Transcendent David

Chapter 532: CH 532

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When David arrived at the castle on his horse, the Knights of Baron Dubois opened the door for him.

The Knights are very familiar with David, and soon a knight will come in to announce it, and of course he will not let David wait at the door.

David got off the horse and walked into the gate of the castle. The horse was picked up by the knight. A special person would take care of the horse.

"David, here you are Before David got out of the hall, he saw Knight Miller running over happily.

"What's the matter with you?" David asked, seeing the knight Miller.

Knight Miller looks a little miserable, his left hand is fixed, and his running posture is also a little awkward. It can be seen that the injury is not good.

You know, the healing potion of God's big world is very good. If you can make Knight Miller look like this, you can imagine how much damage he suffered before.

"Don't mention it. I was hit by level 4 Zerg and almost died!" Said Knight Miller, trembling.

David did not know whether Knight Miller was lucky or unlucky. He said that he was lucky to meet level 4 Zerg and still survive. Of course, he was extremely lucky.

If David had not had so many talents and abilities, he would have been one of the soldiers who died in the war.

When it comes to Knight Miller's misfortune, he can always meet the fourth level Zerg.

"Didn't you follow uncle Dubois? How can you meet a level Four Zerg? " David asked curiously.

"This..." Knight Miller obviously didn't want to explain. He changed the subject and said, "uncle is waiting for you. Hurry up!"

David didn't ask much about Knight Miller.

As a matter of fact, it is his own responsibility to hurt the knight Miller. Baron Dubois fights a level 4 Zerg, and the level 4 Zerg turns around and runs away.

At this time, Knight Miller's mind was so hot that he rushed forward to stop the fourth level Zerg.

Of course, the result is imaginable. It was knocked away by the fourth level Zerg.

Fortunately, at that time, the 4th level Zerg wanted to run away and didn't attack with all their strength. Otherwise, the Miller Knight would not have been as alive as he is now.

David and knight Miller came to the hall and saw the Butler standing respectfully there.

"Housekeeper, I've brought some dishes, and I'll use them for lunch today!" David stopped and said to the housekeeper.

"Yes, Master David!" The housekeeper bowed.

"What, did you bring the dishes? Did you do it yourself? " Asked Knight Miller, his eyes shining.

He can still remember the dishes he ate during the mission, which were cooked by David under poor conditions. Now how delicious the dishes David has officially made is so delicious that he can't think about it.

Master Miller, watch your manners The housekeeper warned.

David had some unexpected housekeeper's attitude, but Knight Miller immediately restrained his ostentatious attitude.

"David, give me the dishes and I'll send them to the kitchen. Otherwise, the taste will change after being exposed for a long time." Miller Knight's expression is very serious said, but his eyes are constantly rotating, let David have a kind of impulse to laugh.

"Well, I'll leave it to you!" David then transferred the dish to the Miller Knight's space ring.

"Uncle is in the study, you go straight there, I'll go to the kitchen first!" Knight Miller sweeps through the dishes in the space ring with his spirit. He can't wait to talk and walk to the kitchen.

The housekeeper saluted David and ran after him. He didn't want the dishes to go wrong and lose their dignity in front of David.

David walked into the hall and came to his study.

Baron Dubois was looking at something, looked up at David, and pointed with a smile to the chair.

David went into the study and sat down in his chair, waiting for Baron Dubois to finish his work.

After a while, Baron Dubois put down his paper and went to David and sat down.

"David, Knight Cade, I'm very grateful to you. You have played an important role in this battle." Baron Dubois said to David with a smile.

"It was the knight Cade who saved me. The target of the black Titan beetle was me. If it wasn't for the knight Cade, it would be very difficult for me to be safe!" David also expressed his thanks to the knight Cade.

"It seems that" half body Spider Queen "is still very vindictive. You should pay more attention to Zhan Xing in the future." Baron Dubois knew about it, he warned.

"Thanks for uncle Dubois's concern, I will!" David nodded, and was watched by the fifth level Zerg "half body Spider Queen". Of course, he must be careful. Then he said, "I met a mantis Zerg with a height of only 1.5 meters on the battlefield. The level is about four levels. Do you know what kind of Zerg that is?"

David wants to make a puppet of the assassin Mantis. Of course, he needs to know the information about the assassin Mantis.

This is also one of the main reasons why he came to Baron Du Bois. Only from Baron Du Bois can we get the answer. If Baron Du Bois doesn't know about it here, he can't understand it in other places."One meter five Mantis class four Zerg," Assassin Mantis "! The assassin Mantis you met Baron Du Bois whispered softly, then exclaimed in great surprise.

Baron Dubois, who knows the details of the assassin mantis, first thought that David is still alive, even more fortunate than Knight Miller.

"Do you know about the mantis?" David asked again with great joy.

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"The assassin mantis is is a special fourth level Zerg. Its defense is very weak, but its instant attack power is extremely strong. Some of the top" Assassin Mantis "can even threaten level 5 Zerg." Assassin Mantis "is a killer cultivated by level 5 Zerg, not a naturally grown Zerg. This is the" half body Spider Queen "who wants to kill you!" Baron Dubois explained in a deep voice.

David was not surprised that the assassin Mantis was sent by the half body Spider Queen.

But I didn't think that the assassin Mantis didn't grow up naturally, but was specially trained by the fifth level Zerg.

David immediately thought about his situation. If the "half body spider" sent such a killer, he would be very troublesome.

If he didn't hold the third class shield with the smell of "half body Spider Queen" on the battlefield, he would not have found the special character of "Assassin Mantis".

As long as the assassin Mantis gets close to David and attacks him at the speed of the assassin mantis, David can't dodge at all.

In fact, David is very similar to the assassin Mantis. Both of them have the ability to kill and hide their breath. However, although the defense of the assassin mantis is is weak, it is the weakest among the fourth level Zerg. Which is like David's defense level 3.

"David, you should be more careful recently and try not to go out alone. If possible, you can leave Zhanxing for a period of time. Although" half body Spider Queen "has a grudge, as long as it can't find you for a while, it won't continue to trouble you." Continued Baron Dubois.

"Uncle Dubois, I'm a soldier. Everything depends on the arrangement of the military, but I'll be careful!" David said solemnly.

"In fact, I'm also worried. Since you can get out of the hands of the assassin mantis, you can get rid of the assassin Mantis next time." Said Baron Dubois with a smile.

"I have one more thing to ask Uncle Dubois. I heard there is a kind of golden krypton crystal. Is that true?" David asked again.

"Where did you hear that?" Baron Dubois looked curiously at David and asked.

"It's just that I overheard it, but I've never seen it before, and I haven't mentioned the extraordinary I met, so I'm a little curious!" David said, somewhat embarrassed.

He didn't want to cheat Baron Dubois, but his core secrets were involved in it, so he could only make an excuse.

"It's a top secret. It's OK to tell it to you with your strength." Baron Du Bois thought for a moment and said, "the name of golden kryptonite is perfect kryptonite. Only the best kryptonite can produce a small amount of it. The energy in perfect kryptonite is very important to the strong and the fifth class Zerg. Even the most powerful weapon in your Federation, its core also needs perfect kryptonite to provide energy!"

"I also found kryptonite, which produced a lot of top grade kryptonite, but no perfect kryptonite was found at that time..." David stopped in the middle of it.

He thought of the fierce and terrible "stone skin worm" king. He could not imagine that there would be such a powerful and powerful Zerg on the guardian planet.

We should know that fourteen extraordinary people were sent out at that time, and they were killed and wounded by the king of stone skin worm.

Now I hear that there are "perfect kryptonite". I can't help but suspect that the king of the "stone skin worm" only changes after absorbing the energy from the perfect kryptonite.

"What happens if the lower Zerg absorb the energy from the perfect kryptonite?" David continued.

"It's rare that this kind of thing happens." perfect kryptonite "is very precious, and it's a very important resource for the fifth level Zerg." if the energy in the perfect kryptonite is absorbed by the lower level Zerg, it will be broken almost immediately by the energy. Only a very low probability will change and become a powerful Zerg with special abilities. " Baron Dubois replied with a smile.

In fact, this kind of knowledge is very important. It has been studied by countless people over thousands of years. If David was not very close to him, he would not have said it.

We should know that the research on "perfect kryptonite", whether in the interstellar federation or in the divine world, is a very high-level research, not to mention ordinary people, even most of the extraordinary.

At an extraordinary level, the energy in "perfect kryptonite" is too high to be absorbed by the extraordinary. The only end result of forced absorption is death.

Therefore, the interstellar Federation did not disclose the information of "perfect kryptonite" to the extraordinary, but regarded "perfect kryptonite" as a strategic resource."I met a king of" stone skin worm "when I was guarding the planet. It was extremely powerful, with the ability to drill into the earth, but also had strong defense and terrible recovery ability. More than a dozen extraordinary people could not defeat it. I doubt whether it absorbed" perfect kryptonite "!" David also gave a brief account of the king of the stone skin worm.

"It's impossible. Only Zhanxing can produce" perfect kryptonite ". Unless" pregnant crystal "appears in other areas, it is impossible to produce" perfect kryptonite "!" Said Baron Dubois, shaking his head.

For the guardian star to appear "pregnant crystal", this probability is not as good as "perfect kryptonite".

So Baron Dubois judged that the king of the stone skin worm was an ordinary mutant Zerg, just a little special.

But David believed that the king of the stone skin worm was lucky to absorb the energy of perfect kryptonite, and not only survived, but also mutated.

Because David got pregnant stone from the nest of the king of the stone skin worm. Of course, there was not much discovery. But later, the king of the stone skin worm almost ignored life and death to find David for the sake of the stone.

Even later, the military learned that there was a "pregnant crystal" in the guardian star, and almost turned over the whole guardian star, and sent out countless warships to search for it.

Now I think that the real effect of "pregnant crystal" is not just to speed up the production rate of kryptonite, so that kryptonite will not be exhausted. The bigger reason is that kryptonite, which produces the top grade kryptonite, can produce "perfect kryptonite".

"Uncle Dubois, where can I get" perfect kryptonite "? Will there be kryptonite in the Zerg occupation? " David went on.

"David," perfect kryptonite "doesn't work for you. You'd better not try to absorb the energy in it. It will make you explode and die. Even the powerful Zerg can't bear it, let alone human beings.

However, it's not difficult to know where there are "perfect kryptonite". Here is a map with some kryptonites producing 'perfect kryptonite'. However, there are very dangerous places where there are four levels of Zerg defense. " Baron Dubois first tried to persuade David, but he also knew that David was a very independent man. He could rely on his own ability to achieve his present achievements, so he decided to help David.

Baron Dubois did not want to ask what David would do with "perfect kryptonite.".

Baron Dubois took out the kryptonite from the "perfect kryptonite" only part of the Zerg occupied area. The gods belong to the big world and the interstellar Federation. Naturally, he won't take out the kryptonite ore from the side of the great world and the interstellar Federation.

The map is made of a special animal skin, very tough, with nine kryptonites, all within 500 to 1000 kilometers of the Zerg occupation.

Baron Dubois chose kryptonite in these areas for David's safety. If he went further into kryptonite, David would hardly come back alive. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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