Transcendent David

Chapter 52: CH 52

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There was some difference between reality and David’s estimation of his own abilities. His attribute panel stated:

Name: David Karl

Strength: 3.24 (1)

Agility: 2.0 (1)

Physique: 3.24 (1)

Mental Energy: 3.4 (1)

Literature (3% Intermediate), Mathematics (5% Intermediate), General (51% Beginner), Bodywork (1% Intermediate), Electronic Warfare Retaliation (98% Proficiency), Warhammer Mastery (84% Intermediate), Sniper (20% Intermediate), Shield Mastery (50% Intermediate), Heavy-axe Mastery (70% Intermediate) , Longsword Mastery 80% Proficiency), Spear Mastery (99% Proficiency)

All of the Level-1 strengthened meat he had consumed, coupled with his twice-a-day practice of the eighteen movements of Bodywork allowed his Strength to rise to the point where he was only 0.01 arbitrary units away from 3.25 arbitrary units, which was equivalent to 1,000 kilograms of strength. His Physique was simultaneously improving due to his Intermediate-level Bodywork.

This point was probably one of the benefits he got from mastering the Intermediate-level Bodywork before reaching a strength of 1,000 kilograms that Galen mentioned. His Physique was improving due to the Intermediate-level Bodywork that he had mastered ahead of time.

David had interacted with Maron, whose Physique had been stagnant and not been improved for a long time before he had met Galen. He was only able to slowly improve his Physique and Strength after Galen gave him some guidance in Bodywork. However, the rate at which his Physique improved was rather slow, much slower than the rate at which his Strength improved.

David’s Agility had also improved by 0.1 arbitrary units to the current 2.0 arbitrary units.

However, since yesterday, his Strength and Physique arbitrary units had stopped at 3.24. No further progress had been made.

Even though he relied on his Intermediate-level of Bodywork and persisted in practicing the eighteen movements of Bodywork seriously, he hadn’t been able to get his Strength and Physique to improve again.

If David consumed that bottle of Level 2 Strengthening Potion at this point, he would probably be able to directly break through that threshold and reach the basic armorer Strength of 1,000 kilograms.

However, David believed that Galen would not lie to him. Since he told him to refrain from taking the Strengthening Potion as much as possible, then he wouldn’t consume the Level 2 Strengthening Potion until it was absolutely necessary.

He had only been in this world for 20 days, but he had already increased his own Strength to a level that his predecessor could not imagine.

He was extremely confident in his ability to break through the threshold of 1,000 kilograms.

After 10 days of crazy practice, his mastery of various combat abilities had matched the statistics that were displayed on his attribute panel, especially in Warhammer Mastery. Due to the Stormy Warhammer Technique, his Intermediate-level had increased a little more.

That gave him more hope in going to Nan University and learning more profound skills and techniques.

“David, I’ve already reached your door!” David received a message from Maron on his identity bracelet.

David was rather bewildered. He wondered, ‘Has the military surveillance been put to an end?’

‘Why is Maron looking for me at this time?’

David opened the door to see Maron’s Glaston VI hovercar, which he was leaping out of. He also noticed that the military hovercar that had been parked on the side of the road had disappeared.

“David, come on, let’s go to the shooting range!” Maron exclaimed at David without even entering.

“Maron, has the military investigation ended?” David asked curiously.

“An expert dropped by yesterday and left after staying for only three hours. He concluded that there was no problem with the city’s defense system and has agreed with the city defense brigade!” Maron replied smilingly.

“It’s finally over!” said David who finally stopped being worried.

“Hurry and get inside the car. It’s really boring these days!” Maron urged.

“Hold on, let me get something!” David exclaimed. He did not enter the car right away. Instead, he turned around to run back home. Soon, he scurried out and got inside the car as he carried the scabbard behind his back.

“Oh my god, David, you’re bringing a longsword with you out. Be careful not to get into trouble with Uncle Galen when he sees you!” Although Maron said so, his eyes were full of envy.

“With the extent of my Warhammer Mastery, Uncle Galen won’t say anything about me. However, how have you been practicing lately, Maron? Have you reached the Beginner level?” David asked smilingly.

“I’ve reached the Beginner level long ago!” Maron said smugly.

However, his pride did not last for long at the thought of the fact that David had reached the Beginner-level as soon as he got started.

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In fact, he did not reach the Beginner level a long time ago. He only did so when he practiced the Stormy Warhammer Technique last night and experienced sudden enlightenment.

If he was not compared to David, his speed would be considered to be that of a genius. Of course, Galen’s guidance was the most important factor in allowing him to reach the Beginner level quickly

The Glaston VI was headed south of the city. David remembered there was a Civic Plaza in that area, where the large open-space of Pelan City would be held.

As expected, Maron pulled over when they reached the Civic Plaza. They did not have to worry about parking, as the Glaston VI would automatically find a parking lot.

“Maron, is there a shooting range here?” David asked as he looked around, only to realize that there was not a single building in sight that fit the description of a shooting range.

“Hehe, you don’t know. Just follow me!” Maron said casually while leading David to the Civic Plaza. He then stopped in front of a gate that stated ‘Civil Defense Basement’ next to the Civic Plaza administration hall.

He scanned his identity bracelet at the gate and the gate opened.

They were greeted with the sight of a reception hall that had a simple style. There was one optical computer at each counter and nothing else. It did not look like a shooting range at all.

“Minnie, is Jim in?” Maron asked the pretty lady who was watching some videos while seated at the counter.

“Young Master Maron, Mr. Jim is at the shooting range, and he wants you to enter directly,” the lady named Minnie answered with a smile after she stood up.

When she was done, she pressed her hand on the table and the side wall moved away to reveal the stairs below.

“David, let’s go in!” Maron said to David after he nodded at Minnie.

David followed Maron towards the steps, which were five meters wide.

“This is an underground civil defense shelter. It’s usually empty, and it’s rarely used. As such, Jim, the owner of this place, has rented this underground space and ran a members-only shooting range, which is usually used by some people he knows.” Maron described the place to David.

“Underground civil defense shelters can be rented to others?” asked David who did not know much about the law in that area. However, he knew that occupying a civil defense facility would never be allowed.

“Jim’s father is Lieutenant Eden!” Maron said softly.

David immediately understood. Although Lieutenant Eden was not a high-ranking officer in the military, he was the leader with the highest authority in the military of Pelan City. Hence, both the city and the military had to give him some face.

Besides, it wasn’t that big of a deal. The underground civil defense shelter could still be used immediately if necessary.

The area beneath the stairs was well lit. With a space of almost five meters, the basement was shockingly spacious and the steel ground and walls made the place look extremely cold.

There were already five or six people who were firing their weapons in hand, and they were aiming at a projected target.

That kind of shooting method was peculiar. Well, at least, David had never seen it in his memory before.

He reckoned that the bullets were special as well. After a bullet struck the arm of the projected target, the arm turned red but it was still moving to dodge the bullets. It only lost its mobility after another bullet hit its left. After subsequent shots to its vital areas, the projected target disappeared.

Although the projection wasn’t able to fight back, such practice would allow them to achieve some realistic results.

“Jim!” Maron exclaimed.

One of the people who were shooting waved his hand at them and stuck the gun into the gun pouch at his waist before scurrying towards them.

“Maron, it’s been a while since you’ve been here. I heard that you’ve been grounded!” Jim teased when he walked towards them. He then turned to David and said, “Hello David, how unlucky of you to have encountered something like that!”

David was amazed by Jim’s enthusiasm. It was no wonder that he was from the military. He was rather straightforward with his words.

Jim wore a standard military uniform with an unknown pistole hanging at his waist. Other than the fact that he did not have a rank, he was no different from an official soldier.

“Jim, cut the crap, where are the things I told you to prepare?” Maron interjected harshly.

“Maron, I had to make a trip to the Quartermaster’s supplies department to borrow the goodies you asked for!” Jim said proudly.

“Jim, hurry and take it out. The expenses are not going to be a problem, as long as it’s suitable. We’re not taking anything away anyway. We’re just going to play with it here!” Maron said anxiously while rubbing his hands.

David was also curious as to what kind of weapons Jim had to go to such great lengths to obtain.

There were all kinds of weapons hanging on the wall that David saw, which was not too far away. There was also an official soldier standing in front of it. He was clad in a military uniform.

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