Transcendent David

Chapter 549: CH 549

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The identity in David's identity bracelet for the "Assassin Mantis puppet" was obtained through his own Kerr intelligence organization, and then injected into an empty identity bracelet.

This identity is an orphan, only 15 years old, the identity information is very simple.

The naked "Assassin Mantis puppet" looks very strange, but after changing into a wide suit of clothes, it hides some special oddities.

Standing in front of David is a fat boy, especially the face is very ordinary, people can not produce a particularly deep impression.

David asked the shadow servant to take back the space ring of the "Assassin Mantis puppet". This "Assassin Mantis puppet" will be his most important means of hiding. After being changed into human form, at least it will not arouse people's suspicion before using it.

It took three days to transform the "Assassin Mantis puppet", and two days later, when David finished his morning training, he felt that the Hess was separated from the speed of light.

"My Lord, we will arrive at the origin star in an hour's flight. We can't use the speed of light in front of us!" Captain hope reports to David via the identity bracelet.

No one bothered David for five days, and it was not until then that Captain hope contacted David.

David is still very curious about the origin star, which is the center of the whole interstellar Federation.

He went to the cockpit, found a seat and sat down.

As time went on, a planet could be seen from the front of the Hess. It was a planet whose surface was mostly covered by sea water, while on land it was green in large areas.

This is the origin star, the birthplace of the interstellar Federation.

In the outer orbit of the origin star, there are many asteroids orbiting around the origin star.

David's target this time is one of the asteroids, Chiyang planet, which is also the site of the Federal Military Academy.

In addition to being the site of the Federal Military Academy, Chiyang planet also has a number of weapon research departments attached to the academy and some military research institutes.

After being authenticated, the "Hess" will descend toward the surface of the red sun planet, where there will be a military airport where the "Hess" will dock.

As soon as the Hess stopped, it received a code of conduct from the Chiyang planet intelligent system.

The crew of the "Hess" can not enter the surface of the origin star, but can use the public facilities of the "red sun planet". At the same time, all open planets near the origin star can go there.

This is a restriction on the crew, and the crew are also very clear that the origin star is not so easy to enter, and it needs the corresponding identity to enter.

We should know that the population of the origin star is many times less than that of other administrative stars, and even the number of tourists has been strictly controlled.

The advantage of this is that the ecological environment of the origin star is the best among the interstellar Federation. The scenery here is beautiful, and the air quality, population density, human environment and so on are very suitable for living.

There's no need for David to worry about the crew. Captain hope can handle it.

David walked off the Hess with his exoskeleton armored loading case and a third class axe on his back.

With his feet on the surface of Chiyang planet, he feels that the gravity here is very ordinary. To achieve this effect, a planet like this needs to be equipped with a powerful gravity generating device inside the planet.

However, he immediately felt that it was not right. He had the talent of "sneaking underground" and had a special sense of the land. The earth under his feet was very abnormal.

A trace of his mind entered the shadow servant, who flew into the ground.

Sure enough, even if the shadow is flying 100 meters underground, it is all made of steel, which means that the whole "red sun planet" is likely to be an artificial planet.

David doesn't like the environment here. His ability to sneak underground can't be used.

David opens the admission notice of the interstellar federal Academy on the identity bracelet, and the admission notice has the corresponding registration route.

Just as David was looking at the admission notice, a small transport spaceship landed nearby. From it came a lieutenant colonel in his thirties.

When the commander came down, the small transport ship left directly.

The commander's action when he got off the ship was the same as David's, opening his identity bracelet to see what he was looking for.

"Why didn't anyone pick me up at the academy? How can you walk such a long way? " The commander complained to himself.

"Hello, are you here to sign up?" When David heard the commander's words, he couldn't help but move. This was probably his classmate, so he went up and asked.

"Captain, I am a student of this short course. Are you, too?" The lieutenant commander looked up and saw David and the load box in David's hand returning.

The lieutenant colonel was obviously surprised when he saw the "national scholar" medal. He was very clear about the significance of the Colonel's rank to attend such short training courses, especially when David was so young.

"My name is David. I think we should be classmates." David introduced himself with a smile."My name is Beckett. It's a great honor to be a classmate with you." Lieutenant Colonel Beckett said with a smile.

"It seems that we are facing the same problem. How to sign up?" David said, pointing to the luggage next to Colonel Beckett.

"If I had known I would have brought a floating car here. Who knows I don't even have a pick-up to go to school here!" Lieutenant Colonel Beckett said with a helpless smile.

"When you say that, I remember that there should be a floating car on my spaceship!" David laughed when he heard commander Beckett.

He opened his identity bracelet and asked captain hope to release the type 2 land tiger armored vehicle, which had been in use since he was in perland and is now one of his many collections.

"Is this your ship?" Lieutenant Colonel Beckett asked in surprise.

He was obviously shocked by the "Hess". He looked at David differently. He had guessed that David might need to be promoted to a general in the short training class.

After seeing the Hess, Lieutenant Colonel Beckett confirmed the idea.

In one-year short training courses like this, only two types of soldiers will enter.

One is that soldiers are marginalized and need to be transferred from important positions. Therefore, participating in such short training courses is a relatively mild way to transfer.

Another type of soldier is going to be promoted and needs to be gilded in the interstellar Federation short training course.

Of course, no matter what kind of soldiers they are, they must have a lot of background. Where is the interstellar Federal Military Academy so easy to enter, each army has so many places.

"It's not a military spaceship, it's my private one!" David saw that lieutenant colonel Beckett had misunderstood him and quickly explained.

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If you can have a military equipped spaceship, you can almost become a general before you are equipped with a travel spaceship.

"So it is!" Lieutenant Colonel Beckett nodded with a smile, but he did not change his mind.

David drove the land tiger type 2 armored vehicle with Lieutenant Colonel Beckett towards the registration position.

After driving about 20 kilometers, he came to a military camp. David saw many soldiers with sweat and luggage walking in the direction of the camp.

According to the coordinates on the admission notice, the place to sign up is the barracks in front of them. The "land tiger armored vehicle type 2" was stopped at the gate of the barracks.

"Stop, get out of the car immediately!" It's an armored vehicle. It's an armored vehicle. It's an armored vehicle.

David and Lieutenant Colonel Beckett got out of the car and saluted the drillmaster.

This is the rule. In military academies, no matter what your rank is, you should not consider your own rank as long as you are a student. You are just a student in front of the instructor.

"Who told you to drive your hover over here?" Instructor Mosley was very angry. He specially ordered that all vehicles from the airport to here were not allowed to take new students, just to let the new students run over by themselves. This is a killer stick.

In order to be able to better manage these officers who have many qualifications in the army, drillmaster Mosley needs to make these officers realize their identity here.

"Sorry, drillmaster!" David stepped forward and said.

Instructor Mosley was about to continue to get angry, but he saw the "National Medal" in front of David. His face could not help slowing down.

He was very clear about what a medal of "statesman" meant. It was awarded only after he had made outstanding contributions in the war and accumulated numerous military achievements.

The most important thing is that a serving Colonel wears the "national scholar" medal, which is more remarkable.

"It's not allowed to do this again next time. Park the suspension car in the garage over there." Instructor Mosley's voice softened a lot, he said in a deep voice.

"Thank you, instructor!" David replied.

Instead of driving the land tiger type 2 armored vehicle, David uses automatic driving, which will automatically Park in the garage over there.

"You stand at the playground and wait!" Said instructor Mosley, pointing to the playground in the barracks.

David and Lieutenant Colonel Beckett walk to the playground, where there are already many students waiting.

"Fortunately, otherwise I will be punished on the first day. I'm sorry about this matter." Lieutenant Colonel Beckett said sorry.

"I don't blame you, I also want to bring a floating car more convenient!" David replied with a smile.

Walking into the playground, the students on the playground had already spontaneously formed two rows, with their luggage at their feet.

David and Lieutenant Colonel Beckett joined the queue, and the luggage was set aside.

David scanned his eyes and found that there were not many school level officers here. Most of them were captains.

He was looking at others, and others were also looking at him. The youngest people here were twenty-eight years old, and they were only captains.

It's too obvious for a young man like David to be a colonel.

"My God, it's Colonel David!" David heard a familiar voice, which was very excited and eager."Captain Macaulay, I didn't expect you to come too!" David found out that among the ranks behind him was his comrade in arms, Captain Macaulay.

Captain Macaulay was originally a battalion commander of the fourth front base. After the third front base was destroyed, he was transferred to the third front base.

"Colonel David, if it were not for you, I would not have had a chance to enter the academy!" Said Captain Macaulay, still very excited.

In the total war, Captain Macaulay showed great bravery and was one of the few surviving warriors at the third front base.

In recognition of Captain Macaulay's achievements, the warstar military department gave him the opportunity to attend the short-term training course of the Federal Military Academy, which was also to train him to become an important officer of warstar.

After finishing this training, Captain Macaulay will become a major and transfer to an important position, which will be a take-off of his military post.

Captain Macaulay has always believed that if it was not for David's role in the total war, not to mention his meritorious service, it would be a problem whether he could survive.

He wanted to express his gratitude to David for a long time, but he and David were in different bases, but now they met in the military academy, which made him excited.

Because of the line up in the middle of the playground, David and captain Macaulay did not say much about it, but he was very happy to meet someone familiar with him.

Soldiers are particularly punctual. After standing on the playground for two hours, all the cadets arrived before the specified time.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am instructor Mosley and I will be in charge of this class in this year.

Although you attended a one-year short-term training course, we are the interstellar Federal Military Academy. Every soldier who comes out of our military academy is an elite among the elite. Therefore, you should not regard this study as a short-term training, because you need to learn the knowledge of others in three years in one year!

This study is mainly theoretical knowledge, but since they are soldiers, the use of various thermal weapons and the knowledge of warships must be qualified.

If anyone fails to pass the examination, I will not agree to issue a graduation certificate. Therefore, please study hard in this year, forget your military rank and your merits. Here you are only students, and your task is to study! " Instructor Mosley looked at all the students and said out loud.

Originally, some students thought it would be very relaxed this time. At this time, they all had a serious expression on their faces.

"Your room number has been sent to your ID bracelet. You will be given 30 minutes to put your luggage away and gather here in 30 minutes!" Instructor Mosley looked at the identity bracelet and said.

The cadets made a military salute together, and then they dispersed.

David opened the identity bracelet, and received a map in the identity bracelet, which marked the location of his residence and living and learning areas.

There was no time to speak, only thirty minutes, so Captain Macaulay nodded to David and left first.

David's house is a single room. The room is not big, but everything is complete.

He took out the clothes from the space bag, put them in the cabinet, and put the equipment in the room. Of course, because of his scruples, what he left in the residence was only ordinary equipment, and some special equipment was put in the space bag. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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