Transcendent David

Chapter 534: CH 534

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The shadow stood 100 meters above his head, observing the surrounding environment, while David was wearing "camouflage cloth" and running fast.

He did not choose to enter the Zerg occupied area from the direction of the fourth front base. On the one hand, he did not want to kill the third level Zerg too much in this area. This time, he needed a lot of third level Zerg blood.

If you hunt and kill Level 3 Zerg in the Zerg occupied area outside the fourth front base, according to his efficiency, it will be difficult to find another level 3 Zerg to kill next time you team up with four extraordinary people.

On the other hand, if David makes a big move in the Zerg occupied area outside the fourth front base, he is worried about whether the fifth level Zerg "half body Spider Queen" will have doubts.

Although David also knows that "half body Spider Queen" will not pay so much attention to him, he does not dare to relax.

The scope of his observation is far away. Through his eyes, David saw a third level Zerg "Mirage millipede" 8000 meters away.

These three levels of Zerg are the best hunting targets for David.

David's feet were light and he walked in the direction of the phantoms.

The "phantom millipede" was eating and looked around from time to time, looking very alert.

Its food is a small UAV. It is estimated that after the small UAV was shot down, its energy source attracted the "phantom millipede".

The hard shell of the UAV is easily bitten open under the third grade teeth of the phantom millipede, revealing the components inside.

"Mirage millipede" takes the components inside as a snack. It eats the internal energy source in one mouthful. It swallows the energy source directly. It closes its eyes and seems to enjoy the energy surging in the energy source.

The food of Zerg is very miscellaneous. Any high-energy substance can be their food. Ordinary Zerg can treat any substance as food.

The food of "Mirage millipedes" is relatively more delicate. Human beings or low-level Zerg are their normal hunting food. High energy items like this are tooth beating sacrifices.

Suddenly, David's shadow came out of the ground.

After three hundred meters near the phantom millipede, David used the "underground prowl" to enter the ground.

Although he has the ability to kill "Mirage millipede" face to face, it does not mean that the way of fighting is safe.

David's shortcomings are obvious. His super powerful equipment and various talents enable him to break out the damage of the first level 4 Zerg, but his defense is even unable to resist the attack of level 3 Zerg.

So David will not fight the third level Zerg face to face until he has to.

Of course, if someone is there to help, he can safely use his own advantages to easily kill the third level Zerg.

But in such a separate operation, underground attack is the most correct choice.

Use "underground sneak" to get behind the "phantom millipede", and then open the "soul chopping heavy axe technique" to connect the spirit line to the phantom millipede.

There is no one around here. David can use level 5 axe blade boldly.

In the process of "flying a thousand feet", even the phantom of a thousand feet has no chance to fly.

As soon as the head of the phantom millipede flies up, David takes the bucket out of the space bag.

He put the bucket around the neck of the phantom millipede, and a lot of green blood flowed into the bucket.

This bucket is made by David according to the size of the assassin Mantis. If you want to fill the bucket with the blood of the third level Zerg, it is not what one or two third level Zerg can do.

After bleeding, David decomposed the two pieces of fortified meat behind the phantom millipede, as well as the teeth and claws, three grade materials, and put them away.

Then he used the ability of "stealth underground" to bury the corpse of the phantom millipede in the ground.

If a third level Zerg's body is left here, it may be found wrong by the Zerg, but it is very difficult for the Zerg to find a third level Zerg when it disappears.

The shadow star rises again, and David moves on toward the kryptonite on the map.

It's a pity that if he can own his own top-level kryptonite, he can use "Gestalt" to cultivate "perfect kryptonite".

David knows that it is very difficult to do this, at least in the federal government. If the use of "pregnant crystal" to affect kryptonite, it will definitely be seen by the staff in the kryptonite.

Even if these staff members work for him, they are likely to tell the truth about the abnormality. At that time, his "pregnant crystal" may not be protected.

Besides, it is still unknown how long it will take to cultivate "perfect kryptonite" with "pregnant crystals". It is better to go to these nine kryptonite mines to seize them.

The word "snatch" may not be right. David's way is more like stealing. It should not be difficult to steal "perfect kryptonite" with his talent and ability.After a day, David arrived at his first target, a kryptonite 500 kilometers from the line of defense.

From a distance, he could see a large number of caves on the ground. This kind of cave was familiar to him. It was the nest of "ghost face spider".

The nests of these "ghost face spiders" enclose the valley in the middle. These "ghost face spiders" are covered with spider silk around their nests. Anyone stepping on the silk will disturb the "ghost face spider".

There are as many as 10000 "ghost face spiders" here. Once disturbed, even the extraordinary will be very troublesome, not to mention that there is a fourth level Zerg on the federal map.

David frowned. He didn't like the ghost face spiders that burrowed in the ground. He felt that they were invading his area.

In the past, he could move freely as long as he went underground. However, the scene ahead was complicated. He could only hope that the "ghost face spider" would not make the nest 10 meters underground.

In the distance, a group of "iron winged bat insects" flew in the sky, which made David immediately lower his body and let the "camouflage cloth" perfectly hide his body shape.

The group of "iron winged bats" flew over the nest of "ghost faced spiders", and some of them even landed on the ground to rest.

Just as David thought that the two Zerg species would fight, the ghost faced spider was as if no iron winged bat had been found.

This is absolutely abnormal. The "iron winged bat" is a kind of extremely exclusive Zerg. It will expel other Zerg in the territory, and the "ghost face spider" will not tolerate other Zerg standing on their silk.

There is only one possibility that "ghost face spider" and "iron winged bat insect" are one community. Combined with the kryptonite here, it is not difficult to guess that they are all the guardians of kryptonite.

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Neither the sky nor the ground could enter quietly. David opened the "underground sneak", and then he did not enter the ground and went underground.

Instead of being on the ground this time, the shadow master explored the environment ahead for David underground.

There is a labyrinth of burrows in the ground in front of them. The nests of these spiders are interlinked. They are not as simple as on the ground. It is a huge project underground.

During his exploration, the walls of these "ghost faced spiders" are covered with spider silk. As long as they come into contact with the walls of these underground nests, they will be discovered by them.

We should know that the "ghost face spider" walks on special legs, which is completely different from ordinary contact.

David draws a simple underground map on the top of the mask according to the shadow agent's exploration in front of him.

He carefully avoided the burrows of "ghost faced spiders", in which there were "ghost face spiders".

"Ghost face spider" nest hole is very deep, more than 10 meters, which makes David have to sneak outside the complex underground labyrinth.

This complex environment, so that David can not quickly through, can only sneak for a minute, then rest and wait for five minutes.

It took David about an hour to cover the distance of about 3000 meters.

When he discovered that there was no complicated underground maze ahead, David knew that he had passed through the nest area of ghost face spider.

The shadow attendant then left the ground and returned to the ground.

Sure enough, there were no more holes in the ground ahead. David saw a lot of "popsicles". Among them, there were many elite "popcorn".

You can imagine that if you want to get close to this place from the air, you will first be attacked by the "iron winged bat insect", and then the "burst spray insect" will concentrate its energy to attack the target in the sky.

With so many "popcorn" concentrated attack power, even extraordinary can not bear.

David doesn't dare to leave the ground at this time. Although these "popcorn" don't have the ability of close combat, as long as one of them is killed, it will explode immediately. Even if there is any secret assassination, the Zerg here will be disturbed.

Helpless David can only continue to sneak underground, but this time can quickly through.

Next, David saw that there were six "beetles" and six "giant tongs flame insects" at the mouth of the valley, blocking the access to the valley.

Under the shadow servant's observation, the rest of the places are covered with spider silk. I believe that those places, let alone passing through, will be found if you want to get close to them.

David continued to look inward. He was curious that there were so many Zerg guardians of kryptonite. How much did Zerg attach to "perfect kryptonite".

He felt the big barrel in the space bag with his spirit. After 500 kilometers' journey, he killed as many as seven third level Zerg. The blood of these seven third level Zerg was in this bucket.

Immersed in the blood is the corpse of the assassin Mantis. A strange pattern is on the body of the assassin Mantis.

Unfortunately, this is a space bag. David thought that the initial treatment of the corpse of the assassin Mantis could be completed in the space bag, but he was wrong. The patterns and blood in the space objects were static and did not work.

Shaking his head, David thought that whether he found "perfect kryptonite" or not, he needed to find a place to take out the barrel and let the corpse of "Assassin Mantis" complete the first step.David sneaks again. The defense here is indeed very tight, but these defenses are based on visible enemies. If David sneaks into the ground silently like David, it can't be found.

David went into the valley with ease. The valley was open and only a few miners were working.

The miner ant is only a first-class Zerg with little fighting power, but it is the best miner. It can work tirelessly. Food is just useless scraps in the mine.

This is the first time David has seen the top kryptonite of warstar, which is completely different from the kryptonite of the guardian star.

On the ground in the valley, there are exposed kryptonites everywhere. There are many top-level kryptonites in these kryptonites.

David was amazed at how much kryptonite could be produced in such a large valley.

The miner's job is to dig out the energy rich kryptonite ore and send it to a place to pile it up.

A reminder came from the shadow waiter. David quickly put his mind into the shadow servant's body. Through the shadow servant's eyes, he saw a cave at the end of the valley.

David doesn't think "perfect kryptonite" will be produced in this open valley. If it does, the fourth class Zerg will stay here.

There is no fourth level Zerg in the valley, so the fourth level Zerg is certainly in the cave ahead.

David continued to "sneak underground". He felt the countless kryptonite ores around him. Obviously, the kryptonite minerals here had not been mined too much. Otherwise, there would not have been so many kryptonite ores left underground.

And the number of miner ants is not large, only exposed to the surface, energy sufficient kryptonite ore mining away.

According to David's estimation, the reason why the kryptonite is not widely mined here may be due to the "perfect kryptonite". According to David's estimation, the production of "perfect grade kryptonite" is likely to require the existence of these kryptonites.

Otherwise, with the Zerg's thirst for energy, even the largest kryptonite will be mined out in a short time.

The growth of Zerg needs energy. The energy contained in ordinary kryptonite is exactly what most Zerg need.

David went on, but stopped a hundred meters from the cave entrance.

Because when he was close to 100 meters, his head felt a little dizzy, and the crystal outside the soul fortress seemed to be constantly shaken by some kind of attack.

This is a kind of spiritual attack, and such a strong spiritual attack must be from a very powerful level 4 Zerg.

David didn't expect that a simple theft, which he thought was very simple, was blocked when he got to the door.

He does not dare to enter by force. Maybe his soul fortress can bear the spirit attack, but when he really bears the spirit attack, he can't keep the state of hiding breath.

In that case, David will have to face this terrible fourth level Zerg who can attack hundreds of meters around by using the spirit unconscious while still in the cave. This kind of fourth level Zerg is very difficult to get close to him according to his estimation. The fourth level Zerg is almost born to restrain his existence. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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