Transcendent David

Chapter 911: CH 909

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David never thought that he had the ability to launch a five level attack at will within an 80 kilometer radius.

It's hard to imagine that his attack ability makes it almost impossible for the low and middle level Temple knights to escape in front of him. Even the high-level fifth level Temple knights can resist his spiritual attack, but they will be delayed by the spiritual attack. His body can make a killing.

But just think that this is the legendary level of attack, you can understand.

Think of the interstellar Federation, which long-range attack weapon does not go far beyond 80 kilometers.

After practicing his spirit for many times, David realized that there were other gains. He called the shadow waiter again and put his hand on the shadow waiter's shoulder.

"Shadow servant, list the light sphere of knowledge gained this time!" David ordered in his heart.

It seems that his order was wrong. In front of him, countless knowledge light spheres appeared, and the number of knowledge light spheres was far beyond his expectation.

After David's mind swept, there were tens of thousands of light balls of knowledge here. Then he realized that the souls of the Dead Skeleton puppets also had corresponding knowledge memory. However, the spirit of the Dead Skeleton puppets was extremely weak, and this part of knowledge memory could not be activated actively. It would only be activated instinctively at some time.

He looked at the knowledge light sphere roughly, from which we can see that the occupation of the 500 million dead skeleton puppets is very complicated.

The number of light spheres of knowledge was huge, but it was of no use to David. His mind moved and only kept the light spheres of knowledge left by two fifth level bishops, two bone dragons and the incarnation of death.

David's focus on the sphere of knowledge rapidly diminished, leaving only five.

His mind is focused on the first one, which has a very low level. He has not seen the entry-level light ball for a long time.

If this entry-level knowledge photosphere is not from a level 5 strongman, David may not even look at it.

David was very curious about what kind of entry-level knowledge would allow the shadow boy to keep it.

He did not believe that the knowledge of the fifth order bishop was the highest.

"Shenwen (20% entry level)", David was very surprised when he saw the name.

What is the divine pattern? Divine pattern is a kind of alchemy pattern mastered by gods. The level of divine pattern is higher than that of alchemy pattern, and its function is different.

It's no wonder that shadow attendants choose the light sphere of knowledge of "divine pattern (20% introduction)". Even if this knowledge is only at the entry level, it is also the knowledge that Gods should master.

"Divine pattern (20% introduction)" is provided by the fifth level bishop of Montserrat. This fifth level bishop is very special. He spent a lot of time studying ancient divine patterns because he was trapped in the fourth level peak for a long time. In addition, he also had the ability of "alchemist", which enabled him to make some achievements in the study of divine patterns.

David's mind moved and the light ball of knowledge floated into his soul space.

He thought he was going to enter the phantasm. After studying the divine stripe by the fifth level bishop of Montserrat, who knows that he did not enter the illusion like the light sphere of similar knowledge in the past. He just sent out some memories from the knowledge light sphere of "divine stripe (20%).

These memories are accepted by David and become his knowledge reserve.

The whole process is very fast, that is, in one second, he had the relevant knowledge of divine tattoo in his brain.

Of course, only 20% of the entry-level knowledge of divine patterns can't let him draw divine patterns. Even the reason why the fifth level bishop of monzalat has only 20% knowledge of divine patterns is that the drawing of divine patterns needs the help of the power of gods.

However, after mastering the knowledge of divine patterns, David had a certain understanding of the divine patterns, at least knowing the uses of most of them.

The reason why David did not enter the illusion is that his soul has reached the legend, and the light ball of knowledge can no longer pull him into the illusion.

David is concerned about the knowledge sphere of the fifth Cardinal of Bunian. This time, it is a light ball of innate knowledge.

David was surprised that the fifth level bishop of Montserrat did not have the light sphere of natural knowledge before. We should know that all the fifth level bishops killed by David, except for the fifth level bishop of Montserrat, all the other light spheres of knowledge appeared.

This is also related to the particularity of the fifth level bishop of Montserrat. He was promoted not by his own cultivation, but by the gift of death.

The light ball of knowledge provided by the fifth bishop of Bunian is called "the dark altar (talent)". Seeing this name, David has a bad feeling.

Sure enough, after seeing the explanation of "the dark altar (talent)", he also put out the idea of integrating this talent.

"Dark altar (talent)" is a special spiritual talent. Its function is to strengthen the effect of altar.

This talent is especially effective when the fifth level bishop of Bunian is weak. We should know that the sleeping God of death is limited in paying attention to the affairs of believers for a period of time. With the number of believers of death, many believers may not be paid attention to by the God of death all their lives.However, the "dark altar" talent of the fifth bishop of Bunian was able to make the altar he arranged easier to attract the attention of the God of death.

This is one of the reasons why the fifth bishop of Bunian stands out from the numerous believers of death. Of course, his spiritual talent is also extremely strong, which makes him a fifth level bishop.

It's a pity that David will not believe in any gods. It is a waste of this talent to fall into his hands.

To tell you the truth, David was very disappointed with the light sphere of knowledge provided by the two fifth level bishops. The knowledge of "divine pattern" is still useful, but the "dark altar" is totally useless.

Shaking his head, David focused his mind on the light ball of knowledge left by the incarnation of death. He did not think that the incarnation of death left the light sphere of knowledge.

Every time he thought about the light ball of knowledge obtained from the God war with Gladstone, the God of pestilence, which enabled him to obtain two super five level spiritual talent abilities of "plague" and "hypnosis", he was full of expectations for the knowledge light sphere left by the more powerful incarnation of death.

When he saw the "lethal strike", David's heart couldn't help but beat with his heart. He had been attacked by "lethal strike".

If he was not lucky enough, the "lethal strike" would have killed him directly, and even Alexis, the black dragon, could not protect him.

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But after seeing the "need for divine power" after the "lethal strike", hope turns into disappointment. What is divine power? That's the power of the gods.

Although the strength of the black dragon Alexis is equal to that of the gods, the black dragon Alexis has no divine power, and the power of the dragon is different from that of the gods.

David managed to move his attention away from the knowledge sphere of "lethal strike (need divine power)" and shifted his attention to a knowledge light sphere provided by Gu Long.

"Dragon chant (talent)" knowledge light sphere, this talent ability has no special description, it shows that David can absorb and integrate.

"Dragon chant" is a sound wave attack ability of the dragon. It can not only improve itself, but also attack the enemy. Especially when combined with "dragon power", it can show the "dragon power" to a greater extent.

Thinking of "Longwei", David paid close attention to the light ball of knowledge provided by another bone dragon with the mentality of drawing prizes.

"Dragon power (talent)" is another kind of dragon talent he wants.

In fact, as long as David continues to practice, "Longwei" will gradually appear with the rise of black dragon blood, and gradually accumulate and grow.

As for "dragon chant", it depends on the teaching level of Alexis the black dragon. First of all, how to make human body structure emit "dragon chant" is a big problem that is difficult to solve.

Even though David has learned the two abilities of "Longyin" and "Longwei" over a long period of time, it can not be compared with the real dragon.

Because the real dragon "Longyin" and "dragon power" are born with the ability, but to play the strongest power, you need adult dragon to do it.

While thinking about it, David moved the two knowledge light spheres of "Longyin (talent)" and "Longwei (talent)" into the soul space. After the two knowledge light spheres entered the soul space, they were transformed into two patterns and suspended in the soul space.

He activated the "dragon power pattern" with his mind, and then he felt an energy flow out of his black dragon blood into the "dragon power pattern", and the authentic black dragon dragon power appeared in his body.

Alexis, the black dragon who was closing his eyes on David's shoulder, suddenly felt the appearance of a similar dragon. He opened his eyes quickly.

The black dragon Alexis didn't think it was David who sent out the Longwei. David wanted to send out the Longwei. Without breaking through the young black dragon, Alexis couldn't do it. This is the answer that black dragon Alexis came up with according to Yalong's standard.

Although David is the same as a young black dragon, he lacks the talent of black dragon in the first place. "Longyin" and "Longwei" are the most important talents.

This requires practice the day after tomorrow, and the time required is not just a few days of practicing "black dragon sleep".

The black dragon Alexis's eyes fixed on David's body, and the "dragon power" is from David, and this "dragon power" is 100% of the "dragon power talent pattern", which is quite different from the dragon power that is forced to stimulate the blood of the black dragon.

When Alexis was still in a state of doubt about life, David uttered a "dragon chant", which made Alexis more unable to understand.

This "dragon chant" is also inspired by "dragon chant talent pattern". When necessary, you can use "dragon chant" combined with dragon language, plus "dragon power" to send out the real dragon power.

David didn't know what Alexis was thinking. His mind was still in the shadow.

He introduced the golden level five soul sources of the two fifth level bishops into the soul space. There was a mature transformation process in his soul space. After the fifth level soul source entered, it would be actively connected by 96 souls. With the help of two divine crystals, he completely transformed the two level five soul origins.After a few minutes, David's soul parts increased from 96 to 98.

David continued to check in the shadow servant's body. The incarnation of death did not leave anything else, but the two bone dragons left two golden light clusters. These two golden light clusters were much larger than the spirit origin of level 5, and the brightness was also several levels higher.

In his opinion, these two golden light regiments should be the same kind of objects as the fifth level soul, but there is a big difference between the level five bishop and the bone dragon.

David thought of Alexis the black dragon. He shared the two golden lights he saw with Alexis the black dragon through a master servant contract.

"Alexis, this is from the bone dragon. Do you know what this is?" In the premise of knowing the exact answer, David doesn't have to risk bringing the unknown into his own soul space.

"This is the core of the dragon soul, which is not complete. The bone dragon is a puppet made from the body of the dragon. In this process, not much of the soul of the dragon has been preserved, only a few broken souls have been preserved. The core of the soul of the dragon is the core of the soul of the dragon!" Alexis the black dragon replied in a deep voice.

"How strong is the bone dragon?" David can see that Alexis, the black dragon, does not want to elaborate on the soul core of the dragon, so he shifts his attention to the bone dragon.

"Bone dragon has only legendary peak strength. Of course, according to the current situation of God in the big world, legend is the strongest existence in the world!" Alexis, the black dragon, despises the power of the bone dragon.

David nodded. He introduced the two dragon soul cores into the soul space. He was sure that the dragon soul cores would not hurt him, otherwise Alexis would remind him.

The two dragon soul cores enter into the soul space, and 98 soul sub bodies emit a golden light to wrap the two dragon soul cores.

In the core of the two dragon spirits, there was a sound of dragon chanting, and waves were pounding around.

Fortunately, this is the core position of the soul space. The firmness of the soul fortress is far beyond the periphery. The shock wave caused by dragon chant has not caused much impact.

David can feel that 98 soul bodies are under the control of two divine crystals, constantly attacking the core of dragon soul.

If it is a complete dragon soul core, it is estimated that the 98 level 5 soul sub bodies would not be realistic to enter the dragon soul core.

The "dragon chanting pattern" and "dragon power pattern" in the soul space both emit Taoist light. The origin of the black dragon blood in David's body also responds. The resistance of the dragon soul core is weakened by these influences.

This is David's own soul space. The soul space suppresses the dragon soul core. The incomplete dragon soul core has to face the siege of 98 soul sub bodies. With all kinds of assistance, it will soon be broken through.

David sensed that the two dragon soul cores were being assimilated, and his connection with the two dragon soul cores was strengthening.

When the 98 soul sub bodies released the two dragon soul cores, the two dragon soul cores had become David's new soul sub bodies. However, the incompleteness of the dragon soul cores made David always feel the sense of tearing when he entered his mind. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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