Transcendent David

Chapter 89: CH 89

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David's ability to learn is terrifying, thanks to his strong spirit. Three long-range sniper guns are fired every few seconds under his control.

The shadow attendant judges the position of the first level Zerg in the air, while David manually inputs coordinates into the controller according to the observed position, which reduces the aiming time of each long-range sniper gun and increases the number of attacks.

Outside the city wall, as more and more beetles are killed, the green poisonous fog is getting thicker and thicker, almost to the extent of affecting the sight.

Even a part of the green fog floated above the city wall, and even David's No. 5 sniper control room began to appear a light green toxic fog.

David's protective uniform automatically turns on the internal circulation mode, which is supplied by the internal life support system.

The technology of producing oxygen has long reached its peak. Relying on the energy block on the protective military uniform, oxygen will be continuously supplied as long as the energy is not consumed.

So David didn't have to worry about the harm the green fog would do to him.

But the more and more thick poison fog actually affected his speed of discovering the first class Zerg.

"Cleaning mode is being turned on!" Hearing the notice from the control room, in the vision of the shadow attendant, there are many small holes on the wall, which spray out pieces of water mist.

These water mist and poisonous fog melt into green water and fall to the ground.

It seems that the city defense system has a long way to deal with the poison fog. Think about it. The Federation has been fighting with Zerg for thousands of years. During this period, the measures of Zerg have been prepared.

The exhaust system in the control room also started to work, to discharge the indoor poisonous fog.

When David first came to participate in the city defense, he was still a little nervous, but now he didn't have that feeling for a long time.

To tell you the truth, the city defense battle is safer than the battles he experienced in the illusion.

Those powerful first-class Zerg are either cleaned up by heavy laser cannons or blasted to pieces by Gauss cannons. Those who can escape are called out by long-range sniper guns.

And the whole battle process is to sit in front of the display screen, through the hands of the controller to complete.

When he received the call up order, he didn't even come home to get weapons, but now he found that he had no chance to use the second level sword and second level spear.

Besides, David also has the name of self-knowledge. Although he has the ability to master cold weapons at the level of Oracle, he does not have the exoskeleton armor of the first-class Zerg, which is the result of being crushed.

"Warning, warning, long range sniper guns No.5, No.6 and No.7 are overheating and cooling down. The cooling process will take 100 seconds!" Just after David attacked for ten minutes in a row, a line of prompts appeared on the screen in front of him.

Then all three of his long-range sniper guns went out of control.

Shaking his head, David let go of the controller.

At this time, the shadow waiter saw that the Zerg began to retreat, and soon disappeared into view.

"That's the end of it?" David said to himself doubtfully.

However, the identity Bracelet still shows recruitment. He still has control of three long-range sniper guns. The Zerg attack should not end so easily.

At this time, David received a video call request from his father Hans, and he chose to agree.

"David, where are you?" Hans's figure appeared on the identity bracelet, but he stopped half way through because he saw the environment David was in.

As a veteran of many wars, he knew where David was.

"How could you be in the sniper control room of the city defense?" Hans asked anxiously.

"Father, I was called here. It's safe here. Are you, aunt Bertha and little Eddie safe?" David didn't say much about himself. Instead, he asked.

"We're all fine. We're all moving to the shelter." Hans answered, inquiring about David through his own authority. As David's guardian, he has the right to access all David's information.

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It's just that he didn't expect that David would be the target of recruitment.

Soon he saw the reason for the recruitment. He was good at sniping and had the potential of sniper beetles.

This made him happy, because he was able to get the title of "national scholar" because of his sniping ability, which shows that his son inherited his talent.

As for the call up for war, if it is the recruitment of close combat beetles, then it is still very dangerous, but the recruitment of snipers is relatively safe.

What's more, if even the sniper control room is threatened, it means that the city can't be defended, and it will be unsafe in the city at that time.

At the thought, Hans's tension relaxed a little.

"David, you should pay attention to safety. Don't attack with full load when using long-range sniper guns. How many long-range sniper guns do you control now?" Hans was very professional and asked.

"I'm in control of three long-range snipers now!" David also recognized the meaning of Hans' words, and quickly replied."The city defense is crazy. Let a new recruit control three long-range sniper guns!" Hans complained about the result, and then he said, "the three long-range sniper guns should keep firing frequency at least once every 15 seconds. Never increase the firing frequency. The alloy of the long-range sniper gun can't stand continuous overfrequency attacks. In addition, you should also ensure that once a Zerg rushes into the city wall, there must be a long-range sniper gun to protect your control room."

David was stunned. He also understood the problem of overheated long-range sniper guns from the fight just now. If you think about it, if you can't shoot for 100 seconds in a continuous battle, it will definitely be a disaster.

But he never thought of using a long-range sniper gun to defend his control room.

"Once the control room is attacked by Zerg, you will set the temperature of protective clothing to zero, keep your body still, and have a certain chance to avoid the attack of Zerg." Hans went on.

This way is a way to pretend to be dead, making Zerg think it's a corpse, so there is a certain chance that the corpse will not be destroyed.

Because when the city defense is broken, there are fresh lives everywhere, and the Zerg have more and better goals.

Of course, this way is also despised by the army, but David is not a real soldier. The most important thing is that David is his son.

He gave everything for the union, including his body and his family. He didn't want his son David to die in the war before he was an adult.

Even if he is the title of "national scholar", his selfishness still exists.

"Father, I know!" David replied in a deep voice. He then said softly, "father, if the city defense is broken and you don't have a chance to evacuate, then bring your aunt and Edie to this address. I have prepared some means to leave safely here."

Along with the message came the location of his shelter.

"David, you've grown up!" Hans burst out laughing. He was a soldier climbing out of the dead. He didn't pay attention to the Zerg attack, but David's concern moved him.

As for David's means of leaving safely, Hans didn't ask much. When a child is old, he always has his own secret.

"Father, when the war is over, I'll explain it to you." Before disconnecting the video call, David finally said.

After the call with Hans, David sat in sniper control room No. 5 and felt the responsibility for the first time. Behind him were his father, his relatives and his friends.

Just thinking about it, something happened outside the city.

On the ground 20 meters away from the city wall, a larva emerges from the ground.

Within 20 meters outside the city wall, the ground is reinforced with special alloy, so if these larvae want to get close to the wall, they must drill out of the ground from 20 meters away.

These larvae are not the same as the larvae David had seen before. These larvae are no longer soil gray. Under the soil gray shell, the dark green blood makes the shell appear strange color.

David's identity bracelet also received the name and introduction of this kind of larva. The mutated larva, a special Zerg derived from the larva, has no combat effectiveness, but the body will produce a strong corrosive liquid after being broken.

Although his three long-range sniper guns have been repaired, he saw in his targeting system that there are no attacks on these corrosion mutated larvae.

So what he was able to do was watch these mutant larvae emerge only from the soil and move closer to the wall. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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