Transcendent David

Chapter 94: CH 94

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The beetle's forelimb sweeps again at Lieutenant Elmer, whose position makes it more difficult for the beetle to deal with. It's the recess behind its head. It can feel the presence of the enemy, but it can't see it. It's not easy to attack.

You can only find the enemy by sweeping with both forelimbs.

Two heavy axe beetles were photographed flying out for more than ten meters and hit the ground heavily. Although they tried to roll themselves to resolve their strength, their exoskeleton armor was broken in many places, making their movements no longer flexible.

The two beetles rolled on the ground like toys, which aggravated their injuries.

The auxiliary system of Girard's exoskeleton armor constantly prompts: "the body is damaged by 30%, two bones of the Oracle are broken, and the ribs are inserted into the chest. It is recommended to wait for treatment immediately!"

He looked up at one of his comrades. There was a flashing red light, indicating that his comrades were in a coma.

"Injection of hormone two!" Looking at Lieutenant Elmer, who was being attacked, he knew he couldn't fall, he ordered in a deep voice.

Hormone 2 is an analgesic and potential stimulant, which can help him recover combat power in a short time.

"Fix the injured bone!" Feeling the liquid on the arm being sent into the body, the pain disappeared, he ordered again.

Because the sternum is the most vulnerable and lethal part of the body, the military has some emergency response on the exoskeleton armor.

The exoskeleton armor's auxiliary system simply and brutally drove a nail into Gilad's body, forcing two broken ribs into place.

"Need treatment?" A medic came up with his first aid equipment on his back and asked in a loud voice.

"Save him, I'm fine!"

Gilad beetle suddenly stood up, took the second heavy axe of his comrades in his hand, and rushed out with the double axe.

Lieutenant Elmer was in a dangerous situation, hitting the crack in the head with a heavy axe and dealing with the forelimbs of the beetle.

Fortunately, at this moment, two Warhammer beetles came after them and smashed them again at the feet of the rock beetle who had just stood up.

This makes the beetle shake its huge body again, and the repeated harassment makes the beetle completely angry.

He no longer cares about Lieutenant Elmer on his back. He uses his body as a weapon and smashes into everything around him.

A row of anti-aircraft rapid fire guns were hit by its body, completely scrapped and turned into twisted garbage.

It hit the thick heavy-duty laser gun on one side, and it deflected the gun body at once, and the heavy-duty laser gun also lost its function.

Lt. Elmer on his back is hard to grasp because of the impact, but because of the suction under his feet, he still stands on the back of the dinoflager.

The cracks in the head of the beetle have obviously increased, but there is still some distance from the complete cleavage.

The beetle found that it couldn't get rid of Lt. Elmer on his back. It jumped up high and hit the ground in reverse.

If Lieutenant Elmer doesn't leave the beetle's back, the result will be squashed by the giant beetle.

When the beetle was flying in the air, Lieutenant Elmer insisted on cutting out two axes. At the last moment, he canceled the suction under his feet and jumped away.

"Die!" At this time, Gilad beetle came, holding two second heavy axes in both hands. He threw the second heavy axe on his left hand heavily, aiming at the crack in the head of the rock beetle.

This throw used his running inertia, his own strength, and the potential of hormone 2.

The dark blue light of the second heavy axe rolled in the air, accurately hitting the crack in the head of the rock beetle, where a small piece of insect shell finally fell off after such a long attack, revealing the green tissue among them.

Unfortunately, Lieutenant Elmer is no longer on the back of the dinoflager, otherwise another blow will kill it.

The beetle roared with pain, and its forelimbs, with the sound of tearing air, struck at the Gilad beetle, who was still in the air and could not escape.

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A figure from the side of a holding Gilad's exoskeleton armor, two exoskeleton armor sliding on the ground more than ten meters away before stopping.

The beetle's hind legs kicked two hammers and beetles away. It was the one who hurt him the most. It rushed to Gilad and lieutenant Elmer, who had just saved Gilad.

Looking at the oncoming rock beetle, Gilad knew he couldn't fight any more. He piled up Lieutenant Elmer.

"Live!" He yelled, and then he grabbed the second heavy axe again. Even if he died, he would bite off a piece of the hard rock beetle.

At this moment, the No. 5 long-range sniper gun made a loud noise, and a first-class bullet flew out, through the air, through the defenseless shell of the beetle, and into the head of the beetle.

This first-class bullet, completely incapable of harming the beetle, spun around in the beetle's head, shattering its brain tissue into a mess.The sudden fatal strike made the body of the rock beetle suddenly stagnate, and its life quickly disappeared. The huge impact force kept its body moving forward, rushing past the Gilad beetle and reaching the side of the No. 5 sniper control room.

Like a cat who saw the fish, the shadow servant flew to the rock beetle independently. David felt a strong sense of comfort in his body.

However, he forced himself not to distract himself, and the No. 6 long-range sniper gun again aimed at the space wormhole, and another newly emerged tearing flying insect was hit in the head.

"Captain, I'm still alive!" Cried Gilad, laughing.

His adrenaline surged after he died, and the excitement of hormone No. 2 had not yet passed. His state was surprisingly good.

"Gilad, brothers, we're all alive!" Lieutenant Elmer, too, cried with a wild laugh.

Close combat with the second level Zerg is definitely not a good experience. No warrior is willing to fight with the second level Zerg at such a close distance. If one is not careful, the whole army will be destroyed.

"David, I think you're a brother. After that, my boy will call you uncle!" Lieutenant Elmer yelled at the channel.

"Yes, yes, that's right, David. You're my brother too. Daley should call you uncle!" Gilad called out laughing on the channel, too.

The other two second class hammers also laughed. Although they were all in pain, their achievements today were far beyond imagination.

"Well, David is my brother, too!" A weak voice also sounded on the channel. It was the heavy ax beetle who was just in a coma.

David is speechless listening to the words in the channel, while waiting for the reply of the long-range sniper gun. It's not easy for him to interrupt at this moment. Let's wait for a few people to calm down.

"David, David, please answer when you hear me, answer when you hear me!" David receives a continuous call. He opens his identity bracelet and finds it's Jim.

"Jim, I'm fighting on the wall. I'll talk about something later!" David looked at the time, there is less than 10 seconds to fire the long-range sniper gun, he quickly connected the return channel.

"I'm almost there. I'm sending you secondary ammunition!" Jim said breathlessly.

He spent a lot of energy on the way to the fastest speed.

"It's dangerous here. Be careful!" David cautioned, and then he said, "load the secondary into the No. 7 long range sniper gun, which is the farthest from the battlefield and safer."

"Well, wait for me to hear from you!" Jim knew it was urgent and hung up.

"Lieutenant Elmer, Jim's on his way. Load the No.7 long range sniper gun with secondary ammo immediately!" David didn't know what to call Lieutenant Elmer now, so he could only contact him by his official address.

"Well, with your sniping skills, plus secondary ammunition, and the arrival of the second level Zerg, you don't have to worry about it!" Lieutenant Elmer was overjoyed to hear David's words.

At the moment of the battle, his warriors didn't lose much. In such a fierce battle, it's just a little loss. This is all because of David.

Thinking of this, he was already thinking about how to repay David after the war.

It's a pity that such a genius will never stay in perland. Otherwise, with David's sniping ability, as long as there is enough ammunition, the safety of perland will not be a problem. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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