Transcendent David

Chapter 774: CH 774

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"When did this happen?" David asked housekeeper Jason.

"About half a month, I will visit the mining area every half a month. If you don't come back, I will go to the mine again tomorrow!" The housekeeper bowed back.

David sat back in his chair, tapping his fingers on the table, thinking in his head.

Bama star's only concern is qinya manor, because it is the origin of "warm heart lotus".

However, as long as the nobles with a normal mind would not provoke qinya manor, because it would make the mein family angry.

Lord Gould, after David sent out the "warm heart lotus seed soup", found that it contained the energy that had an effect on the fifth level Temple knights. In the aristocratic circle, Lord Gould showed that he attached great importance to qinya manor.

Even all previous orders for "warm heart lotus seed soup" were rejected by David.

Now other nobles who want to get "warm heart lotus seed soup" have to get it from Lord Gould through the mein family.

This is also Lord Gould. In order to protect David, we should know that this kind of "warm heart lotus seed soup" which can work for level 5 Templars will be obtained by various means if other lords know about it. If David can't satisfy this, it will probably lead to disaster.

Lord Gould's behavior also put qinya manor under the protection of Mein family. Any action against qinya manor is tantamount to provocation to the mein family.

Another industry that David pays attention to is the black rock mining area of Boyle star. The black rock mining area is a kryptonite mine. Although the production is not high, David has left "pregnant crystal" there.

That's why I had such a reaction when I heard from housekeeper Jason that someone was spying on the mine.

Although it is an external mining area, and has not been found in the black rock mining area, but who knows whether anyone has explored the black rock mining area.

You know, David didn't leave any fighting power in the black rock mining area. There were only 200 indigenous miners and stewards.

In the mining area of Boyle star, a group of knights are moving towards the mining area in the harsh environment. They have entered a mining area of purple gold, which is also the only way to enter the black rock mining area.

The six knights are equipped with second class knight armor, which can shield the harmful gases in the air, so that they can act without any scruple.

There is no mark on their second class knight armor.

"Don't leave anything alive. That man can't find us!" The knight captain looked at the figure in front of the mining area and said in a deep voice to the opponents.

His men naturally know whose property it is. Killing people here will lead to disastrous consequences.

The legend of Duke Arthur is very popular in aristocratic circles, even if they are knights.

But this time they had to come, because they were hired, and the people who hired them could not be provoked, and they did not dare to disobey orders.

Fortunately, the task of the six knights is also simple. They enter the black rock mining area and find a special luminous stone to bring back.

In order not to be detected by Duke Arthur, the six Knights decided not to leave any alive along the way, and even to sneak in, they did not go through the star gate to daboyo, but borrowed the temporary portal of their employer.

"Attack!" The knight captain yelled.

After that, the six Knights called out the horses and rode on the horses with Epee in their hands.

The six knights are all Knights of the earth. With their force, let alone these miners who have no combat power, even ordinary low-grade aristocratic castles can not block their attack.

The indigenous miners screamed. They couldn't even escape. The cavalry's horses were too fast to give them any chance.

"I'm from the Boyle mining union. This is the property of Duke Arthur. Please don't kill me!" Exclaimed the steward, with his alchemy respirator, raising his hand.

The steward hoped that the fame of the Boyle mining union and Duke Arthur would frighten the knights, but it was clear that his cry did not work.

A land Knight's horse rushed through his body, and the Epee in his hand swept his neck. The land Knight did not pay any attention to him and went on to the rest of the miners.

In just 30 seconds, all the people in this Zijin Mining Area died.

"Check it all over, no live mouth left!" The knight captain waved and ordered.

The Knights of the earth inspected the mine cave and the miner's house, and confirmed that there was no one alive, and then they headed for the black rock mine.

Before arriving at the black rock mining area, the knight captain stopped his horse, and he jumped off the horse.

The knight captain observes the boundary of the black rock mining area. In his hands, an alchemy item is shining, indicating that there is an alchemy defense.

He took out a magic amulet from the space bag. It was a valuable magic amulet, belonging to a very special magic amulet, which should not appear in the hands of the earth knight.

The knight captain activated the magic Amulet of breaking the boundary. A white light rushed forward, and the defense shield for the black rock mining area appeared. However, the white light cut a small door for people to enter and exit in the defense shield."You must leave within five minutes after entering!" The knight's captain turned and said to his companions.

Under the knight's captain's wave, the Knights put up their horses and filed in through the small door on the defense shield.

The six earth Knights advanced 500 meters, and strong krypton crystal energy could be felt all around.

The captain of the knight is holding an alchemy item. There is a light spot on the alchemy item, indicating that the special stone with light is in front of him.

"Captain, look over there!" One of the earth Knights turned his head and said in an unbelievable voice.

The knight captain looked up and saw more than ten mechanical puppets cleaning the ground.

Mechanical puppets are not surprised, but they are surprised to see the mechanical puppets working here. You should know that this is a krypton crystal mining area. Affected by krypton crystal energy, mechanical puppets can not move freely.

You know, in krypton crystal energy, the puppet wisdom core cannot work.

Everyone in the great world knows that kryptonite can only be mined by hand, not puppets.

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But it seemed that Duke Arthur had found a way to make the mechanical puppet work in kryptonite.

"Don't mind the puppets. Find the shining stone and we'll leave immediately!" Said the knight captain in a deep voice.

Six Knights of the earth mounted their horses and formed a cavalry battle array. The captain of the knight led the way according to the alchemy articles in his hands and rushed to the direction of the light spot.

There are no other people here, so there is no danger. All they have to do is finish the task as quickly as possible.

But as soon as the six Knights of the earth approached, all the 19 robots gave out a sharp alarm. At the same time, the robot in the underground space put the "pregnant crystal" into the small object transmission array, and the "pregnant crystal" disappeared in a white light.

Then the robot crushed a two-way pattern. As soon as the two-way pattern on this side was broken, David, who was in his villa in the main city of Bama, felt a two-way pattern in the space pendant.

"Jason, we want to investigate the shop keeper." David's face changed slightly, and he said in a deep voice.

Originally, he would not have been involved in the business, but it was too coincidental. At the same time, someone targeted his industry, and there was an accident in the black rock mining area on the other side.

Combined with what the Gershman noble affairs minister said before, he felt that he was in some kind of whirlpool when a nobleman was about to suppress him.

Five level Four sky Knights summoned the flying mount, and David also flew. Although he did not have a flying mount, there was no problem for the five level Four sky knights to speed up the flight with him.

The breath of six level Four sky knights rose over the main city of Bama, which made two of the law enforcement team's four level law enforcement sky knights on duty panic. They flew to this side and saw David's figure.

Two four level law enforcement sky Knights stopped flying in the air. Their eyes were full of disbelief.

They saw Duke Arthur, who was flying with his five level Four sky knights. Although he did not have a flying mount, they could not perceive the smell of fourth level sky knights.

The two four level law enforcement sky Knights looked at each other, and then they took out the contact array and reported to each other.

David doesn't care whether he is known to be a level 4 sky knight. He doesn't want to hide that he has reached level 4 sky knight. The stronger his strength is, the stronger his potential will be. His friends will pay more attention to him, and his enemies will think more about him before dealing with him.

Five level-4 sky riders rode very fast on their flying mounts, and only took a short time to get to the star level portal.

"Boyle star!" David arrived at the planetary portal and immediately told the teleport crew.

Without any hesitation, the transmission staff immediately opened the portal for David.

At this time, it was the busiest time for the star class portal. Many nobles were waiting for the passage. However, no aristocrat said anything more. In the eyes of David, they showed their good intentions.

Not to mention that these nobles all saw David, only six level Four sky Knights acted together, and they did not dare to interfere.

Although David has the behavior of jumping in the queue, as a duke, David still has this privilege.

David nodded his thanks to the transport staff, and then five sky Knights rode him into the portal on a flying mount.

At the star ball level portal of Boyo, David and five level Four sky Knights fly out. The momentum of soaring into the sky indicates his mood at this time.

The breakage of the two-way pattern indicates that the "pregnant crystal" has been transferred away, but it also shows that the cultivation plan for such a long time in the black rock mining area has failed. The "pregnant crystal" left the black rock mining area, and the energy accumulated for the growth of kryptonite crystal has dissipated.

How can David not be angry when such a long effort is destroyed.

"Why did Duke Arthur come so fast? Shall we stop him?" Auguste v. Templars asked job v. Templars next to him.They are all separated by energy and hidden in an ordinary noble carriage.

The operation against the black rock mining area was promoted by the coalition of forces, and they did not want such direct action.

The consortia of forces first wanted to attack Duke Arthur through commercial activities, but when they investigated Duke Arthur's estate, they found that there was very little property belonging to him.

In addition to the Luce family's ten plantations and one winery on Dasein, there are some commercial industries in the main city of Bama, as well as the mining area of Boyle star.

These are really too poor for a duke to estimate the output of these industries, even to maintain the Duke's daily life.

Ten plantations and one winery can't be targeted in a short period of time. At most, after the harvest, the production of the plantation and the winery can not be purchased through the relationship, which can only be carried out after the autumn harvest.

After probing into qinya manor in Bama, they dare not act at all. That is to say, they are directly against the mein family. At least all members of the alliance of forces, even hired knights, dare not take such a task.

The four shops in the main city of Bama are also the only place where Duke Arthur can be attacked. The coalition of forces also operated through subordinate forces.

Of course, the alliance of forces will not let go of the mining area of Boyo star, but among the Knights sent to explore, one of the Knights returned from warstar, and his "pregnant crystal" inductive alchemy items brought back from warstar reacted.

This news immediately received the attention of the coalition of forces, and the whole incident changed from suppressing Duke Arthur to seizing the "pregnant stone".

In order to snatch the pregnant stone, the power alliance not only sent a knight team composed of six earth knights, but also two level five Temple knights from the four level five Temple Knights of the power alliance. They separated and prepared to take over the pregnant stones as soon as possible.

The mercenaries of the knight team formed by the earth knights are not the members of the power alliance. Even if the knight team has an accident, it can not be traced back to the power alliance.

To tell you the truth, even the fifth level Templars are very careful about Duke Arthur, and they don't want to tear their faces directly with Duke Arthur.

Duke Arthur is not powerless. He is backed by the Mayne family and dozens of fifth level Templars who he helped and owed him.

Therefore, the alliance of forces did not fight by itself. Instead, it hired knights to seize the "pregnant stone".

"Are you going to turn against Duke Arthur now and let him know that we did it? Or are we going to kill him now? " Job the fifth Templar shook his head and said.

Both of them had their own families, and they would not fight a duke in the city unless they had to.

Besides, the two level five Templars also saw that David's strength had reached level Four sky knights. In addition, the five level-4 sky knights were nearby. They came here with their own energy. If they want to solve David quickly, they may have some difficulties.

You know, David and the five level Four sky knights are very casual flying, but also maintain the formation of the knight battle. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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