Transcendent David

Chapter 942: CH 940

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David tried to put his mind close to the crystal of bald man God. Maybe his soul has reached the legendary level and reached some conditions. After contacting the crystal, he obviously felt different from before.

After his mind and spirit contacted with each other, he sensed that there was a complex golden pattern inside the crystal.

David felt the golden pattern in the moment, the whole person stayed on the spot, his mind seems to touch an unknown mystery, the golden pattern is like a whirlpool like to draw his mind into it.

Fortunately, he has some special connection with this golden pattern, which makes him barely lose his mind.

After David's mind had left for ten breaths at the golden pattern, some information was sent to him along the golden pattern.

After 20 rest, he felt that he couldn't hold on to it, so he took back his mind.

Only after he withdrew from the crystal of the bald man, did David feel the exhaustion of his whole body. In the short 20 rest time just now, he consumed a lot of energy and physical strength.

He immediately inspired a "immortal vitality" to supplement the body's consumption.

Alexis the black dragon looked at David's idea of "immortal vitality" as an ordinary recovery potion. Even though he knew that "immortal vitality" could be produced in large quantities on David's side, Alexis the black dragon was still not used to it.

After absorbing the immortal vitality, David's physical strength and energy were all restored to the peak.

He mobilized his 101 souls and began to sort out and analyze the ten information he had just got.

Although there is only a short ten information, but the complexity of these information, let David at the beginning still some can not start.

This information is only a very small part of the "rule of power". With the strength of his soul, he can only accept so much information.

In fact, this is also David's luck. The basic rule like the "rule of power" is only a genius like the son of fate. When he was born, he had the innate ability of "rule of power". After growing up step by step, he gradually mastered the rule of power.

It's too difficult to learn the basic rules through the day after tomorrow. The probability is almost zero.

Take the God of bald man as an example. This God is the son of fate. He doesn't need to learn. He just needs to improve his strength as if he were flying over with his own growth.

The probability of such a son of fate is estimated to be hard to come by for thousands of years. There is also a chance to live through the growth period, and even fewer will eventually become gods.

David sits on the back of the "silver pterosaur" and stays in space. His special existence has also attracted much attention.

Even a very small part of the super-high-level knowledge of the "rules of power" is too profound for David.

This level of knowledge, do not understand is not understand, can not rely on time to pile up.

Fortunately, David has 101 soul parts and two divine crystals to help with the calculation. He is just a little confused at the beginning, then he finds out a clue, and then interprets it smoothly all the way down.

He is like a child who gets a new toy. He thinks about the "rules of power" in his mind and absorbs the knowledge from it.

The military in the theater found David's figure through a sensor device outside the Battlestar, and the nearest Federal Military frigate was coming in his direction, ready to check the situation.

The outer space area of Battlestar is a very sensitive area. The interstellar Federation also relies on powerful space weapons to gain certain advantages in space.

Within the space range, the most powerful of the three worlds is the interstellar Federation. Of course, this is the case that neither the god world nor the Zerg world will send out more than level 5 strongmen. Once they reach the strong ones, space will become a war of mutual destruction.

In other words, no matter the gods in the big world or the Zerg world will take the initiative to compete with the interstellar Federation in the space environment.

The gods don't want to consume each other with their own life and some machines. The most important thing is that once they enter the interstellar Federation, the power of the gods will be suppressed, and the space weapons of the interstellar Federation will cause fatal damage to the gods.

This is not a guess, but something happened many years ago, and it is for this reason that the war zone will come out.

The whole theater blocks the Zerg, rather than any deity who peeps into the interstellar Federation. The sixth iron wall fleet, which guards the last line of defense in the theater, is also a barrier with weapons to end gods.

When the military frigate was close to 100 kilometers away, through scanning, it had recognized the identity of Lord Arthur.

Perhaps the interstellar Federation does not care about most nobles in the big world, but it is extremely concerned about Lord Arthur, because he is a noble who has expressed his kindness to the interstellar Federation and a knight with infinite potential.

Now it can't be called infinite potential, because Lord Arthur is recognized as the first knight of God in the big world.

So when Lord Arthur's presence in outer space was confirmed, the military frigate did not approach any more, but immediately reported to headquarters.The military frigate stopped at a distance of 100 kilometers. The military did not want to have any unexpected conflicts with Lord Arthur.

On top of the warstar, the level 5 Templar of taoheti looks up at the sky. The energy of the battle star is extremely sensitive to the breath of the level 5 strong. As long as a level 5 strongman approaches, it will be sensed by any level 5 strongman on the Battlestar.

The fifth level Templars of taoheti's mind moved, and his energy separated into the air and flew away to the star of war.

The energy avatar ignores the red material outside Warcraft and passes through the thick red material blockade.

In the area occupied by the Zerg tribe, "half body Spider Queen" also raised her head to look at the sky. The familiar feeling reappeared, and it was her deep-seated enemy.

But this time the enemy's strength reached level 5, which made the "half body Spider Queen" not believe.

You know, two years ago, that little guy didn't even reach level 2. He jumped to level 4 a few months ago and was able to fight with his sub body. This has already made the "half body Spider Queen" hard to accept.

Level 4 to level 5 is called the natural moat, where it is so easy to get through, and it takes many years to digest the strength.

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With this mentality, the energy body of the "half body spider" also soared into the air and flew in the direction of David in space.

The reason why the top five want to fly out of warstar is that once David enters warstar, neither the enemy nor the friend can launch an attack.

This is also the fault of speaker Gould. At this time, he is approaching the space gate to prepare for a big war. In addition, he has just become the speaker, and he has not considered a lot of matters and has not set up a think tank in time to share the work for him.

This can not be blamed on speaker Gould. The incidents happened one by one, which made him go through the unprecedented war when he was still in the state of taking over the presidency.

The fifth level Templar of taoheti did not receive news from the Supreme Council. When his energy split flew out of the red material, he saw the energy avatar flying from the other side of the spider.

The two sides looked at each other, and the energy split of "half body spider rear" suddenly accelerated. The fifth level Temple Knight of taoheti was surprised and quickly caught up with him. However, the speed of "half body spider back" was obviously faster than that of level 5 Temple knight.

At first, the Zerg's level 5 strongmen had no energy avatar. After fighting with the level 5 Temple knights, we studied the level 5 Temple Knight's energy avatar, and created the Zerg's energy avatar by the "mother emperor".

However, this Zerg energy split is not universally cultivable, only a part of the level 5 Zerg can practice.

Level 5 Zerg will not actively practice unless they are ready to send to warstar.

The biggest reason for this is that the fighting power of Zerg's energy sub body is so different from its noumenon. How can Zerg, who respect combat effectiveness, like energy separation.

The energy branch of the "half body Spider Queen" sees the familiar figure. The figure that is closing its eyes and seems to be thinking deeply is its enemy.

"Half body Spider Queen" thought of the humiliation of that day. This human challenged its energy separation with the strength of level 4. Because of the environment of warstar, it was unable to exert its maximum combat power, which made it a joke of many level 5 Zerg.

Even if you meet David in space, even if you have become a level 5 Templar Knight, the energy incarnation of the "half body Spider Queen" still has a great deal of confidence in killing David, because in the "half body spider" thought, how long would David become a level 5 Templar and what strength he could have.

The energy split of "half body spider" accelerates again, and level 5 energy is surging in its body. It no longer takes care of the maximum energy it can mobilize, and wants to kill the enemy with one blow.

The fifth level Templars of taohetti, who followed the "half body spider" energy split, also recognized Lord Arthur.

The fifth level Templars of taohetti knew more about the power of Lord Arthur than the half body Spider Queen. The news from the god world revealed that Lord Arthur's strength suppressed all knights in the whole god world.

From the Knights of the fifth level Templars to the fifth level bishops who have been rampant for thousands of years, many fell into the hands of Lord Arthur.

Lord Arthur, with incomparable combat power, sat down as the first knight in the world.

"I'm looking for death!" Tao hetti's level 5 Templar's energy split coldly watched the "half body spider's back" energy body approaching Lord Arthur. It seemed that he wanted to take the initiative to attack. He could not help but tell in his heart.

The same thing happened on a military frigate. The scanning system separated the energy from the "half body spider" and captured Lord Arthur's figure. The soldiers on the frigate and the long-range military bigwigs watching the battle through the frigate's scanning system were waiting for the collision of two level five strongmen.

On the one hand, after warstar's notorious "half body spider", the warstar has been rampant for many years, including the God's great world and the interstellar Federation, and countless masters have died under him.

On the other hand, it is said that God belongs to the new nobles of the big world and the most amazing genius.

The battle between the two level five strongmen is of great research value for the interstellar Federation. Therefore, the military frigate almost turned on the scanning system to the maximum power, which is to see the battlefield more clearly.The energy of "half body Spider Queen" is very fast in space. The huge body is made up of energy. The five level energy in this body is much more than that in the ordinary Temple Knight's body.

The energy split of "half body spider" is getting closer and closer to David, but David does not move, as if he did not find it.

"The situation is not right!" The fifth level Templars of taoheti were surprised. He saw that Lord Arthur's state was not right. He seemed to be immersed in a state of perception.

"Be careful!" He couldn't help crying out, but in this space, even if the voice is transmitted through the force of level 5 blood, it is not as fast as the "half body Spider Queen" energy.

Just 10 meters away from David, David's brow frowned slightly, as if he was disturbed.

David didn't wake up from the knowledge of the "rules of power". The pressure on him from the energy separation of the "half body spider" is too small. Relying on the artifact "dark shadow" on his body, he can resist the attack of the energy split body of "half body spider" for a period of time.

The main reason why level 5 Zerg don't like energy avatars is that they can't share the talent of Zerg.

The strength of level 5 Zerg is not only the strength of their own body, but also the ability of Zerg race talent.

Level 5 Zerg's energy separation, defense is naturally weak because of energy separation, and its strength is completely driven by level 5 energy. It is completely unable to compare with the actual strength of level 5 Zerg, and has no racial talent ability. The combat power of level 5 Zerg energy split can be imagined.

In the fear of the level 5 Templar Knights of taoherty, and in the concern of the interstellar federal military, the energy sub body of the "half body Spider Queen" stabbed David's head with its legs. In order to enhance its attack power, level 5 energy envelops the energy legs.

Alexis, the black dragon, slightly adjusts his position. If David still doesn't respond, he will help solve the problem.

Alexis the black dragon knows David's state at this time, which is very valuable. It is very important for David to receive the baptism of the knowledge of the "rules of power" for the first time.

Energy legs pierce the void, and in an instant it reaches David's brain. David instinctively shakes his feet and legs into the air.

With his right hand, David grabbed the foot of the "half body spider" energy split. At this time, all the other legs of the "half body spider" energy split attacked him with terrible energy.

Unfortunately, all these attacks were completely resolved by a slight shake of David's hands holding the "half body spider" energy branch.

With this shaking, not only was the attack of the "half body spider" energy split forced to stop, but a destructive force flowed along David's right hand through his feet into the body of the "half body spider" energy body.

The "half body Spider Queen" energy split can't even struggle. Some of the soul and spirit in the energy sub body are completely destroyed. Even the five levels of energy that make up the energy body become extremely fragile in the face of this destructive force. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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