Transcendent David

Chapter 493: CH 493

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"David, it's a miracle you can survive if I don't guess it wrong!" Baron dupois looked at David, shaking his head and sighing.

According to David, Baron dupois could judge the strength of the existence at that time, according to the two extraordinary reports in the distance at that time.

Only three third class insects can pass through the space wormhole. After passing through two third-level and one second-class insect's "bewitching brain insects", only one insect under level 3 can be supported to pass through.

With David's strength, it's not easy for the second class worm to hurt him.

Because Baron dupois knew that David's custom exoskeleton armor was a three-level armor, which was not destroyed by the second class worm.

The existence must control the strength of the second class insect through the space wormhole, which can threaten David's life, so that the strong power of that existence can be affirmed.

"Can I see the damaged equipment?" Baron dupois asked David.

"Wait, I'll get it to you!" David nodded, and he turned to the room and took out the third class shield.

David, a third class shield, had used it before. Although there was a hole pointed out by a finger, it was not pierced. Therefore, this third level shield can be used.

Repair such damage, not the equipment here can be done, need to go to the military department to repair, because there is no impact on use, David also did not go immediately.

"Uncle dupois, this shield, has been repaired for damage to my exoskeleton armor!" And David gave the third grade shield to Baron dupois.

Baron dupois took over the third level shield, and he stroked the hole with his hand, and his expression became more and more serious.

David was curious. He saw the hole, which was pointed out. There was no smell on it. Could Baron dupois see anything else?

"Your life is so big!" It was a short time when Baron dupois repeated his feelings many times.

David thought of the dangers of the time, so far it was still creepy, that helpless feeling, so he can not forget.

Of course, this will become the driving force for him to become stronger. He sees the strength of the fourth class Zerg, the bravery of Baron dupois, and the incomprehensible existence of terror.

"I just guessed. Now I can tell you that you are meeting a Class Five insect race today. I really can't understand how you survived!" Baron dupois said again.

To be honest, even if Baron dupois was present, in the circumstances of the time, he could not resist the finger pointing at him.

Even if the fifth class insect group will suppress their own strength to the level of the second class worm, the invincible, the unmatched oppression and the ability to force the space blockade can make any creature below the level 5 insect unable to escape.

"Maybe I'm lucky!" "Said David softly.

"Damn, you will meet the kind of Zerg who can talk to you through the spirit. Don't violate the will of the other party. If you don't provoke that existence, it will not hurt you!" Baron dupois, with noble temperament, looked at David who almost died, and he could not help but express his strange voice.

"Uncle dupois, I know!" David nodded heavily.

David is very spiritual. Other people have the most intuitive perception of whether he is kind or malicious. He can feel Baron dupois' strong concern.

Baron dupois regards him as a nephew, which is related to David saving Knight Miller, but there is also David's own reason.

"This time, I will report the attack on you by the level 5 insect, and I will give it to the top for handling. Unfortunately, I can't know which level 5 insect has taken the action!" Said Baron dupois, with a relaxed face.

"That..." David hesitated, but continued, "actually, the fingers of the five class insects were left!"

Although David knew that the fingers of the fifth class insects must be extraordinary treasures, if there was any communication between the upper layer and the worm, he would have known it.

Especially David heard Baron dupois say that the five class Zerg need to report their moves, which means that the five class insects will not do it.

And there are so strong five class insects on the other side of the Zerg. Then the alliance of God belongs to the great world and the interstellar Federation should certainly have the corresponding strong ones. Otherwise, how can the current situation be established.

He would have said it on his own initiative rather than being found out later.

"What?" Baron dupois rose in surprise, and asked incredulously.

What David said made him totally disbelief. What kind of strength can damage the fifth class insect, is there a strong man who has taken the hand?

But it shouldn't be because if there were strong men at the time, Baron dupois would have received the message, rather than ask David.

"You mean that the five class bug has left a finger?" Baron dupois almost asked."Yes David replied positively.

"Can you show it to me?" Before seeing the object, Baron Dubois still expressed doubts.

"Wait a minute, please." David turned around and went back to the room again. This time, he asked the shadow attendant to take out the finger from the space ring, which he had not observed carefully since he got it.

When the finger was collecting the ring, he put it in an alloy box, which originally stored some materials. He asked the shadow attendant to take out the material and put his finger in it.

Then he returned to the living room with the alloy box in his hand, and Baron Dubois's eyes were fixed on it.

Baron Dubois did not feel any special breath in the alloy box, just like the hole in the third class shield.

Why does Baron Dubois think it was the fifth level Zerg when he saw the hole in the third level shield, because if the fourth level Zerg wanted to open such a hole in the third level shield, some breath would leak into the hole of the third level shield.

And the grotesque aura of the void is left behind, which shows that the existence controls itself to an unimaginable degree.

With Baron Dubois's strength, if there are grade three or four materials in the alloy box, he can easily perceive it from such a close distance.

If David hadn't cheated him, it would have been a fifth level Zerg finger in the alloy box.

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David put the alloy box on the table and opened it.

Baron Dubois and David both looked at the finger, a half meter long, slender foot, which David thought was a finger because it had joints similar to human fingers.

In particular, when a single slender foot reached through the space wormhole, David's first feeling was that the strong man opposite him extended a finger.

"Look at the incision. Who can cut this finger so neatly?" Baron Dubois, seeing the incision in his foot, asked.

"At that time, this finger chased after me and tried to kill me. Somehow, the space wormhole suddenly closed and cut off this finger!" David told us the situation at that time.

"It was cut off by the force of space, no wonder!" Said Baron Dubois, nodding.

It is just that Baron Dubois can't understand how the existence of the finger master can lead to such mistakes.

We should know that the master of the finger dares to point out the wormhole in space. He must have absolute confidence that he will not be hurt by the space wormhole.

"David, I'll borrow this finger and give it back to you later!" Baron Dubois thought about it and said.

"Uncle Dubois, take it if you want it!" David agreed without hesitation.

Compared with the "trading qualification card" and the "sharp axe" given to him by Baron Dubois, he felt that even this finger could be given to Baron Dubois.

Baron Dubois put his finger and alloy box into the space object. He looked at David carefully.

"David, if you get this level of items in the future, don't take them out like this. You should know that many powerful people will kill and rob for this level 5 Zerg's foot!" Said Baron Dubois in a deep voice.

"I believe in Uncle Dubois!" David said with a smile.

"Just for your words, I'll help you find the alchemist to make you a weapon. It's a weapon made of grade five materials. What kind of weapon do you want?" Baron Dubois, hearing David's words, pointed to him and said with a laugh.

Baron Dubois would not rob David's treasure. He borrowed these five levels of legs as evidence for reporting and stated that they were in his hands.

If not, no matter how strong David is, he can't resist the greed of the strong in the great world.

"Really?" David's eyes brightened and he asked in surprise.

David took the fifth level Zerg's foot in his hand. At most, he asked master Mckintosh to make a weapon for him. However, the level of master mackintosh was only a master forging in the Federation, which was far from the "alchemist" in the god world.

This can be seen from the popularity of any weapon produced by the alchemist in the Federation.

"Of course, the alchemist and I have been good friends for many years, and with this rare material, he will surely do his best." Said Baron Dubois with a smile.

David thought about all kinds of weapons, but he soon fell into the dilemma of choice.

The size of the fifth level Zerg foot can only make a light weapon, but David rarely uses light weapons. In fact, he often uses heavy axes.

"What weapon do you know best?" Baron Dubois asked with a smile when he saw David's entanglement.

"I don't know the classification of weapons used by God in the big world. According to the Federation, I have the strongest" heavy axe master ". My" heavy axe master "has reached the grand master level," spear master "," sword master "," shield master "and" Warhammer master "have reached the grand division level. I usually use heavy axe most often!" David also did not hide Baron Dubois and said his strength.Baron Dubois stayed for a moment. His energy was limited. Although he was not a federal, he also knew the federal "Weapon Mastery" classification rules.

Each weapon requires a corresponding talent, but David has the vast majority of weapon talent, and play it out.

If you can use this kind of material, you can make a heavy blade on top of the world level.

"Sharp heavy axe" is only made of grade 3 materials. Of course, there is too much difference between the cutting edge of grade 5 materials and that of grade 5 materials. However, in the future, as long as you change a new heavy axe, you can change the edge of level 5 to a new one, so that the material of level 5 will not be wasted! " Baron Dubois suggested with a smile.

It was the first time that David heard about this kind of technology, and he certainly could not get the benefit.

Indeed, although David's "sharp and heavy axe" is regarded as the top weapon by the Federalists, it is too common in the eyes of the powerful God in the big world.

Since David saw God is a strong man in the big world, he has not been satisfied for a long time. He just wants to be more powerful.

Although he did not have the blood of God in the big world, he had the existence of shadow serving against the heaven.

It is not impossible for David to become such a powerful existence as Baron Dubois.

"Uncle Dubois, these five level Zerg won't come to me for revenge?" David asked a little uneasily.

"Are you afraid now?" Baron Dubois shook his head and said with a smile. Then he patted David on the shoulder and said, "the existence of the fifth level Zerg is not allowed to be used at will. Otherwise, both the Zerg and the strong in the god world will be killed by each other for a long time."

There is a balancing mechanism, but David is not qualified to know about it.

However, David was relieved to hear that the level five Zerg would not pursue revenge.

When I took out the fifth level Zerg's feet, I had another idea that I was afraid that the fifth level Zerg would take revenge. Taking out the fifth level Zerg's feet was also to let God belong to the big world to resist the terrible fifth level Zerg for him.

God belongs to the big world and the Zerg have been confronting each other for so long. There must be strong people who can fight with the fifth level Zerg.

"It takes some time to forge the level 5 axe blade. I'll inform you when it's finished!" Baron Dubois said to David before he left.

After seeing off Baron Dubois, a day of battle fatigue hit, David used the identity bracelet to inform several extraordinary people, and then turned back to the dormitory.

David is ready to have a good rest, and wait for his mind and body to recover before he can see what he has gained. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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