Transcendent David

Chapter 544: CH 544

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David took down the third grade heavy axe. With the sharpness of the heavy axe, the special alloy structure here could not stop him.

Of course, he chose an unobtrusive location, dug through the steel plate, and dug up, and soon came to the ground floor of lieutenant general Beaumont's office.

The shadow waiter could move more widely. As the shadow waiter walked through the office, David saw an extraordinary man sitting in the next room drinking red wine.

This extraordinary person has no military uniform, it can be seen that it should not be the extraordinary military.

But being able to be here is absolutely to protect lieutenant general Beaumont.

David immediately shifted the target, and he chose an extraordinary position.

However, his movement is lighter, because the underground is not soil and stone. There is still sound when the third grade heavy axe cuts steel, so he needs to be more careful.

He moved the excavation to a basement on the side, which was a little far from lieutenant general Beaumont's office and from the extraordinary room, which was just right for his action.

David got out of the basement, out of the ground.

The military is really regardless of the cost of building this fortress. The thickness of the special alloy here is tens of meters, which makes the energy system of the fort will not be damaged even if it is severely hit.

If David is not in the hands of the third grade heavy axe, it is really difficult to pass through such a thick alloy.

David is free to leave the underground. With the ability of "master sniper" to hide his breath, he can easily hide himself as long as he is not found out.

The shadow attendant first observed the security facilities here. He found that there was no probe.

Lieutenant general Beaumont doesn't like probes, or many people don't like to install them in private places.

According to lieutenant general Beaumont, this is already a deep defense center. There are too many checks on the periphery, and outsiders can't enter here, so there are not many security systems.

Of course, the most important thing is that he has a close protection of extraordinary sacrifice, which is sent by their family to protect him. He is a very important branch of their family.

Without a probe, David walked from the hallway to the extraordinary room.

Ten meters away from the extraordinary room, David opened his mouth and let out a "high frequency sound wave" to the extraordinary man.

David doesn't know what the extraordinary strength is, but he doesn't dare to be careless. He knows his own strengths and his weaknesses are very obvious.

Only by making good use of our own advantages can we defeat the enemy.

At the moment of the "high-frequency sound wave", David had turned on all the talent abilities of "extreme speed", "physical enhancement", "power shock", "strength enhancement" and "power overlap", and accelerated his rush towards that room.

In the room is leisurely drinking red wine extraordinary, suddenly felt a burst of energy fluctuations, he was trying to find the source of energy, there was a tingling in his ears.

The tingling was too abrupt, so that he did not have a bit of preparation, with the sting of his brain a burst of vertigo.

Supernatural is aware that someone has attacked him, but he can't respond. The door is also split by a green axe light, and David rushes in.

The axe light did not stop because the gate was avoided, but still rushed towards the supernatural. The unknown supernatural had not sent out a single move, and he was directly killed.

When the extraordinary head flew in the air, his eyes turned clear, but it was too late. There was no surprise attack and almost no extraordinary could take the next strike from David.

The shadow servant flew over and absorbed the extraordinary soul.

David cut off the extraordinary arm with an axe, put the space wrist guard away, and then turned away.

"What happened? Why is it so noisy? " Lieutenant general Beaumont asked out the door.

Until now, lieutenant general Beaumont didn't think he was attacked here. He just thought that someone accidentally knocked over something.

At this time, the door was roughly pushed open, and David, dressed in black exoskeleton armor, came in with a third class axe with blood.

"Who are you? Who let you in? " Lieutenant general Beaumont, sitting in his chair, saw David and immediately yelled.

Admiral Beaumont was so loud that it was for extraordinary attention.

The standing captain cram looked at David with a frightened look. David didn't pull the armor on his exoskeleton. His face was exposed. Captain cram recognized David.

"Lieutenant General Beaumont, he's David!" Captain cram warned in a very low voice.

"David?" Lieutenant general Beaumont didn't seem to remember who David was for a moment. Then he suddenly realized, "you are David!"

Admiral Beaumont would have forgotten about David if it hadn't been for captain cram's warning. For a man like him, it's just a small matter to set his hand against a beetle.If captain cram had not been arrested by the law enforcement team, he would not have been too involved in this matter. As long as he arranged, there would have been someone to complete it.

Besides, it's not that he wants to deal with David. It's just that other people ask him to do it.

"Lieutenant General Beaumont, you want my life, I'm coming to the door!" David ignored captain cram, he said in a deep voice to lieutenant general Beaumont.

"David, you rushed into my office. Do you know that your behavior alone is enough to make you wanted by the military. If you come back and return it now!" Lieutenant general Beaumont had not changed much, he advised.

Lieutenant general Beaumont, who has been in high position for a long time, is also very nervous. This kind of Desperado makes him feel very insecure.

In particular, the bloodstain on David's third class heavy axe, and the extraordinary has not come over for such a long time, which makes him have a bad feeling in his heart.

"Then no one will know!" David said with a smile.

As he spoke, he chopped captain cram's head with an axe, and a stream of blood rose from captain cram's neck and splashed on lieutenant general Beaumont's face.

Lieutenant general Beaumont's face twitched. He had never been in such a situation.

At their level, no one will do it face to face. At most, they will only mix behind their backs and keep the surface peaceful.

David didn't wait for lieutenant general Beaumont to speak again. He stepped up to lieutenant general Beaumont, took off Lieutenant Beaumont's identity bracelet, and then took out a life bag from the space bag.

The life-saving bag is a kind of life-saving material that can let ordinary people survive in space. David also took it from the cargo ship to take lieutenant general Beaumont away.

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He is not ready to be interrogated here. If he is found out, he will be pursued by the garrison here.

No matter how arrogant David is, he doesn't dare to fight with the military.

David knocked Lieutenant Beaumont unconscious with one hand, stuffed him into the rescue bag and returned to the basement with the bag.

Back from the basement, this time with the last experience, it took only five minutes to get to the port, and then set up under an outgoing spaceship to leave the transit fort.

It took David a while to return to the cargo ship, and as he entered the cockpit, Captain nachester was still standing at the door with the hammer in his hand.

David first set up the flight route. After the cargo ship entered the speed of light and began to fly stably, he opened the life capsule.

Lieutenant general Beaumont in the life-saving bag had already sobered up, which was something he had never experienced in his life, and his fear and worry rose alternately in the narrow life-saving bag.

When the rescue bag opened and lieutenant general Beaumont saw David's face again, he was no longer what he had been before, and fear surfaced on his face.

David was stunned at the look of lieutenant general Beaumont.

David shook his head. He knew that he would not bring lieutenant general Beaumont here. He saw lieutenant general Beaumont's state at that time at the transit space fortress. He thought that lieutenant general Beaumont was a difficult target, so he wanted to bring it back here for interrogation.

Who knows that lieutenant general Beaumont was just a embroidered pillow, with the calm of a senior officer on the surface, but he was a coward when he opened it.

"Lieutenant General Beaumont, is this familiar?" David pointed to the cockpit and asked.

Lieutenant general Beaumont shook his head, but when he saw captain Chester in his sight, he was startled. He immediately understood what the place was.

"This is the cargo ship of Darrow chamber of Commerce? Captain Chester betrayed me Lieutenant general Beaumont wanted to be tough, but he had too many emotional reactions in his life-saving bag. At this time, he did not have the same mentality as before, so he could not help speaking with trills.

"I should have no conflict with lieutenant general Beaumont? Or are you interested in my industry and want to fight for it? " David asked.

In fact, people who really know David will calculate the cost of dealing with him and see if it's worth it.

The attack on David was the weakest of his many attacks, and even made him feel ridiculous.

This is simply insulting David's fighting power. Even if the two extraordinary men did not leave, they would hardly have any effect under the full outbreak of David.

As long as David doesn't want to stay alive, the power he can unleash is beyond imagination.

"This is an accident. I was asked by general Ross to take you..." Lieutenant general Beaumont stopped here.

David knew what lieutenant general Beaumont wanted to say, but he heard the name of another general.

"Tell me, who is general Ross?" David asked, looking into lieutenant general Beaumont's eyes.

"General Ross is the deputy commander in chief of the federal command. This is what his deputy gave me!" Lieutenant general Beaumont also wanted David to give up revenge, so he gave up the identity of general Ross.

David is really surprised. Where is the federal command? It is the highest authority of the Federal Military. The deputy commander in chief there is the real boss of the military.There are 13 Deputy commanders of the Federation, but I don't know how much this general Ross ranks, but no matter how many ranks he ranks, he can not be the enemy.

David's face was very ugly. He didn't know when he had become enmity with such a big man. He even ordered the general here to attack him directly.

At this time, lieutenant general Beaumont was also very sorry. He knew that this action against David had not been taken seriously by him, which would have resulted in such a situation.

He told David that he would like to have a beetle, even if it was a "sniper master". If there were twelve elite warriors fighting in close combat, they could definitely be solved.

Even before the operation, lieutenant general Beaumont transferred the two supernatural people who were prepared to participate in the operation to places he thought was more needed.

Lieutenant general Beaumont did not read David's information carefully. This is also the normal behavior of high-ranking people. In his opinion, as long as it is not extraordinary, there is no threat at all.

Of course, lieutenant general Beaumont's view also came from general Ross's adjutant, who, when he passed the message, was helping to solve a oracle.

From general Ross's aide to lieutenant general Beaumont, they didn't take David seriously.

They are all high-ranking people. If they want to deprive a small person of his life, they need to worry more about it. They are just the lower class.

There was a shrill alarm from the transit fort, lieutenant general Beaumont's disappearance and the discovery of several bodies.

The entire transit fortress immediately entered the martial law, the law enforcement team entered, and then reported to the warstar headquarters.

General Adams looked at the report in front of him, and the expression on his face was wonderful.

"How much trouble the boy is going to cause!" General Adams whispered to himself.

When he saw the report above, general Adams's first thought was that David had made a move.

Because general Adams couldn't think of anyone who could kill an extraordinary person without a sound except David.

As for the relationship between lieutenant general Beaumont's disappearance and David, this is a good explanation. Captain cram at the scene is the evidence.

Just like everything David has done before, there is no real evidence of David's action. There are even spaceship records and numerous witnesses to prove that David left transit Fort hours ago.

The death or life of lieutenant general Beaumont had nothing to do with general Adams. On the contrary, general Adams hated such gold-plated people. It was just that the incident happened outside the warstar, and it was necessary to find out the results.

"Adjutant, let the law enforcement team investigate well, don't involve too much, just seek truth from facts!" General Adams ordered the adjutant.

"Yes, I see!" The adjutant followed general Adams for many years, and he understood the meaning of general Adams.

This is obviously to ask the law enforcement team not to cross the border. The adjutant did not know that general Adams had guessed who had done it. He just thought that general Adams did not like lieutenant general Beaumont.

It's not a big secret that lieutenant general Beaumont's unpopularity at warstar is well known to many.

The law enforcement team received the order and started a practical investigation. As for David, David's name did not appear in the investigation report with the evidence of David's absence. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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