Transcendent David

Chapter 752: CH 752

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The five level five priests were sitting in the golden tent. They didn't mean to see David. No matter how powerful he was, it was not worth them to see him in person.

The task was in the hands of bishop McKinley, and they were reluctant to interfere.

So when bishop McKinley and David sent over, the five fifth level priests just looked at each other and suppressed their thoughts.

But shortly after the arrival of bishop McKinley and David's teleportation, the temporary portal flashed, and the two figures appeared one after another almost a second apart, as if they had made an appointment.

"Evil spirit breath!" The fifth level sacrifice of haiweiside exclaimed.

Not only the fifth level sacrifice of haiweiside, but also the other four five level sacrificial rites were all ready for battle.

They did not expect that Gladstone, the God of pestilence, had the means to send two level five strongmen to attack the kailian camp on their own initiative. This is simply a provocation and contempt for the five temples.

At the same time, the five level five worshippers didn't understand that the temporary portal was not directly related to Rombo, and how Gladstone, the God of pestilence, sent the two five level strong men here.

"How did the Knights of the Caxton Templars and the Knights of the Brower Templars come here in person?" When the five level five priests were ready to fight, ready to fight out of the golden tent, five level Temple Knights recognized the identity of the two visitors.

Coming out of the temporary portal, it was the Knights of the Caxton Templars and the Templars of bloom, and they came in their own bodies.

But their eyes are all white, and the eyes without pupil are very strange.

Their two fifth level Templars are the God of plague, Gladstone, who remotely controls their bodies by bewitching their energy avatars.

If he is directly bewitching the fifth level Templar, Gladstone, the God of plague, is not sure he can do it face to face.

However, the process is slow, but it can directly affect the main soul of level 5 Templars.

Of course, this method also has serious defects. The process of bewitching is very long. In this process, as long as anyone interrupts, the level 5 Templars may get rid of the demagogues.

It's a pity that the powerful fifth level Templars believe too much in energy separation and hide their noumenon, giving Gladstone the God of plague the best space to display.

After the two fifth level Templars were under control, the first choice of Gladstone, the God of pestilence, was not to destroy the God's world. Even if the destruction was more, the impact on the God's world would be minimal.

What's more, it can't have any influence on the war. It will only expose two puppets of level five Templar Knights.

Gladstone, the God of pestilence, could not let two level five Templars get close to any temple. His way of controlling the two level five Templars was soul bewitching, which could not affect the bodies of the Knights. As a result, he could not spread the plague on the bodies of the two knights.

Level 5 Templars without the plague bonus will be bewitched and dispelled by the temple as long as they are close to any temple, so that the two level 5 Temple Knights will wake up.

In the end, Gladstone, the God of plague, chose the camp of kailian, which is also the information obtained from the memory of two fifth level Templars.

Gladstone, the God of pestilence, controls two fifth level Templars from two places and arrives at Cairn through the temporary portal. As soon as he leaves the portal, he senses the situation around him.

In the whole camp, all of them are level 5 combat power. However, only the five level-5 sacrificial rites in the golden tent can really threaten the two level-5 Temple knights. The rest are all the level-5 Temple Knights' energy, and their combat power is just the entry line of level 5.

The spirit application of Gladstone, the God of pestilence, to the five level templars is far more than the two level five Templars themselves, which is not a spiritual application of a magnitude.

Gladstone, the God of pestilence, first discovered the smell of five envoys in the golden tent. According to his memory, the five envoys were sent by the five temples to deal with him.

With the protection of five level five sacrificial rites, it is extremely unlikely that he would kill the five envoys by virtue of two level five Temple knights.

Gladstone, the God of pestilence, opened his mind and found that there were five "alchemists" repairing the damaged planetary portal in the direction of the main city. He also found two familiar spirits, which were the two gods who had entered his world.

Before, Gladstone, the God of pestilence, had scruples about his envoys, because he did not want to provoke the powerful gods out of his own world.

At this time and here, he has no scruples. Since he has already fought with the gods of God's great world, and this is not his world, killing the God's envoy can just reduce the influence of the gods.

From two level five Templars through the portal to Gladstone, the God of plague, through the two level five Templars' energy, they can observe the situation around them remotely. This is just a rest time.After Gladstone, the God of pestilence, determined the target, the two knights of the fifth level Templar soared into the air and flew towards the ruins of the main city.

He absolutely killed five "alchemists" and then two envoys.

The two gods mentioned by Gladstone, the God of plague, are naturally David and shadow servant. The special features of David and shadow servant may not be seen by others, but they are very obvious in the eyes of ancient gods.

The skeleton in David's body is the skeleton of Fighting Angel. Even if the skeleton can hide its breath, it can't escape the eyes of ancient gods.

The shadow servant is the servant made by the God of the bald man. It has the breath of the spirit of the bald man.

If shadow attendants have not been exposed in the world of Gladstone, the God of pestilence, perhaps Gladstone, the God of plague, has yet to discover the existence of shadow attendants.

However, in the world of Gladstone, the God of pestilence, shadow attendants used space objects to collect objects and exposed themselves.

How can the same hiding method be repeated in front of Gladstone, the God of pestilence, especially when David is here, Gladstone, the God of pestilence, will naturally go to look for the shadow servants nearby. Before that, they appeared at the same time.

The reason why Gladstone, the God of pestilence, put the five "alchemists" in the first place is the importance of the "alchemists".

Even in ancient times, the number of "alchemists" was extremely limited. The total number of "alchemists" in the whole world would normally not exceed ten.

Although he does not know how many "alchemists" exist in the world today, he does not think that there will be too many "alchemists". Killing five "alchemists" will certainly cause great losses to the alchemy of God's great world, and will also affect the war against him.

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David, who was about to see how the five "alchemists" repaired the planet portal, felt his hair prick up, and the feeling of being watched by death made his whole body tighten.

"Bishop McKinley, please believe me!" David's spirit enveloped bishop McKinley and said in a deep voice.

Then bishop McKinley sensed the collection of the calling ring. As long as he agreed, he would be included in the call ring.

Although bishop McKinley did not know what had happened, he was very clear that David could not have done anything to him in the alliance. Besides, there was no hatred between them. It was worth David to offend the war shrine and attack him.

Almost without much thought, bishop McKinley relaxed his body and spirit and agreed to the collection of the ring.

Then he entered David's ring. There were only two horses in the ring, one for walking and the other for David himself bound with the contract of life.

David's taking bishop McKinley into the ring is just an attempt. If bishop McKinley disagrees, he has done his duty.

It is impossible for him to give up bishop McKinley without any effort and run for his life alone.

The shadow attendant also put the knight mark and the knight garland into his ring.

David's spirit is connected with his "extraordinary army stab", from which he can draw the energy of space. In the process of opening, he also activates the talent ability of "body of thunder light". He draws an electric light from the "lightning pattern" in the soul space, and the "body of thunder light" merges with the electric light.

It's complicated to say, but it's just a matter of mind. David's figure disappeared in place. When he appeared 10 meters below the ground, his body had turned into a flash of electric light, and the electric light fled to the distance at a high speed.

David was able to do this, of course, because he felt the strong breath of the two fifth level Templars. The most important thing was that the spirit of the ancient god made him numb when the two level five Templars swept by.

Not only himself, but even the shadow waiter felt the peep from Gladstone, the God of pestilence.

That's why David took out the most powerful means of escape. He ran at full speed underground with the speed of electric light.

To tell you the truth, even Gladstone, the God of plague, was stunned. He didn't expect David to have so much power.

The continuous talent ability can only show that the God who favored David attached great importance to David, and also showed that the God was powerful.

Ordinary gods can have special talent abilities in a certain aspect, and slightly stronger gods can have many special talent abilities, but these innate abilities are only the natural abilities of the same or two kinds of energy.

But how many abilities did David use in a short period of time?

The natural ability of "space advance" uses space energy, "body of thunder" talent ability uses lightning energy, and "underground stealth" talent ability uses earth energy.

These are three kinds of energy, and David's terrible escape speed. Gladstone, the God of plague, can be sure that it is also a kind of talent ability.

For a moment, even Gladstone, the God of pestilence, envied David for having so many talents and abilities.

At the same time, Gladstone, the God of pestilence, also felt powerless. It was not his deity who came here, but the bodies of two fifth level Templars. At most, their fighting power was only slightly stronger than that of ordinary level five Templars.If the energy of the two level five templars is here, Gladstone, the God of plague, is sure to catch up with David. However, there are only two fifth level Templars. It is impossible to catch up with David.

Gladstone, the God of pestilence, controlled two fifth level Templars. Just as he was stunned, he lost his sense of David.

That is to say, in a flash, David escaped from his telepathic range at a very high speed underground. At the same time, he reacted with the weak energy of that electric light, and was affected by the stratum of 10 meters. He completely lost the trace of David.

"Two Templars have been manipulated by evil, kill them!" The five fifth level priests walked out of the golden tent, and the fifth level sacrifice of hevised said to all the fifth level Temple knights.

When all the knights in the temple heard his words of shame, they all felt the five cents.

There are 48 level 5 Templars' energy incarnation and five level-5 sacrificial rites, but the two manipulated level-5 knights are still transmitted here, which means that the plague God Gladstone they are dealing with does not pay attention to them at all.

So when the order was given by the fifth level sacrifice of hevised, the forty-eight energies were transformed into forty-eight thin lines and flew toward the two level five Templars.

"Let's keep up!" He said in a deep voice.

The rest of the five level priests nodded. It can be seen from the previous war that Gladstone, the God of pestilence, is good at soul control. Without them, maybe these five level Templars might lose their energy.

Gladstone, the God of pestilence, also found the energy branches flying out of the camp behind him. The two level five Templars under his control flew above the star level portal. Five lights flashed by, and the heads of the five "alchemists" who were still busy flew up in an instant.

David is now 5000 meters away. In fact, after he escaped 2000 meters underground, he no longer felt the threat.

However, he continued to escape for a long time. In the sky, the shadow servant saw that the two level five Templars did not chase after them, but flew towards the five "alchemists", which gave him a sigh of relief.

David knew very well that as long as he got through the most dangerous moment, he would be safe.

What's this place? It's a camp built by the five temples to deal with Gladstone, the God of plague. It has a lot of level five combat power.

It was just an accident that Gladstone, the God of plague, was able to attack suddenly. It is estimated that even the temple did not expect that Gladstone, the God of plague, could send two fifth level Templars through the portal network.

Sure enough, when he stopped, he saw the 48 level 5 Temple Knights' energy body, and the five level 5 sacrificial figures in the rear.

David knew that he was really safe. The two level 5 Templars under control could not defeat so many level 5 forces. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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