Transcendent David

Chapter 758: CH 758

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Gladstone, the God of pestilence, still has a lot of difference from the real divine descent. What God needs is the true believers, and the believers are matched with the gods themselves.

The number of believers available to God is so small that even the five powerful gods who control the whole God's great world have not been found.

Gladstone, the God of pestilence, was unable to perform divine descent on Rombo. These five level stone men were the most powerful means he could use.

"Count Arthur, you join the cavalry battle Said the fifth level sacrifice to David.

Before that, bishop David and Bishop McKinley were only under the protection of knightly battle, and did not become part of the knightly battle.

Now the request of the fifth level sacrifice of hevised is to enable David to keep up with the cavalry battle.

The knight battle array stretched out a white blood force chain connected to David, and David felt the terror of the knight battle.

Compared with the knightly battle array he joined before, the knight battle array composed of 48 level-5 Temple knights, 15 level-5 Temple Knights' noumenon, 5-level-5-level sacrificial rites and 6-level-4-level sacrificial rites. The strength of the internal blood stream made him feel scared.

As long as there is a blood force inside, it can easily kill level 4 sky knights and seriously damage level 5 Temple knights.

The Knights' battle array is allowed to be joined by temple sacrifice, but even if the normal knight has studied this aspect of battle array knowledge, he can hardly use it all his life.

David saw that bishop McKinley beside him was also linked by the power of blood, and everyone in the battlefield became part of the cavalry battle.

David didn't stop using "high frequency sound wave" to ensure that no birds could disturb level 5 combat.

"Knight, charge!" As the fifth level sacrifice of the temple of war, he is responsible for the specific command of the war, he cried out.

David felt light, and the whole battle line of knights had left the ground. He carried his body and flew towards the direction of the fifth level stone man.

This is the first time that he was passively carried by the cavalry battle array. Before that, he and his four level sky Knight puppets formed a cavalry battle array, which did not have this effect.

But now David's knightly battle, relying on the spirit of the priests, can hold David up and fly with the cavalry battle.

In the cavalry battle, David was the only one who could not fly. The rest of the four level sacrificial rites could also fly on their own. Although the flying speed was not fast, it could keep up with the cavalry battle.

If David doesn't show his ability, he will be left out of the battlefield at this time. After the war, he will only have a name to participate in the divine war, and his meritorious service will be much less.

When the cavalry battle reached the kilometer range of the level five stone man, the level five stone man was already in the range of David's "high frequency sound wave".

It's just that these level five stone people completely ignore the influence of "high frequency sound wave". Maybe there are five level stone people here that are not the cause of life, but the most important reason is that the attack power of "high frequency sound wave" is too low.

Ninety two level five stone men and sixty-three level five Templar Knights are about to collide in the knightly battle array. David has already put on his level Four knight armor, and is ready for so many level five collisions at any time.

Of course, there are 63 level 5 Temple knights in the temple. In fact, only 48 level 5 Temple knights can fight. The remaining 15 level 5 Temple Knights only provide blood support. Their main task is to protect artifacts.

Ninety two stone men also had battle lines. Their arms were turned into a pair of stone hammers. They were three meters tall. They kept a certain distance and order when they walked.

"Get rid of evil!" The fifth level sacrifice of Hawthorne was first performed with a divinity skill.

What he didn't expect was that the magic power of "dispelling evil" didn't work, and the magic light would automatically dissipate when he met a level 5 stone man.

"Holy sanction!" Horace's fifth level sacrifice followed hosorn's fifth level sacrifice, which was an attack divinity.

After the "holy sanction" was launched, a White Spear flew from the top of his scepter and shot at the top of the fifth level stone man at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

"Divine sanction" is a kind of single powerful blow divinity mastered by level 5 sacrifice. Its power is almost twice as powerful as that of the top five level Templars. Moreover, it is also an energy attack.

The level 5 stone man didn't even dodge, or the level 5 stone man didn't dodge at all. He was in the battle. Even if he dodged successfully, he would let the "holy sanction" hit the other five level stone men.

The "holy sanction" hit the fifth level stone man, and the fifth level stone man stopped moving forward. His body not only stopped, but also began to surge backward after a lag.

The feet of the fifth level stone man fell deep into the ground and ploughed two furrows on the ground.

However, the level 5 stone man retreated only one meter, and the attack on his body was spread to the other 91 level 5 stone men by the battle array.

"What a strong defense!" The fifth level sacrifice of Hawthorne exclaimed.He is very clear about the power of his own divine arts. Although there are not many attack divinities in sacrifice, each of them has a strong power. In the case of single to single, even level 5 Temple knights can't receive his single attack magic without injury.

Hawthorne's idea of five level sacrifice was transmitted to the rest of the people's minds through the knight battle array. This is the enemy information obtained by him through the "holy sanction", which will naturally be shared with everyone in the knight battle array.

"Change the cone array!" The fifth level sacrifice of haiweiside immediately changed the battle line, and no longer wanted to have a full-scale contact with the fifth level stone people, but turned into a battle array with a point to break the surface.

In the charge, the energy of level 5 Templars changes rapidly, which instantly turns into a sharp charge battle array in which one level five Templar's energy is in front and the other level five Templars are in the back.

As soon as the cone battle array was changed, the knight battle array rushed to the front of the fifth level Stone Man battle array.

The force of the fifth level blood turns the whole cavalry battle into the spearhead of a spear. The energy of the fifth level Temple knight is the spear tip of the spear. The spearhead is heavily stabbed on the level 5 stone man who has just been repulsed.

Hawthorne's "divine sanction" divinity was not useless. His divinity stopped the advancing speed of ninety-two level five stone men, while the cavalry battle array was full speed charge, which made the knight battle array have a great advantage when the two sides collide.

The level five stone man was hit by the blood force of the whole Knight battle array on his chest. The three meter high level five stone man wanted to wave the stone hammer, but he flew out before the action was finished.

The battle array composed of ninety-two level five stone men was destroyed by a charge from the Knights' battle array. The terrorist impact brought by the charge really broke the surface with a point.

The fifth level stone man flew tens of meters, hit the ground heavily, and fell into the ground.

Its chest stones split at the point of being hit, and black blood gushed out along the crack.

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After the first level five stone man was hit and fly, the cavalry battle did not stop and the charge was not over. The impact force contained in the attack of Knight battle array was not completely consumed by a level five stone man.

After that, the second level five stone man was attacked, followed by the third level five stone man and the fourth level five stone man.

The speed of the knight battle array is extremely fast. In a short breath time, it penetrates 92 level 5 stone men. The knight battle array flies to the sky, turns in the sky, and again aims at the level 5 stone people on the ground.

When the first level five stone man was hit and fly, David sent shadow attendants excitedly. When he wanted to come and gather 63 level 5 Temple Knights' cavalry battle array, the level five stone people could not survive.

Not to mention the level five stone man, it is a puppet made of grade five materials, which can not block such a blow.

When the shadow servant flew to the level five stone man who was trapped in the ground, David saw through his eyes that although there was a hole in the fifth level stone man, the hole was flowing black blood, but the hole was slowly healing.

Of course, the shadow servant couldn't get anything from the level five stone man who never died, and the level five stone man also jumped out of the ground.

Not only this level five stone man, but all the other level five stone people who were hit and flew back to the battle line.

"There is something wrong with the situation. This is not an ordinary puppet. It may be a divine creation!" The fifth level sacrifice of Hawthorne said in a deep voice.

Under the command of the fifth level sacrifice of haiweiside, the Knights' battle array did not attack again. They needed to master the situation of level five stone men again to carry out more effective attacks.

"It is indeed a divine creation. Otherwise, nothing in the world can resist the blow just now!" He said, nodding his head.

"Can you do it now?" Emerson asked, looking at the five fourth level priests holding the gold box.

The five fourth level sacrificial priests did not reply, but just nodded.

"How about it? Let's do it directly. Breaking the divine creation requires an attack beyond level 5. No matter how strong our strength is, we can't exceed level 5! " Emerson proposed to the fifth level of hevised.

"I agree! And you? " He said in a deep voice.





The five five level five sacrificial rites, representing the five temples, made their own decisions. They had been waiting for the preparation of artifact for such a long time.

Now we have encountered gods, and there are still as many as 92 gods. If they want to destroy them, only artifact can do it.

"Open the artifact!" The fifth level sacrifice order of haiweiside.

Five fourth level sacrificial priests put their hands on the golden box, and then the five golden boxes were opened at the same time.

David felt an indescribable huge energy appeared beside him. He took the shadow servant back into his body at the first time. He didn't know how the artifact attacked, whether it would hurt the shadow servant by accident, or put it away safely.

In the golden box belonging to the temple of war, there is a small golden axe. In the golden box belonging to the temple of knowledge, there is a golden book, belonging to the temple of wealth is a gold coin, belonging to the earth temple is a golden sickle, and belonging to the temple of justice is a golden balance.The small golden Tomahawk first flies out of the golden box, and a golden line is sent out from its body and connects to the distant war shrine through the void.

The power of belief accumulated in the temple of war follows the golden line in the void into the golden axe, which becomes larger and larger.

The ninety-two level five stone men on the ground were as immobile as if they had been performed immobilization. The stone eyes which had no emotion were full of fright.

Of course, the real horror is not the level five stone man, but the plague God Gladstone hidden behind the fifth level stone man.

Gladstone, the God of pestilence, did not expect that the world in which he came to life would be so powerful that the power revealed by a artifact could kill God.

The golden Tomahawk did not give Gladstone, the God of pestilence, much more time to think about it. So he chopped down at 92 level 5 stone men on the ground.

It is also the power of faith, but the attack of the golden Tomahawk is countless times stronger than that of ninety-two stone men of level five.

The belief of the fifth level stone man is to bewitch the human beings of Rombo, which is acquired in a short time. The power of this belief is naturally one level lower than that of ordinary belief.

There is only one aspect of the power of faith, and the difference is even greater. The war shrine connected by the golden Tomahawk is the place where about one fifth of the power of faith in the great world is gathered.

Rombo is just one of the many planets in the big world. The accumulation of the power of belief over the past ten thousand years is also incomparable with the short-term bewitchment.

The basic material of the fifth level stone man is stone, and the material used by the golden Tomahawk is the real divine creation material. Even if it is a pair of ninety-two, the ninety-two level five stone people are just like clay figurines.

David stopped using the "high frequency sound" talent. On the one hand, he was shocked by the attack of the golden Tomahawk. On the other hand, he didn't need to use the "high frequency sound" talent any more.

At the moment when the golden Tomahawk takes off, all the birds that can be seen within the visual range, even the birds that can't be seen in the distance, are shocked by the breath of the golden Tomahawk.

The result is that all the birds explode in an instant, and the black fog formed by the corpse is still in the future and dispersed, and the light of the golden Tomahawk is swept away.

This is the first time David has seen the attack of artifact, which gives him a new understanding of the power of the past.

Ninety two level five stone men could not even move under the golden Tomahawk. They could only watch the golden Tomahawk fall. The huge golden Tomahawk swept 92 level 5 stone men, and the 92 level 5 stone men were then turned into stone.

The golden Tomahawk seems to have consumed its strength. It disappears from 92 level 5 stone men, and then appears in the golden box and becomes a golden axe again.

David felt that his fighting Angel Crystal had a crazy impulse to absorb. This impulse made him unable to control himself. He bit his teeth, and the shadow was released, and then he flew over the rubble of ninety-two level five stone men. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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