "growler sniper gun" from behind, pressed a super large caliber three grade sniper bullet into the bomb bay, and then lay down on the ground to prepare for sniping.

"David, are you sure about this short distance?" When Babington saw David's action, he immediately understood David's plan, but he asked with some uneasiness.

You should know that 400 meters is not a good sniping distance. There is too little time left for David from aiming to sniping.

"Look at my luck, I need a second to recover after sniping!" David doesn't have much confidence. His only hope is that he will increase his spirit. The spirit of 7.99 points is infinitely close to 8 points, which makes him feel that he can Snipe in this distance.

"Don't worry, even if it's death, we can block the Zerg for you!" Said Babington, tightening his third class axe.

"Yes, there are wormholes in all eight bases near us." Said Augustine in a deep voice.

"Is it revenge?" Barbington surmised.

When the fourth level Zerg "fangfangdu giant ant" is killed, the Zerg will certainly react, but they did not expect that the Zerg will directly open the space wormhole to retaliate.

Opening a space wormhole requires three levels of Zerg "space Ripper". Zerg rarely use "space Ripper" because the main task of "space Ripper" is to accumulate space energy and then open a space wormhole leading to space.

Instead of wasting space energy inside warstar, the first and second level Zerg's life is of little value at all. It's more cost-effective to attack defense lines with level 1 and 2 Zerg than to consume the space energy of "space Ripper".

This time, however, it was the fourth class Zerg tribe that was killed. The Zerg retaliated against eight bases in the territory of the "fangfangdu giant ant.".

There were few insect attacks in the eight bases before, but now they are facing more terrible attacks.

While speaking, the wormhole of the space opened to the largest extent, and the 10 meter high space wormhole gave out a blue light.

A flame comes out of the wormhole, covering the area in front of the wormhole, and then a "giant tongflame worm" passes through the other side of the wormhole.

Just as soon as the giant tongs flame bug appeared, the growler sniper gun in David's hand was fired almost at the same time.

The spirit of "7.99" brings David faster judgment time. When the super large caliber three-level sniper bullet flies over 400 meters, and the potential energy is not fully reached, the sniper bullet hits the "giant tongs flame bug".

However, the sniper bullets did not continue to penetrate the skull of the beetle and did not cause fatal damage to its brain.

But even in this way, the "giant tongs flame bug" can not help but utter a shrill scream.

Although the giant tongs flame bug screamed, its other eye was fixed on David, who was driving away the recoil force.

The battle experience in the gene instantly locked David in, and the "pincer firebug" rushed to the three men before the sound of their screams was over.

Once again, there is a figure in the wormhole, which David, the third level Zerg, has never seen.

After 200 meters, it was only two steps away from David's position, but David did not stand up. At this time, he drove the recoil force away from his body, and the sight had already locked in the third level Zerg.

This third level Zerg is covered with black armor, and even his eyes are protected by the same black crystals.

Without time to think about it, David chose the usual attack plan, still sniping at the third level Zerg's eye.

Just as David fired his second large caliber third class sniper bullet, the "giant tongs flame bug" had already rushed forward and spewed out extraordinary flame from his mouth.When Augustine opened his mouth, he knew the plan of the flame bug. He pushed the third grade shield and took the initiative to bump into it.

Augustine knew that if you let the "pincers" spew out extraordinary fire, it would probably affect David, who was sniping.

As soon as the extraordinary flame erupted, it was stopped by a huge green shield, and then babenton cut a bone deep wound near the injured eye of the giant tongflame bug.

If it hadn't been for the blunderbuss retreating a little bit, Babington's extraordinary attack would have split the head of the beetle.

To David's surprise, the second third class Zerg was hit by a sniper bullet, but there were only fine cracks on the eye, which did not break the black crystal of the eye.

The third level Zerg is also infuriated and rushes towards the three. The momentum of the attack is more oppressive than that of the giant tongflame bug.

After hitting the axe of the giant tongflame bug, babenton takes time to look at the third class Zerg in the distance.

"David, that's a beetle. Defense is the highest level of Zerg in the third level!" Barberton, the extraordinary, said in a loud voice.

David remembered the information about the "armor piercing longhorn beetle" in his mind. This is a kind of three-level Zerg. A pair of huge pincers on the top of his head can easily break through the defense of the energy shield as long as the impact distance is given to it. Therefore, it is called the "armor piercing longhorn beetle".

The "armor breaking longhorn beetle" is also known as the "armored longhorn beetle" among all the third level Zerg. Its whole body defense is twice as thick as that of the ordinary third level Zerg. Therefore, some people call it "armored longhorn beetle".

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It's no wonder that a sniper bullet can't even break the defense crystal outside the eyes of the "armor piercing longhorn beetle". This is double the defense effect of ordinary level 3 Zerg.

David immediately gave up the sniper, his body gently vibrated, the recoil force quickly into the ground.

At this time, the second close combat between the two supernatural beings and the "giant tongflame bug" started again. After being injured, the "giant tongflame bug" became more and more crazy. The extraordinary flame in his mouth kept blowing out, so that Augustine could only shield the flame bug to prevent its eruption.

Babenton chopped two axes, but only added two wounds to the giant tongflame bug, which could not cause fatal damage.

After a second, David got out of the recoil and stood up. The roarer sniper gun was carried back to his back and replaced with a third grade shield on his left hand and a sharp heavy axe on his right hand.

At this time, there was damage on Augustine's extraordinary shield. However, because the shield was specially made, it was larger and thicker than David's third level shield. Therefore, some minor damage did not affect the use of the shield.

David's foot power, from Augustine behind the extraordinary to his left, to this position, he and "forceps flame bug" distance is within five meters.

When the "soul chopping heavy axe technique" was launched, an invisible spiritual thread was connected to the body of the "giant tongflame worm". Its position was just the wound beside the eye cut by barbington.

Without a moment's hesitation, David stepped out of Augustine's extraordinary large shield defense range and waved the "sharp heavy axe" in his hand.

He did not activate the "sharp" effect on "sharp axe", nor did he activate the "poison" ability. He just turned on all his natural abilities. "Extreme speed", "power shock", "strength enhancement" and "power overlap" make his attacks faster and more terrifying.

"Sharp heavy axe" Accelerates along the spiritual line, making the body of the axe become a shadow, and then cleaves on the skull wound with deep visible bones.

as like as two peas of the great calipers, the direction and position of the cleavage are exactly the same as that of the previous attack.

With the sound of "click", the "sharp heavy axe" split the head of the "giant tongflame insect", and then "power overlap" sent the "sharp heavy axe" into the brain of the "giant tongflame insect".

This kind of damage caused the "tongflame bug" to stop spraying fire, and then fell heavily to the ground.

David felt that the shadow servant rushed forward. He knew that the flame bug was dead.

Before Augustine arrived and relaxed, he saw the beetle rush to a distance of 100 meters from here.

Augustine smashed the level 3 shield into the ground, and then used his shoulder to hold the level 3 shield.

He knew very well that the impact force of the "armor breaking longicorn" after a 400 meter charge was not what he could withstand in an ordinary state.

So Augustine chose the most effective way of defense, using his shoulder to direct the core strength of his body on the shield.

"The energy of this level 3 wormhole is insufficient. You can only pass through one level 3 Zerg at most!" Barbington, however, had been in contact with the scanning department, and said out loud.

It seems that this attack of Zerg originally thought that three third level Zerg were enough to destroy the unprotected base headquarters.

Think about it. If David wasn't in the Zerg's attack, according to the attack plan, the first thing the Zerg did was protect the wormhole with extraordinary flame.Then there is the "armor piercing longicorn" charge, breaking the energy shield. This is a very planned attack.

In the end, no matter what kind of third level Zerg they are, they are enough to kill the base headquarters.

Just when Augustine made the best defensive posture with the third level shield, a large worm was drilled out of the space wormhole. This is not a third level Zerg, but a second level Zerg "bewitching brain worm".

Although this is only a second class Zerg, it is far more threatening than a third class Zerg in war.

As soon as the "bewitching brain worm" appeared, he opened his mouth and sent out a howl to the three people here.

Of course, the "bewitching brain worm" does not use howling to attack three people, but first Augustine's head is dizzy, and then babenton's extraordinary body shakes slightly and almost falls to the ground.

David also felt a strong spiritual shock wave. The crystal outside his soul fortress was broken in a second. However, after the spiritual shock wave hit the soul fortress, it was smashed into spiritual fragments.

David was the least affected, and he recovered just a little.

By this time, the beetle had already rushed to Augustine's extraordinary position. Augustine's body movement was deformed due to the mental impact of "bewitching brain worm", and he did not reach the best defensive state.

The beetle smashed into Augustine's extraordinary third level shield. A pair of pincers contacted the third level shield, and Augustine's extraordinary thickened shield was instantly deformed.

The huge impact force let Augustine's extraordinary body fly backward, fly out more than 50 meters, his body glided on the ground for a long time.

"Augustine!" David said in surprise.

At this time, he did not have time to observe Augustine's extraordinary injury. The charge of "broken armor longicorn" was stopped by Augustine, and it turned to attack Babington.

Barbington's transcendence has not recovered from the spiritual attack, which is the most difficult to resist for his and Augustine's transcendence.

We should know that although the "bewitching brain worm" is only a second level Zerg, its spirit is comparable to that of the fourth level Zerg, and even more refined.

If it wasn't for the "bewitching brain worm", it would not be only a second class Zerg if it didn't have any fighting ability except spirit.

Seeing that the beetle was about to hit babenton with his pair of pincers, David first used the third class shield in his left hand to push him away.

Then David's spirit activated the "sharp" pattern on the handle of the "sharp heavy axe". In a flash of white light, the "sharp heavy axe" turned on the "sharp" effect.

At the same time, the spirit line is also connected with the "armour piercing longicorn", which has never been closed, so that David still maintains the strongest fighting power.

With an axe, the shadow of the axe flashed through a mirage. When the beetle felt the danger, the sharp and heavy axe had already cut the head of the beetle.

This is the first time that David has used the "sharpness" effect in two seconds on a level 3 Zerg. He feels that the double defense "sunder beetle" seems to have completely removed the defense, and the "sharp heavy axe" easily cuts into the head of the beetle. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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