Transcendent David

Chapter 926: CH 924

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In every corner of the God belongs to the world, there are law enforcement knights, blood red flags planted in castles, villas, manors.

In every noble family, there are knights in Knight's armor, with their own weapons, walking into the portal.

David sent out five level five Templars. In fact, the five level five Templars were sent out by himself. These are his own parts.

Enter through the garmi sphere portal and reappear in Tula.

Through the eyes of the Knights of the fifth level temple, David saw that the main city of Tula was full of knights and almost no ordinary people.

The weakest Knights here are also official knights. Some knights with the logo of the Supreme Council are grooming them.

"Distinguished Knights Templar, the concentration of templars is located in the square in the center of the main city, please follow me!" A guide Knight saw five level five Temple Knights appear, and quickly bow to say.

This guide knight is a knight of the Supreme Council. He has been educated by the Supreme Council and knows every fifth level Templar.

He had recognized five fifth level Templars when they appeared, four of whom were Templars who had followed Lord Arthur to the Supreme Council, and the other he had not recognized.

Normally speaking, it is impossible for the guide knight, who was born in the Supreme Council, not to know the Templars, but when he saw the emblem on the fifth level Templar, he understood it.

This strange fifth level Templar is also Lord Arthur's Templar.

The guide Knight led the five level five Templar knights to the square. At this time, nearly 30 level 5 Temple knights had come to the square. It was still early, and the rest of the level 5 Templars had not yet arrived.

When the five level Templars on the scene saw the five Templars coming together, they also saw the shadow leopard tattoo on the strange Templar, and they were very shocked.

Previously, I thought that Lord Arthur's four level five Templars were all strength, but just a few days later, another Templar appeared.

Speaker Gould, who was talking to people on one side, saw the five level five Templars coming and immediately came over.

"Yes, speaker Gould. I'm Harlow. These are Mike, Bayer, Harry and Chloe. According to Lord Arthur's orders, we are always at your command." Harlow Temple Knight bowed to speaker Gould and introduced.

"Welcome to five. Please arrange it. Here are four badges. Please put them on separately." After returning the salute, speaker Gould took out four badges and handed them to him.

The four arms, representing the Berger family, the Goff family, the Cowper family and the cork family, were accepted and distributed by the Harlow Templar Knights.

It was not until then that the rest of the fifth level Knights understood why Lord Arthur sent five fifth level Templars, and how much friendship he had to have with Chancellor Gould, so as to help his four allies.

It is no secret that four old friends of speaker Gould fell down when they slaughtered the gods. It is obvious to all that speaker Gould cared for the four families. This is why many top nobles are willing to ally with him. It is worth trusting to take care of his friends' families to such an extent.

Speaker Gould was relieved to see the four fifth level Templars wearing four badges.

Although Lord Arthur had promised him, he had to be nervous about the survival of the four families.

Some of David's mind and spirit remain on Harlow Temple knights. Otherwise, with the wisdom of Harlow Temple knights, they will at most passively follow orders and fight. If they want to deal with the relationship between people on their own, they still need some time to learn.

In the next few hours, the fifth level Templars slowly arrived.

Speaker Gould was very anxious, but he couldn't rush him too much. He only gave six hours to prepare for the fifth level Templar. This is a very short time.

Behind every level 5 Templar Knight, there are huge family interests. The top nobles are better. Even if the level 5 Templars fall, they also have death. The Templars serve as a deterrent. As long as the top nobles cultivate level 5 Templars within two generations, they can recover their strength.

However, some nobles with level 5 Templars are different. Level 5 Templars are everything to the great nobles. Once the level 5 Templars fall, the great nobles will decline and have no chance to turn over.

Of course, only the great nobles at the top of the list would call up level five Templars.

Six hours later, there were two top nobles of the fifth level Templars did not come, but all the great nobles came.

The two top nobles themselves have problems. One of the top nobles does not have level 5 Templars, while the other is level 5 Templars. They are in a serious state of emotional loss and cannot fight.

Speaker Gould looked at the five level Templars in front of him. He understood that after the war order was issued, there would be no face to speak of. Those two top nobles would be deprived of their nobility.

Among the five level Templars, avid V-level Templars secretly looked at the Harlow Templars and other five Templars with their eyes. He was another temple Knight of the Litton family.This time, because of the war order, although the Litton family was not the top aristocrat, but because the two Templar Knights of the lyton family were trained by the resources of the world's top aristocrats during the period of the top aristocracy, the lytons needed to send a fifth level Templar to come.

God belongs to the great world, which has a history of thousands of years, and there is no loophole in the policy.

There was no way for the Leighton family to send avid's fifth level Templar.

Earl Abe did not dare to come. As long as he came, he would not have died in the Zerg war, but was assassinated by Lord Arthur.

Avid's fifth level Templars came for the war order. He didn't come immediately, but confirmed that Lord Arthur didn't participate in the war order. Only five Templars were sent to him. Then he came back at ease.

When he really saw the five fifth level Templars, avid fifth level Templars doubted for the first time whether Earl Abbey could lead the Litton family.

If you offend Lord Arthur, not to mention Lord Arthur's own strength, it is Lord Arthur's Templar knights that can sweep the Litton family.

Discontent rose in avid's fifth level Templar's heart. He suppressed it by force, but the seeds had been planted. It depends on when they sprouted.

David's five Templars are not only avid's level five Templars, but also Mikey's level five Templars. His horror is stronger than any of them.

Because he felt the blood of the fifth level five Templar, which was also the blood of the black dragon.

In other words, Lord Arthur is the blood of the black dragon, and there are five Knights of the fifth level temple.

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In this way, is it the Morse family or the Luce family?

There is still a bigger question in Miki's mind. Is this fifth Temple Knight named Chloe the last black dragon blood level five Temple Knight of the Luce family? Will there be other black dragon level five Temple knights?

"Ready to go!" Speaker Gould ordered in a deep voice.

Eighty one five level Templars from the top aristocrats, including speaker Gould, and thirty-three fifth level Templars from the great nobility, all rose up and flew to the sky.

Following them were more than two thousand sky riders on flying mounts.

David looked through the eyes of Harlow Templar knights at this incredible cavalry brigade.

Only level 4 and above knights can enter space combat. Level 3 earth Knights have no air combat capability.

Just like the name of the land knight, the life force and combat effectiveness of the earth Knight will be greatly reduced without the help of the mount. Moreover, they need auxiliary devices to survive in space.

Although sky Knights also need a life support plate to survive in space, they can still move freely in space and maintain a strong combat power due to the help of flying mounts.

Therefore, most of the sky knights in this concentration will follow the first line to fight the Zerg. The rest of the Knights will stay in Tula and organize the first line of defense.

In just a few hours, Tula has evacuated all its residents, removed all non war resources, and destroyed those that could not be removed.

Every bit of energy left behind may increase the energy for the Zerg to reproduce when they enter Tula.

God belongs to the big world, the war machine which has not been united for a long time. After the war order was issued, it began to work.

God belongs to the big world and cultivates the knight profession. At this time, it shows the incomparable superiority. When the knight obeys the order, every knight can be integrated into the knight group at will, and the knight group can be integrated into the knight team.

In the evacuation of ordinary people on the planet Tula, soon arranged one by one knight brigade, the number of knights in each cavalry group reached 5000, there were a total of 1000 Knight groups, and the star level portal was still a steady stream of knights entering.

One hundred and fourteen level five Templars went into space first, and David saw 27 "star boats" that had long been in space.

Among them, there are five special golden "star flying boats", which belong to the five temples. They are also the vehicles of gods and sacrifices sent by the five temples.

One hundred and fourteen level five Templars, one "star boat" for every five level five Templars, followed by 90 level 4 sky knights.

Speaker Gould took advantage of his authority to place five Templar knights, including Harlow Templar knights, in his "star boat". Led by the speaker's "star boat," the "star boat" sailed toward the chaotic star territory.

Compared with the slow action of God in the big world, the Zerg are much more powerful.

Under the unified command of the "mother emperor", a large number of Zerg use space Zerg like "space Ripper" to open the transmission channel and come to the space gate.

As many as 20 level 5 Zerg appear, which makes Dexter level 5 Templars and Nelson level 5 Templars extremely frightened.They didn't expect that the power of Zerg would be so strong. The most powerful thing about Zerg is their reproductive ability.

Zerg can frighten any enemy by using the wormhead tactics. However, the Zerg have always been very cautious in the level 5 combat effectiveness, and the number of level 5 Zerg in warstar is very small.

The two level five Templar Knights didn't know that the Zerg had been cultivating high-level Zerg through warstar resources, so the Zerg would not hesitate to consume the surplus low-level Zerg in warstar every once in a while.

Now the Zerg's strength is far beyond the imagination of God's big world and interstellar Federation.

With a shrill cry, this is a level 5 Zerg "golden beetle" who has discovered the energy split between Dexter level 5 Templars and Nelson level 5 Templars.

The two energy separators are hidden far away, and they also use the array of hidden breath, but they still can't escape the perception of the scarab.

This is not surprising. The evolution of Zerg is usually highly specific, reaching level 5 in perception. It is not too difficult for them to find hidden enemies.

As the beetle screams, it rushes into the direction where the energy body hides. Behind it, a part of the huge Zerg group emerges with the beetle.

Another fifth level Zerg, the red winged Ant King, responded to the call of the golden beetle and flew along.

There's no hesitation between the two powers. They don't even want to fight.

Isn't it an act of looking for death to take the energy that has been insufficient to fight against the powerful level 5 Zerg?

The combat effectiveness of level 5 Zerg is very strong. Generally, the combat effectiveness of level 5 Zerg is higher than that of several level 5 Temple Knights of the same level. This is the premise that level 5 Temple knights are equipped with powerful weapons and equipment.

Zerg are born with physical advantages. At the level of level 5 Zerg, their physique has long been strong enough to throw away human level 5 Templars.

In terms of strength and speed, Zerg have innate advantages, and the same is true of level 5.

Human level 5 Templars also have advantages. When several level 5 Templars are gathered together, their strength will be doubled due to Knight battle.

But Dexter level five Templars and Nelson level five Templars are just two people. Where can they form a strong enough Knight battle array.

The two energy separators accelerate to the hidden "starboat", which is also the key to escape.

Without the "star boat", the two energy bodies with insufficient energy are not easy to get lost in the vast space, that is, they are not lost, and there is not enough blood power to spend to return to the guarding star.

Fortunately, they are always ready to run away, and the speed of energy separation is fast enough to let them step on the "star flying boat". The "star flying boat" suddenly speeds up and takes a long string of Zerg behind them to fly to the guard star. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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