Transcendent David

Chapter 516: CH 516

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Knight Miller was alone in the ground, he did not dare to make any movement, because as long as he moved, his breath could no longer be isolated.

As a matter of fact, he was 10 meters underground. Without the help of David's "underground prowling" talent, he could not move at all.

"David has been away for some time. He won't forget me, will he?" Knight Miller thought.

Just as he was thinking, a hand caught his arm, and with the natural separation of the surrounding soil, a space was formed around him.

Knight Miller immediately knew that this was David's return, and his heart was at peace.

"Let's go up there." David said to Knight Miller.

Then David and knight Miller emerged from the ground far away from the battlefield, which was three thousand meters away.

At this time, the battle had been fought from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain, which was why David dared to take the knight Miller out of the ground.

The knight Miller looked at the battle 3000 meters away, but because of the distance, he could not see clearly.

When he moved his hand, a "magic talisman" appeared in his hand.

"Use this!" David handed over a telescope with a black line and said.

Even if David had a lot of wealth, he couldn't get used to it.

Knight Miller took over the telescope. It was not the first time that he used this kind of technological object. He observed it skillfully.

Baron Dubois and knight Cade are still fighting against the half body spider, but the number of puppets around him has been reduced to three.

Not far away, three extraordinary men are killing the last puppet.

There are a lot of wounds on the three supernatural beings. David's time in the underground is not long. In this time, the three supernatural killed 11 Level 3 Zerg puppets, which has already reached the limit.

Because of the need to quickly solve the battle, the three extraordinary often exchange injuries for injuries.

The constant use of level 3 therapeutic agents has made their bodies more resistant to level 3 therapeutic agents in a short period of time, and the effect of level 3 therapeutic agents has also decreased a lot.

"You can't escape if you kill me!" "Half body spider" threatens Baron Dubois through spirit.

Before that, the fourth level Zerg, especially the "half body spider" with a huge background, was extremely proud. From the beginning of the battle, it did not communicate with the enemy. However, as the number of its puppets decreased, it had no way to solve the enemy in front of it, which made it worried.

"Why do you think we're here to kill you?" Baron Dubois said in a deep voice as he swung his epee and pushed a third level Zerg puppet to one side.

The third level Zerg puppet was stopped by three supernatural beings, who resisted the pain and continued to fight.

"Half body spider" is very intelligent, it immediately recognized the meaning of Baron Dubois's words.

"Half body spider" tried to leave the battlefield many times just now, but the two knights in front of him were very fast and cooperated skillfully, so that he had no chance to escape.

During this period of time, the two knights did not fight the "halfling spider" head-on, but through various means to make the "halfling spider" unable to get rid of them.

As the last two third level Zerg puppets are driven away from the side of "halfling spider" by Baron Dubois and knight Cade, and taken over by three extraordinary people, "halfling spider" and Baron Dubois and Cade Knight are finally about to fight directly.

"I am a direct descendant of" half body Spider Queen ". Are you ready to bear the anger of" half body Spider Queen " "Half body spider" or unwilling to ask. "Ten days ago, the" half body Spider Queen "broke the agreement and gave her hand to our people Baron Dubois replied.

"Half body spider" in the heart of a surprise, it is really know why these people want to take the risk to kill it.

You should know that the nest of the "halfling spider" is not in the front line. It is far away from the front line, and there are many Zerg lines in front of it. It is very difficult to get there.

This is obviously a retaliation team sent by the other party's top management to punish the "half body Spider Queen" behavior.

The cost of punishing the fifth level Zerg's "half body Spider Queen" is too high, so the offspring of the "half body Spider Queen" has become the target.

"If you want to kill me, I'm afraid it won't be so easy!" "Half body spider" suddenly ejected more than a dozen silk, which made the two knights dodge in a hurry. It roared through the spirit.

At this time, the three supernatural masters finally solved the last level three Zerg puppet. The three extraordinary long breathed and rushed out of the battlefield.

Baron dupois was also relieved when he saw that the "halfling spider" had no puppet. He could share life with the puppet, so he had never attacked the "halfling spider".

Because there is no point in fighting like that, it can only waste energy in vain.

Besides, if he doesn't fully explode his strength, he can't kill the "half body spider". At most, he can only hurt him.Baron Dubois took a "magic amulet" from the space ring. He activated the "magic amulet" and immediately a shadow appeared in front of him.

This shadow is a great man in a robe. His face is not clear.

As soon as the shadow appeared, the "half body spider" retreated madly.

"It's not for you. We won't break the agreement!" Baron Dubois said lightly.

Using this shadow, Baron Dubois has confidence in his heart, and he can completely explode his own strength.

As Baron Dubois said this, he jumped up, and a flying eagle appeared under him.

"Knight Cade, you step back!" Said Baron Dubois in a deep voice.

The knight of Cade took an envious look at the eagle under Baron Dubois and drove his horse back to one side.

Baron Dubois and the eagle's breath merged into one, and his breath suddenly increased.

"Kill!" Baron Dubois knew that he didn't have much time for himself, so he did his best.

Flying eagle with Baron Dubois into a virtual shadow, toward the "half body spider" in the past.

In order to prevent Baron Du Bois from approaching, the "halfling spider" released several silk threads in succession. The flying eagle flied through the silk easily. The speed of the flying eagle was too fast to have any effect on it.

"Half body spider" issued a sharp cry. At this time, the figure of flying eagle just passed by. Baron Du Bois's fourth grade Epee left a deep wound on the half body spider.

If it was not for the "halfling spider" to step back at a critical time, this wound would be on its vital point.

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As if the eagle violated the physical rules, it turned over in the air and continued to rush towards the "half body spider".

This time, the "half body spider" did not dare to keep any more. Dozens of silk formed a spider web in the air, blocking Baron Dubois's direction.

However, the flying eagle sticks to the spider's web and bypasses the web. Before the "halfling spider" wants to spray out its silk again, Baron Dubois on his back sweeps the mouthparts of the "half body spider" with a sword.

This Epee almost cut the head of the "half body spider" in two. However, due to the obstruction of teeth and head, a cut was made on the mouth of the "half body spider", which was like making a big mouth for the "half body spider".

"Half body spider" because of mouth injury, its silk can no longer continue to spray, it can only continue to retreat.

His eyes are full of panic. Although he is already a fourth level Zerg, he has not been seriously injured due to the protection of the fifth level Zerg, "half body Spider Queen.".

"Half body spider" is afraid, this kind of feeling rarely appears in Zerg's body, but it is really afraid.

"Don't kill me!" Although the mouthparts have been severely damaged, the "half body spider" can still express its ideas through the spirit.

"Die!" Baron Dubois responded with only one word.

"Dare you Just as Baron Dubois's epee stabbed at the head of the "halfling spider", a pattern on his body suddenly glowed.

This voice comes from the pattern, which is the voice of the fifth level Zerg "half body Spider Queen".

Then there was a sound explosion in the distant sky, and the space seemed to vibrate.

Then a ray of light came, and David could feel the death even if he was several kilometers away.

David believes that if this light comes, it will take all the lives of people here.

"Half body spider" on the face of joy, it knows that this is the fifth level Zerg "half body spider" after the hand.

The knight who chased him must be dead, and he felt saved.

However, the joy of "half body spider" just rose, and then it solidified, because Baron Du Bois did not stop and didn't care about the light coming from afar.

Baron Dubois's fourth grade Epee pierced the head of the "halfling spider" and disturbed its brain.

Just as the light from afar approached the battlefield, the shadow before him made a fist.

David couldn't describe the power of the blow. With the blow, the air in front of the shadow turned red, and the ground was like being burned by high temperature, forming a strange slurry.

The light coming from the distance was blocked by the red air, which made the sound of thunder, making all the people present dizzy.

"After the spider, we are not afraid of space. Let's fight with all our strength here." Empty shadow laughs and says.

His voice vibrated in the whole space, full of heroic spirit.

The light also shows the real body. It is also a virtual shadow, just the shadow behind the half body spider.

"Half body spider" saw the dead "half body spider", and sent out an angry howl. But it did not immediately start, but communicated with virtual shadow."You all come here!" Baron Dubois waved to Knight Miller and David in the distance, and to the others.

David wanted to go. Hearing Baron Dubois's words, he rushed with Knight Miller.

Near the corpse of the "half body spider", the shadow servant pounced on it and absorbed its soul.

After seeing David, the "half body spider" who was talking with Xu Ying immediately let out a cry, which was more angry than the death of "half body spider".

If there was no shadow here, I would not hesitate to kill David.

"I'll take you away!" Xuying doesn't pay any more attention to the "half body Spider Queen". After the conversation just now, the "half body Spider Queen" knows the consequences. If she forces her hand again, she is afraid that it will arouse the most powerful people in the big world. At the same time, there will be dissatisfaction within the Zerg people.

In the agreement, there was a consequence of the "half body Spider Queen" level. The death of the "half body spider" was obvious revenge. If the "half body Spider Queen" was prevented before the revenge, it would not be a problem, but the result was that it would violate the agreement if it made another move.

The agreement is made to protect this space, and no one wants to destroy it.

The shadow turns into a big hand, grabs all seven people and flies to the sky.

The speed of the big hand is very fast. The air seems to have no resistance to the big hand. David also understands why the shadow of the "half body spider" soon arrives.

"Boy, what have you done to make the spider's queen more angry than to kill its offspring?" The shadow asked curiously during the flight.

"Your Highness, this is David. He has cut off a finger from behind the spider!" Baron Dubois looked at David and answered instead.

It was supposed to be a secret for David, but Baron Dubois did not dare to lie and could only answer truthfully.

"Ha ha, that's a good boy. No wonder the expression behind the spider!" The shadow said with a happy laugh.

David tried his best to show respect. Facing such a strong man, he felt his muscles tensed uncontrollably. I believe that if he was not held by a big hand, he would not be able to control his body.

Different from the previous confrontation with the "half body Spider Queen" through the space wormhole, this is directly facing the virtual shadow. It is very difficult for him to maintain his current state because of the terrifying momentum.

"I forget that you are still a beetle Virtual shadow also found David's state and said with a breath.

David felt his whole body lightened and his body regained control.

After virtual shadow, he did not speak again, and Baron Du Bois did not dare to speak on his own initiative, let alone others.

The big hand blocked the situation outside. Seven people were held in the palm of the big hand. The rest of them did not know where they were. But David saw the situation outside through the shadow service.

If krypton crystal engine on Battlestar can be fully started, then this speed is equal to a full speed warship. Of course, due to the air resistance, if the warship uses this speed, it will cause damage to the body, and this speed can not be maintained for a long time.

But the shadow into the big hand is different. David looked at the distance that had been passed a few days before, but the big hand took them to fly over in a very short time.

After less than half an hour's flight, David saw the familiar lines of defense. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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