Transcendent David

Chapter 82: CH 82

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"David, what did the Titans say?" When Myron saw David, he immediately stepped forward and asked.

"Myron, David, don't talk about it here. We'll talk about it when we get back." Jim was more calm, he warned.

Due to David's performance just now, and the invitation of the Titan consortium directors, he has been paid attention to by the public.

"It's boring. There are still people who haven't finished the answers there. Why don't we play squash?" Myron looked around and suggested.

No one here has ever tried squash except him.

At the same time, although the challenge of ivyscar is over, the people who answer the questions are still going on. Some people who have not participated in the answer activities just now also choose to answer the questions.

"Myron, you just hit four balls in a row. Watch me beat you!" De Quincy said quietly.

"De Quincy, I didn't play well. I really want to be better than we go back to find a place to compare!" Myron immediately exclaimed, unconvinced.

"Come on, let's play!" Jim ignored them this time and said, pulling up David and Daley.

The small circle of five people went to the transparent room with sixteen sides. When they came to the transparent room, the people inside just ended.

"Who comes first?" Myron didn't have a chance, so he looked at some people and asked.

"I'll go first." Jim said as he walked to the sixteen sided transparent room.

Jim made a mistake on the tenth goal, but it was a good result.

David also can see that this should be the reason why Jim often uses thermal weapons and dynamic vision is better.

Then Daley made nine mistakes and de Quincy made seven.

Although de Quincy only played seven goals, he looked at Myron with disdain, which made him angry and had no way.

"David, it's your turn!" Jim reminded with a smile.

David was about to come forward, but was stopped by Myron.

"David, when hitting a ball, you must pay attention not to observe the rebound ball, but to observe the impact surface of the ball in advance, so as to make a more timely response!" Myron enthusiastically taught David how to play squash.

David nodded, which he had never thought of.

I thought that as long as I played with the ball, I didn't think there was any skill.

"David, Myron's Squash level is not high, but what he said is not wrong. Of course, this is not his summary. Every beginner's first contact with squash, the teacher will say so!" Jim said with a smile.

"Jim, I don't feel comfortable talking to you." Myron said, smiling and pushing Jim.

David enters the 16 sided transparent room with a racket in his hand.

He suddenly moved in his heart. The shadow servant who was not far away from him flew to the top of his head and looked at the whole 16 transparent rooms from the perspective of God.

A little of his mind was on the shadow server, and the rest of his attention was on the ball that was about to appear at his feet.

The ball appeared suddenly and quickly, and the white light flashed to one side of the transparent wall.

David's mind on the shadow server is clearly visible. In this God's perspective, the trajectory of the ball is completely clear to him.

At this time, he also found that the ability to practice sniping calculation and analysis is also useful here.

Without the influence of wind, temperature and humidity do not need to be considered, only the speed and angle of the ball need to be paid attention to, which is simpler than the previous calculation and analysis.

Of course, there is also his practice of long sword master, as high as 80% mastery level of long sword, so that his opponent's racket control as accurate as the arm.

The long sword is a light cold weapon. It is good at speed and dexterity. It is also suitable for this kind of situation.

After the first shot, the ball flies out and bounces back on the other transparent wall.

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This time, David directly felt that the speed of the ball had increased a little. This should have something to do with the material of the ball and the transparent wall, but he didn't know about it and could only guess something.

He felt more and more like practicing fencing. The ball was the target of the sword.

The most difficult points of squash in sixteen transparent rooms lie in two points. On the one hand, the speed of the ball will increase a little after each hit and each collision.

This makes each stroke more difficult than the last, which greatly tests the batsman's reaction ability.

The second aspect is the limitation of vision. People's line of sight is only in front of them. However, the sphere in the 16 sided transparent room is a 360 degree random impact without dead angle, which makes the ball leave the line of sight.

Of course, a really powerful squash player can control the drop point of the ball in a short time, but also lose the ability of accurate control after the ball speed is too fast.

David couldn't do that, of course, but he was practicing his sword. His eyes were on top of his head, looking at the situation in the sixteen transparent rooms.

David's first sword, or every racket, can hit the ball. Although it does not necessarily hit the most ideal part of the racket, so that the ball does not have the expected flight path, but with God's vision of shadow, he can still hit again with the next strike."Seven, eight, nine..." Myron's voice began to count since David hit seven times.

Then the others began to count.

David felt that he couldn't keep up with the speed. After constant hitting and colliding, the ball almost became a beam of light in the 16 sided transparent room.

At this time, he was totally relying on the fighting instinct of 80% proficient level sword, and his racket would burst out from time to time because of his too fast speed.

However, after several times, he finally made mistakes. He reached the extreme speed of his own, while the ball was still accelerating, and failure was inevitable.

He looked at the red light around him, but he thought he would go back and find a place to practice squash.

It's no wonder that Titan foundation will require squash competition. This squash not only needs the ability of reaction, but also the ability to accurately control the racket in hand, the ability to observe the ball, and the ability to predict the flight path.

If you can achieve good results in squash, your fighting instinct will be very strong. Even if the current combat effectiveness is due to the lack of strength and speed, it still has great potential.

"David, do you know how many balls you hit?" After David came out, Myron hugged David and yelled.

"I didn't notice!" David didn't count. His mind was divided into two parts, which made him dare not have any other distraction, let alone count the number of shots.

"Thirty five goals, you know? It's thirty-five Myron exclaimed excitedly.

Squash is very difficult, but in the elite level, it is a very tall activity, so there are a lot of people to play, but unless it is replaced by a larger and slower ball, or more than 30 balls are professional players.

David's first shot is 35 goals, which is a good result among professional players.

"David, exchange more squash experience when you go back!" Jim said with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Even if David doesn't do anything else, he can earn a lot of money playing professional squash." Daly sighed.

De Quincy has just risen the pleasure of defeating Myron soon. In front of the novice achievements of David, he has not even a trace of happiness.

A few people were joking, and the answer was still going on there. David wanted to find a quiet place, but he found that when he went, someone would come to say hello and exchange his contact number.

After about an hour or so, the people who participated in the answering questions finished their answers, and the hall became more lively.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the pre auction boost is over. Let me announce the results." Said ivsworth in a deep voice as he examined his identity bracelet.

Everyone looked at him and the hall was quiet.

Although it's a fun event, for the young people in the hall, it's a competition for young people, which is much more important than an auction.

Of course, there are some people who look at David, and they all know that one of the challenges to evesco's activities, David is the undisputed first.

It's not the first who is the first to be able to hold down Elvis and make him unable to fight back.

Just as everyone was waiting for the announcement, everyone saw the astonishment on his face.

"Cough, cough!" Evesco coughed twice to conceal his surprise, then added: "the first place in the challenge is David from perland." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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