Transcendent David

Chapter 87: CH 87

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"Please show me your identity Bracelet!" A soldier at the gate of the South Gate military area tightened his weapons and cried out.

David displays the identity bracelet as a call to call, as well as his status as a reserve fighter.

"You are coming very fast. According to your specialty, you will be automatically assigned a post after entering the military zone. Please do not walk around at will and follow the instructions!" The soldier swept the band with his identity and said to David.

David nodded and walked into the military area, which is tens of meters away from the south wall.

"Dee, David Kerr has been detected entering the assigned military area. Please go to the fifth long range sniper gun control room immediately!" A message lights up on the identity bracelet.

In the command room, Lieutenant Eaton looked at the city defense information displayed on the wall.

Just received an alarm from Skynet, a group of Zerg who broke through the siege of warstar entered the area of Panshi. Affected by this, all the Zerg on Panshi were stimulated and activated.

The first and even second-class Zerg that escaped from the attack began to show up. Even the larvae were in a crazy evolution. Even if they were lack of energy, they also evolved into weak first-class Zerg with weaker fighting ability.

Even the Zerg communities around pelan city began to evolve. The crows outside were the first to bear the brunt. Except those close to the city defense system, they were rescued by the city defense system, and the crows farther away died.

Although the situation is good, Lieutenant Eaton is confident that the current fortress system can block the continuous emergence of Zerg around.

But when those approaching Zerg enter rock, the threat immediately becomes huge.

He didn't blame the army of warstar. He had fought there and knew that the environment was countless times worse than the rock star he was in.

Zerg has its own special ability. The level 3 Zerg space Ripper doesn't even have combat ability, but it has the ability to open short space wormholes.

Fortunately, the space wormhole of the space ripper is limited by rules, and can only pass through the Zerg with a lower level than the space Ripper itself.

Therefore, the highest Zerg level of this breakthrough is only level 2. The Skynet defense of Panshi has been fully opened. However, with space tearing in this time, Skynet's defense system can play a limited role.

The Zerg are very smart. They know that they want to avoid the super weapon attack of the interstellar Federation. They can only get close to the city, so that the super weapons can not be used.

If the larva is able to enter the city with enough energy, it will be able to enter the city with more powerful genes.

If this happens, then there will be more terrible Zerg attacks after rock star, often with small wormholes opened to the city center, and then a large number of Zerg swarm into the city.

This has been experienced on other planets close to warstar, so this is a fight that can never be defeated.

"How many snipers are on vacation?" Lieutenant Eaton found that only 70% of the long-range sniper guns shown on the city defense map could be used. He asked the adjutant in a deep voice.

"Captain, five of the snipers are on vacation, not in perland!" The adjutant replied quickly.

"There are only 30 snipers in total, and there are five snipers on vacation!" Said Lieutenant Eaton angrily.

There are not many real snipers in the city defense system. In wartime, one sniper has to operate multiple long-range sniper guns.

The emergence of this phenomenon is mainly due to the difficulty in training snipers, and most of them will be sent to other planets that need more.

The rock star, which is in the outer part of the war zone, has not received the greatest attention from the soldiers, which is also related to the blockade of Zerg by the war ahead.

Usually, as long as there is a sniper in every section of the wall, it is enough to support small-scale fighting.

Fortunately, heavy laser guns, air defense rapid fire guns, Gauss guns and other weapons are directly controlled by the main control room, which requires few professionals. These weapons will not be affected in the next battle.

"How many beetles are here now?" Lieutenant Eaton asked again.

"At present, the Jiashi squadron has been fully assembled. Fifty three private Jiashi have been recruited. The municipal government has promised that they can send 20 beetles to support them if necessary." Continued the adjutant.

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David didn't know the situation of the command post. He didn't understand why he was assigned to the long-range sniper gun control room. He thought he would be assigned logistics work.

How could he know that the preferential treatment he enjoyed as a reserve fighter was based on special talents.

His special ability is the ability to snipe. The wartime military command system will automatically judge every military personnel and place them in the most needed positions.

This command does not need to go through the command room, directly to the identity bracelet of specific personnel.

Of course, if there is an order from the command room, the command room's order will take precedence.

It is only with such a command system that all conscripts can perform their respective duties after entering the military zone, and there will be no chaos.David according to the identity Bracelet tips, took the elevator to the wall.

As soon as he got out of the elevator, he heard a violent explosion and all kinds of charging sounds.

Before, in the city, due to the existence of noise barriers, the city did not feel the coming of war. Although alarmed by the alarm, it was far from hearing the shock of the explosion.

David walked up to the wall and was stunned by everything.

The city wall is very different from the last time. Before, there were only long-range sniper guns at intervals on the wall. Now there are more heavy laser guns and Gauss guns.

On the inside of the city wall are rows of anti-aircraft rapid fire guns, blocking the whole sky.

The loud sound just came from heavy laser cannons and from time to time long-range sniper guns.

The shadow on his head looked out of the city wall 10 meters above him. The nearest heavy laser gun was fired, and a beam of light with a diameter of one meter was emitted.

In the distance, dozens of small and strange orb like Zerg are rolling rapidly, 3000 meters away from the city wall, but the laser beam sweeps the leftmost orb Zerg, then sweeps from left to right, leaving a trail on the ground, and taking away half of the orb Zerg.

Most of the orb Zerg being swept are directly vaporized, while the other part is exploded and turned into a green fog, which is immediately surrounded by green fog.

"What are you doing? When you go to your post, remember to put on protective clothing. These poisonous fog will soon float over A sergeant in a fully enclosed combat uniform yelled at David.

"Yes David immediately strode to the designated sniper control room number five.

"When did the recruiters have snipers?" The sergeant shook his head and said to himself that he was not worried about any problems. In wartime, all weapons and equipment were controlled by the command system. Without the authorization of the command system, even the elevator could not be used, let alone enter the combat post.

David looked at the green poisonous fog, which was drifting towards the wall due to the wind direction. He was busy putting the identity Bracelet close to the entrance guard of the control room.

With a slight noise, the door of the control room opens, and he goes in and closes the door.

He saw the protective military uniform hanging on one side, and quickly put it on, together with the helmet.

At this time, a group of prompts appeared on his identity bracelet, which showed that he had obtained the operation authority of No. 5 sniper control room, and he could control three long-range sniper guns No. 5, No. 6 and No. 7.

"Does this city defense need snipers? This is to use snipers as cattle! " David make complaints about opening the equipment.

Fortunately, he had operated this device through the shadow attendant last time. Otherwise, if he was really a novice, he would have to check the thick and terrible manual nearby and operate the sniper aiming system at the same time.

In fact, his presence here is an accident. It's good that he is a special talent. However, such a special talent will carry out military training every once in a while to get familiar with the combat skills he should master.

But on the one hand, David is a student, and he will leave perland in half a year. On the other hand, David's identity is more convenient for him to obtain the copy of "eye of death" legally.

Therefore, the city defense brigade did not intend to let him carry out military training. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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