Transcendent David

Chapter 496: CH 496

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Nathaniel looked at the green blood gushing out of the ground. Naturally, he guessed what had just happened.

"Lord David!" Six Knights quickly appeared beside David, protecting David among them. The leading Knight cried out with concern.

The six Knights didn't care about the life and death of the rest of them. It had nothing to do with them, but David's safety was something they needed to pay attention to.

If people with the Baron Dubois family badge are killed by Zerg when they move with them, they have to bear the anger of Baron Dubois, and even the hostility of that powerful family, which they can't afford.

So when the six Knights found danger, they immediately came to David and protected him in the Knights' battle.

This also surprised David. Although the previous six knights were very respectful to him, he did not expect that the reaction of the six knights would be so fierce when there was danger.

"A few people, I'm ok. This underground Zerg is dead and needs to be cleaned up!" David felt that the shadow servant had absorbed the soul of the burrow beetle and said to the six Knights next to him.

"Lord David, you don't have to do it. We'll solve it for you." With a wave from the leading knight, the two knights took out their epee and began to dig.

Soon the body of the burrowing beetle was dug out. Although there had been speculation, Nathaniel was still terrified when he saw the body.

It's really not easy to get away with the "burrowing beetle" raid.

"Commander David, thank you for your help Nathaniel said to David.

Nathaniel didn't ask David how he discovered it in advance. Just looking at the reaction of the six knights, David must have a lot to do with God's great world. It's not surprising that he has some special abilities.

After dealing with the god world, Nathaniel knows that God's big world often has some unexpected special abilities. In his opinion, since David and the God belong to the big world, it is normal for David to get the magic items to detect the "burrow beetle".

"Don't do that. Since we are carrying out tasks together, we help each other. I believe you will not stand by when I am in danger!" David said with a smile.

The corpse of the burrowing beetle was picked up by people from the logistics department. It was regarded as the spoils of the war. All of them would be taken back to the military headquarters. David just added another sum to his already rich fighting achievements.

"Inform the military headquarters that the construction of the base headquarters here must be speeded up. There are" ground penetrating beetles "appearing, and temporary bases cannot be used!" Nathaniel turned his head and said to Bartholomew.

The temporary base is unable to detect underground anomalies, and there is no thickened defense layer. There is not much defense against the "ground penetrating beetle" who attacks from the underground.

If the headquarters of the third front-line base were still intact, the "ground penetrating beetle" would not have appeared here. The thick underground defense layer and the underground multi-channel monitoring equipment would have given early warning.

The task of cleaning up the "golden ants" was soon completed. None of the 6000 beetles died. At most, a few unlucky ones were sprayed with digestive juice by the "golden eating ants" and their exoskeleton armor was damaged.

Nathaniel extraordinary sent an order to the engineering department in the distance. Immediately, many transport ships arrived. Many engineering warriors wearing engineering exoskeleton armor jumped off the transport ship and began to inspect the base headquarters.

"We don't need us here. We continue to the former base defense, hoping there won't be too many Zerg there." Nathaniel was still terrified of the danger, he said in a deep voice.

After the 6000 Jiashi were assembled, and after a war that was not much dangerous, the recruits, led by the veteran soldiers, had some of the momentum of the warriors in the army.

At present, these momentum is still false. Only after repeated war training can these new soldiers become the division of all battles.

In this process, countless beetles will be eliminated by Zerg, leaving behind the real elite.

With six Knights joining in, the 6000 Cara marched in a neat pace toward the defense line 20 kilometers away. As long as there are no four Zerg, the danger of this battle will not be high.

In fact, it's rare for a fourth class Zerg to be so close to a defense line. If it wasn't for the eggs with its genes, the "fangfangdu giant ant" would not have broken into the defense line.

In the Zerg occupied area, the fourth level Zerg is very safe. However, if the fourth level Zerg is isolated from the occupied area, it is likely to be targeted by the strong.

Therefore, in the lost defense line, the probability of the emergence of level 4 Zerg is very low. Even if there is a level 4 Zerg, and there are six knights, they can resist for a while.

"General, there's a swarm of insects coming forward!" Just ten kilometers ahead, Captain Macaulay came to several people and reported.

Then a video from the sky taken by a drone was passed on to several people, and David, who was not part of the third front base, received it.In the video, more than 100000 insect swarms are galloping. Many second-class Zerg can be seen. Although no third-class Zerg can be seen, there must be third-class Zerg in this scale.

David did not speak, and this kind of war was under the command of Nathaniel.

"Let the logistics department set down the blocking system, and the army will immediately retreat behind the blocking system!" Nathaniel ordered captain Macaulay in a deep voice.

Ten transport ships, which had been following the army's rear, separated in sections and then dropped strips of cargo below.

After the long strip-shaped goods fall on the ground, they will automatically unfold, forming a blocking device like many spears to the front.

The logistic staff stepped forward to reinforce the arresting systems and fixed them to the ground with reinforcing nails.

The whole deployment process took only a few minutes, and soon formed three spear arrays composed of arresting system. Under the leadership of experienced veterans, the warriors entered the blocking system.

This kind of defense is actually very simple. Except that the spearhead part is made of secondary grade materials, the rest of the main structure is made of alloy, so the cost is not high, and it is only used for temporary defense.

At the same time, because this kind of blocking system can't bear many shocks, the blocking effect is not very strong. It's just an auxiliary effect. The real battle still depends on the warriors.

But with this arresting system, at least the impact of the swarm can be reduced.

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We should know that the most terrifying thing for the swarm is to charge. If there are no experienced warriors to form a battle array, it is difficult to resist the attack.

It is also because there are too many recruits this time, so the logistics department will carry so many blocking systems.

"I'll find a sniper position!" David said to Nathaniel.

"Commander David, you can do whatever you want!" Nathaniel nodded.

David took a fancy to a small high slope 200 meters behind the position. Although it was not high, it was also the highest part of this gentle area.

As David walked up the high slope, the six Knights followed, as if their task was not to fight, but to protect David.

"Cavaliers, you'd better stay here and help defend." David turned and said to the chief knight.

"My Lord, we will not defend ourselves. When we need to, we will crush the swarm. Before that, we need to ensure your safety." Said the chief knight, bowing down.

David had no choice but to let the six Knights follow him.

Nathaniel's extraordinary face was full of helplessness. Although he was the new leader of the third front base, the Knights of God's big world were not under his jurisdiction. Even six Knights came to participate in the operation, which was the result of coordination between the military headquarters and the god world.

David had just put the two sniper guns in front of him, and the ground was shaking.

Through the shadows in the sky, he could see more clearly that the hundred thousand insects, without the barrier of the defense wall, were running into a terrible charge. The whole area was full of dust aroused by the insects, and the insects in the dust were just like clouds stepping on their feet.

A new soldier beetle seemed to be frightened by the scene. He yelled, dropped his spear and ran away.

Without any hesitation, the veteran beetle, who was in the same group as the recruit, stabbed the recruit with his spear in his hand, and then the veteran beetle lifted the new soldier beetle high on the spear.

"You are soldiers. This is the battlefield. Those who run away on the battlefield will die. Even if you flee back, you will also be judged by the military court. Your next life will be in the dark underground. Your relatives will be ashamed of you. If you want to live with dignity, fight!" Captain Macaulay's voice was heard all over the battlefield.

The recruits looked at the swarm of insects in front of them. Then they looked at the deserters who had been picked on their spears and their shrieks were getting weaker. When they thought of Captain Macaulay, they had only one choice: to fight.

"Don't think there are so many insects ahead that we can't defeat them. Take a look at the veterans around you. They often fight with such insects, and each time the swarm collapses. All these are your fighting merits. If we kill them, we will win!" Cried captain Macaulay.

"Win First of all, the veterans and soldiers yelled.

After that, more and more recruits called out, and the morale of the army was restored. There was no longer any fear of fear, but only a strong sense of war in this atmosphere.

None of this affected David. When the swarm reached five kilometers, he began to look for targets.

First of all, the second level Zerg "roarer sniper gun" rings. With the sound of the gun, a second level Zerg falls down. Then David unexpectedly finds that with his spirit rising to 8 o'clock, the process of guiding the recoil force into the earth under him is accelerated.

However, because he did not expect this, although he eliminated the recoil force in advance, he still had to wait for the process of pressing the super caliber second class sniper bullets.Of course, after the second "growler sniper gun" went off, this time David accelerated the speed of the sniper bullet, which was synchronized with the time when the recoil force was eliminated.

Next, David started a continuous sniper with a frequency of 0.5 seconds. In this process, he shot all his bullets, and every large caliber second-class sniper bullet made the best use of.

The intensive sniping also shocked the two extraordinary people in front of them. This is a special super large caliber sniper gun for the "master sniper". As long as anyone who knows about the sniper master knows, this kind of sniper gun has a very low sniping frequency. The average "sniper master" needs at least three seconds to conduct a second sniper.

David deliberately did not block the sound of sniper guns, and the continuous sniper shots also reassured the recruits. These were all warriors transferred from the fourth front base. They all heard about David's legend.

Within five kilometers, there is no third level Zerg, and David has been sniping at level two Zerg.

When the swarm reached a distance of three thousand meters, David's sniper shot broke out. When all the soldiers were surprised, more intensive gunfire was heard.

This is David's replacement of the "roarer sniper gun", which is the sniper gun used by ordinary sniper beetles with automatic ammunition, which has been shot repeatedly by David.

First, the sniping speed is once every 0.2 seconds, which is already the limit value of sniping. Sniping is not simple. First, we need to find the target, then calculate the impact of the environment, and finally snipe.

With David's strong spirit, after reaching 0.2 second sniping, he felt that he could not improve any more.

However, five snips per second also greatly increased his sniping power, and the second level Zerg fell down in a row.

The continuous sniping makes David's mind completely concentrate. He enters a wonderful state. A trace of his mind is connected in the shadow servant's body in the sky. Through the shadow servant's vision, he can find the target.

This increased his sniping speed a little bit, and then as he became more and more proficient in this new way of sniping.

The cooperation between David and the shadow guards formed a special way of sniping, which David had never learned from the light sphere of knowledge. The rest of the "sniper masters" did not have the help of shadow guards.

This way of sniping is to use the shadow attendant's observation in the air to locate. David on the ground doesn't need to think about anything at all. As long as the sniper has been sniping for several times, the shadow attendant will automatically remember the impact of the environment on the sniper. Later, David doesn't need to calculate. From the shadow attendant, there comes the deviation of aiming.

As soon as the shadow agent sees the target, David immediately Snipes, because the shadow attendant can observe multiple targets at the same time, which makes David less of the process of finding the target, and does not need to calculate and analyze. He only needs to operate according to the aiming scheme sent by the shadow attendant.

David's sniping frequency was finally stabilized at 0.1 seconds per time. At a rate of 10 snips per second, he almost killed all the second level Zerg snipers who had penetrated to 3000 meters. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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