Transcendent David

Chapter 936: CH 934

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The ability to control purple fire is limited to David's fighting ability, but it is of great help to forging, alchemy, and even cooking.

David's ability to control flames has been improved from the ordinary to the ordinary.

He also found that the ability of "controlling purple fire" covered the original talent ability of "igniting fire". Why is it not a fusion? In his mind, it is very likely that "controlling purple fire" is much higher than "controlling purple fire". There is nothing more than "controlling purple fire".

David focuses on the last sphere of knowledge, which is provided by the black ice beetle.

"Control black ice (talent)" knowledge light ball is also a kind of basic talent ability without corresponding attack methods. David is not disappointed. This basic talent ability provides him with a solid foundation and lays a solid foundation for him to play a powerful attack in the future.

He introduced the knowledge light sphere of "controlling the black ice (talent)" into the soul space. The light sphere of knowledge merged into a pattern and flew to the "ice control pattern", and forcibly devoured the "ice control pattern".

In David's soul space, the original position of the "ice control pattern" has been replaced by the "black ice control pattern".

David also understood the meaning of black ice at this time. In addition to the extreme cold, black ice also contains strong cold poison. Cold and cold poison are both level 5. The double damage makes black ice much more powerful than ordinary ice.

Although the ability of "controlling black ice" does not have the corresponding attack ability, as long as the black ice condenses around the body, it can slow down the close enemy without control, and the weakness of strength will be frozen directly.

David shakes his head. Among the three light spheres of knowledge, only the new "underground stealth" talent that integrates the ability of "drilling into the earth" can help him, and the other two abilities can only be regarded as ordinary.

But he has also been satisfied. To know that he has killed a lot of level five strong men before, but he does not have much ability to acquire really useful talents.

David finally found three level five spirit sources in the shadow servant, which are left by the three level five Zerg.

Even if it is level 5 Zerg, as long as they reach level 5, their soul will produce the source of soul.

It can be seen that although the world is different, many rules are similar.

The three level five soul origins were introduced into the soul space by him. After the assimilation of 98 soul incarnations and two spirit crystals, the three level five soul origins also became David's soul incarnation.

After reviewing the previous combat gains, David contacted the sonic boom beetle and found that it was not far away from the garrison star.

The group of twenty-seven "star flying boats" is still moving at full speed. Due to the delay in the middle of the journey, the route has been changed, which makes the group spend a lot of time.

Twenty seven starboats are arranged in a row for maximum safety.

The speaker's "star flying boat" ranked second. This is the attitude of speaker Gould to show that he has taken the lead. If not for the public's persuasion, he is ready to put the speaker's "star flying boat" in the first place.

No one in the contact phalanx made a sound. All the latest intelligence was received. The battle report of turashin was passed to each level five Templar through the contact phalanx.

Not only level 5 Templars, but also many level 4 sky knights.

Among the five "star flying boats" of the five shrines, the sacrificial rites and the deities of the war shrine celebrated with great fanfare. In the "star flying boats" of the other four temples, they were very unconvinced. They had not even seen the face of the enemy. I believe that when they saw the Zerg, they would have made the same impressive achievements as the war shrine.

The war report said it was very simple, and there was no mention of Lord Arthur. Since Lord Arthur was personally invited by the Knights of the temple of Annabella, the War Merit would be counted on the Knights of Annabella temple. Of course, some rewards would not be lacking.

And when the war is over, Lord Arthur's participation in the war will appear in more detailed war reports.

"Your honor, we have three hours to get to our position!" Crew report.

"All starboats are ready to fight at any time!" Speaker Gould ordered in the contact phalanx.

Although there is still a long way to go, the closer we are to the space door, the greater the danger.

There are so many kinds of Zerg abilities that speaker Gould has to be careful.

One hundred kilometers ahead of the starboat, an energetic body is accelerating and constantly observing the situation ahead.

In order to keep pace with the speed of the "star flying boat" group, the energy sub body constantly consumes the blood force in the body.

This makes the speed of the energy separation body has long exceeded the maximum speed of the energy separation body. Fortunately, this is flying in space. As long as the backward driving force is continuously increased, the speed can be continuously accelerated.

But it also makes the energy body lose its flexibility.

"Another Zerg!" The energy sub body sees a Zerg in front of him. He sends out a small blood force to puncture the Zerg's head.This is also the normal situation in recent years. At the beginning, every energy sub body will report when they find these first level Zerg.

But every once in a while, there will be some first-class Zerg, and there are no accidents. Gradually, the detection energy has lost its vigilance.

Just like this time, a level-1 Zerg can be killed at will by consuming a little blood power, without causing too much attention from the energy sub body.

In front of the space gate, even in the numerous and diverse Zerg oceans, the "space beetle" is still very striking.

In a large area around the body of the space beetle, no Zerg is close to it.

A spiritual connecting line connects the "space beetle" and the "bewitching brain bug" king, and the "bewitching brain insect" King connects the first-class Zerg scattered over a large area through the population.

There are many special abilities of Zerg, but the ability to carry out large-scale and long-distance detection is blank. Here, large-scale and long-distance refers to the range and distance in space.

The large-scale and long-range separation of space is Zerg, that is, the interstellar Federation and the divine world have no better detection methods.

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Zerg have their own way of detection, that is to release a large number of first-class Zerg, cruising in the nearby airspace.

All the first-class Zerg are connected to the "bewitching brain worm". Once anything is found, it will be discovered by the "bewitching brain worm".

The king of "bewitching brain worms" connects all the "bewitching brain worms". Its task is to analyze and sort out the information, and report the abnormalities found to the five levels of Zerg.

Just as the energy avatar killed the first level Zerg, the king of "bewitching brain worm" immediately sent this message to the "space beetle".

According to this news, the "space beetle" knew the route of the "star flying boat" group in a moment, and the exact location of the "star flying boat" in a few seconds.

All the first-class Zerg that the group met before were the reference for the judgment of the "space beetle". Until this time, the "star flying boat" group was really within the scope of the "space beetle" ability.

The "space beetle" injects the huge energy that has been prepared for a long time into a pattern in the soul space, and the projection of this pattern appears in front of it.

The image projection is full of space energy. The image projection enlarges, flies into the space gate, and increases to the size of the space gate in the space door, and disappears under the action of a space energy.

Just after the energy split flew past, a portal appeared, with a radius of 100 meters.

That's what scares the space beetle, which has the ability to create a remote portal and specify the location of the target.

This time, the "space beetle" made a portal, and set the other side of the space gate, namely the Zerg world, on the other end, and used its special ability to enlarge the portal.

After many calculations, the king of "space beetle" and "bewitching brain bug" had already obtained the speed of the group of "star flying boats".

The huge portal suddenly appeared, just before the "star boat" group arrived at this location, the huge portal opened wide, and the "star boat" group rushed toward the huge gate like food delivered to the door.

In the distance, David felt a palpitation, which was his perception of danger. In a moment, he found out the origin of the palpitation.

He has taken over the five level five Templars on the speaker's "star boat" between mind and spirit.

The five level five Templars put their energy separate bodies together, and the energy bodies flew out of the "star flying boat" at a very fast speed.

Because the speed of entering and leaving the cabin door affected the speed of the fifth level Temple knights when encountering a long-range energy attack before, and the defense against the long-range energy attack almost went wrong. Therefore, all the StarCraft now only open the energy shield, not the hatch.

This also allows the five energy to separate themselves, without a trace of delay, through the speaker's "star boat.".

The danger comes from the front. However, due to the tight time, David can't explain to speaker Gould in time through the five level five Templars. He can only force the five energies to stop the speaker's "star boat".

The first "star boat" of the "star boat" group did not have a trace of preparation. Maybe there were Knights inside who felt the danger, but how could the "star flying boat" which is already at the highest speed stop when they want to stop.

In addition, the appearance of the huge portal is too abrupt and there is no sign of it. When the gate appears, the first "star boat" plunges into the gate.

The second "star boat" is the speaker of speaker Gould's "star boat". He also felt the danger, but before he found out where the danger came from, he saw the five Templar Knights summoning their energy to separate themselves out of the "star boat".

When speaker Gould saw the five energies separated in front of the speaker's "star boat", he also understood that there was danger ahead.

Speaker Gould immediately stopped the progress of the speaker's "star flying boat". Although the propulsion stopped, the speed did not stop immediately.At this time, the force of five levels of blood in the body of the five energy broke out. The driving force of terror made the speaker "star flying boat" stop its inertia.

When he saw the first big ship flying out of the gate.

He doesn't think that there will be a safe place beyond the gate. Zerg will not simply move away from the "starboat" if they make such a big move.

However, when speaker Gould had no time to feel sorry for the loss of a "star boat" and the five level 5 Temple knights and 90 level 4 sky knights on the "star boat", the speaker's "star boat" was shocked.

Then there was a strong driving force that pushed the speaker's "star flying boat" again and again. Even if the five energy bodies were forced to resist, they could not help being pushed back and forth again and again.

David controlled the five energy branches. Just as he was relieved, he felt that the speaker's "star boat" was crashing forward again, not only once, but many times.

The strength is not weaker than the momentum of the speaker's "star flying boat" just now, but even stronger.

There is no place for the five energy members to rely on in space. The only thing they can do is to force their bodies against the speaker's "star flying boat".

At this time, it is no longer considered whether to save the force of level 5 blood. The force of level 5 blood in the body of the five energy sub body constantly gushes out, forming a white light behind.

Speaker Gould's face was extremely ugly. He understood what had happened. Because he used a row of flight directions, when the second speaker "star boat" forced to stop, the "star boat" behind him had no time to stop, and he could only bump into it.

However, although the impact force is very large, all the "star boats" have opened the energy shield under the order of speaker Gould. The impact force does not damage the interior through the energy shield, and transmits the power out.

These impact forces eventually reach the five energy points controlled by David, which is equivalent to more than 20 strong attacks in a row.

David did not dare to let the five energy separate to retreat. Once it retreated, the speaker's "star boat" would be pushed into the huge portal, and how many of the "star boat" behind would also enter the huge portal.

The speaker's "star boat" has the body of speaker Gould and his five five level five Templar Knights. So even if David sacrificed five energy, he would still keep the speaker's "star boat".

The five energy sub body has been repeatedly impacted and retreated again and again. The five level blood force behind the energy sub body is almost the same as the essence. This is that the energy sub body is consuming the basic energy. No matter whether it can be successfully blocked, the five energy sub body can not maintain itself. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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