Transcendent David

Chapter 901: CH 899

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In front of the starball portal, the light from the lighting pattern will illuminate the surrounding area, but the fog in the air makes the visibility only about 10 meters.

Of course, the ten level five Templar energy avatars that appear in front of the star level portal don't need to consider the visibility. Even the dust has no effect on them. The energy avatars don't need to breathe at all.

Lord Arthur Lord Gould's energy split smiles and greets David.

This is a small action, but can come to ten level five Templar energy separation, I have to say Lord Gould's popularity is very good.

"Lord Gould, Arthur at your command David said with a smile and a bow.

He was trying to save face for Lord Gould, and the rest of the Knights of the fifth level could not help laughing when David said this.

Everyone knows how powerful Lord Arthur is today. It is not nonsense to claim that God is the first knight in the world. Lord Arthur's attitude shows that he is very close to Lord Gould, which gives them a new understanding of Lord Gould's influence.

The five level Templars who can come to participate in this operation are all allies of Lord Gould. The stronger Lord Gould's influence is, the more good it will be for them.

"OK, let's take a look at the situation and then decide how to solve the problem!" Lord Gould waved to David and then said to the energies.

Lord Gould has a plan. His plan is to separate all the energy, use the power of blood to form a large net, and fly all the way to collect the dust.

It is possible to clear an area in a short time at the speed of energy separation, but it will take a few days to restore the environment of ello.

However, Lord Gould saw David's gesture and made him understand that it was possible that David had a new idea to make such an arrangement.

All the energy separated and looked around. David came to Lord Gould.

"Lord Arthur, is there a good way to deal with the dust here?" Lord Gould asked directly.

Lord Gould knew that Lord Arthur was a gifted researcher in the interstellar Federation before. Based on the in-depth study of the interstellar Federation on climate, Lord Arthur should have his own way.

David had his own ideas. He had prepared before he came. The environment of Erliu was very special. Originally, eight satellites surrounded Erliu, and its gravity was in a state of balance.

Due to the destruction of the seventh satellite, a large number of debris and dust fall on the planet. According to normal conditions, these dust will fall on the ground in a short time, and will not have a great impact on the planet.

However, the bad thing is that the gravity of the remaining seven satellites has a certain effect with the gravity of Erliu. The heavier objects can't feel it, but the light dust has been floating in the air, and there is no sign of landing, which caused the disaster of Erliu.

"This is the cooling amulet I made. It can be activated at high altitude. It should have some effect!" David took out three hundred magic amulets and handed them to Lord Gould.

These cooling amulets are magic amulets made by David with his ice control ability and alchemist ability.

In terms of combat, the cooling amulet can be said to have no effect. Its function is to reduce the temperature within the range of 5000 meters to zero, which is not offensive at all.

Lord Gould did not understand what the cooling amulet could do, or even how it would work to remove dust, but he believed in Lord Arthur.

In fact, this is the limitation of the dissemination of knowledge in the great world of God. Perhaps no one has found this rule, but the knowledge which has no impact on the battle will not be valued by the top nobles.

Of course, there is also a point that if the temple moves out, the magistrates can directly use the divine arts to achieve the same effect, making this knowledge even if it is studied out, it is of no value.

The omnipotence of the temple, as well as the nobles' pursuit of Knight's fighting power, all these are the reasons that restrict the development of God's own science and technology.

However, neither the temple nor the nobles wanted to change these things. Knowledge could only be held in the hands of nobles to ensure the stability of God's great world, and knowledge useful to nobles was worth mastering by nobles.

"You made it yourself?" Lord Gould looked at the cooling amulet in his hand and asked in a voice.

"Yes, it was made after knowing the situation here." David replied with a smile.

"You have a heart!" Lord Gould thought that David had already begun to prepare, and he could not help exclaiming.

Normally speaking, it takes a long time to make 300 magic amulets with master level.

Only six days have passed since the appearance of Erliu. According to Lord Gould's conjecture, Lord Arthur probably started to prepare after he learned what happened on the star.

Lord Arthur had been ready for a long time, but he did not take out these cooling amulets until he called, which showed that Lord Arthur was probably specially prepared for him.

Lord Gould didn't know that after receiving the news of his call, David first conducted an experiment to recover energy and divide the five levels of blood force in his body. After the experiment was successful, he made 300 cooling amulets in consideration of Erliu.Perhaps for the few alchemists in the big world, it will take many days to make hundreds of master level magic amulets, but this does not include David.

David can use 96 soul avatars at a time, plus the Lord's soul. If he needs to, there are 12 level 5 Paladin avatars that can be made together.

In addition, David's own alchemy level has already exceeded that of the grand master. The "ice control" talent is his own talent ability. The blank magic amulets are piled up like mountains. Refining hundreds of cooling amulets is not easy.

If you give him some more time, it doesn't need to be more, as long as one more hour, he can refine hundreds more cooling amulets.

"Lord Gould, you are an important period recently. The cooling amulet is even prepared by you!" David said softly.

David did not correct Lord Gould's misunderstanding, and he did not care about the credit.

Lord Gould did not refuse. As long as he got power, he could naturally compensate Lord Arthur in the future.

"How is it going?" Lord Gould sent out a signal to summon, and soon the energy separators returned. He asked in a voice.

"The situation is very bad. There is no tendency for the dust of Erliu to fall. We have a lot of work to do." One energy is separated and returned.

The idea of these five level templars is the same as Lord Gould's plan, which is to use the speed of energy separation to catch dust.

"I have a group of amulets here. Each of them is divided into 30 pieces, and everyone will disperse to the high altitude to activate them separately!" Lord Gould took out the cooling talisman and gave it to all the energies.

David also got 30 and looked at Lord Gould with the rest of the energy.

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"What's the use of that?" Asked the fifth level Templar energy.

"Take it to high altitude and activate it, then you will know it!" Lord Gould said mysteriously.

The Knights of the fifth level Temple all laughed and shook their heads, and no one had any opinion. They were all summoned by Lord Gould, and they obeyed Lord Gould's orders.

The fifth level Templars' energy split dispersed and flew high into the sky. Lord Gould's energy split chose the top of his head to go up vertically. Below was the main city of Erliu.

When he flew to the height of 10000 meters, he was still surrounded by dust, which made him feel that the situation of Erliu was really troublesome.

Lord Gould only hoped that Lord Arthur's cooling amulet was really useful. He continued to fly up for a distance and took out a cooling amulet to activate it.

In an instant, the temperature within 5000 meters dropped to zero, and a large number of water droplets appeared in the air. The water droplets and dust were stuck together. As the water drops became heavier and heavier, the rainfall was formed.

Lord Gould immediately understood Lord Arthur's idea, but his opponent's cooling amulet was astonished.

The range of 5000 meters indicates that the original owner of the cooling capacity should be at least 5000 meters.

With a sigh in his heart, Lord Gould changed another area and continued to activate the cooling amulet.

In fact, a large area only needs to activate a cooling amulet, which can affect the rainfall of nearly 100 square kilometers, and the range of this rainfall will continue to expand.

The residents of Erliu's main city were affected by six consecutive days of darkness, and many lost hope for the future.

The price of food in the main city is soaring so much that they can't afford it in a few days.

As for the aristocrats, most of them left Erliu through the planetary portal. Only ordinary residents could not afford the high cost of transmission and stayed.

"It's raining, it's morning!" When the rainstorm falls, the people who roam outside try their best to vent and shout.

The desperate residents heard the voice and walked out of their homes with a last glimmer of hope, and saw the light sky and the rain falling from the sky.

As the residents look up at the sky, the sky is changing very fast.

The dust in the rain wash, soon fell to the ground, the ground rain mixed with dust, forming a yellow mud.

But the sky is on the contrary. The dark sky is brightening at a very fast speed. After a few minutes, residents can see the long lost blue sky and see the satellite in the distant sky.

The common sky in the past, at this time, it seems that every resident can not help tears.

Soon news came that Lord Gould led a number of powerful Templar knights to solve the problem of erloe.

"The great lord Gould Wansheng!"

From the main city came the voice of praising Lord Gould. At first, there were several people, and then the scope became larger and larger. Soon, wherever there were people, there were singing voices.

Even with the cooling talisman, it took a day to clean up the dust in the atmosphere of the planet.

Lord Gould was honored by this operation. We should know that the noble Affairs Office also wanted to solve the problem of Erliu star before. Unfortunately, their ability was limited and they failed to achieve the desired results after many attempts.

Lord Gould's action was immediate, returning the clear sky of Erliu.However, David, who made the greatest contribution in this operation, immediately returned to gamisin after the operation, and did not even attend the reception held by Lord Gould.

This is not to deny Lord Gould face, but David knows that once the star of ello returns to normal, the mather family is likely to act, and the temporary portal can be moved at any time.

He was alert and ready to go out.

In a dark hall, only a little candlelight glows strangely green.

Two figures in black robes are suspended in the middle of the hall. In front of them is a special contact array.

"We checked the transmission data of the star level transmission gate in Erliu main city on that day. Little bowert returned to the main city of erliao shortly before the destruction of the seventh satellite. Little bowert should have been targeted. This man's strength is absolutely level five, but there is no information of level five transmission in the transmission data!" Said the fifth bishop of Montserrat.

The fifth level bishop of Montserrat was just promoted in the past two days. It should be said that his promotion also thanks to the destruction of the seventh satellite of Erliu.

The fifth level bishop of Montserrat was originally a believer of the fourth level evil god, but he has stayed at this level for more than 100 years.

The grace of the God of death suddenly came two days ago. Through God's grace, Montserrat broke through to level 5 and became the second bishop of the God of death.

The fifth level bishop of Montserrat did not understand why the God of death wanted to give him God's favor. Therefore, after he was promoted, he did not consolidate his own strength, so he kept busy trying to find out the real culprit who destroyed the seventh satellite and repay the gift of death.

"If they are the top nobles, they have the right to hide their messages!" The fifth bishop of Bunian knew more about the top aristocrats, he said.

"We don't have the right to see hidden transmissions!" The fifth bishop of Montserrat shook his head helplessly.

Although the "twilight of the gods" is related to many nobles, the resources of the top nobles are not much. Now count EBE's contact with the cult followers has made the news very tight. Even the top nobles who are related to the "twilight of the gods" will not help them at this time.

"There's something special about little bowert's ability that he can't find. Don't you think of the most likely one?" The fifth bishop of Bunian warned.

The reason why the fourth level cult believer of little bowert was sent out to collect sacrifices was because of his special perception ability.

It is very difficult for ordinary level 5 Templars to track down the followers of the fourth level evil god of little bowert.

We should know that the believers of the fourth level evil god of little bowert have received the special favor of death, and even the fifth level bishop of Bunian envied his special perception ability.

Gods belong to all the top nobles in the big world. The "dusk of gods" has detailed information. Although it is not necessarily complete, it can show most of the strength of the five level Temple Knights of the top aristocrats. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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