Transcendent David

Chapter 938: CH 936

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On hearing Lord Arthur's voice, Nelson's fifth level Templars were obviously stunned and looked unbelievable.

You know, no matter where you come from, you won't get there in such a short time.

Immediately, Nelson's level 5 Templar thought of a possibility, that is, regardless of the cost of consumption, it can speed up the voyage, but the cost is a little high. For example, in the "star boat" using "perfect kryptonite" as the energy source, the speed of "starboat" can be greatly improved.

However, the consumption of this distance will also be huge. The most cost-effective way to use "perfect kryptonite" is not to directly use it as energy, but as the core of super large array. In this way, the consumption of "perfect kryptonite" is very small, and there will be no excessive loss.

Even the "star boat" that uses the "perfect kryptonite" needs to be overhauled. The internal patterns of the "star boat" are designed according to the top kryptonite, and many of them are unable to withstand the energy impact of the "perfect kryptonite".

Of course, this is the conjecture of Nelson's fifth level Templars, but he insists on his own guess, and only in this way can he get there quickly.

"Lord Arthur is here!" Said Nelson the fifth Templars in an excited voice.

"No way. How could he be so quick?" Dexter v-templars didn't believe Nelson v-templars at all.

It was not until Nelson's fifth level Templars shared the contact with Dexter's level five Templars that he believed Nelson's words.

"Report our position to Lord Arthur Dexter five level Templars quickly said.

"Wait a minute. First ask Lord Arthur how much combat power he has brought. We can't harm Lord Arthur!" Said Nelson, shaking his head.

"Yes, Zerg power is too strong, we can't let Lord Arthur get stuck here too!" Dexter fifth level Templars also woke up from the excitement and nodded in agreement.

The two level 5 Templars have worked with the guard star for many years, and their personalities are very clear. It is the same character that makes them the best friends. At this time, the two level 5 Templars have the same opinions, which can be seen.

At the critical moment of life and death, they were able to think about the safety of David, who came to the rescue.

"Lord Arthur, how much combat power have you brought here?" Asked Nelson the Templars of the fifth rank.

"I came alone!" David didn't wait to report the position of Nelson's fifth level Templars. Instead, he waited for this question. He was stunned and replied casually.

"Lord Arthur, we have two level five Zerg here. The fighting power is very strong, and there are countless Zerg. It's too dangerous for you to rescue us alone. Dexter and I thank you for your help. Please leave!" Said Nelson in a deep voice.

David was really stunned. He really didn't expect Nelson and Dexter to make such a decision.

Put anyone in the critical moment of life and death, even if there is a straw will reach out to grasp, not to mention the five level Temple knight who is famous for his fighting power.

"Knights of the temple, I will not do anything that is uncertain. Give me your position. I am approaching the garrison star. Don't let me look for you on the garrison star!" David replied with a smile.

David, who is outside the guardian star, looks at the direction of the guardian star. He can already sense the position of the two fifth level Zerg.

As the contact phalanx continued to open, David appeared in black armor and wrapped his artifact "dark shadow". Then he had a light sword of level 5 in his hand.

David didn't hide his body. The most powerful fighting power on the whole planet is the two fifth level Zerg. The rest of Zerg can't even break his defense.

He rode a silver pterosaur and dived down from space in the direction of two fifth level Zerg.

The spirit driven by the legendary spirit forced David away from the space in front of him, which made him dive without causing violent friction with space.

It's weird, but it's normal. Weird is for other strong people, and normal is for David's own strength.

David's move immediately attracted the attention of the Zerg guarding the star, and a large number of flying Zerg flew towards him in the direction of his dive, trying to intercept him.

The highest level of the flying Zerg is level 4. Of course, this number is not large. The main force is level 2 and level 3. To deal with two level 5 Temple knights, there are not so many level 4 Zerg.

David's dive speed is extremely fast, and the flying Zerg's speed is not slow. The two sides will contact each other in a short time of more than ten seconds.

All of a sudden, silver pterosaur activated the ability of instant movement. Several times in a row, silver pterosaur first stepped into the dense flying Zerg.

Then David opened his mouth and mobilized the momentum of "dragon power". Instead of using the "dragon chant" method, he used a special talent ability "high frequency sound wave", which had not been used for a long time.

"High frequency sound wave" is not a real spiritual talent, nor is it a power talent. It can only be regarded as a talent brought by the vocal organs of Zerg.David has been very helpful to him since he got the "high frequency sound wave". However, with the improvement of his own strength, the strength of the enemy is becoming stronger and stronger, and the role of "high frequency sound wave" is also gradually weakening.

Although the level of "high frequency sound wave" is very low, "high frequency sound wave" also has an excellent feature, that is, the use range of "high frequency sound wave" is the same as that of the user.

In terms of spiritual scope, it can be said that God belongs to the known strong in the big world. Except for the gods, almost no one can surpass David in spiritual scope.

David's spiritual range comes from his complete control of the small world left by Gladstone, the God of pestilence. The radius is up to 80 kilometers, which may not be much for space, but it is enough to cover the battlefield of a war in the battle within the planet.

David's spirit is relaxed. The 80 kilometer radius circle not only includes all the flying Zerg who pursue him, but also includes a large range of Zerg on the ground.

The "high frequency sound wave" is activated, with a trace of "dragon power", which is invisible and silent. It is like a ghost sweeping over 80 kilometers.

With the legendary spirit of David, the normal "high frequency sound wave" can cause damage to level 3 Zerg, and level 4 Zerg will have a certain impact.

But this time, he added a trace of "Longwei" into the "high-frequency sound wave", making the "high-frequency sound wave" with a terrible "Longwei".

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"Lord Arthur, how can you make such a sound?" Black dragon Alexis paid attention to this talent when David sent out "high frequency sound wave". However, with the strength of black dragon Alexis, he could not understand how David made "high frequency sound wave".

In any case, human beings can't emit such "high frequency sound waves" that can cause serious harm to other creatures without using tools.

When David heard the question of Alexis, he couldn't help feeling proud. He understood everything that Alexis showed, but he didn't understand it.

In fact, this is also good at different. It is impossible to know who is strong or weak between the black dragon Alexis and the bald strong man gods. But it is certain that the research on the soul of the bald strong man gods far exceeds the level of the black dragon Alexis.

David didn't stop using "high frequency sound wave", but he also copied the spirit ball of knowledge about "high frequency sound wave" and transferred it to Alexis the black dragon.

He was able to do this in combat, and it is conceivable that he did not care much about it.

In fact, the "high frequency sound wave" with "Longwei" first sweeps the flying Zerg.

No matter how many levels of flying Zerg are, they are all in one place, and the difference in level can also be seen in this time.

After being swept by the "high frequency sound wave", the flying Zerg of level 1 to level 3 can't even feel the suppression of "Longwei". They have been destroyed by the "high frequency sound wave".

When the "high frequency sound wave" comes, the level 4 flying Zerg will still resist, but Longwei will play a role.

Zerg itself is a race that attaches great importance to class. Compared with its powerful Zerg, Zerg are born with a sense of fear, not to mention that "Longwei" brings not only a sense of power, but also a huge gap in life level.

Maybe these flying Zerg don't know what kind of creature the dragon is, but the pressure of the top creatures and the suppression from the soul make the level 4 flying Zerg lose their resistance ability instantly.

Level 4 flying Zerg allow "high frequency sound waves" to enter the brain and destroy them arbitrarily.

So the flying Zerg in the sky, first the flying Zerg of level 1, 2, 3 fall, and the flying Zerg of level 4 only last for a rest, and then fall to the ground.

At this time, David really realized the gap between the strong and the weak. There were all Zerg on the guard planet, and even there were a large number of Zerg in space. However, these Zerg did not pose any threat to David today.

The "golden beetle" and "red winged Ant King" are guarding the secret room, and their men are constantly attacking it.

The defense of this secret room is not strong. Two level 5 Zerg can easily break it if they want, but they do not do it by themselves. Instead, they are enjoying the opening process.

This feeling is like a gourmet in a bottle. The sense of expectation when opening the bottle is also an important process of enjoying the food. Especially if the enemy has no possibility of escaping, the two level 5 Zerg will not accelerate the process of opening the bottle.

Just as the beetle and the red winged Ant King are ready to open the secret room and feel the despair of the two human Templars, the Zerg on the surface of the earth sends an alarm to them.

The beetle makes a sharp cry, and the Zerg in the ground, including those who are attacking the secret room, rush to the surface.

The "golden beetle" and the "red winged Ant King" also rushed to the surface. As for the two level five Templars here, as long as they clean up the enemy and surround them heavily, they can't escape and wait for them to attack again."This is an excellent way to use" Longwei ". It takes advantage of the secrecy of" high-frequency sound wave ", so that" Longwei "will not be perceived outside the range!" The black dragon Alexis commented on David's attack.

"Alexis, can you help to gather the souls of the dead Zerg?" David ignored the comments of Alexis the black dragon, but asked.

David can't help it either. His spiritual coverage is really too large, with a radius of 80 km, while the range of shadow service is only 1 km.

If we let it go on like this, we don't know how much soul energy will be wasted in this battle.

Of course, he did not order Alexis to cooperate with him. Alexis was very helpful to him. He could be regarded as his mentor in practice. Therefore, he consulted Alexis in a consultative tone.

"Lord Arthur, I don't know much about the soul!" Black dragon Alexis hesitated for a moment.

In the dragon clan, studying the soul is an evil act. It is of great value to look at the dead dragon. Both the body and the soul of the dragon are of great value. Many powerful people who study the soul disturb the sleeping of the Immortal Dragon.

Therefore, the dragon clan's attitude towards manipulating souls is to kill one after another.

Now the dragon clan no longer exists, at least in the divine world, but Alexis the black dragon does not want to violate the dragon clan principles.

Alexis, the black dragon, couldn't stop David from using shadow attendants to absorb souls, but he didn't want to help either.

"One third of your soul energy will restore your soul!" David saw the hesitation of the black dragon Alexis, especially that he had a master servant contract with the black dragon Alexis. He could feel that the black dragon Alexis was not really unable to do so. He put forward a condition.

Although Alexis, the black dragon, did not study the soul, he could clearly perceive it when his strength reached such a level that he could not see it.

"At your command!" When Alexis heard that he could be given a third of his soul energy to heal his soul, he immediately responded.

At this time, the black dragon Alexis didn't care about the rules of the dragon clan. Anyway, God belongs to the great world. Without the presence of the dragon family, he, the only dragon, can do whatever he wants.

The most important thing is to be able to get pure soul energy to heal the soul and let Alexis recover himself for a long time.

Although these soul energies have little effect on the recovery of the black dragon Alexis, it is also relatively speaking. Each absorption of pure soul energy can reduce the healing time of black dragon Alexis.

Alexis, the black dragon, now wants to recover his full strength and find death to avenge him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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