Transcendent David

Chapter 916: CH 914

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Now that David enters the training space, he doesn't have to go to the secret room in the middle of the mountain. Instead, he just needs to find a relatively secret area.

So he went into the training space in the training room of the castle, and as soon as he entered the training space, he called out the shadow pterosaur.

Through the life sharing contract, David can check the internal condition of the ghost pterosaur. The ghost pterosaur also trusts him very much, and allows him to explore without any resistance.

When the shadow pterosaur emerged from its shell, he was the first to see him. In addition, with the connection of life sharing contract, the relationship between the two is not only trust, but can be relied on by life and death.

Obviously, David overestimated his ability. He examined it with his spirit and found no white dragon blood in the shadow pterosaur.

Where did he know that the blood vessels of the "shadow pterosaurus" were hidden and could not be found.

David used to change the blood vessels of level 5 Templars because knights are very few of the huge human base with special blood origins. Human blood talents are concentrated in the spine, which is different from all other creatures. Moreover, after the knight training, the blood origin is more cohesive.

David sighed in his heart that human beings are special. Maybe that's why human beings can rule the world by force alone in God's world.

"Alexis, I can't find the blood of the shadow pterosaur!" David said to Alexis, the black dragon on his shoulder.

He doesn't have to take a chance. Since Alexis the black dragon has proposed to enhance the blood power of the "shadow pterosaur", then Alexis has a way.

"Lord Arthur, you only need to use" dragon chant "to speak the Dragon language" blood gathering "!" Alexis the black dragon points out.

"Blood gathering!" David didn't expect it to be so simple. He activated the talent ability of "dragon chant" and said to the "shadow pterosaur".

As soon as his dragon language was spoken, strange energy surged in the shadow pterosaur.

David clearly sensed that the strange energy was focused on the heart of the shadowy pterosaur, in which a giant dragon blood gathering point appeared.

"You have the origin of the black dragon's blood, the core of the dragon soul, the 'Dragon chant' and the 'dragon power' are almost equivalent to the real black dragon. All creatures with the blood of the dragon will be affected by your 'Dragon chant'. Through the Dragon language, you can freely manipulate the blood vessels in the other party's body!" Alexis continued.

Speaking of this, Alexis the black dragon had a trace of sadness in his heart. He thought of the previous era, the era of the Dragon rule, all creatures trembled in front of the dragon, prostrate in front of the dragon, and offered everything.

Now Alexis the black dragon is still alive, but the age of the dragon is gone. The glory of the past is gone.

David didn't know what Alexis was thinking. He was calculating the total amount of blood vessels of the white dragon gathered at the heart of the "shadow pterosaur.".

Then, according to this number, and based on his previous experience in transforming the blood vessels of level 5 Templars to control the weight of "immortal vitality", he did not want to let the "shadow pterosaur" go wrong.

David put a little "immortal vitality" into the heart of "Youying pterosaur" and into the blood gathering point of white dragon.

Under his deliberate control, there was no waste of "immortal vitality", which was absorbed by the blood gathering point of white dragon.

After absorbing the "immortal vitality", the white dragon's blood gathering point increases in size and quickly occupies a small part of the heart.

This is also the safe range calculated by David. After the blood gathering point of the white dragon no longer grows, his mind moves. The blood gathering point of the white dragon spreads and flows into the whole body of the "shadow pterosaur".

But what David didn't think of was that there was a trace of white dragon's blood in that small half of his heart.

He is very familiar with the origin of blood, or any knight is very familiar with it.

Originally, the "Youying pterosaur" had no obvious blood origin of the white dragon. This transformation made its heart become the dominant blood source of the white dragon.

"Alexis, look at it!" David said to Alexis the black dragon.

Alexis, the black dragon, has been paying attention to the whole process. His opinion is put forward by him. He can't kill David's mount. Don't he want to lose face.

"There should be no problem!" Alexis, the black dragon, did not perceive the deterioration of his body, but his tone was not so sure.

"Youying pterosaur" suddenly uttered a shrill scream and kept rolling on the ground.

As soon as David's face changed, he quickly opened the life sharing contract. He had "immortal vitality". As long as he was not killed by seconds, he could recover his life.

Although he doesn't know what the situation is like at this time, as long as the contract of life sharing is opened, he will bear part of the loss of life, and the ghost pterosaur will not die.

The pain came from the life sharing contract. David constantly comforted the ghost pterosaur, and his spirit entered the shadow pterosaur to check the situation.David sensed that the blood of the white dragon flowing to the whole body of the "Youying pterosaur" is transforming the whole body of the "Youying pterosaur". This part of the blood of the white dragon is consumed in the process of transformation. With the beating of the heart of the "Youying pterosaur", the regenerated blood of the white dragon continues to flow to the whole body.

David breathed a sigh of relief, and it's normal that this transformation produces pain.

The body of "Youying pterosaur" was constantly rolling on the ground. Its hard scales were constantly falling down in the rolling process, and even its skin was constantly falling off. It was very sad to see it.

David did not resist. Although he knew that this was only a process of transformation for the ghost pterosaur, he did not want to wait for the ghost pterosaur to recover on its own.

He sent out a piece of "immortal vitality", and the damaged skin of "Youying pterosaur" was restored, but this time, the skin of "Youying pterosaur" was no longer a black dragon, but turned white.

In the past, the influence of the "shadow pterosaur" was greater than that of the "shadow pterosaur". The influence of the white dragon's blood was very weak. However, after David's blood was strengthened, the influence of the white dragon's blood exceeded that of the "shadow pterosaur" race, resulting in a complete change in its body.

David couldn't help being stunned. Looking at the trembling ghost pterosaur, some of them didn't believe that it was the shadow pterosaur. The whole body was white and no longer ferocious. On the contrary, some lovely creatures were still fearsome!

Ten minutes later, the shadow pterosaur no longer trembled. It stood up and came to David. It rubbed David's arm with his head, and looked comforting.

"You can't be called" Youying pterosaur "in the future. You should be called" silver pterosaur. " "David's name was changed to white dragon with a smile.

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In the main hall of "the evening of the gods", the twelve fifth level bishops are still suspended in the hall. They are surrounded in a circle.

"Lord Arthur has received our gift, Lord Amos is finished!" Said the fifth bishop of ainside.

When he received this information, he was not surprised at all. If he gave the address, Lord Arthur did not kill Lord Amos, it would be strange to him.

In order to keep Lord Arthur from misunderstandings, the fifth Archbishop of einside did not even allow intelligence personnel to approach the target area.

It was not until the intelligence agents waiting at the Wicken starball portal confirmed Lord Arthur's departure that they went to check the battle scene.

"But Lord Arthur has not contacted us. What is his idea?" Said bishop Kingsley with a bitter smile.

"If you were Lord Arthur, would you contact us voluntarily?" Asked the fifth bishop of einside.

On the contrary, it is impossible for every bishop to become a fifth class wise bishop.

Indeed, as the fifth bishop of einside said, with Lord Arthur's reputation of being at the top of the sun, he would not take the initiative to contact the evening of the gods even if he accepted the peace request of the evening of the gods.

"According to the latest information, the bodies of Bunian and Montserrat have been handed over to the temple by Lord Arthur!" The fifth Archbishop of einside felt the trembling of the contact phalanx, and his spirit swept over his back, and his color changed slightly. He announced in a deep voice.

However, Lord Arthur handed over two corpses to the temple, making it clear that the two fifth level bishops of death were killed by Lord Arthur.

That is to say, their conjecture that Lord Arthur killed two fifth level bishops and killed the incarnation of death are facts.

"Lord Arthur, what does that mean?"

"Is it a declaration of war against us?"

"I think it's to show an attitude, show us our strength, and we won't come back and forth again!"

A fifth order bishop expressed his opinions one after another, guessing the meaning behind Lord Arthur's move.

They contacted Lord Arthur for peace. Lord Arthur gave the bodies of two fifth level bishops to the temple. How can they not think about it.

"I have studied Lord Arthur's information. Have you found that Lord Arthur has never taken the initiative to attack others, but has been forced to fight back. I think that as long as we do not take the initiative to provoke Lord Arthur and constantly express our goodwill, the possibility of Lord Arthur attacking us actively is very low!" The fifth bishop of Jeffers, who had not spoken, interposed.

The fifth order bishops recalled Lord Arthur's information. Since the tense relationship with Lord Arthur, whether they had just returned or had been in the "twilight of the gods", they had tried every means to obtain the detailed information of Lord Arthur.

However, when they looked at the materials, they were shocked by the battles that shocked the great world of God. A five level Temple knight, a great nobleman and a top nobleman all fell in front of Lord Arthur.

Lord Arthur was recognized by all knights and nobles, and was honored as the "First Knight" in the great world.

In just two years, Lord Arthur's information is more like a legend.

After reading the materials, all the fifth level bishops have only one idea. As long as Lord Arthur doesn't die, he will surely become the most influential existence in the God's world.After Jeffers fifth level Bishop's reminding, the fifth level bishops also discovered Arthur Lord's behavior style.

"Then continue to show good will to Lord Arthur and keep our people away from his territory. What's your opinion?" Asked the fifth Archbishop of einside, looking around the crowd.

There is no fifth order bishop to refuse. If there are five level bishops who belong to the Department of death, they may not reach such an opinion.

But now there is no strong five levels of death, the right to speak has become very weak, no one is willing to take the lead for the God of death.

Besides, Lord Arthur's strength is enough to deter the fifth level bishops. Killing several fifth level bishops will not make the rest of the fifth level bishops afraid, but it is completely different to kill the death incarnation and make the statue of death crack.

As believers of evil gods, the fifth level Bishop's fear of gods is deep in the bone marrow. The existence of one who can kill the incarnation of gods is enough to make them retreat.

In the cultivation space, David has entered another stage of rapid improvement. His spirit is growing every day. The cultivation of "black dragon sleep" is also growing rapidly due to the core of adult dragon soul.

In addition to David, the strength of the other 13 level 5 paladins is also rapidly improving. The most perfect black dragon blood, combined with the "black dragon breathing method" made by black dragon Alexis according to several top Knight training methods and black dragon's own characteristics, makes the 13 level 5 Temple Knights also enter a period of rapid growth.

The "silver white pterosaur" is not idle. The influence of the white dragon's blood makes its body and soul improve, and the distance of "instant movement" is also growing.

In garmi's castle, David's energy incarnation is also busy, from "cooking" to alchemy, to making weapons and equipment.

With a large amount of materials, David also has the ability of a master. He has constantly produced the most top dishes, alchemy items and equipment in the world.

It wasn't long before Butler Dickens sent a reminder message, which reminded David that an important event in God's big world was about to begin.

The most important thing of God belongs to the great world is the convening of the Supreme Council, which concentrates all the Lords of God in the big world, and the top nobles will show their elegant demeanor in the shining stars on that day.

For the meeting, housekeeper Dickens invited the best tailor to make more than ten suits of different styles for David, and selected many matching accessories from the family warehouse in the market.

However, no matter how dikes housekeeper prepares, David himself needs to go and approve.

Who knows that the days of the Supreme Council are getting closer and closer, but there is no news from David. Housekeeper Dickens can't help but send a message to remind him.

As a matter of fact, David really forgot that there will be days of practice for promotion every day. He can feel that he is becoming stronger every day. He has long been addicted to practice. As for the convening of the Supreme Council, he has really left aside. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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